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GSF pairing u up with over powered fighter when starting out-.-

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I think you guys need to pair new fighter with new fighters not fighter with ship that are fully geared make no sense its like putting a lowbie pvp with a fight against a rnk geared pvp ..yeah i m doing somewhat of a useless damage but gettin nowhere ...example once your ship has minimal upgrades then it should put u with fighter that has decent gear on their ship .......guess it wont matter anyways cos gsf will die out control option are silly
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This has been discussed to death. I understand that you're frustrated by losing. I get that. I know you're not going to believe it, but for what it's worth, you aren't losing because of gear - at least nothing that 2 - 10 games wouldn't fix.


I'm quoting my own guide below. I hope you take the time to read the quoted portion as well as the rest of the guide. It might help you. If you have any questions at all or want any tips, please, reach out to me or anyone else on the forums here.


Believe it or not, we really do want to help you improve.


You're going to die a lot at first. That's okay.

I understand that it's frustrating to be the new guy. A lot of the people who play this game have been playing it since GSF launched, and they happen to be very good at it. As with any PVP game, it's going to take time for you to learn the mechanics. Improve your chances by looking for a group in your server's GSF channel and asking for help. You might benefit from watching some of the gameplay videos that are out there. Drakolich has some good ones, including some good tutorials.


When something kills you, pay attention to what happened. Try to avoid dying the same way in the future. If you're ever unsure of how or why you died, ask! Most of us are happy to help, because we want you to like this game as much as we do.


Skill > Gear

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you're being outclassed simply because of upgrades. Having the right components is important, but it doesn't cost very much requisition to get them. Upgrades to those components help, but they really only matter in a situation where skill is comparable. It is possible to dominate a game in a stock ship, and there are players on this forum who have done so.


(Worth noting: matchmaker already tries to match players with similar req on their ships, but the community is so small because we don't have cross-server that it can't do so effectively. What you're asking for is impossible.)

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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I have no idea how many times the community replied to such a post. And I would be glad not having to read another thread like this.


To put it short: skill does matter more than upgrades. You could do considerable damage and have a significant impact on your team's success even in ships without upgrades.

Controls? There are a lot of keys needed to fly the ship efficiently. No flightstick will help you doing better.


If you believe me and you really would like to win a GSF match or at least let some ships explode other than your own, this community is willing to help you.


There are several guides in this forum. (Where's Greezt, if you need his signature?)

- StasiePedia (ships, components, crew, etc.)

- Q&A with one of the aces (Drakolich)


If you tell us, which server you are on, I am pretty sure we'll find a veteran to help you getting better.


EDIT: @Sriia: Didn't see your post. It seems we replied almost simultaneously.

Edited by Blizzax
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I think you guys need to pair new fighter with new fighters not fighter with ship that are fully geared make no sense its like putting a lowbie pvp with a fight against a rnk geared pvp ..yeah i m doing somewhat of a useless damage but gettin nowhere ...example once your ship has minimal upgrades then it should put u with fighter that has decent gear on their ship .......guess it wont matter anyways cos gsf will die out control option are silly
I am sorry that you did not have a good first experience but that is pretty much the norm for new pilots. GSF has a very big learning curve to it.


Upgraded ships are only a small part of what made things bad for you, the main thing is player ability. An experienced pilot can be just about as devastating in a stock ship as a mastered one. There are pilots we all curse, those that it does not matter what you do they will make you feel like a first time pilot.


The match maker can only match the people who are queued and sadly for many reasons the GSF community is on the small size, so you will get teams filled with a variety of pilots.


I know you aren't happy with how things went for you but there's no need to be rude with that last sentence you wrote. GSF has been around for almost 3 years and is still going good even with the lack of BW attention and will continue on. Also, it is true that a lot of flight sim players have had issues with the controls but they are actually not to bad once you get use to them.

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Honestly, I've flipped my position on this. It is my anecdotal-experience based opinion that the population size is too small to facilitate tiered matchmaking, or separating groups from solo-queue-ers. I believe, also based on the ground game experience, that creating a bolster system is not feasible because of developer time (or lack thereof) and fraught with potential bugs. And, I will continue to point out that historically, things which have already accelerated requisition gain (the change in the mission token grants first and the recent double xp/double req events) have not contributed nearly as much to growing the population as other incentives, for example Conquest and the DvL event. Therefore, despite circumstantial evidence to the contrary, I now support even faster requisition gain as the simplest band-aid to the problem.


I actually like the sense of investment that comes with upgrading your ships, so I don't support people being given mastered ships out of the box. But considering that you can have a decently geared pvp toon after a couple of days of warzones, at this point there is very little downside to boosting requisition gain. The upside is they might stay and eventually improve their skills, at worst they'll still be fodder despite having mastered ships, like I am after 2 years and hundreds of thousands of requisition.


Still, it doesn't address the problem of matchmaking and in reality the only thing that will fix that would be to add more rewards/incentives: more paint jobs, color modules, gas canisters, engine reactants, naval uniforms, stronghold decorations, character and legacy titles, mounts, pets, and so on, earned exclusively through GSF, just like pretty much everything else in the game. I mean really, just last year the cartel market had two packs in Shipment 7 that dropped pilot suits. I get monetization, but what gives, considering that there has yet to be ANY naval outfit obtainable through GSF.


EDITED to correct a sentence and add a final thought.

Edited by phalczen
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