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Questions regarding Legacy and Stronghold after charater transfers.


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Hopefully some experienced players can answer these questions.


  • 1) If you have a level 50 legacy on a "dead" source server (server A) and a completely separate and unrelated level 50 legacy on the active destination server (server B), what determines which level 50 legacy takes over? In my case, the "Server A" legacy is much more advanced in reputation and achievements. But as I said, both legacies are already lvl 50.




  • 2) What happens regarding Strongholds and deco when you transfer a character. Unplaced deco is available on each character, so I assume if that character transfers, all the items not placed in the source server stronghold would be duplicated on the destination server? If that is true, what about placed items currently in the source server SHs? What about SHs themselves? Would I have the SHs unlocked on the destination server that I had on the source server ... or do I start from scratch there?

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Hopefully some experienced players can answer these questions.


  • 1) If you have a level 50 legacy on a "dead" source server (server A) and a completely separate and unrelated level 50 legacy on the active destination server (server B), what determines which level 50 legacy takes over? In my case, the "Server A" legacy is much more advanced in reputation and achievements. But as I said, both legacies are already lvl 50.




  • 2) What happens regarding Strongholds and deco when you transfer a character. Unplaced deco is available on each character, so I assume if that character transfers, all the items not placed in the source server stronghold would be duplicated on the destination server? If that is true, what about placed items currently in the source server SHs? What about SHs themselves? Would I have the SHs unlocked on the destination server that I had on the source server ... or do I start from scratch there?


All items from Old Server that are not in New Server will be copied over. If Old Server has more decorations of one kind than New Server, then the difference will be added to New Server. If New Server has more decorations of kind than Old Server, New server will keep its number of that decoration.


Legacy Level will stay 50. Server A's achievements not already achieved on Server B will be transferred over. The higher progress of the in-progress achievements will be kept (Say on Server B, you killed 12,765 NPCs/20,000 NPCs needed for some achievement, and on Server A you have 17,895 NPCs/20,000 killed, then 17,895 will be carried over and "overwrite" the 12,765.) Same with reputations.

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