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The drama of decorating your stronghold


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Likely the hardest problem i have with decorating my stronghold is i'm a sucker for new decorations. So many times I feel like i have to have 1 of everything yet so many of the decorations are just utter crap and ugly.


What do you guys do in decorating and collecting? Do you only do themes and rooms? Do you mis-match?


How do you approach light vs darkside items, do you have one stronghold for light toons and one for darkside?

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I'm a deco-fiend, so I usually purchasing one of every new deco that comes out, whether I use it or not. And if it's one I like, I will usually purchase at least one for every SH.


With the open space and large hooks of Tatt, I made that a "gallery" stronghold, where I put my commemorative statues, wall trophies, Eternal Championship holos, wall paintings, etc. in.


For Coruscant, DK, and Nar, I made those into places I'd actually live in. So I have one master bedroom. Another is a combination guest room/barracks and game room. One is a "relic room" that has all the mystical stuff like holocrons, lightsaber forges, etc. I also dedicate one room/area to being an armory, and have a garage with all my favorite mounts and some workbenches.


I don't really theme a place after light or dark. Though for the relic room, I often dedicate one side of that room for more dark-side oriented objects, and the the other side for light/neutral objects.

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Also a decoration fiend, I buy one of everything that comes out, and I usually stock up on "cheap" decorations to give to other people who decorate their stronghold as a gift when I visit their nicely laid out places.


A lot of the decorations are hard to find a use for though, I generally find it's best to give a theme to certain areas of your strongholds, such as a trophy room, an armory, a bar, a casino, a garage etc

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I try to get one of everything that comes out. It's good for my stronghold prestige.


I bought all the affordable Labels for my strongholds. I picked my favorite five and based my stronghold themes around these. I created characters with names that enhance the titles. For example, I have "Drifter's Marketplace Cantina" and "Hondo Ohnaka's Pirate Roost".


Due to the types of decorations most commonly available, I find these room themes easiest to build --

* Sith or Jedi training room or temple.

* Medical bay or research lab.

* Computer or robotics engineering room.

* Casino, nightclub, and/or bar.

* Pilot's hangout.

* Military barracks or personal quarters.

* Weapons testing lab.

* Vehicle garage or showroom.

* Garden or greenhouse.

* Military or combat training room.


I've seen some lovely museums and art galleries done by people who bought the Arncellean masterpieces and reached max reputation with Makeb. I have also seen a great rakghoul containment facility from someone who obviously spent a lot of time on that event. My favorite has been a bounty hunter's room, but these days it's next to impossible to come up with a bunch of holding cells. Having max rep with BBA helps.


Two of my strongholds have specific sections for Republic and Empire characters, indicated by banners or holographic flags at the entrance to each area. I did this with both my Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa SHs.

Edited by Xina_LA
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  • 2 weeks later...

I like decorating the strongholds a lot. My Coruscant and Dromund Kaas flats are themed Republic and Empire, respectively.

Tattoine and Yavin I designed around the Alliance so thus are mixed, though I do have the majority of Tattoine set up as a Jedi academy of sorts, with - imho - a pretty nice cantina.

Nar Shadaa is totally neutral. It's a hotel, casino and restaurant run by one of my smugglers


As far as collecting, I tend to keep or buy any decorations I find attractive or I feel are useful. Any decorations I don't like I keep only until I need credits (so I sell), or until someone has something I need or want (so I trade).

There are a few I've sold right off just because I think they're ugly, such as the Dread Fate Plaque. It sold right away because I'm sure someone wanted it and that's great, but if I really don't like it I don't let it take up an inventory slot any longer than it takes the timer to run out.


One blunder I made was not logging in during the event when the Commemorative Statue of HK-51 was issued. I kick myself every time I see one in another player's stronghold.


One decoration I wish they'd create is a Commemorative Statue of Master Orgus Din. Does anyone else have a decoration they'd love to see that doesn't yet exist?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I try to get one of everything that comes out. It's good for my stronghold prestige.


I bought all the affordable Labels for my strongholds. I picked my favorite five and based my stronghold themes around these. I created characters with names that enhance the titles. For example, I have "Drifter's Marketplace Cantina" and "Hondo Ohnaka's Pirate Roost".


Due to the types of decorations most commonly available, I find these room themes easiest to build --

* Sith or Jedi training room or temple.

* Medical bay or research lab.

* Computer or robotics engineering room.

* Casino, nightclub, and/or bar.

* Pilot's hangout.

* Military barracks or personal quarters.

* Weapons testing lab.

* Vehicle garage or showroom.

* Garden or greenhouse.

* Military or combat training room.


I've seen some lovely museums and art galleries done by people who bought the Arncellean masterpieces and reached max reputation with Makeb. I have also seen a great rakghoul containment facility from someone who obviously spent a lot of time on that event. My favorite has been a bounty hunter's room, but these days it's next to impossible to come up with a bunch of holding cells. Having max rep with BBA helps.


Two of my strongholds have specific sections for Republic and Empire characters, indicated by banners or holographic flags at the entrance to each area. I did this with both my Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa SHs.


I decorated my Coruscant stronghold as if it was an alliance stronghold away from Odessen. However I could not resist putting my JK's name "Amun'ra" on it so it says Amun'ra's Temple of Light. :D

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Does anyone else have a decoration they'd love to see that doesn't yet exist?


Hmm... I think I'd have to say those banners hanging from the Senate Tower on Coruscant, and perhaps some more Rakata decorations like lights and mantelpieces of more colors and stuff. And normal Alliance Banners like the standard Republic and Imperial Banners would be nice. Right now I just have Republic and Imperial Banners lining the walls of my Strongholds. When I use Banners on the walls that is.

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Hmm... I think I'd have to say those banners hanging from the Senate Tower on Coruscant, and perhaps some more Rakata decorations like lights and mantelpieces of more colors and stuff. And normal Alliance Banners like the standard Republic and Imperial Banners would be nice. Right now I just have Republic and Imperial Banners lining the walls of my Strongholds. When I use Banners on the walls that is.


I totally agree with the senate banners. In fact, I'd really like to see more banners of all types, since there are many of various designs throughout the game. And that decorative boulder between the senate and spaceport. I'd also like more room dividers - preferably decorative ones - beyond the stalwart & lonely "Office Divider" .

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I totally agree with the senate banners. In fact, I'd really like to see more banners of all types, since there are many of various designs throughout the game. And that decorative boulder between the senate and spaceport. I'd also like more room dividers - preferably decorative ones - beyond the stalwart & lonely "Office Divider" .


I agree with this. I'd love to see some patterned dividers that are more interesting. Like those painted changing room dividers. Some with scenes on them as though they're part divider part artwork.

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  • 2 months later...

The Drama for my Strongholds is finding a complete set of the Dark and Light Datacrons, and getting the Master Datacron displays. As for themes, Yavin is my Sorcerers Sith Academy, which is almost finished. Coruscant is a Barracks for my Troopers squad and needs work. Nar Shaddaa is for Smugglers and just has one room done at present. And Dromund Kaas is my Warriors Lair. I kind of overthink things like this lol.


As for decorations that don't exist, i would like those sort of broken fountains you see on Tython and Alderaan, they'd make a nice garden decoration.

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Before I dive in, where do you all grind decorations? What is the best path to get lots of decor goodies? Ive been doing solo Star Fortress story mode, but rarely anything new comes up anymore.


In terms of decorating, for me, its all about the story. And for me, that story dates way back to the days of SW Galaxies. It was the first ever video game I played. Decorating was a big deal in that game. And in that game, you could write a little bio that other players could read if they clicked on you. That was the birth of Jinook Phi from The House Of Phi- Alderaan. Ive used that name for every SW game Ive ever played and even had a blog going a bunch of years ago.


When I arrived to SWTOR, the whole legacy thing, I decided to alter the backstory a bit. Essentially, a smuggler by the name of Gritz Reevo fell in love with a Alderaanean royal. He had to take her name when they got married, so he added the name "Phi", begruddingly. They had two sons that were very different boys, Jinook and Bubka or "Bubba" as he came to be called.


When the boys where young teens, an Imperial Agent set fire to their home to cover her tracks on one of her missions. The House of Phi had developed a very advanced cloaking tech that The Empire wanted. Gritz was badly burned, he lost his wife to the fire and was never the same again. Jinook grew up to become a Master Jedi and is all about doing the right thing. Bubba became a famed Bounty Hunter and in spite of his dubious profession, also "usually" does the right thing. Usually is more negoitable with Bubba, though. And he prefers rockets to flame throwers for obvious reasons.


Gritz in the meantime, wandered the galaxy, became a rather well known smuggler in his own right but when his son, Jinook, took over the Galactic Alliance, he was all in. He bought a huge casa in a remote part of Tattoine, which acts as Jin's informal command center when he's not on Odessen.


Ok, so now you know the backstory which is what 100% informs my decor choices. Im only 37% decorated but I really like what I have done so far. Its on Old Droggo server I think? Open to da public. Being it's Gritz's home but Jin's command when not at HQ, it refects that.


Top Deck


- A strong Alliance military presence in the lobby leading into the living room.

-The living room is well appointed and designed for entertaining. A fellow Master Jedi is there at all times, just in case. The a juke box can be turned on for ambiance.

-To one side is the commerce room and repair shop. Thats where all the jawas hang out to sell their wares, a legacy and standard storage lockers, GTN and mail terminals and a repair/modification bench.

-On the other side is Gritz's bedroom which Jin sometimes uses, cozy but work friendly. I lovely waterfall backdrop to the bed, a fireplace, a nice place to drink too much Corellian ale.


Bottom Deck


-The small room outside of the elevator is kind of a magical room, hologrgam colorful treets, a foundtain, just a great place for guests to hang out and chat.

-When you leave there, you enter out sculpture garden, still under development but impressive nonetheless. Guards keep watch on the hangar door.

-Just up the way is our base cantina, filled with dancers and good times. There you will find plenty of reminders of our victories against Arcann, given all the trooper corpses that adorn the bar.

-If you are a civilian, it is recommended that you not really explore any further. But if you do dare to wander, you will find our military quarters which includes our highly protected armory, our barracks and our Jedi Meditation temple. As well, we have the latest turret technology protecting the Reevo Casa (and part time Phi command center).


I am really enjoying doing all this, especially because it ties a specific backstory.

Edited by Jinook_Phi
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had avoided strongholds for awhile, knowing full well once i started, i'd fall down a massive rabbit hole.



I live in nyc, my main toon's Coroscant apt. Basically going for a sleek modern apt feel. Trying to collect a lot of the art objects, and keep it really clean. Or at the very least, not just drop a lot of rando stuff in the space.



as far as things i wish they had, I'd really like more "ambiance" items that're a bit more niche. Like i'm decorating my "garage" area. I'd love it if there were like... "grease stain" or some small floor items, that would look like knick nacks or things to make the floor look more like the vibe of what i'm trying to do. maybe "floorings" options that depicted work mats, or some sort of industrial flooring. or something that wasn't just a rug.



I also really wish, not every really cool large object was a center piece. Or that, maybe, very large interior rooms, you could sacrifice extra large slots. to have a singular "center piece" tile.

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I stripped all of my strongholds bare last week to start over. There are so many cool new decorations, I wanted to change up the themes. I also gained two new labels that I want to use for SH themes.


I hope we get some more display screens, similar to the Tatooine and Dromund Kaas info screens. I'd go wild over screens with occasional changes of picture, or something that looked like a repeating news report. It would give a sense of contact with the outside world.

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I stripped all of my strongholds bare last week to start over. There are so many cool new decorations, I wanted to change up the themes. I also gained two new labels that I want to use for SH themes.


I hope we get some more display screens, similar to the Tatooine and Dromund Kaas info screens. I'd go wild over screens with occasional changes of picture, or something that looked like a repeating news report. It would give a sense of contact with the outside world.


I think this would be awesome! What about a Changeable Landscapes screen that rotates between a few different pictures of different worlds?


Speaking of art objects, I've noticed some paintings that look like they're of Alderaan, Makeb, and Tython hung on walls in various places (I know Makeb and Corellia have them). Wish those would become decos.

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My Yavin SH is neutral and Alliance-themed. My Coruscant SH is Rep (geared toward my two Jedi and Trooper) and my DK is Imp (geared to my Sith and Agent). My Nar Shaddaa is going to be for both my BH and Snuggler.


I have a Tattooine SH, but it is strictly for storage and is maxed at 100% with my various unused decorations. I keep it at 100% so I don't have to make my other ones look overloaded just to get the bonus.


Though, I also change up my decorations on my Yavin to fit the time of year. Right now (Life Day), it's very festive with at least one tree in each room and the main room looks like a Christmas party for all to enjoy. Halloween is more a time for Rakghouls and Dreads. All that sort of thing.

Edited by Volund_Starfire
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