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I agree. If Arcann was able to kill his own twin brother - the closest person in the world to him, and the one who had always supported him - I don't think anyone else would ever be safe. Maybe he'd be loyal to Senya, but then again, he turned against her in the past...so I think he could even turn on her again, given the right circumstances.


My SW sent Nomen Karr to Darth Baras once, which was probably the most Dark Side choice possible, since we all know Baras would torture him. My Sith Warrior has a thing that if someone tries to kill her, she usually doesn't feel bad about returning the favor - but letting Nomen Karr stew in his own madness is a pretty good choice, too. :)


Another thing about the ghost memories - if it's meant to be people that my SW is afraid of...well, she defeated them all, except for Marr, whom she respects. She's not afraid of them. It's definitely odd.


I agree about Satele. Whatever she wants to say about the Jedi being pure and full of light, she couldn't be bothered looking in on her own son when he was right there. I noticed that in the chapter where you kill Senya, Theron walks away sadly when you're yelling at Senya about abandoning her family. :( I think he felt that and thought of his own situation. The fact that Satele thinks that hanging out in the woods is more important than helping the people who could really use her help, like the Force users at the Alliance and her son - yeah, she's awful.


I do wish there had been an option to say, "no way, Senya, I'm not doing this" and just walk out of the Scions' lair after HK-55 gets hurt in the doorway. Or to tell them straight out, "I don't need people like you as allies" after the trial. I did like that the Commander gets to say, "hey, be our allies or not, whatever, we're done." They're such dangerous weirdos.


I agree, now would be the time for those companion quests! I will say, it's been nice to see how Lana's really come alive since the end of KOTET with the romance. That line about "moments of privacy," right in the throne room, and then the kiss and the "I love you" on Iokath....all of that made me squee so much, and it's so nice she's comfortable being so open with that now. She seems to have decided that since you've defeated Valkorion she can be really open about the romance, and now she agrees with the Commander's policy of always wanting a kiss or an 'I love you" before a mission. <3


But she and the Commander haven't had any real time alone, no, and since my Commander has been angling for vacation time since the end of KOTFE, it needs to happen. :) There was that line in Chapter 5 where she was saying "remind me to schedule some personal time," and I kept wanting to ask about that later. :D


I like Lana's hair best in KOTFE but the messy hair from SOR has some charm, too. It's pretty adorable. I didn't like it when I played through SoR because on my computer with the graphics it looked matted, but since then I've seen YouTube videos where I see it was my computer's issue, not Lana's. :)


I agree on the slave/dancer outfits. While I think that might be *cough* fun for playtime in private, I don't think Lana would be running around the battlefield with it. I don't even like the outfit that Jaesa wears when you get her...she's supposed to be learning to fight like a Jedi, and she's in a crop top and skirt that she would probably trip over. remember the first time I got Jaesa, we stopped at the market on the way out of Hutta to get her some simple trousers and a shirt simply because I couldn't stand her outfit. I think sometimes people put their female characters in those outfits to take their dignity, or because they think all their women need to look like bikini models and I really don't like it. I think everyone should have the freedom to do what they want in the game, but it's interesting that they never make those skimpy outfits for male characters...


I know what you mean. I remember reading that some men are really threatened by women who appear to be smart, strong, independent...and I would think also being a lesbian or bi would threaten some of them too, since it's pretty clearly saying you don't need a man. :) One thing that springs to mind here is that men will hassle you if you're on the bus or train, even if you've got headphones and you're reading a book - it's like they think you should be honored that they're talking to you, when you really don't want to be disturbed. :(


Yeah, and if he'd do that and eventualy start a new war and she would try to stop him, then betray us and here we go all over again. Not in my Alliance! :D


With Nomen Karr all the choices are pure dark! I don't envy him, he's very unfortunate man. :D


Could be like that, but yeah, don't know why Marr appeared too.


I've seen video from the Republic side from SoR where Satele tried to talk to Theron when she's leaving Rishi.. He didn't want to talk. And that was actually the only time I've seen Satele to adress her son, not "her agent".. I feel sorry for him. And on Iokath if you chose the Empire so then it was his father who released the gods and died - Theron said that he barely know him. Another happy family in the galaxy..

I also cannot understand why she must do other things, but in the end of KOTET you can see her on Corusant? It seems to me that it was just like with Gravestone - you accidentally run upon her in the wilds so she decides to help you (but that was definitely Marr's idea, I think she'd kill you, afterall she said that..), but still her guilt is stronger than anything so she rather stays in the shadows until you finally claim the Eternal Throne..


Exactly! This makes me think that this whole Scions thing has to happen for a reason! Couldn't be just for meeting Arcann..


She's just so amazing, now who the hell wouldn't like her?! Ohh I cannot wait to get to Iokath. <3 It's a shame though you cannot go through the old chapters and feel the love again (at least I couldn't the last time I tried) :(.


I love the moment before departing from Odessen (chapter something, I'm not good in remembering this..) when you could say "wish me luck" and her answer is so sweet and practical that this has nothing to do with luck :D Aaaand then she finally understands that everything my SW wanted was a kiss :D Oh and Lana's "do not look so pleased with yourself" is so lovely and hilarious :D I'm happy she get used to this! :)

Exactly, when Lana said that she and my SW can finally have some private time I was so so happy! :D Now if only the companion quest were available quickly, this really needs to happen! The more we talk the more impatient I am!


Yes, she looks so innocent and sweet! Maybe it wasn't just your problem, maybe they change it a bit, they're making habit of this :). But KOTFE Lana is the best one!


Well, yes, I'm not saying I also wouldn't buy it for her if such occasion appeared....

I never liked that clothes too! And with DS Jaesa's attitude she's more like dancer (and worse) than apprentice. I never like that on my girls too - but as SI I always got that outfit! Yeah, like women MUST show their body! I remember one game, it was some fantasy with dragons etc. and the only armor for female characters was tight top with short skirt (I could see her butt!) and high heels!!


That's definitely true. Most of them feels superior, proud and sometimes jealous. I had a friend whose boyfriend was so angry that she studied at university and had a job and he wasn't smart enough to finish high school so he broke up with her. I'm most grateful I won't even need a man :D. I know, women can be like that too, but it's more rare.

I agree, but half of them would act like ***** jerks and the other half (the homophobic ones) would try deny the truth and try to prove that you're just mistaken :) - LOL. Yeah, that's the most annoying thing they use to do! And even if you try to be polite (or send them straight to hell, doesn't matter) they get offended. I actually know very few men who are truly nice and not egoistic jerks.

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Yeah, and if he'd do that and eventualy start a new war and she would try to stop him, then betray us and here we go all over again. Not in my Alliance! :D


With Nomen Karr all the choices are pure dark! I don't envy him, he's very unfortunate man. :D


Could be like that, but yeah, don't know why Marr appeared too.


I've seen video from the Republic side from SoR where Satele tried to talk to Theron when she's leaving Rishi.. He didn't want to talk. And that was actually the only time I've seen Satele to adress her son, not "her agent".. I feel sorry for him. And on Iokath if you chose the Empire so then it was his father who released the gods and died - Theron said that he barely know him. Another happy family in the galaxy..

I also cannot understand why she must do other things, but in the end of KOTET you can see her on Corusant? It seems to me that it was just like with Gravestone - you accidentally run upon her in the wilds so she decides to help you (but that was definitely Marr's idea, I think she'd kill you, afterall she said that..), but still her guilt is stronger than anything so she rather stays in the shadows until you finally claim the Eternal Throne..


Exactly! This makes me think that this whole Scions thing has to happen for a reason! Couldn't be just for meeting Arcann..


She's just so amazing, now who the hell wouldn't like her?! Ohh I cannot wait to get to Iokath. <3 It's a shame though you cannot go through the old chapters and feel the love again (at least I couldn't the last time I tried) :(.


I love the moment before departing from Odessen (chapter something, I'm not good in remembering this..) when you could say "wish me luck" and her answer is so sweet and practical that this has nothing to do with luck :D Aaaand then she finally understands that everything my SW wanted was a kiss :D Oh and Lana's "do not look so pleased with yourself" is so lovely and hilarious :D I'm happy she get used to this! :)

Exactly, when Lana said that she and my SW can finally have some private time I was so so happy! :D Now if only the companion quest were available quickly, this really needs to happen! The more we talk the more impatient I am!


Yes, she looks so innocent and sweet! Maybe it wasn't just your problem, maybe they change it a bit, they're making habit of this :). But KOTFE Lana is the best one!


Well, yes, I'm not saying I also wouldn't buy it for her if such occasion appeared....

I never liked that clothes too! And with DS Jaesa's attitude she's more like dancer (and worse) than apprentice. I never like that on my girls too - but as SI I always got that outfit! Yeah, like women MUST show their body! I remember one game, it was some fantasy with dragons etc. and the only armor for female characters was tight top with short skirt (I could see her butt!) and high heels!!


That's definitely true. Most of them feels superior, proud and sometimes jealous. I had a friend whose boyfriend was so angry that she studied at university and had a job and he wasn't smart enough to finish high school so he broke up with her. I'm most grateful I won't even need a man :D. I know, women can be like that too, but it's more rare.

I agree, but half of them would act like ***** jerks and the other half (the homophobic ones) would try deny the truth and try to prove that you're just mistaken :) - LOL. Yeah, that's the most annoying thing they use to do! And even if you try to be polite (or send them straight to hell, doesn't matter) they get offended. I actually know very few men who are truly nice and not egoistic jerks.


Yes, Satele's pretty awful when it comes down to it. :( If you attack her on Odessen she sends Theron this email (intercepted by Lana) about how you're bad news. This, right after she admits she could have killed you in the wild. *facepalm* I have never tried to attack her in that chapter and I've always let her help with the lightsaber, but ugh. I do think it's Darth Marr's influence that she doesn't kill the Commander to start.


I know, it is frustrating that you can't replay the scenes from Forged Alliances/SoR at all, and that if you replay a few of the chapters in KOTFE there's no romance! I can get some of them but not Chapters 8 and 9 in KOTFE. :( If I replay 8, Koth is always the one who comes to save me after the Arcann scene. :(


That scene with Lana and her "don't look so pleased with yourself" comment is so adorable. :) She's trying to give this really nice, supportive pep talk but the character just wants a kiss...aww. I also love the one before the Scions/Arcann ambush where the character asks for a kiss, and she's all "you're insufferable" but she's also smiling and approving of it all. And that bit in KOTET where she saysr she could feel that the Commander was OK - she looks so happy there that they have a stronger bond now.


In terms of the clothes - there was a blog I found once, that was written by someone that looked at video game outfits for women characters and made all these really snarky comments about how awful they were. It was great. I mean, who goes out to fight dragons in high heels and a bikini? *facepalm*


I agree, there's so much there that can be wrong. If you're bi they also somehow think it's kinky and they're going to be entertained by it?! *facepalm* I will say that I've had some really good guy friends - I still do - but I've also run into so many awful ones. I'm also really glad I don't need them. :)

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Yes, Satele's pretty awful when it comes down to it. :( If you attack her on Odessen she sends Theron this email (intercepted by Lana) about how you're bad news. This, right after she admits she could have killed you in the wild. *facepalm* I have never tried to attack her in that chapter and I've always let her help with the lightsaber, but ugh. I do think it's Darth Marr's influence that she doesn't kill the Commander to start.


I know, it is frustrating that you can't replay the scenes from Forged Alliances/SoR at all, and that if you replay a few of the chapters in KOTFE there's no romance! I can get some of them but not Chapters 8 and 9 in KOTFE. :( If I replay 8, Koth is always the one who comes to save me after the Arcann scene. :(


That scene with Lana and her "don't look so pleased with yourself" comment is so adorable. :) She's trying to give this really nice, supportive pep talk but the character just wants a kiss...aww. I also love the one before the Scions/Arcann ambush where the character asks for a kiss, and she's all "you're insufferable" but she's also smiling and approving of it all. And that bit in KOTET where she saysr she could feel that the Commander was OK - she looks so happy there that they have a stronger bond now.


In terms of the clothes - there was a blog I found once, that was written by someone that looked at video game outfits for women characters and made all these really snarky comments about how awful they were. It was great. I mean, who goes out to fight dragons in high heels and a bikini? *facepalm*


I agree, there's so much there that can be wrong. If you're bi they also somehow think it's kinky and they're going to be entertained by it?! *facepalm* I will say that I've had some really good guy friends - I still do - but I've also run into so many awful ones. I'm also really glad I don't need them. :)


Once I didn't let her help my SW and she just looked a bit upset (like my lady deeply hurt her!) and that was all. Only when I wielded the lightsaber there was mentioned just Marr's influence. I wonder if she's also this awful to Republic players? And sending this kind of mails? Oh gods, that's reeeally nice.


Yes, there should definitely be the option to replay all of this! I have my favourite character and I'd like to play mostly as this one, but really I can't. And I don't like repeatable dailies, heroics or flashpoints, it's boring to do that all over again. I'd like to do the expansions again, but for the story, which is not here!..

Not to mention that leveling up new character takes a hell lot of time!

And now I just did this terrible thing - I accidentally didn't flirt with Lana in chapter 8 and before I could reset the whole conversation I ****ed it up and now my lady is single, I cannot replay that and I really wanna cry :D... Now this character is as good as dead.


Yeees, that moment was lovely too! Ahhh, she's just so amazing. And this last letter after the Umbara disaster - I love her even more now. (And now I really do believe more than before that she's f/f character :)).


What an clever idea! It must've been hilarious, how many people must've mistaken this site for lingerie shop? :D

Yeah and by the way, I met Senya in this dancer outfit at the Imperial Fleet, I guess I've seen everything now, lol ....


Oh yes, I do to, it depends! I'd never judge anyone just by gender or whatever. :)

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Once I didn't let her help my SW and she just looked a bit upset (like my lady deeply hurt her!) and that was all. Only when I wielded the lightsaber there was mentioned just Marr's influence. I wonder if she's also this awful to Republic players? And sending this kind of mails? Oh gods, that's reeeally nice.


Yes, there should definitely be the option to replay all of this! I have my favourite character and I'd like to play mostly as this one, but really I can't. And I don't like repeatable dailies, heroics or flashpoints, it's boring to do that all over again. I'd like to do the expansions again, but for the story, which is not here!..

Not to mention that leveling up new character takes a hell lot of time!

And now I just did this terrible thing - I accidentally didn't flirt with Lana in chapter 8 and before I could reset the whole conversation I ****ed it up and now my lady is single, I cannot replay that and I really wanna cry :D... Now this character is as good as dead.


Yeees, that moment was lovely too! Ahhh, she's just so amazing. And this last letter after the Umbara disaster - I love her even more now. (And now I really do believe more than before that she's f/f character :)).


What an clever idea! It must've been hilarious, how many people must've mistaken this site for lingerie shop? :D

Yeah and by the way, I met Senya in this dancer outfit at the Imperial Fleet, I guess I've seen everything now, lol ....


Oh yes, I do to, it depends! I'd never judge anyone just by gender or whatever. :)


I will try to find a copy of that email online...basically Lana intercepts it and totally edits it before sending it on to Theron. She changes all of the negativity into "you should follow the Commander!" Gotta love Lana for looking out for us. :)


I know what you mean about the flashpoints and heroics. They're so boring. I did the heroics when I needed to get all of the specialists on the Alliance base to 20 influence, but as soon as that is done, I drop those missions so fast. I will do a few of the flashpoints simply for the credits and CXP, but again, yawn. The first time I played through the game from the beginning, I thought you had to do EVERYTHING and something bad would happen if I didn't do every mission I accepted, LOL. :D


One funny thing, though: if you do the Rakata Prime flashpoint, you do get a few little cut scenes with SoR Lana. And if you take KOTFE Lana as your companion, there's a really funny moment where they're standing side by side on the beach. :D (Of course they don't acknowledge each other). I got a hilarious screencap of Lana looking at her old SoR self in what seems to be total disbelief, LOL.


Oh yes, the interactions and letter from Lana have been the best part of the Iokath/Umbara mess. :( That letter was so incredibly sweet...yes, I think Lana only plays for one team. :) And the way she just jumps in front of you on the train...what I didn't like about that was that I felt like they should have had the character acknowledge it. My character would have immediately tried to see what had happened with her and if she was okay, she wouldn't have just kept talking to the traitor while Lana was on the floor like that!


I wish I could find that website again, if I find it I will link it here. And a Senya in a slave costume? Oh dear. :( I hate that they even sell that stuff, especially since it's conveniently only for female characters. In reality I think both Lana and Senya would immediately kill anyone who tried to put them into clothes like that...


Oh, I'm so sorry about your character who missed the flirt with Lana. :( I've heard more than one person say that KOTFE can be really weird with the romances until you get past Chapter 9. I played Chapters 1-9 straight through the first time because I was so worried about not getting the romance flag set.


For playing the expansions, I agree. I tried to see what would happen with a Level 60 token character- she's able to play a lot of the older material but she's totally locked out of doing the Forged Alliances and SoR stuff. :( So the only way to get to those is to go through the class stories again, and you're right, that's such a long haul. I'm doing that with a new SW (another clone) now, and while it's fun to replay some of the class story stuff, it does take forever.


And I knew what you meant about judging, totally! :)

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I will try to find a copy of that email online...basically Lana intercepts it and totally edits it before sending it on to Theron. She changes all of the negativity into "you should follow the Commander!" Gotta love Lana for looking out for us. :)


I know what you mean about the flashpoints and heroics. They're so boring. I did the heroics when I needed to get all of the specialists on the Alliance base to 20 influence, but as soon as that is done, I drop those missions so fast. I will do a few of the flashpoints simply for the credits and CXP, but again, yawn. The first time I played through the game from the beginning, I thought you had to do EVERYTHING and something bad would happen if I didn't do every mission I accepted, LOL. :D


One funny thing, though: if you do the Rakata Prime flashpoint, you do get a few little cut scenes with SoR Lana. And if you take KOTFE Lana as your companion, there's a really funny moment where they're standing side by side on the beach. :D (Of course they don't acknowledge each other). I got a hilarious screencap of Lana looking at her old SoR self in what seems to be total disbelief, LOL.


Oh yes, the interactions and letter from Lana have been the best part of the Iokath/Umbara mess. :( That letter was so incredibly sweet...yes, I think Lana only plays for one team. :) And the way she just jumps in front of you on the train...what I didn't like about that was that I felt like they should have had the character acknowledge it. My character would have immediately tried to see what had happened with her and if she was okay, she wouldn't have just kept talking to the traitor while Lana was on the floor like that!


I wish I could find that website again, if I find it I will link it here. And a Senya in a slave costume? Oh dear. :( I hate that they even sell that stuff, especially since it's conveniently only for female characters. In reality I think both Lana and Senya would immediately kill anyone who tried to put them into clothes like that...


Oh, I'm so sorry about your character who missed the flirt with Lana. :( I've heard more than one person say that KOTFE can be really weird with the romances until you get past Chapter 9. I played Chapters 1-9 straight through the first time because I was so worried about not getting the romance flag set.


For playing the expansions, I agree. I tried to see what would happen with a Level 60 token character- she's able to play a lot of the older material but she's totally locked out of doing the Forged Alliances and SoR stuff. :( So the only way to get to those is to go through the class stories again, and you're right, that's such a long haul. I'm doing that with a new SW (another clone) now, and while it's fun to replay some of the class story stuff, it does take forever.


And I knew what you meant about judging, totally! :)


This one? http://imgur.com/v0EN9p7 I tried to find it myself to spare you the trouble :). I love Lana for this, she always watches our back :). That's why I wish we could have another talk later about the Umbara thing, I'd never want her to blame herself for what happened! (And also because I don't believe that what happened it's true.)


Yeah, exactly my thoughts! And I just cannot make myself do normal quests and just kill things, I always feel so empty when the story ends and I must wait. :D Oh it's just hilarious looking back, right? :D When I first get to the Imperial fleet I spent a day looking for the way how the hell get to Dromund Kaas. :D


Well I need to try this, thanks! :D I need to see two Lanas together and especialy in situation like this!


EXACTLY! That was the first thing that I cared of! I know she was just knocked out, but who the hell cares, my SW needed to be sure she's alright! She risked her life for her and she's just chatting! They really need to fix this. At least for romanced players, this is just not right response to the situation.


Thank you! :) Yes! Well it's not a problem to find more decent outfits in the market if you really want to be half naked! (I also have one chest piece, which is more... simple, but my SW has only bare hands and hips and it looks like armor, not swimsuit) But I guess someone just wants "slu*s" and not companions or serious characters.. :)


If only we could meet Lana earlier! :D This leveling up to 50-55 is really exhausting! Yeah, I've notice that too, in particular it's just the romance with Lana, which is the most troublesome! Except my own mistakes I'm glad it didn't happened to me too (and will not, I hope it's fixed!). One more time and it'd kill me for sure, lol.


Yeah, and it's even worse with a Level 65 token - it'll send you right away to Voss and if I remember it correctly you can say goodbye to the romance. Well at least with the Level 60 token they should make SoR available, when now it really doesn't matter which token you use, you still have nothing, just the empty level up. I'm glad it didn't bother me back then, I was kinda into Acina and the flirt options were fortunately still available, heh.

If only there was some XP boost consumable item, which will give you instantly enough points to achieve some higher levels, then it'd be much easier!


I see you also cannot leave SW class : ). I just love the female warrior voice and the class is so much fun! Maybe for the whole story - and especially because of the companions - is good to try every class, but nah. I wanted to try again SI, because I forgot everything about her story and since I have one soon-to-be-deleted SW I thought I might give it a try, but I already know what will happen... :D

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This one? http://imgur.com/v0EN9p7 I tried to find it myself to spare you the trouble :). I love Lana for this, she always watches our back :). That's why I wish we could have another talk later about the Umbara thing, I'd never want her to blame herself for what happened! (And also because I don't believe that what happened it's true.)


Yeah, exactly my thoughts! And I just cannot make myself do normal quests and just kill things, I always feel so empty when the story ends and I must wait. :D Oh it's just hilarious looking back, right? :D When I first get to the Imperial fleet I spent a day looking for the way how the hell get to Dromund Kaas. :D


Well I need to try this, thanks! :D I need to see two Lanas together and especialy in situation like this!


EXACTLY! That was the first thing that I cared of! I know she was just knocked out, but who the hell cares, my SW needed to be sure she's alright! She risked her life for her and she's just chatting! They really need to fix this. At least for romanced players, this is just not right response to the situation.


Thank you! :) Yes! Well it's not a problem to find more decent outfits in the market if you really want to be half naked! (I also have one chest piece, which is more... simple, but my SW has only bare hands and hips and it looks like armor, not swimsuit) But I guess someone just wants "slu*s" and not companions or serious characters.. :)


If only we could meet Lana earlier! :D This leveling up to 50-55 is really exhausting! Yeah, I've notice that too, in particular it's just the romance with Lana, which is the most troublesome! Except my own mistakes I'm glad it didn't happened to me too (and will not, I hope it's fixed!). One more time and it'd kill me for sure, lol.


Yeah, and it's even worse with a Level 65 token - it'll send you right away to Voss and if I remember it correctly you can say goodbye to the romance. Well at least with the Level 60 token they should make SoR available, when now it really doesn't matter which token you use, you still have nothing, just the empty level up. I'm glad it didn't bother me back then, I was kinda into Acina and the flirt options were fortunately still available, heh.

If only there was some XP boost consumable item, which will give you instantly enough points to achieve some higher levels, then it'd be much easier!


I see you also cannot leave SW class : ). I just love the female warrior voice and the class is so much fun! Maybe for the whole story - and especially because of the companions - is good to try every class, but nah. I wanted to try again SI, because I forgot everything about her story and since I have one soon-to-be-deleted SW I thought I might give it a try, but I already know what will happen... :D


Yes, that is the email! Love Lana's handiwork there, and love that she shared it with the Commander. :) Thank you for finding it. I agree, she always feels so responsible for keeping the Commander safe. It's very sweet, IMHO - everyone else wants the Commander to protect them, but she wants her love to be safe. <3 She does blame herself for things that aren't her fault, though. :(


I was able to upload a screenshot of that flashpoint I was talking about. Poor Lana seems a bit unsure of what is going on here. :)http://imgur.com/a/oxdKC


Yes! And in that Umbara flashpoint, there isn't even a "Lana, are you all right?" when Lana wakes up there. *facepalm* My SW would have been doubly angry with the traitor for hurting Lana, as well - that alone would have made her want to kill him. That wasn't even an option, though, to express any upset that Lana's been harmed. :(


I agree, there are some outfits that show arms and they're fine, and then there are the stripper clothes. I have one outfit that is my Sith Warrior's potential wedding costume - it's got one bare arm and shoulder, but it's very tasteful, and it's being set aside for a special occasion.


I've heard that too about the Level 65 tokens - you miss the romances altogether since the only place to lock them in is in that chapter in KOTFE in the cantina. It's a shame because you miss such a big part of the story if you don't venture into a romance. :) You're right, even with those Level 60 and 65 tokens, there's still a lot of work to do before you can venture into KOTFE. For one thing your companions are all Level 1 influence, and you're missing half your battle skills...arrrgh. My 60 token SW hasn't even gone near KOTFE yet, she's almost ready, but I want her to finish Ilum and Oricon first, and level up the influence on four of the companions (everyone but Quinn!!).


I do usually stick with the Sith Warrior, yes! I think the voiceover artist is the best in the game - she's amazing. I do have Agent and Sith Inquisitor characters too, but they don't grab me the way the SW does. I don't want to play the Bounty Hunter because of Skadge. With the SI I simply feel sorry for her. If you play that character as a Twi'lek (or another alien race) they're even nastier to her than usual. And then she finds Zash, and that turns out to be a nightmare too. :( She really overcomes a lot, but for some reason, the SW just grabs me more. I think it's about the companions, too. I like Talos and Khem Val a lot, but some of the other SI companions, not so much. Talos is amusing as anything, and i really liked his Alliance mission in KOTFE.

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Yes, that is the email! Love Lana's handiwork there, and love that she shared it with the Commander. :) Thank you for finding it. I agree, she always feels so responsible for keeping the Commander safe. It's very sweet, IMHO - everyone else wants the Commander to protect them, but she wants her love to be safe. <3 She does blame herself for things that aren't her fault, though. :(


I was able to upload a screenshot of that flashpoint I was talking about. Poor Lana seems a bit unsure of what is going on here. :)http://imgur.com/a/oxdKC


Yes! And in that Umbara flashpoint, there isn't even a "Lana, are you all right?" when Lana wakes up there. *facepalm* My SW would have been doubly angry with the traitor for hurting Lana, as well - that alone would have made her want to kill him. That wasn't even an option, though, to express any upset that Lana's been harmed. :(


I agree, there are some outfits that show arms and they're fine, and then there are the stripper clothes. I have one outfit that is my Sith Warrior's potential wedding costume - it's got one bare arm and shoulder, but it's very tasteful, and it's being set aside for a special occasion.


I've heard that too about the Level 65 tokens - you miss the romances altogether since the only place to lock them in is in that chapter in KOTFE in the cantina. It's a shame because you miss such a big part of the story if you don't venture into a romance. :) You're right, even with those Level 60 and 65 tokens, there's still a lot of work to do before you can venture into KOTFE. For one thing your companions are all Level 1 influence, and you're missing half your battle skills...arrrgh. My 60 token SW hasn't even gone near KOTFE yet, she's almost ready, but I want her to finish Ilum and Oricon first, and level up the influence on four of the companions (everyone but Quinn!!).


I do usually stick with the Sith Warrior, yes! I think the voiceover artist is the best in the game - she's amazing. I do have Agent and Sith Inquisitor characters too, but they don't grab me the way the SW does. I don't want to play the Bounty Hunter because of Skadge. With the SI I simply feel sorry for her. If you play that character as a Twi'lek (or another alien race) they're even nastier to her than usual. And then she finds Zash, and that turns out to be a nightmare too. :( She really overcomes a lot, but for some reason, the SW just grabs me more. I think it's about the companions, too. I like Talos and Khem Val a lot, but some of the other SI companions, not so much. Talos is amusing as anything, and i really liked his Alliance mission in KOTFE.


Exactly, she knows how hard it is for the Commander, first with Valkorion, then with the neverending war, then the traitor.. She takes responsibility for everything that happens. :( I've seen videos where the players chose the options to blame her for everything and it just broke my heart see her sad face. :( I know someone is playing pure DS, but this is too dark, Lana is always the one who cares so why to humiliate her like this. And afterall, we don't have the option to express anything.. If only the Commander would help Lana to get up or something, just a small gesture..


I think I know which one you have. It's more like tunic and looks really nice and kinda elegant. :) I like how you think, saving and outfit for special occasion is pretty sweet. :)


Thank you! Awww she has no idea what's going on, that's sweet. :D I'm definitely doing this flashpoint again.


That's true! You can have completely different story. I quite don't understand why you have only one chance to get a partner! I mean, you can change your mind or just do a stupid mistake and you're doomed. Ah, it still hurts.. :D (But like I said yesterday, new SW apprentice just found herself at Korriban so I hope this time I'll think twice and won't be hasty... :D)

And you get hard times especially with companions - they're not really happy to see you - I was really upset when my 65 token SW met Vette - she just told her she's not her slave anymore :(.

With Oricon it's also shame that in the end is this operation - I really wanted to finish it but I like to play solo. Same with Iokath - I know they aren't exactly story related, but I still feel like I'm missing something.

Oh and I wish they returned Jaesa instead of Quinn.. He's as annoying as ever, the only good thing about his return was the mail he sent - about how Vette is giving him a hard time again! :D


Yes, it's perfect for the class. And I'm in love with her saying Lana's name, it's very seductive :D. I agree, they treat her like filth. :( I have two SIs, one Zabrak and one Twi'lek so I know exactly what you mean.. And the female voice is also amazing, so twisted and dangerous, but yeah, SW is more comfortable role for me too :). Above else the only weapon I want is a lightsaber so even with IA I found the fights kinda boring. And you're right, companions are major part. I like my SW's crew (except Quinn of course) and it makes more homely atmosphere in the game. And I agree with Talos and Khem Val! I also like that the quest with Talos tooks part at Yavin, it's good to be back :). I've seen videos about romance with Andronikos and it seems better than any other, but he's pirate weirdo. And there's also so much love for Ashara, but I never liked her, she's even more annoying than Quinn with all her Jedi beliefs and neverending questioning SI's deeds.

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Exactly, she knows how hard it is for the Commander, first with Valkorion, then with the neverending war, then the traitor.. She takes responsibility for everything that happens. :( I've seen videos where the players chose the options to blame her for everything and it just broke my heart see her sad face. :( I know someone is playing pure DS, but this is too dark, Lana is always the one who cares so why to humiliate her like this. And afterall, we don't have the option to express anything.. If only the Commander would help Lana to get up or something, just a small gesture..


I think I know which one you have. It's more like tunic and looks really nice and kinda elegant. :) I like how you think, saving and outfit for special occasion is pretty sweet. :)


Thank you! Awww she has no idea what's going on, that's sweet. :D I'm definitely doing this flashpoint again.


That's true! You can have completely different story. I quite don't understand why you have only one chance to get a partner! I mean, you can change your mind or just do a stupid mistake and you're doomed. Ah, it still hurts.. :D (But like I said yesterday, new SW apprentice just found herself at Korriban so I hope this time I'll think twice and won't be hasty... :D)

And you get hard times especially with companions - they're not really happy to see you - I was really upset when my 65 token SW met Vette - she just told her she's not her slave anymore :(.

With Oricon it's also shame that in the end is this operation - I really wanted to finish it but I like to play solo. Same with Iokath - I know they aren't exactly story related, but I still feel like I'm missing something.

Oh and I wish they returned Jaesa instead of Quinn.. He's as annoying as ever, the only good thing about his return was the mail he sent - about how Vette is giving him a hard time again! :D


Yes, it's perfect for the class. And I'm in love with her saying Lana's name, it's very seductive :D. I agree, they treat her like filth. :( I have two SIs, one Zabrak and one Twi'lek so I know exactly what you mean.. And the female voice is also amazing, so twisted and dangerous, but yeah, SW is more comfortable role for me too :). Above else the only weapon I want is a lightsaber so even with IA I found the fights kinda boring. And you're right, companions are major part. I like my SW's crew (except Quinn of course) and it makes more homely atmosphere in the game. And I agree with Talos and Khem Val! I also like that the quest with Talos tooks part at Yavin, it's good to be back :). I've seen videos about romance with Andronikos and it seems better than any other, but he's pirate weirdo. And there's also so much love for Ashara, but I never liked her, she's even more annoying than Quinn with all her Jedi beliefs and neverending questioning SI's deeds.


I agree, I've seen videos where people basically torture Lana with their comments, and it makes me incredibly sad. She's so sweet and she always looks so hurt by it. :( I agree, I know some people just play certain characters as extremely nasty and sadistic, but it's too much in my opinion, and I always want to give her a hug.


Thank you! I figure my SW has to be ready for her special day, whenever that's added to the game...hopefully soon! :) They really do need to let us marry Lana.


I hear you on Oricon and Iokath. I will not do the ops parts of them- it frustrates me to no end on Oricon, because there's a really good little storyline there, and it can't be completed solo. I just have no interest in grouping with others and I will walk away rather than completing the planet. So when I complete Oricon, it's just the solo stuff. :) I am always touched by that moment where the Dread Masters ask the SW what her greatest fear is, and she says that it's losing the people she cares about.


I agree, I prefer playing Force users, and I prefer having a lightsaber than using Force lighting - another reason the Sith Warrior is my favorite. And I do love her voice! :) Using the Sith Inquisitor's Force Lightning is harder for me, even though it looks cool. I do wish that the Sith Warrior would have, say, *one* Force Lightning attack, though, just for variety - like Lana mostly uses her lightsaber but can also zap people.


I'm so sad to hear that about the Level 60/65 tokens. Thank you for letting me know so I'm prepared for the worst when I meet Vette in KOTFE. :( I did notice that she still was wearing her shock collar, but I was hoping that it was just an animation error. I know the tokens automatically set the character to assume you've made Dark Side choices, and it gives you DS Jaesa, but that's the *worst* DS choice, to leave the collar on Vette for the entire class story and make her hate you. I wish they'd at least taken a middle ground there.


In the class story, my SW basically adopted Vette as her little sister, and they were best friends. I thought there should have been more when she reunited with Vette in KOTFE. Vette does say she's still loyal to the SW, and seems happy to see her, but I feel like there should have been a hug there.


Oh yes, Ashara gets really, really annoying. With Jaesa, at least she recognizes the flaws of the Jedi code, even if she's still Light Side. She tries to adapt to her new situation and doesn't criticize the Sith Code, she just wants to be kind. Whereas Ashara is preachy and critical and one just wants to throw her out an airlock after a while.


Quinn...well, he dies in Iokath in my world. :) I wish I could have killed him in the class story, personally. I also wish they would have brought back Jaesa instead. SW is lucky, in that they've had one of their companions return in a big chapter, and 4 out of 5 have returned, though - I do really feel bad for other classes who haven't received their love interests and other favorite companions back.


My newest SW finished Balmorra yesterday. I had forgotten about that Jedi at the spaceport, who is standing there saying, "I'm calm, but you aren't," when my SW is just as cool and collected as can be. I loved that Vette approved of my calling the Jedi boring and stupid. :)

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I agree, I've seen videos where people basically torture Lana with their comments, and it makes me incredibly sad. She's so sweet and she always looks so hurt by it. :( I agree, I know some people just play certain characters as extremely nasty and sadistic, but it's too much in my opinion, and I always want to give her a hug.


Thank you! I figure my SW has to be ready for her special day, whenever that's added to the game...hopefully soon! :) They really do need to let us marry Lana.


I hear you on Oricon and Iokath. I will not do the ops parts of them- it frustrates me to no end on Oricon, because there's a really good little storyline there, and it can't be completed solo. I just have no interest in grouping with others and I will walk away rather than completing the planet. So when I complete Oricon, it's just the solo stuff. :) I am always touched by that moment where the Dread Masters ask the SW what her greatest fear is, and she says that it's losing the people she cares about.


I agree, I prefer playing Force users, and I prefer having a lightsaber than using Force lighting - another reason the Sith Warrior is my favorite. And I do love her voice! :) Using the Sith Inquisitor's Force Lightning is harder for me, even though it looks cool. I do wish that the Sith Warrior would have, say, *one* Force Lightning attack, though, just for variety - like Lana mostly uses her lightsaber but can also zap people.


I'm so sad to hear that about the Level 60/65 tokens. Thank you for letting me know so I'm prepared for the worst when I meet Vette in KOTFE. :( I did notice that she still was wearing her shock collar, but I was hoping that it was just an animation error. I know the tokens automatically set the character to assume you've made Dark Side choices, and it gives you DS Jaesa, but that's the *worst* DS choice, to leave the collar on Vette for the entire class story and make her hate you. I wish they'd at least taken a middle ground there.


In the class story, my SW basically adopted Vette as her little sister, and they were best friends. I thought there should have been more when she reunited with Vette in KOTFE. Vette does say she's still loyal to the SW, and seems happy to see her, but I feel like there should have been a hug there.


Oh yes, Ashara gets really, really annoying. With Jaesa, at least she recognizes the flaws of the Jedi code, even if she's still Light Side. She tries to adapt to her new situation and doesn't criticize the Sith Code, she just wants to be kind. Whereas Ashara is preachy and critical and one just wants to throw her out an airlock after a while.


Quinn...well, he dies in Iokath in my world. :) I wish I could have killed him in the class story, personally. I also wish they would have brought back Jaesa instead. SW is lucky, in that they've had one of their companions return in a big chapter, and 4 out of 5 have returned, though - I do really feel bad for other classes who haven't received their love interests and other favorite companions back.


My newest SW finished Balmorra yesterday. I had forgotten about that Jedi at the spaceport, who is standing there saying, "I'm calm, but you aren't," when my SW is just as cool and collected as can be. I loved that Vette approved of my calling the Jedi boring and stupid. :)


Me too. It's so sad, those people must have heart of stone! I've also seen some videos that took part after Ziost, when Lana definitely feels down and she talks about it and the players are indeed torturing her with mean comments about how useless she is and that she just should quit her job! And with her SoR sweet melancholical face it's even more painful to watch. :(


I should prepare my ladies as well, don't want to let them be in their special day in bloodied dress :D.

Indeed! I expect there will be no expansion this year, so at least they could add this. The letter now is just sweet and I cannot get it out of my mind, but it's been too long since actually anything happened between my SW and Lana!


I understand it's massive multiplayer and it won't make sense to do everything solo, but they should separate story lines (even the less important) from the group quests.I too prefer play alone, because I'm always deep in the story and it bothers me to be with another "real" heroes. But yes, it's shame with the Dread Masters, because it's really interesting story! I always wondered what they intend to do since I released them on Belsavis.

I cannot agree more! As mighty as the SW is, she seems so vulnerable at the moment. I very much appreciate that she's able to say those things aloud.


Yeah I agree it's a bit difficult when you're used to carve your path just with the lightsaber! But well you can have one! I have this poweful Force lightning available from the legacy system, it's the "heroic moment" - I think you can unlock that if you finish the SI class story. There's also this amazing Force choke, but that's from the SW story completition :). It's great against more powerful enemies, it's very effective and so cool! Almost as cool as "Lana cool" :).


Yes, in fact they're useless, these tokens will rob you of everything.. And my SW also lied to Lana about Valkorion in this case, or so it says in the companion tab :(. It really does it's own automatic conclusions and you have no power over the decisions, it's sad.

I feel that way about Vette too! She's really important and the reunion was indeed incomplete. Again I'd suggest some companion quest for those who get back to us, it's necessary!


Yeah, Ashara should learn a thing or two from Jaesa! Jaesa works on herself and tries to improve, but this girl know already everything better (do I smell Jedi pride?). I think she follows the SI because simply she has nowhere to go, but she acts like she was in charge! Why should anyone answer for their decisions to a stubborn child? (I know she might be like twenty-something year old adult, but doesn't act like one.) And yes, if my SI could do that she'd be floating in the wide space!

But I got a feeling she's not that harsh when it comes to a male players though, maybe that's why she's so popular? :)


Oh, now your world seems so much better than mine! With one of my SW I made another fatal mistake, because I let him live. I felt like too much time passed since his betrayal, but.. do I need to say I regretted it immidiately? Yeah, I'd never take him to back to ship after what he did. No one ever needed him after that, I don't understand why he cannot just die!

Yes, true! I cannot imagine I'd be still waiting for most of them. I still wonder how the whole long story fits into different classes, it's natural with SW, all makes sense, you got your companions, eventually partner and to be a leader of the Alliance also fits the nature of a warrior. I've seen some videos from different class perspectives, but never the whole story in a row (but not the Republic one - but I guess it could be also fitting for a Jedi Knight?)


Yes, that's another annoying one! I had the same responses. :) Lovely how she was eager to judge SW without letting her speak.. :) And then proposing to surrender and that the Jedi Council will help her with redemption? How incredibly funny!


I just finished Dromund Kaas and yay, I met another character with Lana's voice - the Revanite Ladra :).

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Me too. It's so sad, those people must have heart of stone! I've also seen some videos that took part after Ziost, when Lana definitely feels down and she talks about it and the players are indeed torturing her with mean comments about how useless she is and that she just should quit her job! And with her SoR sweet melancholical face it's even more painful to watch. :(


I should prepare my ladies as well, don't want to let them be in their special day in bloodied dress :D.

Indeed! I expect there will be no expansion this year, so at least they could add this. The letter now is just sweet and I cannot get it out of my mind, but it's been too long since actually anything happened between my SW and Lana!


I understand it's massive multiplayer and it won't make sense to do everything solo, but they should separate story lines (even the less important) from the group quests.I too prefer play alone, because I'm always deep in the story and it bothers me to be with another "real" heroes. But yes, it's shame with the Dread Masters, because it's really interesting story! I always wondered what they intend to do since I released them on Belsavis.

I cannot agree more! As mighty as the SW is, she seems so vulnerable at the moment. I very much appreciate that she's able to say those things aloud.


Yeah I agree it's a bit difficult when you're used to carve your path just with the lightsaber! But well you can have one! I have this poweful Force lightning available from the legacy system, it's the "heroic moment" - I think you can unlock that if you finish the SI class story. There's also this amazing Force choke, but that's from the SW story completition :). It's great against more powerful enemies, it's very effective and so cool! Almost as cool as "Lana cool" :).


Yes, in fact they're useless, these tokens will rob you of everything.. And my SW also lied to Lana about Valkorion in this case, or so it says in the companion tab :(. It really does it's own automatic conclusions and you have no power over the decisions, it's sad.

I feel that way about Vette too! She's really important and the reunion was indeed incomplete. Again I'd suggest some companion quest for those who get back to us, it's necessary!


Yeah, Ashara should learn a thing or two from Jaesa! Jaesa works on herself and tries to improve, but this girl know already everything better (do I smell Jedi pride?). I think she follows the SI because simply she has nowhere to go, but she acts like she was in charge! Why should anyone answer for their decisions to a stubborn child? (I know she might be like twenty-something year old adult, but doesn't act like one.) And yes, if my SI could do that she'd be floating in the wide space!

But I got a feeling she's not that harsh when it comes to a male players though, maybe that's why she's so popular? :)


Oh, now your world seems so much better than mine! With one of my SW I made another fatal mistake, because I let him live. I felt like too much time passed since his betrayal, but.. do I need to say I regretted it immidiately? Yeah, I'd never take him to back to ship after what he did. No one ever needed him after that, I don't understand why he cannot just die!

Yes, true! I cannot imagine I'd be still waiting for most of them. I still wonder how the whole long story fits into different classes, it's natural with SW, all makes sense, you got your companions, eventually partner and to be a leader of the Alliance also fits the nature of a warrior. I've seen some videos from different class perspectives, but never the whole story in a row (but not the Republic one - but I guess it could be also fitting for a Jedi Knight?)


Yes, that's another annoying one! I had the same responses. :) Lovely how she was eager to judge SW without letting her speak.. :) And then proposing to surrender and that the Jedi Council will help her with redemption? How incredibly funny!


I just finished Dromund Kaas and yay, I met another character with Lana's voice - the Revanite Ladra :).


I agree, the comments after Ziost that some characters give to Lana are so mean. She's feeling bad enough, and nobody could have saved Ziost from the Emperor's power. I do think that Lana would have been a better fit for a job where she could have used more of her excellent skills, like research and analyzing - she says herself that she didn't want a place in the power structure and never seems happy when she's talking about that job at all. Whereas with Darth Arkous, in that job, she seems to have been a lot happier and less stressed, at least until the Revanites took over. But the player should be encouraging her, not shaming her. :(


I wish they'd show more vulnerability with the characters too. There are a few points, but not enough - there are definitely a few points in the story where my character would have taken a moment to cry or collect herself, if it were an option. Like after defeating Valkorion, the player pops up almost immediately and everything's fine, but I think my SW honestly would have liked a hug from Lana, just to take a moment to gather her thoughts and calm down. I also think she would have been upset in the swamp in KOTFE, after learning just how much everything has been turned upside down...Sith don't repress their emotions. :)


I totally agree when it comes to group vs. solo content. If it has to do with the story, I think you should be able to play it solo. It's awful when you get into the story and then boom, you end up missing the end of it. And the Dread masters invite the SW to join them, and then you never get to find out how they back off on that...


I forgot about the heroic moments, you're right! I always use the SW's heroic force choke as a moment to rest during hard battles, LOL. :) The most useful Legacy thing for me has really been the Unity ability - it's really good to save a companion if you can't immediately get to them in a battle. I really like the buffs you get when you finish the class stories, too - the Mark of Power one you get from the SI story is really helpful.


I am making a mental note to never use one of those 60/65 tokens again, unless I decide I want to waste it on a class I'd never play, like a Jedi...I suppose one could get a Jedi from that (who would have made all light side choices) and then do everything dark side, LOL. :) But then one does miss out on the voice...I've seen the video where Lana finds out if you don't tell her about Valkorion, and she's so upset. Who wouldn't tell her, really?!


With Ashara, yes, I really wanted my SI to have a chance to turn around and say, "you know what, since you don't like it here and want to criticize everything, please leave and don't come back." It got really annoying. I think you are right, if you're a male player and romancing her, perhaps she isn't so critical all the time...


And Quinn, ugh. :( I actually wasn't going to kill him on Iokath either, because so much time had passed since that incident on Corelia. It was like 8 years, and I'd decided that even though I'd never trust or like Quinn, it was too long ago (if I could have killed him at the time...different story, he would have been gone instantly!).


But then he showed up, and the first thing he did was to try to kiss up again (I'm the Commander of the Alliance, I don't need to be told I "look potent!"), and then soon after that, he was asking for favors. I felt like I was right back in the class story - all Quinn does there is use the SW for one favor after another. The other companions all try to help people - Vette wants to find her family, Jaesa wants to save LS Sith, Pierce wants to run a mission for the Empire - but with Quinn, it's all about his promotion, and his personal grudges and what he wants for himself. So my mindset was that he was just using the Commander for his own gain again, and that made me angry enough to immediately kill him...


For my baby SW who is only in Chapter 1 of the class story, I have some nice armor so I can pretend he's been replaced with a cyborg when the time comes. >:) I have an extra set of it from a hypercrate, I think, if you ever want some for your Sith Warriors to get rid of Quinn's face on the ship, let me know. :)


I know, it's so infuriating how the Jedi always think we Sith want to be redeemed. So friggin' pretentious of them. And you're right, there's that Revanite with Lana's voice! She always gets the mask back, I would never give it to that other guy. :)

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I agree, the comments after Ziost that some characters give to Lana are so mean. She's feeling bad enough, and nobody could have saved Ziost from the Emperor's power. I do think that Lana would have been a better fit for a job where she could have used more of her excellent skills, like research and analyzing - she says herself that she didn't want a place in the power structure and never seems happy when she's talking about that job at all. Whereas with Darth Arkous, in that job, she seems to have been a lot happier and less stressed, at least until the Revanites took over. But the player should be encouraging her, not shaming her. :(


I wish they'd show more vulnerability with the characters too. There are a few points, but not enough - there are definitely a few points in the story where my character would have taken a moment to cry or collect herself, if it were an option. Like after defeating Valkorion, the player pops up almost immediately and everything's fine, but I think my SW honestly would have liked a hug from Lana, just to take a moment to gather her thoughts and calm down. I also think she would have been upset in the swamp in KOTFE, after learning just how much everything has been turned upside down...Sith don't repress their emotions. :)


I totally agree when it comes to group vs. solo content. If it has to do with the story, I think you should be able to play it solo. It's awful when you get into the story and then boom, you end up missing the end of it. And the Dread masters invite the SW to join them, and then you never get to find out how they back off on that...


I forgot about the heroic moments, you're right! I always use the SW's heroic force choke as a moment to rest during hard battles, LOL. :) The most useful Legacy thing for me has really been the Unity ability - it's really good to save a companion if you can't immediately get to them in a battle. I really like the buffs you get when you finish the class stories, too - the Mark of Power one you get from the SI story is really helpful.


I am making a mental note to never use one of those 60/65 tokens again, unless I decide I want to waste it on a class I'd never play, like a Jedi...I suppose one could get a Jedi from that (who would have made all light side choices) and then do everything dark side, LOL. :) But then one does miss out on the voice...I've seen the video where Lana finds out if you don't tell her about Valkorion, and she's so upset. Who wouldn't tell her, really?!


With Ashara, yes, I really wanted my SI to have a chance to turn around and say, "you know what, since you don't like it here and want to criticize everything, please leave and don't come back." It got really annoying. I think you are right, if you're a male player and romancing her, perhaps she isn't so critical all the time...


And Quinn, ugh. :( I actually wasn't going to kill him on Iokath either, because so much time had passed since that incident on Corelia. It was like 8 years, and I'd decided that even though I'd never trust or like Quinn, it was too long ago (if I could have killed him at the time...different story, he would have been gone instantly!).


But then he showed up, and the first thing he did was to try to kiss up again (I'm the Commander of the Alliance, I don't need to be told I "look potent!"), and then soon after that, he was asking for favors. I felt like I was right back in the class story - all Quinn does there is use the SW for one favor after another. The other companions all try to help people - Vette wants to find her family, Jaesa wants to save LS Sith, Pierce wants to run a mission for the Empire - but with Quinn, it's all about his promotion, and his personal grudges and what he wants for himself. So my mindset was that he was just using the Commander for his own gain again, and that made me angry enough to immediately kill him...


For my baby SW who is only in Chapter 1 of the class story, I have some nice armor so I can pretend he's been replaced with a cyborg when the time comes. >:) I have an extra set of it from a hypercrate, I think, if you ever want some for your Sith Warriors to get rid of Quinn's face on the ship, let me know. :)


I know, it's so infuriating how the Jedi always think we Sith want to be redeemed. So friggin' pretentious of them. And you're right, there's that Revanite with Lana's voice! She always gets the mask back, I would never give it to that other guy. :)


I agree! It must've been hard for her to be in charge of Sith Intelligence, the more during times like these. Making her feel more miserable is just gross, and to do so especially when she send the mail about Darth Arcous and she mentions that she has no one to talk to is even more disgusting. :(

There shouldn't be such options at all! She risks everything for the Outlander and what she gets in those cases? I hope that if someone does such decision even once he loose the option to romance her. She doesn't deserve rude jerks!


You're right! My ladies definitely had moments when they were exhausted from all the events and few peaceful moments would be much appreciated fuel. But once again, the charaters missed all the fun, because the party is happening during closing credits... And yes, we're Sith, we wanna scream and cry and get everything out of chest! And after defeating Valkorion I'd jump on Lana without any hesitation, how can they just stand stoically? :D You're right, in the swamp Lana tells her that the whole galaxy like she remembers is not anymore and everything she knew is gone.. the emotions should be more expressive!


True, and it's just the same with the droids from Iokath! Where's the logic in cutting it in quite important moments? The Dread Masters and even the Gods are the reasons why you're on these planets from the first place, it's so stupid you cannot end it.


I like to use heroic force choke for fun on lesser enemies, so my SW can look powerful and cool. :D


That's a great idea! That would make the joining with the Jedi and the Republic less painful! But yeah, without the right voice it won't be so enjoyable. :( I think we got ourselves into neverending circle of SW apprentices.. :D


You have a excellent point there! Quinn is all about himself! Now that you put it all together it seems so clear! He was calling it "serving the Empire" but he was just doing his personal affairs! At Iokath he even says that he has prepared all the papers to quit his job! To meet the Commander and find his way back for his own profits was just another "precise calculation", son of a b****! Why did I ever considered that with time comes forgiveness for this worm?

And even when the Commander is SW and Quinn knows her/him and you choose the Republic over the Empire (now that's the real sci-fi in this game!) he attacks. :)

My new vicious SW will know what to do when the time comes! So bad there's no "torture" option, now I feel I'd use it on repeat.

And just have a look at this! http://www.swtorshenanigans.net/wiki/images/f/fc/Quinn_Codex.png "Duty-bound and honorable", "dislikes - betrayal" and so on.. He's a joke!


You're so kind, thank you!! But since you told me about this I already bought some mask from the Galactic Market. Thanks to you I'm well prepared! :)


Sometimes I feel that this offerings for redemption are the first lesson of their flawless Jedi teachings! Does a SITH WARRIOR looks like she's interested in this nonsense?!

I was always extra pissed when SW has to find Jaesa's parents, there's this bigheaded Jedi who says - even when she wants the peaceful solution and don't wanna hurt anyone - that Sith are devious and demented liars! Excuse me?! How many do you know personally you weasel?


Yeah, I'd give her everything just to make her speak to me again. :D I looked up which characters also have her voice and lots of them are in the IA storyline, so bad. :(

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I agree! It must've been hard for her to be in charge of Sith Intelligence, the more during times like these. Making her feel more miserable is just gross, and to do so especially when she send the mail about Darth Arcous and she mentions that she has no one to talk to is even more disgusting. :(

There shouldn't be such options at all! She risks everything for the Outlander and what she gets in those cases? I hope that if someone does such decision even once he loose the option to romance her. She doesn't deserve rude jerks!


You're right! My ladies definitely had moments when they were exhausted from all the events and few peaceful moments would be much appreciated fuel. But once again, the charaters missed all the fun, because the party is happening during closing credits... And yes, we're Sith, we wanna scream and cry and get everything out of chest! And after defeating Valkorion I'd jump on Lana without any hesitation, how can they just stand stoically? :D You're right, in the swamp Lana tells her that the whole galaxy like she remembers is not anymore and everything she knew is gone.. the emotions should be more expressive!


True, and it's just the same with the droids from Iokath! Where's the logic in cutting it in quite important moments? The Dread Masters and even the Gods are the reasons why you're on these planets from the first place, it's so stupid you cannot end it.


I like to use heroic force choke for fun on lesser enemies, so my SW can look powerful and cool. :D


That's a great idea! That would make the joining with the Jedi and the Republic less painful! But yeah, without the right voice it won't be so enjoyable. :( I think we got ourselves into neverending circle of SW apprentices.. :D


You have a excellent point there! Quinn is all about himself! Now that you put it all together it seems so clear! He was calling it "serving the Empire" but he was just doing his personal affairs! At Iokath he even says that he has prepared all the papers to quit his job! To meet the Commander and find his way back for his own profits was just another "precise calculation", son of a b****! Why did I ever considered that with time comes forgiveness for this worm?

And even when the Commander is SW and Quinn knows her/him and you choose the Republic over the Empire (now that's the real sci-fi in this game!) he attacks. :)

My new vicious SW will know what to do when the time comes! So bad there's no "torture" option, now I feel I'd use it on repeat.

And just have a look at this! http://www.swtorshenanigans.net/wiki/images/f/fc/Quinn_Codex.png "Duty-bound and honorable", "dislikes - betrayal" and so on.. He's a joke!


You're so kind, thank you!! But since you told me about this I already bought some mask from the Galactic Market. Thanks to you I'm well prepared! :)


Sometimes I feel that this offerings for redemption are the first lesson of their flawless Jedi teachings! Does a SITH WARRIOR looks like she's interested in this nonsense?!

I was always extra pissed when SW has to find Jaesa's parents, there's this bigheaded Jedi who says - even when she wants the peaceful solution and don't wanna hurt anyone - that Sith are devious and demented liars! Excuse me?! How many do you know personally you weasel?


Yeah, I'd give her everything just to make her speak to me again. :D I looked up which characters also have her voice and lots of them are in the IA storyline, so bad. :(


Oh, I forgot about that email from Lana...that's right, she says she has nobody else to talk to. The poor thing. :( And in that first cantina conversation, if you ask her to tell you about herself, she's so uncomfortable. It's as though nobody ever asks her that question. :( And then there's that email she sends after she has to break up with you on Yavin, and she is so formal again, but still trying to tell you she likes you...that one was heartbreaking. So did that moment on Ziost where she's unsure of herself for coming to visit you, and you have to tell her, "it's okay to see someone if you miss them," and she seems visibly sad about everything. IFor all of Ziost I just wanted to give poor Lana a hug.


One thing I like a lot about Lana in KOTFE - she seems to be so much more confident in all respects. Those five years in wild space have really helped her a lot there! She doesn't seem to doubt any more that she deserves to be with the Commander, which is nice.


Lana does turn down the players if they're nasty! Good, I say. If she's shamed after Ziost, she walks away and the player doesn't get a flirt/kiss option. And in SoR, there's one video I've seen where someone on the Republic side is awful to her in Rishi, and then when she chooses the flirt to ask to talk to Lana, Lana refuses to talk to her. I've also heard that if you make her angry enough in KOTFE, or flirt with Koth too much, she also shuts down and you can't romance her. I'm glad they did make consequences for being abusive or mean to a potential LI, and don't let those players continue into a romance.


I agree, in the swamp while I was running around with Lana and HK, I actually was using the /cry and /mourn emotes because it seemed like what the character would actually be doing. And that scene where Lana pats the Outlander on the shoulder to try to comfort her...I really wish that had been a hug option. The only time anyone ever seems really upset in the game is after that first fight with Arcann when the Commander is injured, and on Nathema.


The heroic moments are good to finish easy enemies off, but my favorite thing - and this is pretty horrible - is to play 'pinata' with enemies that have really annoyed me. Basically if you throw a regular Force choke on them, your companion can hit them around while they're in the air - like people hit a pinata at a party. :) Vette, Lana and DS Jaesa are all really good at this game, and Xalek seems to learn it if you take him hunting after a while. LS Jaesa will stand there and just throw healing abilities. *facepalm*


So Quinn dislikes betrayal, does he? *facepalm* He's such slime. One other thing that made me angry was that he mentions he had a chance to approach the Commander during their visit to Dromund Kaas, but didn't. That seems like it would have actually been the *safest* time for him to say hello - the Commander was there as Acina's guest, and it probably would have been unacceptable to start killing Imperial officers while she was trying to establish an alliance. So she wouldn't have hurt Quinn at that point. But he didn't have the nerve to do it, or so he claims. It makes me think even more that he's just returned to the Commander at that point because she's won the war against Valkorion and it seems like a good way to improve his status.


I am glad your SW are all set for his return! :)


What happens with Jaesa's parents always bothers me. The Jedi just ditch them and take Jaesa away forever. The Sith Warrior comes in and offers them a better life, where maybe they will even be able to see their daughter again, and *she's* the demented one? It reminded me of what happened with Anakin's mom, where apparently nobody - not Qui-Gon and not Padme - think that maybe, just maybe, they should find a way to buy her freedom. But instead they just take Anakin and leave her there to be a slave. But the Jedi are so pure and merciful...>:( They remind me of those cults who tell their members that everyone else in the world is wrong if they don't believe their exact creed.

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Oh, I forgot about that email from Lana...that's right, she says she has nobody else to talk to. The poor thing. :( And in that first cantina conversation, if you ask her to tell you about herself, she's so uncomfortable. It's as though nobody ever asks her that question. :( And then there's that email she sends after she has to break up with you on Yavin, and she is so formal again, but still trying to tell you she likes you...that one was heartbreaking. So did that moment on Ziost where she's unsure of herself for coming to visit you, and you have to tell her, "it's okay to see someone if you miss them," and she seems visibly sad about everything. IFor all of Ziost I just wanted to give poor Lana a hug.


One thing I like a lot about Lana in KOTFE - she seems to be so much more confident in all respects. Those five years in wild space have really helped her a lot there! She doesn't seem to doubt any more that she deserves to be with the Commander, which is nice.


Lana does turn down the players if they're nasty! Good, I say. If she's shamed after Ziost, she walks away and the player doesn't get a flirt/kiss option. And in SoR, there's one video I've seen where someone on the Republic side is awful to her in Rishi, and then when she chooses the flirt to ask to talk to Lana, Lana refuses to talk to her. I've also heard that if you make her angry enough in KOTFE, or flirt with Koth too much, she also shuts down and you can't romance her. I'm glad they did make consequences for being abusive or mean to a potential LI, and don't let those players continue into a romance.


I agree, in the swamp while I was running around with Lana and HK, I actually was using the /cry and /mourn emotes because it seemed like what the character would actually be doing. And that scene where Lana pats the Outlander on the shoulder to try to comfort her...I really wish that had been a hug option. The only time anyone ever seems really upset in the game is after that first fight with Arcann when the Commander is injured, and on Nathema.


The heroic moments are good to finish easy enemies off, but my favorite thing - and this is pretty horrible - is to play 'pinata' with enemies that have really annoyed me. Basically if you throw a regular Force choke on them, your companion can hit them around while they're in the air - like people hit a pinata at a party. :) Vette, Lana and DS Jaesa are all really good at this game, and Xalek seems to learn it if you take him hunting after a while. LS Jaesa will stand there and just throw healing abilities. *facepalm*


So Quinn dislikes betrayal, does he? *facepalm* He's such slime. One other thing that made me angry was that he mentions he had a chance to approach the Commander during their visit to Dromund Kaas, but didn't. That seems like it would have actually been the *safest* time for him to say hello - the Commander was there as Acina's guest, and it probably would have been unacceptable to start killing Imperial officers while she was trying to establish an alliance. So she wouldn't have hurt Quinn at that point. But he didn't have the nerve to do it, or so he claims. It makes me think even more that he's just returned to the Commander at that point because she's won the war against Valkorion and it seems like a good way to improve his status.


I am glad your SW are all set for his return! :)


What happens with Jaesa's parents always bothers me. The Jedi just ditch them and take Jaesa away forever. The Sith Warrior comes in and offers them a better life, where maybe they will even be able to see their daughter again, and *she's* the demented one? It reminded me of what happened with Anakin's mom, where apparently nobody - not Qui-Gon and not Padme - think that maybe, just maybe, they should find a way to buy her freedom. But instead they just take Anakin and leave her there to be a slave. But the Jedi are so pure and merciful...>:( They remind me of those cults who tell their members that everyone else in the world is wrong if they don't believe their exact creed.


Yeah, you're right, she seems so alone the whole time. :( It almost seems like we were the very first to be interested in her, just for her and no other profits..

She also said that she wanted just understanding, not power.. If only we knew earlier and if there was possibility to tell Marr to not put Lana in charge of the Sith Intelligence! There'd be definitely job opening on my ship... :D

Oh yes, she's finally a long way from the doubts, about love and about herself! It's so good to see her confident!


That's a relief! I don't want her to be hurt by some idiot who will just humiliate and use her! I also don't understand why some romance her when they know that their previous love will come back, or if they're waiting for them. I know the waiting can be long and they probably want some fun but... Don't do this to Lana!

It's even worse when they broke up with her in the end.. If my ladies ever did Lana look so heartbroken I'd feed them to a hungry rancor!


I agree there's an unacceptable lack of hugs with Lana! There's too much moments when my girls are upset and there's no possibility to comfort them. And especially in the swamp! It was so surreal and I had to pause the game and get some air, I doubt my SW would accept all of that and just go on!

After the fight with Arcann I felt so sorry for my SW, I almost felt the injury too and she was just so vulnerable and fragile.. But no one noticed until she fainted! And the comments about how bad she looks, not helping Tora.. Gods, I killed a guy to get you to safety and you have just mouth full of stupidities!

But it's so lovely that after every injury the first thing you see is Lana. :) It's worth every pain my girls endure.


Oh my this is such a good name! :D But we play it too! That's just another point for the force sensitive class(es)! I love when Lana or Jaesa do that force whirlwind, it's so funny when the target is just spinning around and cannot do a thing. :D I don't think we're horrible... It's just a good sense of humor! Oh my and the Jedi have none, LS Jaesa must be so boring.. I never had guts to keep her LS, I like her unleashed - I was also concerned that she might act like Ashara and I wouldn't stand that..


Oh you can see right through him! That's definitely his thinking. I was also a bit surprised when he dared to mention that, but then forget about it.. But not this time. Oh now he's so dead!

Now I'm just thinking about buying the cybernetic torso to make him even more machine-like, I hope I can put that on him! This piece makes me kinda sick - so perfect for this moron!


Right, the Jedi are here just because they know she'd come - otherwise they'd never bother to look after them. Oh yes, I'll never understand why they didn't come back for her! Surely they'd be able to find her a decent job and give her better life and it'd definitely affect Anakin in a good way. But noo, the Jedi care just for the chosen ones and not really as good as they think.. I agree, they're more like some cult that a respectable order! Their habit of taking little kids away is also a bit disturbing.. I mean, Anakin looks so little and very very young and they said he was too old? Are their taking infants from their families or what? Even in the Sith Academy you can train since you grow up and no one takes you from your home and the decision it's more up to you, not up to some stranger..

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Yeah, you're right, she seems so alone the whole time. :( It almost seems like we were the very first to be interested in her, just for her and no other profits..

She also said that she wanted just understanding, not power.. If only we knew earlier and if there was possibility to tell Marr to not put Lana in charge of the Sith Intelligence! There'd be definitely job opening on my ship... :D

Oh yes, she's finally a long way from the doubts, about love and about herself! It's so good to see her confident!


That's a relief! I don't want her to be hurt by some idiot who will just humiliate and use her! I also don't understand why some romance her when they know that their previous love will come back, or if they're waiting for them. I know the waiting can be long and they probably want some fun but... Don't do this to Lana!

It's even worse when they broke up with her in the end.. If my ladies ever did Lana look so heartbroken I'd feed them to a hungry rancor!


I agree there's an unacceptable lack of hugs with Lana! There's too much moments when my girls are upset and there's no possibility to comfort them. And especially in the swamp! It was so surreal and I had to pause the game and get some air, I doubt my SW would accept all of that and just go on!

After the fight with Arcann I felt so sorry for my SW, I almost felt the injury too and she was just so vulnerable and fragile.. But no one noticed until she fainted! And the comments about how bad she looks, not helping Tora.. Gods, I killed a guy to get you to safety and you have just mouth full of stupidities!

But it's so lovely that after every injury the first thing you see is Lana. :) It's worth every pain my girls endure.


Oh my this is such a good name! :D But we play it too! That's just another point for the force sensitive class(es)! I love when Lana or Jaesa do that force whirlwind, it's so funny when the target is just spinning around and cannot do a thing. :D I don't think we're horrible... It's just a good sense of humor! Oh my and the Jedi have none, LS Jaesa must be so boring.. I never had guts to keep her LS, I like her unleashed - I was also concerned that she might act like Ashara and I wouldn't stand that..


Oh you can see right through him! That's definitely his thinking. I was also a bit surprised when he dared to mention that, but then forget about it.. But not this time. Oh now he's so dead!

Now I'm just thinking about buying the cybernetic torso to make him even more machine-like, I hope I can put that on him! This piece makes me kinda sick - so perfect for this moron!


Right, the Jedi are here just because they know she'd come - otherwise they'd never bother to look after them. Oh yes, I'll never understand why they didn't come back for her! Surely they'd be able to find her a decent job and give her better life and it'd definitely affect Anakin in a good way. But noo, the Jedi care just for the chosen ones and not really as good as they think.. I agree, they're more like some cult that a respectable order! Their habit of taking little kids away is also a bit disturbing.. I mean, Anakin looks so little and very very young and they said he was too old? Are their taking infants from their families or what? Even in the Sith Academy you can train since you grow up and no one takes you from your home and the decision it's more up to you, not up to some stranger..


When Lana says that friendship and trust are really hard to come by - it does make me think that she is really alone, the poor thing. She's so much nicer than a lot of the people around her, and more sensitive, and I think that really has to be difficult to deal with, especially in the highest levels of the Empire. And she doesn't have a ship of nice companions like our Sith Warriors. :( Like when she meets the Sith Warrior and immediately gives her a compliment, and the SW gives one in return, and her answer is something like, "yes, I know, I'm lucky." She has to put up the wall and move on because it's too dangerous not to, at that point. :( It took my SW a while to warm up enough to flirt with her, even though she was immediately into her - and that seemed to be Lana's way, too - that she needed to feel really comfortable first.


I do wish there was a way to, say, suggest another job for Lana. I feel like she probably took the job in Sith Intelligence because nobody really says 'no' to someone like Darth Marr. And Darth Marr probably thought she was the most trustworthy person for the job, which is true, but she wasn't a spy like Theron or the Imperial Agent...she would have been so much happier if they'd put her in research, I think. I would have been happy to work with her, too! :)


I agree, I don't get why anyone would have 'fun' with Lana when they're married and waiting for a spouse to return, unless they're planning on ending it with that spouse (which is mean, too)...don't do that to poor Lana. The breakup scenes on YouTube are so incredibly sad - she tries to be so brave but you can see she's crying as she walks away. :( She's the sort of person who doesn't take relationships lightly, so for someone to screw around with her like that is just awful.


With Umbara, I did like that they seemed to take more time to see how the character was doing, emotionally, with all those emails - I thought it was a nice touch. Definitely, more hugs are needed overall! For me, I actually cried through the first two chapters of KOTFE when I played them the first time. I know, I'm super sensitive, but seeing that happen to Marr, and then the carbonite nightmare, was awful. :( I will replay other chapters from KOFTE and KOTET but never Chapter 1.


I do love that Lana is right there when the character wakes up from being hurt, though! <3


That cybernetic armor is what I have for Quinn, too...it's really horrifying looking. Very appropriate for him. :)


LS Jaesa is a sweetie, really. :) She's a little boring, but she's far nicer than Ashara. I really like that she has her principles, and she wants to do what she feels is right, but she never criticizes or judges the Sith Warrior. She's always making comments about how much she's learning from the SW and how she's trying to apply it to herself, so she's truly using her time in the game as a learning experience. :) She seems like she should be meditating in a Temple somewhere, and should never be in any sort of combat role, though, because she's honestly upset when she has to kill people. I think she would have had some really good discussions with Sana-Rae in the Alliance base, and would have fit well into that sort of role where she was looking at everyone's different beliefs.


I was, however, shocked when I found out how old she's supposed to be in the game, 21. When I met her, I honestly thought she was more like 15 or 16 because of her innocent outlook on the world. She and Vette are the same age, and it's unreal how much more street-smart and savvy Vette is than Jaesa.


DS Jaesa was a shock to me, after that, LOL - but she's really entertaining. :) I haven't decided which way my current SW is going to go with Jaesa. My tendency is always LS with her, but we'll see.


With Shmi, it really bothers me. Padme was only 14 so maybe she didn't think of it, but she was the Queen of Naboo - she certainly would have had the money to buy her freedom, and Qui-Gon could have suggested it. :(


It seems from some of the other games/books that the Jedi are in the business of taking toddlers to train with them - little kids they can brainwash into not feeling their emotions. :( There's one thing I read that said that Obi-Wan Kenobi was sent to the Temple when he was a baby. It's pretty disturbing, and I think it explains why these Jedi are all so cold. They've never known anything else. It seems like occasionally they do get older kids and adults training with them, like Jaesa, but they want the kids they can program with their beliefs. :( It does seem as though the Sith start older. In my head canon, they go to regular school but also to the Dark Temple when they're kids - the way a kid might go to religious instruction in our world some afternoons - and then when they're older they go to an Academy where they are, and then on to Korriban if they're really good.

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When Lana says that friendship and trust are really hard to come by - it does make me think that she is really alone, the poor thing. She's so much nicer than a lot of the people around her, and more sensitive, and I think that really has to be difficult to deal with, especially in the highest levels of the Empire. And she doesn't have a ship of nice companions like our Sith Warriors. Like when she meets the Sith Warrior and immediately gives her a compliment, and the SW gives one in return, and her answer is something like, "yes, I know, I'm lucky." She has to put up the wall and move on because it's too dangerous not to, at that point. :( It took my SW a while to warm up enough to flirt with her, even though she was immediately into her - and that seemed to be Lana's way, too - that she needed to feel really comfortable first.


I do wish there was a way to, say, suggest another job for Lana. I feel like she probably took the job in Sith Intelligence because nobody really says 'no' to someone like Darth Marr. And Darth Marr probably thought she was the most trustworthy person for the job, which is true, but she wasn't a spy like Theron or the Imperial Agent...she would have been so much happier if they'd put her in research, I think. I would have been happy to work with her, too! :)


I agree, I don't get why anyone would have 'fun' with Lana when they're married and waiting for a spouse to return, unless they're planning on ending it with that spouse (which is mean, too)...don't do that to poor Lana. The breakup scenes on YouTube are so incredibly sad - she tries to be so brave but you can see she's crying as she walks away. :( She's the sort of person who doesn't take relationships lightly, so for someone to screw around with her like that is just awful.


With Umbara, I did like that they seemed to take more time to see how the character was doing, emotionally, with all those emails - I thought it was a nice touch. Definitely, more hugs are needed overall! For me, I actually cried through the first two chapters of KOTFE when I played them the first time. I know, I'm super sensitive, but seeing that happen to Marr, and then the carbonite nightmare, was awful. :( I will replay other chapters from KOFTE and KOTET but never Chapter 1.


I do love that Lana is right there when the character wakes up from being hurt, though! <3


That cybernetic armor is what I have for Quinn, too...it's really horrifying looking. Very appropriate for him.


LS Jaesa is a sweetie, really. She's a little boring, but she's far nicer than Ashara. I really like that she has her principles, and she wants to do what she feels is right, but she never criticizes or judges the Sith Warrior. She's always making comments about how much she's learning from the SW and how she's trying to apply it to herself, so she's truly using her time in the game as a learning experience. :) She seems like she should be meditating in a Temple somewhere, and should never be in any sort of combat role, though, because she's honestly upset when she has to kill people. I think she would have had some really good discussions with Sana-Rae in the Alliance base, and would have fit well into that sort of role where she was looking at everyone's different beliefs.


I was, however, shocked when I found out how old she's supposed to be in the game, 21. When I met her, I honestly thought she was more like 15 or 16 because of her innocent outlook on the world. She and Vette are the same age, and it's unreal how much more street-smart and savvy Vette is than Jaesa.


DS Jaesa was a shock to me, after that, LOL - but she's really entertaining. I haven't decided which way my current SW is going to go with Jaesa. My tendency is always LS with her, but we'll see.


With Shmi, it really bothers me. Padme was only 14 so maybe she didn't think of it, but she was the Queen of Naboo - she certainly would have had the money to buy her freedom, and Qui-Gon could have suggested it. :(


It seems from some of the other games/books that the Jedi are in the business of taking toddlers to train with them - little kids they can brainwash into not feeling their emotions. :( There's one thing I read that said that Obi-Wan Kenobi was sent to the Temple when he was a baby. It's pretty disturbing, and I think it explains why these Jedi are all so cold. They've never known anything else. It seems like occasionally they do get older kids and adults training with them, like Jaesa, but they want the kids they can program with their beliefs. :( It does seem as though the Sith start older. In my head canon, they go to regular school but also to the Dark Temple when they're kids - the way a kid might go to religious instruction in our world some afternoons - and then when they're older they go to an Academy where they are, and then on to Korriban if they're really good.


That's true, since she's not just servant of the Empire (who'd do everything rather for his own good than the Empires), she also wants to do what's right and that a bit tricky in such high positions.. She must've feel a bit like an outsider there.. Poor Lana.. You're right, even with certain characters on board our SW are lucky to have company like this. :( I'm happy that Lana get to that point too and that we can be there with her. I must agree that the first flirt option was a bit unfitting - I personally went with the first answer-compliment too with most of my girls, it actually seems more like flirting with Lana and less self confident - because, as you say, they're into Lana immidiately and it seems unlikely they'd respond like that. :)


Exactly! Although she is quick learner and she was good at the job, she's suited for some researches more! I'm always very upset when there's the agent Lana likes and it turns out he's just another jerk. :( Even though they're in the middle of massive catastrophe and Lana tries so hard to save as much as she could he stabs her in the back... :(


Right, it's definitely just for fun and it's gross. :( I mean, it's kinda normal in every sort of galaxy, but I dislike cheating so much... And it's Lana, which makes me even more angry. Also that's why I wish there was another female love interest, someone more free. It's so very sad to see Lana broken... I agree, after breaking her walls, putting her trust in the Outlander and fell in love with her/him she absolutely don't deserve such awful heartbreak..


I agree, Umbara was great in this way, the mails are very personal and it's indeed touching. I hope they won't change it!

Awww, I feel you. :( Though I'm more of the "be strong now and cry yourself to sleep later" type I'm with you in this. It starts with the notice if you're prepared for the drastical changes in game - I always have lump in my throat, it's very uncomfortable and I agree with you that the first chapters are nightmare! But thanks to Lana this experience is less painful. <3


Ah I see! Really a must have for him. :) But in a loot I l just got this really ridiculous pointy hat with iron mask, my SW tried it on and she looked like a garden gnome, it's so hilarious I simply have to put that on him as well just to humiliate him, I can't wait! :D


I'm surprised! I mean, I knew Jaesa was open minded, but this sounds good even if she stays on light path! :) I'm happy she's far from Ashara's attitute, but that's also from her origin - she was the only child of a servants so she's more humble about her powers and not proud of any ancestors like someone.. I cannot imagine how you must've feel when you got DS Jaesa after this sweet version of her. :D I agree that she looks younger! Also my youngest SWs are like 24 when they got Jaesa and I consider them at least 7-8 years older than her, also the apprentice/master relationship would be a bit odd if they're almost the same age.

Still it's good that we can choose! I'm curious which one it will be this time! :)


True, both could did something, but I think Padme holded the Jedi in high esteem so she didn't interfere with Qui-Gons decision. Though he was good to Anakin and he truly wanted to help him, I believe he was more curious about his true nature and the fact that he had no father. But he died too early so we can only guess. :(


Poor Obi-Wan, if only he was listening to Qui-Gon more that the other Jedi and their code.. Qui-Gon was always different, could be also Dooku's influence or just stubborness, but that made him better Master of the Force. It's a shame he couldn't change the Jedi order from within!


I cannot see why they think it's right? Yeah, but it seems to me that they take the older ones because they have some special powers, which they can use or which they don't want to be discovered by the enemies.. And I fail to understand how someone, the more a child, is able to lock up every emotion and never vent them! It must be so frustrating to be "in peace" your whole life and in every situation. The breakdown is definitely inevitable and I'd never want to experience such disaster! Because even though they claim to be calm, they all sure do have breaking points, as we know..

Yes, that seems likely! I also considered the Sith Academy on Korriban like the last degree of their journey to be Sith. It should be their decision whether to finish every step of this journey or not (or die trying, as it's usual there, but at least they'd eventually die for something they wanted to do!).

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That's true, since she's not just servant of the Empire (who'd do everything rather for his own good than the Empires), she also wants to do what's right and that a bit tricky in such high positions.. She must've feel a bit like an outsider there.. Poor Lana.. You're right, even with certain characters on board our SW are lucky to have company like this. :( I'm happy that Lana get to that point too and that we can be there with her. I must agree that the first flirt option was a bit unfitting - I personally went with the first answer-compliment too with most of my girls, it actually seems more like flirting with Lana and less self confident - because, as you say, they're into Lana immidiately and it seems unlikely they'd respond like that. :)


Exactly! Although she is quick learner and she was good at the job, she's suited for some researches more! I'm always very upset when there's the agent Lana likes and it turns out he's just another jerk. :( Even though they're in the middle of massive catastrophe and Lana tries so hard to save as much as she could he stabs her in the back... :(


Right, it's definitely just for fun and it's gross. :( I mean, it's kinda normal in every sort of galaxy, but I dislike cheating so much... And it's Lana, which makes me even more angry. Also that's why I wish there was another female love interest, someone more free. It's so very sad to see Lana broken... I agree, after breaking her walls, putting her trust in the Outlander and fell in love with her/him she absolutely don't deserve such awful heartbreak..


I agree, Umbara was great in this way, the mails are very personal and it's indeed touching. I hope they won't change it!

Awww, I feel you. :( Though I'm more of the "be strong now and cry yourself to sleep later" type I'm with you in this. It starts with the notice if you're prepared for the drastical changes in game - I always have lump in my throat, it's very uncomfortable and I agree with you that the first chapters are nightmare! But thanks to Lana this experience is less painful. <3


Ah I see! Really a must have for him. :) But in a loot I l just got this really ridiculous pointy hat with iron mask, my SW tried it on and she looked like a garden gnome, it's so hilarious I simply have to put that on him as well just to humiliate him, I can't wait! :D


I'm surprised! I mean, I knew Jaesa was open minded, but this sounds good even if she stays on light path! :) I'm happy she's far from Ashara's attitute, but that's also from her origin - she was the only child of a servants so she's more humble about her powers and not proud of any ancestors like someone.. I cannot imagine how you must've feel when you got DS Jaesa after this sweet version of her. :D I agree that she looks younger! Also my youngest SWs are like 24 when they got Jaesa and I consider them at least 7-8 years older than her, also the apprentice/master relationship would be a bit odd if they're almost the same age.

Still it's good that we can choose! I'm curious which one it will be this time! :)


True, both could did something, but I think Padme holded the Jedi in high esteem so she didn't interfere with Qui-Gons decision. Though he was good to Anakin and he truly wanted to help him, I believe he was more curious about his true nature and the fact that he had no father. But he died too early so we can only guess. :(


Poor Obi-Wan, if only he was listening to Qui-Gon more that the other Jedi and their code.. Qui-Gon was always different, could be also Dooku's influence or just stubborness, but that made him better Master of the Force. It's a shame he couldn't change the Jedi order from within!


I cannot see why they think it's right? Yeah, but it seems to me that they take the older ones because they have some special powers, which they can use or which they don't want to be discovered by the enemies.. And I fail to understand how someone, the more a child, is able to lock up every emotion and never vent them! It must be so frustrating to be "in peace" your whole life and in every situation. The breakdown is definitely inevitable and I'd never want to experience such disaster! Because even though they claim to be calm, they all sure do have breaking points, as we know..

Yes, that seems likely! I also considered the Sith Academy on Korriban like the last degree of their journey to be Sith. It should be their decision whether to finish every step of this journey or not (or die trying, as it's usual there, but at least they'd eventually die for something they wanted to do!).


Oh yes, I totally thought the compliment conversation choice was more like a flirt, or at least a "wow, something's happening here that's kind of cool...we're sensing each other..." comment. My SW had just met her and Darth Arkous, and Lana had been so nice, that it would have felt weird to choose the open flirt. And IIRC if you do flirt with her at that point, Lana's response is something along the lines of, "Um, we just met."


I felt bad for her with the SIS double agent too. When she wanted him executed, my ladies are always happy to comply. With the stakes so high, and Saresh bombing Ziost, finding a spy was probably one of the worst things that could have happened. :(


I do wish they had another female love interest available that is more carefree - not for me, but for others. I've heard people say they only romanced Lana because she was the only female there, or because their LI was gone...don't do that to my bae! I feel like in that case, the people who romance Lana would be the ones who truly like her. She really doesn't let her guard down easily, and it is sad to see that trust betrayed by some players. :(


I used to be the "be strong and cry later" type too, actually - I never cried, in fact, even if I were injured or at a funeral - but a number of years ago I lost someone very close to me (family, not a love interest). That made me cry and made me a lot more sensitive, and it never stopped, for whatever reason. It turned out to be something I needed, but I definitely am not big on crying in public. I think with the game, part of it is that it's happening to *you* via your character, and it feels much more personal, and that hits me harder. The goodbye to Vette and the rest of the crew (except Cyborg Quinn....) in that first chapter really got to me, in particular. It's like Vette knows you're not coming back this time, and you know, too, since you got that warning...it's sad. It's really good that Lana's at the end of that nightmare tunnel, though, yes. <3


I really want to see this hat, now! A garden gnome? That made me laugh out loud. :D It sounds perfect to make him look ridiculous. If it's a pointy hat, maybe it's meant to be a dunce cap, which would also suit Quinn. :)


DS Jaesa was quite a surprise after sweetheart LS Jaesa, yes! I got her for the first time on that Level 60 token, and her first line when I summoned her was something like, "show me who to kill." Um. Okay, Jaesa, I'll do that. :) I've really enjoyed the differences, though. I'm really interested to see what it will be like when they bring Jaesa back to the game. Unfortunately I could see LS Jaesa going mad and turning Dark Side without someone like the Sith Warrior to keep guiding her. For her own protection, being DS and not so naive is probably for the best for her, alone in Wild Space.


With LS Jaesa, the only thing is that you can never bring her along on quests where you kill people, because she doesn't like it...but I normally do those with Vette or Pierce, and they're fine.


I agree, my Sith Warrior is about 25-26 in Korriban. Looking around the Sith Empire it seems like there are shopkeepers and government officials who are trained Sith - some people's paths of training do seem to end before Korriban, and they go on to have happy lives in the Empire. It definitely should be a choice if someone wants to take a warrior or inquisitor path and go to Korriban - it's not for everyone, and that's OK.


I agree, it probably was that Padme respected the Jedis' choices and didn't want to interfere. And she did have other concerns at that point. Still...what a shame. :(


I can't imagine how hard it must have been to be a kid in the Jedi Temple, to know you were never allowed to feel anything, were not allowed to miss your parents, or love anyone, or be afraid...it's a horrible thing to do to a child. :( No wonder so many Jedi ended up leaving.

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Oh yes, I totally thought the compliment conversation choice was more like a flirt, or at least a "wow, something's happening here that's kind of cool...we're sensing each other..." comment. My SW had just met her and Darth Arkous, and Lana had been so nice, that it would have felt weird to choose the open flirt. And IIRC if you do flirt with her at that point, Lana's response is something along the lines of, "Um, we just met."

Exactly, noticing her strong connection to the Force is much more thing that could make her blush rather than being this self confident. I think she also was a bit uncomfortable with that comment.

I felt bad for her with the SIS double agent too. When she wanted him executed, my ladies are always happy to comply. With the stakes so high, and Saresh bombing Ziost, finding a spy was probably one of the worst things that could have happened. :(

Yes, there's just so much going on at that moment and the whole world is litteraly on the edge, but still there's this jerk. Also his call and his stupid arguments how he respects Lana, but she's working for the Empire and they just slauhter people..

Yeah, my ladies are happy to serve too, that's all he deserves. I'm trying to play each of my characters differently, but this only thing I will do everytime - if they hurt Lana, they'll suffer!


I agree, I cannot romance anyone else, I adore Lana! That's understandable, but still why hurt her then? it's pretty unbalanced, if you wanna male LI you can choose between Koth and Theron, but then there's only Lana.

I do wish they had another female love interest available that is more carefree - not for me, but for others. I've heard people say they only romanced Lana because she was the only female there, or because their LI was gone...don't do that to my bae! I feel like in that case, the people who romance Lana would be the ones who truly like her. She really doesn't let her guard down easily, and it is sad to see that trust betrayed by some players. :(


I used to be the "be strong and cry later" type too, actually - I never cried, in fact, even if I were injured or at a funeral - but a number of years ago I lost someone very close to me (family, not a love interest). That made me cry and made me a lot more sensitive, and it never stopped, for whatever reason. It turned out to be something I needed, but I definitely am not big on crying in public. I think with the game, part of it is that it's happening to *you* via your character, and it feels much more personal, and that hits me harder. The goodbye to Vette and the rest of the crew (except Cyborg Quinn....) in that first chapter really got to me, in particular. It's like Vette knows you're not coming back this time, and you know, too, since you got that warning...it's sad. It's really good that Lana's at the end of that nightmare tunnel, though, yes. <3

Don't worry I'll send you a picture! Oh for whatever reason is this hat, he will look just like one big ******e, I know it. :D

I really want to see this hat, now! A garden gnome? That made me laugh out loud. :D It sounds perfect to make him look ridiculous. If it's a pointy hat, maybe it's meant to be a dunce cap, which would also suit Quinn. :)


DS Jaesa was quite a surprise after sweetheart LS Jaesa, yes! I got her for the first time on that Level 60 token, and her first line when I summoned her was something like, "show me who to kill." Um. Okay, Jaesa, I'll do that. :) I've really enjoyed the differences, though. I'm really interested to see what it will be like when they bring Jaesa back to the game. Unfortunately I could see LS Jaesa going mad and turning Dark Side without someone like the Sith Warrior to keep guiding her. For her own protection, being DS and not so naive is probably for the best for her, alone in Wild Space.


With LS Jaesa, the only thing is that you can never bring her along on quests where you kill people, because she doesn't like it...but I normally do those with Vette or Pierce, and they're fine.


I agree, my Sith Warrior is about 25-26 in Korriban. Looking around the Sith Empire it seems like there are shopkeepers and government officials who are trained Sith - some people's paths of training do seem to end before Korriban, and they go on to have happy lives in the Empire. It definitely should be a choice if someone wants to take a warrior or inquisitor path and go to Korriban - it's not for everyone, and that's OK.


I agree, it probably was that Padme respected the Jedis' choices and didn't want to interfere. And she did have other concerns at that point. Still...what a shame. :(


I can't imagine how hard it must have been to be a kid in the Jedi Temple, to know you were never allowed to feel anything, were not allowed to miss your parents, or love anyone, or be afraid...it's a horrible thing to do to a child. :( No wonder so many Jedi ended up leaving.


Yes, there's just so much going on at that moment and the whole world is literally on the edge, but still there's this jerk betraying our sweetheart! Also his call and his stupid arguments how he respects Lana, but she's working for the Empire and they just slaughter people.. Yeah, defend yourself like the idiot you are, won't help you!

Yeah, my ladies are happy to serve too, that's all he deserves. I'm trying to play each of my characters differently, but this only thing will never change - if they hurt Lana, they'll suffer!


I agree, I cannot romance anyone else, I adore Lana! That's understandable, the romance is a huge part of the story, but still - why hurt her then when you wanted a love story? Jerks. It's pretty bad it's unbalanced for quite a long time now, if you wanna male LI you can choose between Koth and Theron, but then there's only Lana. I agree that another female would spare Lana the trouble since some don't like her. :(


I'm so sorry. I really do understand how you feel. I'm glad that it helped you though rather than ruin you - you're strong and brave.

I must say I think that being more sensitive is only for the good (and it's more Sith-like! :)).

Indeed some parts are so personal and I'd say they can be really hurting and since the story starts to escalate quickly and gets so intense - I believe every single player must feel down and shaken at least after the events in those first chapters!

Oh and now the more I'm getting closer to SoR and KOTFE again the more I hesitate, oh my oh my... :D


Don't worry I'll send you a picture! For whatever reason is this hat intended, he will look just like one big ******e, I know it. :D


Ohh yes, her comments are so creepy sometimes I can imagine my SW giving her weird looks during the combat, funny couple. :D

I'm afraid that that's the thing that happened to DS Jaesa - I've seen a video with Master Ranos talking about her (DS and also LS) and she says she's obsessed with power and she's after some ancient holocrons. :( I wonder if there was hidden reason to choose between LS and DS Jaesa - maybe the DS one will be lost forever if it's really that bad with her. :( If you wanna see that here are the links:



Poor LS Jaesa then, she must've spent a lot of time waiting at the ship. :D DS Jaesa just want everyone and everything dead. And Vette is so tough, I liked that little game where the SW guessed what the one of three things Vette said was a lie - and it turns out she was once hired as a killer! Cute. :D

I always felt like early/mid twenties are just the right age after starting at Korriban so anytime someone called my girls "child" I was furious. :D

Yes, as it should be! Or they could be like Lana, powerful Sith Lord with no desire to use the title or rule. And it's fine!

Aaand not anyone can be a mighty Wrath. :) :)


Exactly, kids are full of emotions and it must be so hard to be there.. I'd even feel like a fool If I was here trying to teach them to deny emotions, it's so unnatural!

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Yes, there's just so much going on at that moment and the whole world is literally on the edge, but still there's this jerk betraying our sweetheart! Also his call and his stupid arguments how he respects Lana, but she's working for the Empire and they just slaughter people.. Yeah, defend yourself like the idiot you are, won't help you!

Yeah, my ladies are happy to serve too, that's all he deserves. I'm trying to play each of my characters differently, but this only thing will never change - if they hurt Lana, they'll suffer!...


(snip for short reply text)


What gets me about the Republic spy on Ziost, when he says that...Saresh is attacking, which not only kills innocent people, but gets in the way of the Empire's efforts to get them off the planet. And yet he thinks the *Empire* is slaughtering people?! One has to wonder how many people from Ziost didn't escape in time, and died, because of the Republic's actions. :(


I agree, I try to play all of my 'clones' slightly differently, but there are some choices I can never bear to make with them. They will always really support Lana, they will always be nice to their companions, they always kill the Jedi, Senya/Arcann and Darth Baras, etc. Some things are deal breakers. :)


I definitely don't get other players' actions in the game sometime. Like the ones who will try to harass you on the Fleet, and the ones who deliberately torture their companions/love interests - it's like being amused by sadism. When it comes to the love interests like Lana, for people to be horrible to her, it's awful to see. :(


Thank you very much - that;s very sweet of you. :) You're right, too, when I think about it - it's showing emotion freely, and that's very Sith, so it's all good! :)


I cant' wait to see the photo of the hat, so I can laugh at Quinn. :) And I will try to send one when he's turned cyborg here...I hope your SW is enjoying her trip toward SoR. The Forged Alliances and SoR are such fun to play. I really wish they were like KOTFE in that you could repeat them again. Yes, we get the flashpoints, but still...


Speaking of SoR, I decided to try the Weekly quest on Yavin where you kill Revan again - and sure enough, I ended up having SoR Lana and my Lana in the same scene again. What was even funnier - and pretty cool - is that they both heal you and fight Revan, and both make comments during the fight...it was like Lana in stereo or something. It reminded me of that flirt on Rishi, where the SW says she'll have to join the Revanites if they have lots of Lanas there. :)


As for LS Jaesa, oh yes, the poor dear spent a lot of time on the ship. There were some areas where she was a lot better than any of the other companions in terms of fight style- I always tend to use her for the Foundry fight with HK-47 now, for some of the other flashpoint bosses, and some sections of Oricon (before KOTFE of course). But yeah, unless I want to see "Jaesa disapproves" over and over again, she doesn't come on most missions.


Thank you for those links - it sounds like LS Jaesa is doing work to be proud of, but oh dear, my poor DS girl. At some point she might end up on a collision course with the Alliance/commander, and it could be a disaster. I coudl see her being very angry at the SW for leaving her, even though it clearly wasn't SW's fault.


Vette's really deep, yes! One would never guess she was an assassin or a pirate. :) I really liked the conversations with her where she'd tell stories about her past.


That's very true about Lana, titles don't interest her, and she's mighty! :) I am always curious about who she apprenticed with, to earn her Sith Lord designation. The story about her at Korriban (on the SWTOR blog here) is really intriguing - poor thing had the most horrible overseer - but it doesn't say what happened to her or where she was apprenticed after finishing her trial.

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What gets me about the Republic spy on Ziost, when he says that...Saresh is attacking, which not only kills innocent people, but gets in the way of the Empire's efforts to get them off the planet. And yet he thinks the *Empire* is slaughtering people?! One has to wonder how many people from Ziost didn't escape in time, and died, because of the Republic's actions. :(


I agree, I try to play all of my 'clones' slightly differently, but there are some choices I can never bear to make with them. They will always really support Lana, they will always be nice to their companions, they always kill the Jedi, Senya/Arcann and Darth Baras, etc. Some things are deal breakers. :)


I definitely don't get other players' actions in the game sometime. Like the ones who will try to harass you on the Fleet, and the ones who deliberately torture their companions/love interests - it's like being amused by sadism. When it comes to the love interests like Lana, for people to be horrible to her, it's awful to see. :(


Thank you very much - that;s very sweet of you. :) You're right, too, when I think about it - it's showing emotion freely, and that's very Sith, so it's all good! :)


I cant' wait to see the photo of the hat, so I can laugh at Quinn. :) And I will try to send one when he's turned cyborg here...I hope your SW is enjoying her trip toward SoR. The Forged Alliances and SoR are such fun to play. I really wish they were like KOTFE in that you could repeat them again. Yes, we get the flashpoints, but still...


Speaking of SoR, I decided to try the Weekly quest on Yavin where you kill Revan again - and sure enough, I ended up having SoR Lana and my Lana in the same scene again. What was even funnier - and pretty cool - is that they both heal you and fight Revan, and both make comments during the fight...it was like Lana in stereo or something. It reminded me of that flirt on Rishi, where the SW says she'll have to join the Revanites if they have lots of Lanas there. :)


As for LS Jaesa, oh yes, the poor dear spent a lot of time on the ship. There were some areas where she was a lot better than any of the other companions in terms of fight style- I always tend to use her for the Foundry fight with HK-47 now, for some of the other flashpoint bosses, and some sections of Oricon (before KOTFE of course). But yeah, unless I want to see "Jaesa disapproves" over and over again, she doesn't come on most missions.


Thank you for those links - it sounds like LS Jaesa is doing work to be proud of, but oh dear, my poor DS girl. At some point she might end up on a collision course with the Alliance/commander, and it could be a disaster. I coudl see her being very angry at the SW for leaving her, even though it clearly wasn't SW's fault.


Vette's really deep, yes! One would never guess she was an assassin or a pirate. :) I really liked the conversations with her where she'd tell stories about her past.


That's very true about Lana, titles don't interest her, and she's mighty! :) I am always curious about who she apprenticed with, to earn her Sith Lord designation. The story about her at Korriban (on the SWTOR blog here) is really intriguing - poor thing had the most horrible overseer - but it doesn't say what happened to her or where she was apprenticed after finishing her trial.


Exactly! She even sent her own people to death, because she didn't want to listen to Theron, she only cared about victory over the Empire and the Emperor... I agree with your choices and speaking of Saresh, my ladies will always execute her too, she deserves no mercy.


I think you're right there - it's pretty easy to be a sadist in game and some take advantage of it. I've seen so much videos about torturing companions and I still wonder how can anyone enjoy the game when their characters are just violent jerks who are hurting the closest people they have! And since there's the option to customize Lana/Theron/Senya I've seen so much of them half-naked - the last time we talked about it it seems rare, but hell no! It's gross and sort of abusive too.. Why would anyone save Senya and redeem her insane boy for LS! points to humiliate her like this later?! That's beyond my understanding.


Yes it is! So no shame in that! :)


We should start a new thread there about the best humiliating costumes for Quinn. :D Please, I'd like to see that one too!

Oh she is, thank you! The flashpoints are good, but as repeatable quests very boring. True, I wish that too! Rishi part is my favourite and maybe if I could repeat it with my older ladies I could finally stop with creating new SWs! :D


I told myself it's worth to try at least new SI and maybe even finish the expansions! With the double XP I got her pretty far in no time, but it's so unnatural, I have to put her aside. SW is life, I cannot continue. :D I wanted to experience the whole journey from different perspective, but I guess I'll never know. : D

It was also a surprise that with SI the "romance" with Andronikos is quite the opposite as I remember it! I'm sure I chose max. one flirt option (and in the very beginning so it was not much of a flirt, really) with him and since then I got two! flirt options in their conversation and one kinda rude answer? Lol! I'm sorry I ever considered romance with him as the better one! He's now after the only one thing and he's still bothering my poor (of course not straight) SI. I wish Khem could devour him! :D My SI feels very uncomfortable at her own ship right now! I've read some dicussion about how this class is a "sl*t role" and I never agreed, but well.. now I must say it's possible to say it like that... You're pushed to be like that!


That's just pretty awesome! Sure the "new" Lana has questioning expression. :D I did again the Assault on Tython and Lana was with me too, oh dear she looks so surprised to see herself on the holo in the end! :D And that flirt is just so cute, lots of Lanas really sounds like paradise! I'm happy that now we can at least have two at one place, I love it. :D


Oh I can imagine that being just a slightly bad was a problem. :D


I agree, she dedicated herself to SW and since they're apart - she definitely gone rogue. Once she also mentioned that she lacks the ability to defy my SW - I believe that SW was like her anchor and her disappearance might hurt her deeply and she got lost.. I must admit that at the very first moments after the sabotage on Iokath I was afraid the traitor was Jaesa, I cannot explain it, but I really felt that since she was probably all those years on the hunt for power she'd be capable of such things.


Yes and Vette's also the most interesting! She's definitely the best companion ever! :)


I never thought about that actually, that's an interesting idea! Oh yes, I remember that story - and if I recall, the overseer was the jerk our SI got at Korriban too, wasn't he?! If so I'll make myself to finish the storyline at any cost now and kill the disgusting idiot!

Yeah, it's shame there so much holes in the story about Lana. :( But sure she'd like to tell us herself! :3

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Is there a way to check if in relationship (particularly Lana) haven't used toon in awhile and can't remember if committed to her or not.


If you've finished chapter 9 of KotFE and started the romance properly it'll show up under the companion's interactions in the companion list. hit N and look for her.

If nothing is under her interactions in regards to starting a romantic relationship, then you haven't

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Exactly! She even sent her own people to death, because she didn't want to listen to Theron, she only cared about victory over the Empire and the Emperor... I agree with your choices and speaking of Saresh, my ladies will always execute her too, she deserves no mercy.


I think you're right there - it's pretty easy to be a sadist in game and some take advantage of it. I've seen so much videos about torturing companions and I still wonder how can anyone enjoy the game when their characters are just violent jerks who are hurting the closest people they have! And since there's the option to customize Lana/Theron/Senya I've seen so much of them half-naked - the last time we talked about it it seems rare, but hell no! It's gross and sort of abusive too.. Why would anyone save Senya and redeem her insane boy for LS! points to humiliate her like this later?! That's beyond my understanding.


Yes it is! So no shame in that! :)


We should start a new thread there about the best humiliating costumes for Quinn. :D Please, I'd like to see that one too!

Oh she is, thank you! The flashpoints are good, but as repeatable quests very boring. True, I wish that too! Rishi part is my favourite and maybe if I could repeat it with my older ladies I could finally stop with creating new SWs! :D


I told myself it's worth to try at least new SI and maybe even finish the expansions! With the double XP I got her pretty far in no time, but it's so unnatural, I have to put her aside. SW is life, I cannot continue. :D I wanted to experience the whole journey from different perspective, but I guess I'll never know. : D

It was also a surprise that with SI the "romance" with Andronikos is quite the opposite as I remember it! I'm sure I chose max. one flirt option (and in the very beginning so it was not much of a flirt, really) with him and since then I got two! flirt options in their conversation and one kinda rude answer? Lol! I'm sorry I ever considered romance with him as the better one! He's now after the only one thing and he's still bothering my poor (of course not straight) SI. I wish Khem could devour him! :D My SI feels very uncomfortable at her own ship right now! I've read some dicussion about how this class is a "sl*t role" and I never agreed, but well.. now I must say it's possible to say it like that... You're pushed to be like that!


That's just pretty awesome! Sure the "new" Lana has questioning expression. :D I did again the Assault on Tython and Lana was with me too, oh dear she looks so surprised to see herself on the holo in the end! :D And that flirt is just so cute, lots of Lanas really sounds like paradise! I'm happy that now we can at least have two at one place, I love it. :D


Oh I can imagine that being just a slightly bad was a problem. :D


I agree, she dedicated herself to SW and since they're apart - she definitely gone rogue. Once she also mentioned that she lacks the ability to defy my SW - I believe that SW was like her anchor and her disappearance might hurt her deeply and she got lost.. I must admit that at the very first moments after the sabotage on Iokath I was afraid the traitor was Jaesa, I cannot explain it, but I really felt that since she was probably all those years on the hunt for power she'd be capable of such things.


Yes and Vette's also the most interesting! She's definitely the best companion ever! :)


I never thought about that actually, that's an interesting idea! Oh yes, I remember that story - and if I recall, the overseer was the jerk our SI got at Korriban too, wasn't he?! If so I'll make myself to finish the storyline at any cost now and kill the disgusting idiot!

Yeah, it's shame there so much holes in the story about Lana. :( But sure she'd like to tell us herself! :3


Oh yes, Saresh always, always dies. I consider it payback for what she's just tried to do to you and Acina, and also for Ziost. And if one were to send her to jail, either in the Empire or Republic, she'd just keep scheming to end the Commander and Acina.


I agree, I was mentioning in another thread that I can't bear making the cruelest choices in the game, or being mean to companions. It just doesn't sit well with me. I do think that some people dress the companions that way to humiliate them, or they don't have much respect for women. Some guys make female characters, too, and dress them like sex objects. I did see a naked man player running around yesterday, but it seems like 95% of the time, it's female characters and companions treated this way. :(


Someone on another thread mentioned wanting a user interface choice where you could hide other people's companions. I would really appreciate that at this point because I hate seeing that stuff.


On the other hand, I fully approve of humiliating Quinn, LOL. :D But he's on the ship, one isn't running around with him. I won't even place him in my strongholds.


Oh dear, your poor Sith Inquisitor. :( I wonder if that is like the Corso romance. I haven't played the smuggler because it's on Republic side, but I've heard that the romance flag is very early for Corso. So if you choose even one or two flirts, he thinks you're a couple. If you're not thinking that way, it's really uncomfortable for the rest of the game because he keeps trying to pursue you.


The *male* Sith Inquisitor...oh my God. They have flirts even before they're out of the Academy. Literally they're flirting as they get off the shuttle with the other slaves. It's unreal. Totally see how it could be considered the s**t class!


You know, I also was thinking Jaesa was the traitor on Iokath at first, for the same reason. She would not be a traitor to the other classes, but for the Sith Warrior that would have made perfect sense. I've seen the letter she sends her 'love interest' - she's so angry. And I remember reading that she doesn't mourn when the SW goes missing in KOTFE. I think she's beyond any emotions other than anger and hate at this point, she's almost like a much more unstable version of Vaylin.


Yes, both Lana and the Sith Inquisitor had Harkun as their overseer. :( In the story it sounds like Lana and the others are just numb with horror after seeing all the other acolytes die at his hands. That *is* one of the satisfying things about the SI story, that you get to kill that SOB...


One more thing I was thinking about Umbara (I am trying to get through that awful flashpoint more than once to get the train stronghold...I have a lot of trouble with it). There should be a moment where the Commander can let Lana know she's there to protect *her,* too. Lana always thinks she has to look after the Commander. On Nathema, when you tell Lana you will protect her, it really means a lot to her.

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Oh yes, Saresh always, always dies. I consider it payback for what she's just tried to do to you and Acina, and also for Ziost. And if one were to send her to jail, either in the Empire or Republic, she'd just keep scheming to end the Commander and Acina.


I agree, I was mentioning in another thread that I can't bear making the cruelest choices in the game, or being mean to companions. It just doesn't sit well with me. I do think that some people dress the companions that way to humiliate them, or they don't have much respect for women. Some guys make female characters, too, and dress them like sex objects. I did see a naked man player running around yesterday, but it seems like 95% of the time, it's female characters and companions treated this way. :(


Someone on another thread mentioned wanting a user interface choice where you could hide other people's companions. I would really appreciate that at this point because I hate seeing that stuff.


On the other hand, I fully approve of humiliating Quinn, LOL. :D But he's on the ship, one isn't running around with him. I won't even place him in my strongholds.


Oh dear, your poor Sith Inquisitor. :( I wonder if that is like the Corso romance. I haven't played the smuggler because it's on Republic side, but I've heard that the romance flag is very early for Corso. So if you choose even one or two flirts, he thinks you're a couple. If you're not thinking that way, it's really uncomfortable for the rest of the game because he keeps trying to pursue you.


The *male* Sith Inquisitor...oh my God. They have flirts even before they're out of the Academy. Literally they're flirting as they get off the shuttle with the other slaves. It's unreal. Totally see how it could be considered the s**t class!


You know, I also was thinking Jaesa was the traitor on Iokath at first, for the same reason. She would not be a traitor to the other classes, but for the Sith Warrior that would have made perfect sense. I've seen the letter she sends her 'love interest' - she's so angry. And I remember reading that she doesn't mourn when the SW goes missing in KOTFE. I think she's beyond any emotions other than anger and hate at this point, she's almost like a much more unstable version of Vaylin.


Yes, both Lana and the Sith Inquisitor had Harkun as their overseer. :( In the story it sounds like Lana and the others are just numb with horror after seeing all the other acolytes die at his hands. That *is* one of the satisfying things about the SI story, that you get to kill that SOB...


One more thing I was thinking about Umbara (I am trying to get through that awful flashpoint more than once to get the train stronghold...I have a lot of trouble with it). There should be a moment where the Commander can let Lana know she's there to protect *her,* too. Lana always thinks she has to look after the Commander. On Nathema, when you tell Lana you will protect her, it really means a lot to her.


Exactly, she became too dangerous to everyone and she'd never stop. We had enough villains maddened with power, now we have some crazy cult to deal with, it's already too much!


I agree! Lately I've seen one of the most cruel choices with SoR Lana - before leaving Rishi you can flirt with her for a kiss, yay <3 - but you can also turn her down - and say that she should try harder to deny her senses and let the agony fuel her anger! How can anyone even think about saying that!

Right, I met some shirtless guys too, but I suppose they think of themselves as wild warriors (like heroes from the Greek myths) and not just sex objects, who should show their body.


That's one of the most brilliant ideas I've heard! Also it'd would feel more "real" if my girls could stand there with other players without our various Lanas looking suspiciously around like what the hell is going on! :D


Because Quinn deserves it! :D And exactly, he's not leaving ship at any case, so why not to put him in the most ridiculous outfit we can find! :D That is the price for his betrayal since we cannot strike him down immediately.


Oh my, if it's as bad with Corso as with Andronikos then poor smuggler ladies! I've seen some parts of Corso romance and you're right that maybe they both pursue the character way too much - but Corso may have more respect for women than Andronikos.


You must be joking! How could anyone do that right after they arrive from the slave pens to a Sith Academy? Oh my tha's too much.

But yeah, male SI (maybe other classes too, but I've seen most of the videos with SI) can basically flirt with every woman he meets!


Right, after I realized it wouldn't fit for other classes I calmed down. And that's just horrible, it's not SW's fault, but realizing that SW tried to "save" her and it end up like this - SW in carbonite nightmare and half-mad Jaesa lost in the galaxy.. That's so sad. Must be really hard for someone who (really) romanced her. (But also for my girls, our poor apprentice. :() You've got excellent point here - the only difference could be that Vaylin easily seized power - now if Jaesa finds something powerful enough we're in so much trouble..


That's true. And the fact that she tried to be merciful and it went terribly wrong must've been too very painful for poor baby. :(


Oh me as well. I wanted to do it on repeat but nope, I was able to finish it just twice.. I agree! I'm pretty sure we both did similar choices with Lana and that we definitely do things to keep her safe too - so there should be the difference between "sweet girlfriend Lana" and "just friends Lana" - we should be able to tell her! It shouldn't be left unspoken in our case, she deserves to be told, exactly like on Nathema! She must know that our SW too always care, where's the point being in relationship when we cannot express feelings for the one? And you're right, it really means a lot to her - and since they're more and more comfortable with each other, it's worth everything to break the walls to be even closer. :)

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Jaesa's letter does suggest she is mourning the Sith Warrior, she just doesn't really know how process her grief. She describes the Wrath's apparent death as "the worst has happened" and even though she says feels no emotion, the letter also reveals she's been crying a lot.


That said, given how devoted she was the Warrior ("I can't imagine the galaxy without you leading me through it"), I can imagine losing the "dark center of her universe" might well have an adverse effect on her mental state.


Although Ranos' report is still judging her by the standards of normal people, so that doesn't necessarily mean she's more insane than before.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Exactly, she became too dangerous to everyone and she'd never stop. We had enough villains maddened with power, now we have some crazy cult to deal with, it's already too much!


I agree! Lately I've seen one of the most cruel choices with SoR Lana - before leaving Rishi you can flirt with her for a kiss, yay <3 - but you can also turn her down - and say that she should try harder to deny her senses and let the agony fuel her anger! How can anyone even think about saying that!

Right, I met some shirtless guys too, but I suppose they think of themselves as wild warriors (like heroes from the Greek myths) and not just sex objects, who should show their body.


That's one of the most brilliant ideas I've heard! Also it'd would feel more "real" if my girls could stand there with other players without our various Lanas looking suspiciously around like what the hell is going on! :D


Because Quinn deserves it! :D And exactly, he's not leaving ship at any case, so why not to put him in the most ridiculous outfit we can find! :D That is the price for his betrayal since we cannot strike him down immediately.


Oh my, if it's as bad with Corso as with Andronikos then poor smuggler ladies! I've seen some parts of Corso romance and you're right that maybe they both pursue the character way too much - but Corso may have more respect for women than Andronikos.


You must be joking! How could anyone do that right after they arrive from the slave pens to a Sith Academy? Oh my tha's too much.

But yeah, male SI (maybe other classes too, but I've seen most of the videos with SI) can basically flirt with every woman he meets!


Right, after I realized it wouldn't fit for other classes I calmed down. And that's just horrible, it's not SW's fault, but realizing that SW tried to "save" her and it end up like this - SW in carbonite nightmare and half-mad Jaesa lost in the galaxy.. That's so sad. Must be really hard for someone who (really) romanced her. (But also for my girls, our poor apprentice. :() You've got excellent point here - the only difference could be that Vaylin easily seized power - now if Jaesa finds something powerful enough we're in so much trouble..


That's true. And the fact that she tried to be merciful and it went terribly wrong must've been too very painful for poor baby. :(


Oh me as well. I wanted to do it on repeat but nope, I was able to finish it just twice.. I agree! I'm pretty sure we both did similar choices with Lana and that we definitely do things to keep her safe too - so there should be the difference between "sweet girlfriend Lana" and "just friends Lana" - we should be able to tell her! It shouldn't be left unspoken in our case, she deserves to be told, exactly like on Nathema! She must know that our SW too always care, where's the point being in relationship when we cannot express feelings for the one? And you're right, it really means a lot to her - and since they're more and more comfortable with each other, it's worth everything to break the walls to be even closer. :)


I'm really curious as to what the cult is going to turn out to be like. Between the Scions, the Zildrog cult from Zakuul and now this...so many weirdos out there. :(


That SoR choice sounds absolutely horrible. Lana's really letting her guard down in that scene, and to basically smack her in the face when she's letting you know how she feels is beyond cruel. I would hope that if one takes that choice, they never get to flirt with her again. :(


And that's a great point - with guys, if they are shirtless, it's far more likely to be showing off than exploitation. Another reason to hide other people's companions, though! I agree, there are times I've been in open areas and there have been several other Lanas running around - it takes you out of the story a little. If you're trying to track your own companion and make sure they're okay in a battle, you definitely don't need to be confused by others' companions.


Yes, since Quinn's on the ship, and it's my ship...he will wear what I ask him to wear. :)


I found video of it on YouTube: Literally the VERY FIRST conversation the male SI has...in the entire game...he's able to flirt. It's unreal. I always felt so sorry for this girl in the game, with what the overseer does to her. :(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiVYt5cpIf8


My SW does feel bad about how things turned out with Jaesa. She tries to do the right thing and help save her from Darth Baras, but in the end, Jaesa's still on her own. LS Jaesa seems to be okay, but she's left without any guidance or allies in the galaxy at such a young age. And DS Jaesa, well, we know how that's turned out. She hasn't been driven insane deliberately the way Vaylin has, but she has so much power and anger that it could really turn out badly. One does have to wonder what she wants to do with all of those ancient Sith artifacts.


I agree. I was reading the letter from Lana again, and she's beating herself up so much about what happened...saying she failed as a partner?! Never. I really wish there was a way the SW could respond to that email or say something to reassure her that she hasn't let anyone down. She always looks out for everyone else, she needs to know someone's looking out for her, too. In hindsight, thinking about that - I am especially glad that in Iokath, the SW takes a moment to let Lana know she loves her.

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