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direct purchase for unlocked decorations


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I get the response that it would cut down on pack sales. To combat that, make the system optional. In order to "unlock" the ability to purchase copies of decorations, you have to pay cartel coins per decoration.


For example, you get a hold of an imperial logo rug, and unlock it. You now have 1/999 of that rug. You now have two options. Get another item and use it to raise your count to 2/999, or pay 100 cartel coins to unlock the ability to purchase additional copies for credits for that specific decoration. After paying the cartel coins, you are still at 2/999, but you can now use credits to buy another similar to buying the decoration for a guild. If you want to unlock this ability for a different decoration, you have to pay the cartel fee again.


Fee breakdown:

Unlock the ability to purchase bronze decorations: 100 cc per decoration

Unlock the ability to purchase silver decorations: 200 cc per decoration

Unlock the ability to purchase gold decorations 300 cc per decoration



  • People still need to buy cartel packs so you can unlock decorations. You would not be able to pay the unlock fee if you are at 0/XXX of a decoration.
  • It's not hard to get one copy of a decoration.
  • You can still consume multiples of a decoration. If you want about 4 or so of a cheap decoration, why pay cartel coins to unlock it? Just consume the items if they are cheaper decorations that you don't need a lot of.
  • We get another thing to spend cartel coins on. Any reduction in cartel coin spend from hyper-crates might be offset at the least by the increase in cartel coin spend on decoration purchase costs.
  • This potentially adds another credit sink AND cartel coin sink to the game.



  • There is database and UI work to do per decoration.
  • If a "whale" is buying hypercrates for a specific decoration, they potentially would spend less on cartel coins as they only need to consume one decoration and could then purchase the unlock.
  • It is unclear if a potential dip in sales from a whale would be off set by the increase in cartel coin spend from the non-whales.

Edited by crubel
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