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Names are going fast


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Good grief, I logged in shortly after 7 AM EST and one of my main names was taken already! Get on ASAP and reserve your names peeps! Lots of squatters out there.


Maybe it is just me, but I really do not see why people hang on names like a dog on a bone. They are just names.. is it really that big of a deal to get to name your character "Darth Garth" or w/e? Heck, I would be glad just to get in and be able to play Early access today (I put my PO code in on the 22nd of Jul btw). Pffft, names is the least of my worries.

Edited by clocknane
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Good grief, I logged in shortly after 7 AM EST and one of my main names was taken already! Get on ASAP and reserve your names peeps! Lots of squatters out there.


I am going to make a Youtube video soon about how ridiculously, ludicrously easy it is to great epic character names for MMOs. Stay tuned.

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Of course, if they'd just made the unique name a combination of first and last name per account (if we had a last name at character creation, that is), this wouldn't be such a big a concern... but that was only asked for in 4+ full threads.


A few drongos whining does not make a majority and BioWare aren't the sort of outfit that listen to whiners, it seems.

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i already have an emergency plan in place. as all my names always get taken within half a minute on every single freaking server on every game i have ever played, i will be drawing letters from a hat to determine my name =) did one just now, my Imperial Agent will be named...ktvbfopwhqb..fear her name, for it will be a legend soon!
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I preordered back in July and if I can't get access in time to get any of the names I wanted I'll just cancel and go back to WoW/Rift. This staggered early access may end up costing them potential long term customers. Edited by rovatek
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The empire side is tough. Every iteration with "Death", "Night", and "Pwn" is now taken. I heard they were all gone on all servers by the 5 min. live mark.


Really? Who did you hear this from? You have an "in" at the bioware server monitoring group who is tracking all the names you want? I'd love to see that conversation at bioware...

Contact : "Hey chuck, good releae huh?"

Co-worker "Yah Dave, going smooth."

"So ah....I was wondering..I have this friend...never met before...ahh....he was wondering if he is going to get his name....ahhh..."

"What name does he want?"

"Death D0uche"

"ooo..let me check EVERY SERVER we have up..one second..yep no..no Death D0uche"

"Wow every server? No Death D0uche? "

"Nope not a one."

"he'll be so dissapointed...oh well."

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A few drongos whining does not make a majority and BioWare aren't the sort of outfit that listen to whiners, it seems.



Are you seriously criticizing him and the idea of more uniqueness in characters?


You understand the threads he was talking about were on the beta forums BEFORE weekend access right? At least one of them was...

That means 4+ pages was a considerably large amount of people comparatively.



But ignore that, you seriously consider it whining to suggest a feature? Not to mention a feature they eventually implemented, horribly, with the Legacy system giving the surname and sharing it across ALL of your characters on a server? You understand that means you get ONE last name to share... with your Twi-lek, Zabrak, and even human characters?


Man... either trolls have gotten a lot better, or idiots got dumber.

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