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Heya all. I subbed back for two months to see how things have developped since I've left. Just been to a few WZs on my assa. Looks a little more balanced than before, but sorc heals still feels like 10 levels higher than the rest. Loads of Juggs everywhere, but actually most of them are extremely bad. What I do notice is that the servers are not really crowded... is the game sort of slowly dying? :confused:
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What I do notice is that the servers are not really crowded... is the game sort of slowly dying? :confused:


possibly. it's hard to tell b/c of the DvL event, but I've had (1) difficulty getting pops for mids on EH lately, and that's unusual for me. I've also noticed (2) the same 10 players on my team every time (obv. they're not all on at the same time). combine those two observations, and I think you can somewhat safely hypothesize that there's a low active population in pvp atm.


mind you, this is only mids as I've been leveling a bunch of DvL crap. however, I only started doing this b/c everyone else seemed to be, so 65s was often a clusterf*ck.

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Well, after a few matches I have to say, tank guard and heal are still too strong and dominant. As they were before, so nothing has changed here.


I don't know why you thought something that hasn't changed in 2 years would be radically different because you left for 2 months.

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Depending on what assassin you play darkness and Hatred are the favored while deception coming in at lowest DPS burst out of all burst classes. As for Jug well sense EA/Bioware have no concept of balance, jug still remains the dominant class as its survival ability and huge DPS out put couple with the roll face over keyboard to achieve said abilities insures that most matches will have 3-4 jugs along with 3 -4 sorcs in them. It is no wonder PVP is dying. It is dying because of unbalanced classes couple with a abysmal que system. The whole system is predicated on the fact that some classes are not suppose to do well against others this might be workable if the Que system supported a balanced mix which it don't even come close to. Instead you get matched up with classes from the start that insure the match is a dam loss from the get go thus defeating the point of even playing and hence the push to go toward the "I win" class or to just stop playing altogether. I always thought that this was a flawed system because it creates a heavy weight class vs a light weight class now while its possible to win against a heavy weight classes it would be the same as throwing a light weight boxer into the ring with a heavy weight does anyone have any illusions on who the winner would be? Now of course its possible a light weight might pull out a victory it would be rare though certainly not the formula I would use for PVP. Specially coupled with this sad excuse for a Que system. If they fixed the Que system it might lesson the feeling of imbalanced classes a bit though it still don't address the issue which as long as you have classes that would be heavy weight vs light weight the game is unbalanced.

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As for Jug well sense EA/Bioware have no concept of balance, jug still remains the dominant class as its survival ability and huge DPS out put couple with the roll face over keyboard to achieve said abilities insures that most matches will have 3-4 jugs along with 3 -4 sorcs in them.


Lowest avg rating in both solo and group ranked

Lowest percentage of 1600+ players in both solo and group ranked

Lowest #1 rating at the leaderboards.



100% legit dominant I-win class.


As for regs, everything is viable. L2P is so strong here.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Lowest avg rating in both solo and group ranked

Lowest percentage of 1600+ players in both solo and group ranked

Lowest #1 rating at the leaderboards.



100% legit dominant I-win class.


As for regs, everything is viable. L2P is so strong here.


Yeah; I don't get it. Only thing I can figure is in regs they are tough to kill and put up good totals at the end of the match probably due to up time. People reading too much into that.

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Yeah; I don't get it. Only thing I can figure is in regs they are tough to kill and put up good totals at the end of the match probably due to up time. People reading too much into that.


1) In regs people don't care much which enemy player (dps) dies first. It's not that important.

2) In regs there are considerably more healers

3) Regs are actually objective based.


Still I wouldn't say jugg dps is the king of regs. If I queue alone, I usually go with ranged DPS or a stealther.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Lowest avg rating in both solo and group ranked

Lowest percentage of 1600+ players in both solo and group ranked

Lowest #1 rating at the leaderboards.



100% legit dominant I-win class.


As for regs, everything is viable. L2P is so strong here.

also easiest class in the game to play effectively. even in yolo. I mean...there's no arguing those numbers. you're right. but...you know...reasons. they're only bad when everyone else is playing near their AC's ceiling.


i do wonder about the tank though. I think they have everything you should need for a good, sturdy, tank doing what tanks are supposed to do (meatshield, CC, interrupt). I'm not arguing that they're not last place. I'm just saying...man, they should have the tools for it. with push, leap, spammable slow (friend boost), super mobile with leaps to friend or foe. dcds that are just classic meatshield. man. like I said...they sure look like they should do better.

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also easiest class in the game to play effectively. even in yolo. I mean...there's no arguing those numbers. you're right. but...you know...reasons. they're only bad when everyone else is playing near their AC's ceiling.


i do wonder about the tank though. I think they have everything you should need for a good, sturdy, tank doing what tanks are supposed to do (meatshield, CC, interrupt). I'm not arguing that they're not last place. I'm just saying...man, they should have the tools for it. with push, leap, spammable slow (friend boost), super mobile with leaps to friend or foe. dcds that are just classic meatshield. man. like I said...they sure look like they should do better.


Easiest class to play in yolo is madness sorc. Concealment operative is a bit harder, but way more rewarding than dps jugg.

I am terrible tank and not playing it in ranked, but I agree. They are in a good spot and viable for yolos. However PT tank just has more damage mitigation, even if his def cooldowns aren't that good. In addition PT does good yellow dmg cleaves and oil slick is the melee's worst nightmare.

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Easiest class to play in yolo is madness sorc. Concealment operative is a bit harder, but way more rewarding than dps jugg.


meh. iunno...one misstep and you're done. jugg can afford to screw up a bit. i'd much rather have the worst player on my team on a jugg than an op (unless "worst" also includes server's best or something).

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Something weird I do notice, though. When I look at the stats at the end of a WZ, there's often this funny situation that some dude with the highest dmg also has the highest heal figures, or the highest protection figures. We seem to have some completely out of balance hybrid speccs that weren't as prominent before :confused:
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Something weird I do notice, though. When I look at the stats at the end of a WZ, there's often this funny situation that some dude with the highest dmg also has the highest heal figures, or the highest protection figures. We seem to have some completely out of balance hybrid speccs that weren't as prominent before :confused:


Sorcs ?

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Yeah; I don't get it. Only thing I can figure is in regs they are tough to kill and put up good totals at the end of the match probably due to up time. People reading too much into that.


who does ranked anyways?

Using ranked stats is Not a valid metric.

4vs4 compared to 8vs8 is apples to oranges!

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who does ranked anyways?

Using ranked stats is Not a valid metric.

4vs4 compared to 8vs8 is apples to oranges!


Regs are entry level pvp. You want to balance classes around regs? For me they are pretty balanced in them.

The only problem I see is the healers/tanks stacking.

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Regs are entry level pvp. You want to balance classes around regs? For me they are pretty balanced in them.

The only problem I see is the healers/tanks stacking.


Yeah; it is actually more balanced in regs and it's ironic that they make ranked, where supposed bragging rights are earned; the most unbalanced. Team ranked you pick who you queue with but that does not make it balanced. It just makes people make sure they are using classes they can work with.

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Regs are entry level pvp. You want to balance classes around regs? For me they are pretty balanced in them.

The only problem I see is the healers/tanks stacking.


Really having 6 jugs on a team is balanced are you kidding me. The whole pvp system is predicated on the fact that some classes do well against others and will do worse against the rest. That being the case when you constantly get matched with the antithesis of your class how on gods green earth is that balanced and how is the outcome of a loss anything but a certainty with the odd exception of being matched up against noobs which is to rare to even merit consideration?

It is all to come to see 3-4 jugs and 3-4 sorcs in a single match. Either balance the classes against each other or redesign the god dam Que System but to say regs is balanced is just wrong.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Really having 6 jugs on a team is balanced are you kidding me. The whole pvp system is predicated on the fact that some classes do well against others and will do worse against the rest. That being the case when you constantly get matched with the antithesis of your class how on gods green earth is that balanced and how is the outcome of a loss anything but a certainty with the odd exception of being matched up against noobs which is to rare to even merit consideration?

It is all to come to see 3-4 jugs and 3-4 sorcs in a single match. Either balance the classes against each other or redesign the god dam Que System but to say regs is balanced is just wrong.


He is talking about class balance; not group balance. It really isn't that bad as far as individual class balance in regs. Now, how classes stack and lack of matchmaking has always been an issue.

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