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Now that I think about it, on the JC story on Tython you learn about a group that split from the founding Jedi whom went their own way just for not agreeing with them and the Jedi killed them off. Made me think the Jedi created the Sith and seems they didn't realize it if any survived and left.


Oh yes, I remember that! And they were mostly apprentices who were loyal to their master till the end! I think the Jedi never could see that the Force is one. I wonder why the dark side was so impure for them?

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One thing I've wondered several times is whether Obi-Wan saying that "Darth Vader betrayed and murdered Anakin" was what he had to convince himself of in order to cope with what had happened. That the only way he could keep going was to believe that Anakin and Vader were different people.


As has been discussed above, Jedi are atrocious at emotional maturity. And given the powers they've developed, a breakdown always leads to terrible consequences.


There was a line in the NJO that went something like "So you can kill as often as you like as long as you never lose your temper? As long as you maintain your 'Jedi calm' and tell yourself that you are 'valuing life'? Isn't that a little sick?"

Too bad they went and retconned it so that Vergere was a secret Sith and that her lectures about the Unifying Force were a gateway to the Dark Side.

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One thing I've wondered several times is whether Obi-Wan saying that "Darth Vader betrayed and murdered Anakin" was what he had to convince himself of in order to cope with what had happened. That the only way he could keep going was to believe that Anakin and Vader were different people.


As has been discussed above, Jedi are atrocious at emotional maturity. And given the powers they've developed, a breakdown always leads to terrible consequences.


There was a line in the NJO that went something like "So you can kill as often as you like as long as you never lose your temper? As long as you maintain your 'Jedi calm' and tell yourself that you are 'valuing life'? Isn't that a little sick?"

Too bad they went and retconned it so that Vergere was a secret Sith and that her lectures about the Unifying Force were a gateway to the Dark Side.


That line is so, SO spot on. The Jedi never seem to consider the consequences of their actions or dogmatic insistence that they are always correct and morally superior. It really is a shame that they retconned that.

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Right! They knew how powerful he was/will be and instead accepting him they wanted to abandon him. If they were more friendly and less scared from the moment they met Anakin they could change many things (but I have a feeling that with their attitude it'd have end up badly anyway). Probably if Qui-Gon was alive he would treat him better and Anakin's fate would be different.


My SW could never ever come to Odessen with Arcann by her side! I just cannot imagine running around our base and see him there. That's totally insane! I agree he's a dead man in all cases.

I understand that too, but on the other hand she was the Knight of Zakuul and she should protect the innocent inhabitants - and she was well aware of what her little freaks are doing in their city. And I never trusted her too - there was something about her that was weird. And she was kinda bossy from the very first moment!


Lol, exactly my thoughts! I could not believe that Lana and Koth were a thing - wild crush is the only acceptable way! I don't think Lana would have affairs here and there - if he's not just daydreaming about her then it was totally one-night stand as you say.

You can feel the jealousy from the start it's unbelievable - even that you barely know him. Before they rescue the Outlander, he must have known that she likes her(him).

But I've seen some video where you wanna romance Koth and he says something that whatever it was with Lana it was never serious, so what the hell Koth? :D

I think next time I'll happily let him leave. (Maybe I'll even try the "Kill Koth" choice, lol. I've heard that Lana kinda don't care.)


Well I didn't know about the gay male Sith Lord! I heard that when you save him or do the right decisions you can flirt with him, but I could not do that with my SW - now it's clear! But now we at least have some hope that some nice gay female would appear. And yeah, I wanted to mention that too - as a male you definitely have more options with potential love interests. But in other threads I read that men complain about poor romance choices, so there will always be problems with that. But as long as Lana is available for my ladies they can do whatever, hehe.


I do think that if Qui-Gon had lived, Anakin might have been okay. It seemed like Qui-Gon was more outside the strict Jedi Code than some of the others, and IMHO he might have even understood Anakin's relationship with Padme and helped him find a way to handle it. I think he would have still ended up leaving the Jedi, but might not have ended up getting so badly hurt and going with Palpatine. Maybe he could have started a new order, like Luke did later on.


Senya really is bossy from the beginning! That line about "stop talking and prove you can fight" really bugged me. My Sith Warrior was the Empire's Wrath, she doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. I wish there had been an option to say something back to Senya there. I wish there had also been an option to drop her from the mission after the Scions thing. If there had been, she would have been gone so quickly. Senya's all about herself...she doesn't seem to care for a moment that Voss gets destroyed, as long as she can do her thing with Arcann. And when she keeps telling the SW she wants to talk to Valkorion...ugh.


And that's a great point. All these people in the Alliance are fighting Arcann, and he hurt so many of them. It would be a slap in the face to them to walk on the base with him.


Yes, I was surprised to find that out about the Sith Lord on Makeb too. My SW managed to make friends with him and did rescue him, but there were no flirt options, now I know why. :) It does give hope that maybe they will have a lesbian character eventually. But hey, you're right - all my ladies need is Lana, and they're perfectly fine. :)


The other thing about Koth - he is such a Valkorion fanboy and it's really frustrating. I can understand that he doesn't want to see innocent civilians getting hurt, but when he starts in about how wonderful Valkorion is, I want to smack him. Someone else here suggested that the player should have been able to take him on a field trip to Ziost and Nathema, so he could see just how "good" his precious emperor was. I actually wish they'd done something like that. He just seems to have something against the Outlander, especially in the beginning. Lana and the Outlander agree not to save the reactor, but he blames the Outlander only - and then that bit where he interrupts the player's kiss with Lana is so frustrating. :( It's like, he's decided that if he can't have Lana, nobody else can, even though he *knows* that Lana cares so much for the player.


BTW I came across this Sith Lord on Nar Shaddaa recently, from the vanilla stories, who is voiced by Lana's voice over artist (this isn't my video). And the male players can have a one night stand with her, but of course females can't, even though she kind of flirts with female players too. All women get is that awful Imperial officer. :( No thanks on that one!

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Think there is a moment where my JK is not all light sided as on Nar Shadaa planetary quest line where you run into a Imperial whom I think is burning aliens alive tried to say he has important info and I'm like thinking really, you are just trying to save your skin and ended up executing him. Made me wonder what kinds of people the Jedi let live all because of showing mercy to them.


Though I never romanced Lana, few times I thought she was trying to get close to my male JK whom is not interested in her.

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I like the Order of Revan story, the prequel is a bit........long, i've played these flaspoints so many time.....but i still love the game.


Me too. It is really a bit too long before you run through, but still amazing. And the ending is epic!

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Think there is a moment where my JK is not all light sided as on Nar Shadaa planetary quest line where you run into a Imperial whom I think is burning aliens alive tried to say he has important info and I'm like thinking really, you are just trying to save your skin and ended up executing him. Made me wonder what kinds of people the Jedi let live all because of showing mercy to them.


Though I never romanced Lana, few times I thought she was trying to get close to my male JK whom is not interested in her.


You're right! it has been discussed here that forgiveness shouldn't be an LS option in all cases - not all the crimes are same and not all of the bastards deserve it.

Yeah I think that in the prelude to Revan she is interested in the character because of your deeds, but then it's up to you :).

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I do think that if Qui-Gon had lived, Anakin might have been okay. It seemed like Qui-Gon was more outside the strict Jedi Code than some of the others, and IMHO he might have even understood Anakin's relationship with Padme and helped him find a way to handle it. I think he would have still ended up leaving the Jedi, but might not have ended up getting so badly hurt and going with Palpatine. Maybe he could have started a new order, like Luke did later on.


Senya really is bossy from the beginning! That line about "stop talking and prove you can fight" really bugged me. My Sith Warrior was the Empire's Wrath, she doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. I wish there had been an option to say something back to Senya there. I wish there had also been an option to drop her from the mission after the Scions thing. If there had been, she would have been gone so quickly. Senya's all about herself...she doesn't seem to care for a moment that Voss gets destroyed, as long as she can do her thing with Arcann. And when she keeps telling the SW she wants to talk to Valkorion...ugh.


And that's a great point. All these people in the Alliance are fighting Arcann, and he hurt so many of them. It would be a slap in the face to them to walk on the base with him.


Yes, I was surprised to find that out about the Sith Lord on Makeb too. My SW managed to make friends with him and did rescue him, but there were no flirt options, now I know why. :) It does give hope that maybe they will have a lesbian character eventually. But hey, you're right - all my ladies need is Lana, and they're perfectly fine. :)


The other thing about Koth - he is such a Valkorion fanboy and it's really frustrating. I can understand that he doesn't want to see innocent civilians getting hurt, but when he starts in about how wonderful Valkorion is, I want to smack him. Someone else here suggested that the player should have been able to take him on a field trip to Ziost and Nathema, so he could see just how "good" his precious emperor was. I actually wish they'd done something like that. He just seems to have something against the Outlander, especially in the beginning. Lana and the Outlander agree not to save the reactor, but he blames the Outlander only - and then that bit where he interrupts the player's kiss with Lana is so frustrating. :( It's like, he's decided that if he can't have Lana, nobody else can, even though he *knows* that Lana cares so much for the player.


BTW I came across this Sith Lord on Nar Shaddaa recently, from the vanilla stories, who is voiced by Lana's voice over artist (this isn't my video). And the male players can have a one night stand with her, but of course females can't, even though she kind of flirts with female players too. All women get is that awful Imperial officer. :( No thanks on that one!


Qui-Gon always did what he feels was right! And I agree with you, he would understood his love. He wanted him to join the Jedi and give him better life than to be a slave on the horrible Tatooine. And he would never did anything that would hurt him - he knew how strong little Anakin was and he would want for him the best. Yeah, maybe he would just leave and join the Sith without any accident - and his own order is a good guess!


Exactly! That really pissed me - not that she came just in the middle of a battle, but she dares question my SW skills? Hell no. And after the Scions thing I wanted to drop her too. That was not allright. And so wasn't her mission on Voss! She claimed to be on our side and she wanted to do just good things for the galaxy, but then half of the story is her mess! Yeah, right! I'm trying to not to think about that parasite and she's all about him, lol. Now that proves she doesn't care about anyone but herself.


I know! You work so hard with your allies, you got united with so many former enemies and friends just to stop him and then one day you show up and "hey, I have new friend"? No waaay.


Exactly. I'm really enjoying that we agree so much :D. Yeah, now it's too late for my characters to fell in love with anyone else, lesbian or not, but having some options would be appreciated.


I almost forgot about his love for the Emperor! How stupid of me. I was able to shut him up once, but he looked like he was still thinking the same. Taking him to Ziost would be an amazing companion quest! I really wanna see his face when he faces the Valkorions destruction.

Yes! That was so childish! But I loved the facepalm my SW did - that was exactly how I felt :D. I don't know why he has to be such pain - you're grown up Koth, pull yourself together!


Thanks for the video, I didn't know about this! And no way! That's so sad! (And not only that sith lord x imperial is a imbalance, heh.)

I don't understand why you cannot flirt with females earlier in the game! I think for the first time it's just Lana and then the bartender on Rishi, but that could be all? Just later you finally have some options, like with Empress Acina, but you have to wait a long time. That's not fair - I want one of my ladies to be temptress, but I can't do that! :D

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Qui-Gon always did what he feels was right! And I agree with you, he would understood his love. He wanted him to join the Jedi and give him better life than to be a slave on the horrible Tatooine. And he would never did anything that would hurt him - he knew how strong little Anakin was and he would want for him the best. Yeah, maybe he would just leave and join the Sith without any accident - and his own order is a good guess!


Exactly! That really pissed me - not that she came just in the middle of a battle, but she dares question my SW skills? Hell no. And after the Scions thing I wanted to drop her too. That was not allright. And so wasn't her mission on Voss! She claimed to be on our side and she wanted to do just good things for the galaxy, but then half of the story is her mess! Yeah, right! I'm trying to not to think about that parasite and she's all about him, lol. Now that proves she doesn't care about anyone but herself.


I know! You work so hard with your allies, you got united with so many former enemies and friends just to stop him and then one day you show up and "hey, I have new friend"? No waaay.


Exactly. I'm really enjoying that we agree so much :D. Yeah, now it's too late for my characters to fell in love with anyone else, lesbian or not, but having some options would be appreciated.


I almost forgot about his love for the Emperor! How stupid of me. I was able to shut him up once, but he looked like he was still thinking the same. Taking him to Ziost would be an amazing companion quest! I really wanna see his face when he faces the Valkorions destruction.

Yes! That was so childish! But I loved the facepalm my SW did - that was exactly how I felt :D. I don't know why he has to be such pain - you're grown up Koth, pull yourself together!


Thanks for the video, I didn't know about this! And no way! That's so sad! (And not only that sith lord x imperial is a imbalance, heh.)

I don't understand why you cannot flirt with females earlier in the game! I think for the first time it's just Lana and then the bartender on Rishi, but that could be all? Just later you finally have some options, like with Empress Acina, but you have to wait a long time. That's not fair - I want one of my ladies to be temptress, but I can't do that! :D


One other thing about Senya - if you keep her and Arcann around, apparently they are the ones who follow you in the last two chapters. Heck no. There's no way my characters would want to have that moment in Zakuul without Lana and Theron by her side. I hate that they basically take over if you save them. Another reason to make sure they aren't there. :D


I really wish they'd actually done a companion quest with taking Koth to Ziost. My SW told him that Valkorion had destroyed entire planets, and Koth was like, "but he was always good to Zakuul." *facepalm* Yes, Koth, but there's a whole galaxy he *wasn't* good to! :(


The only thing I do agree with Koth about - I totally understand why he doesn't trust Senya and doesn't like it that Lana's brought her on board. Senya hunted him down for years, so of course he's going to be uncomfortable around her. I don't usually disagree with my dear Lana, but on that issue, I get where Koth is coming from.


From what I heard, SWTOR was supposed to have f/f and m/m romance options when it was first released, and they even had some lines already recorded for it - but the Powers That Be eliminated it. For fear of complaints? Because they were uptight? Whatever the reason, it stinks. :(


They seemed to have added a few options around the time of SoR, but none are romances...you can flirt with one of the contacts in the bounty hunter week quests, and have a one-night stand with Eva in the Czerka flashpoint, but since that's only for groups I never was able to finish that (before my SW met Lana, of course!).



You can also flirt with the character in the Macrobinoculars quest, but she's a jerk. :( And there's a doctor, but apparently only on the Republic side in Makeb, boo. :(


I really like that we're agreeing on so much here too - I am enjoying this conversation. :) It's nice to be able to talk about Lana in a positive way - some of the other threads are hatefests for her. :(

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One other thing about Senya - if you keep her and Arcann around, apparently they are the ones who follow you in the last two chapters. Heck no. There's no way my characters would want to have that moment in Zakuul without Lana and Theron by her side. I hate that they basically take over if you save them. Another reason to make sure they aren't there. :D


I really wish they'd actually done a companion quest with taking Koth to Ziost. My SW told him that Valkorion had destroyed entire planets, and Koth was like, "but he was always good to Zakuul." *facepalm* Yes, Koth, but there's a whole galaxy he *wasn't* good to! :(


The only thing I do agree with Koth about - I totally understand why he doesn't trust Senya and doesn't like it that Lana's brought her on board. Senya hunted him down for years, so of course he's going to be uncomfortable around her. I don't usually disagree with my dear Lana, but on that issue, I get where Koth is coming from.


From what I heard, SWTOR was supposed to have f/f and m/m romance options when it was first released, and they even had some lines already recorded for it - but the Powers That Be eliminated it. For fear of complaints? Because they were uptight? Whatever the reason, it stinks. :(


They seemed to have added a few options around the time of SoR, but none are romances...you can flirt with one of the contacts in the bounty hunter week quests, and have a one-night stand with Eva in the Czerka flashpoint, but since that's only for groups I never was able to finish that (before my SW met Lana, of course!).



You can also flirt with the character in the Macrobinoculars quest, but she's a jerk. :( And there's a doctor, but apparently only on the Republic side in Makeb, boo. :(


I really like that we're agreeing on so much here too - I am enjoying this conversation. :) It's nice to be able to talk about Lana in a positive way - some of the other threads are hatefests for her. :(


What?! Why would anyone want them here! :D Only Theron and Lana deserve to be there with you! This "my best friends Senya and Arcann" option is more like for players who used the Outlander token and really don't care what happened before the chapters (and before you can have deeper relationships with Lana and Theron, and even with Darth Marr and maybe with Satele...oh but no, no Satele), otherwise I don't understand how can you have the feeling of satisfaction in the end when one of the greatest villains and your nemesis is watching you taking his former throne? :D

Now that I mentioned it - I would really like to have Marr with us. He was great!


Yes, mine told him that too! And he's just closing his eyes to the truth. I think he also cannot understand that my SW was his Wrath in our galaxy and she knows better - if Lana told him everything he wasn't listening at all. Or he doesn't believe that.

And I completely agree with Senya x Koth! But Lana thinks bigger, she probably thought that Senya would really help them so she didn't care about their past.


I don't understand this! If you don't wanna have same sex relationship then just don't do that? :D No need to eliminate it from the game completely! (I played LOTRO for years, but here I am. The choice system and story lines are great here - it would be just another advantage for BW if the were possibilities like this.)


Such a shame. And that's another reason to dislike the Republic side :D.


I'm glad you do too! I thought that finding someone who likes her won't be so difficult! I came here to sing praises about her and expected much more people joining but.. Two is enough for good conversation! :).

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Qui-Gonn was more grey Jedi anyway. He was far more flexible with regards to the code.


I'd say Anakin would have stayed on track if Qui-Gonn stayed alive as Obi-Wan had to study and work harder to get to where he did on account of his lack of natural talent and so he was more exposed to the dogma.


If I was on the Council I'd have moved Anakin to a different trainer. Mind you I'm not sure they'd have found one.

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Qui-Gonn was more grey Jedi anyway. He was far more flexible with regards to the code.


I'd say Anakin would have stayed on track if Qui-Gonn stayed alive as Obi-Wan had to study and work harder to get to where he did on account of his lack of natural talent and so he was more exposed to the dogma.


If I was on the Council I'd have moved Anakin to a different trainer. Mind you I'm not sure they'd have found one.


ITA. He really was gray, and that would have suited Anakin far more than the rigid Jedi Code, IMHO. He also really believed in Anakin and was kind to him, and that would have made all the difference too.


I agree, getting Anakin away from Kenobi might have made a real difference, if he couldn't train with Qui-Gon. I'd say Mace Windu because he also veered gray, but Mace unfortunately fell into the category of the Council members who judged Anakin harshly from the beginning. But there had to have been *someone* in the Temple who might have been a better, and more supportive, match as a teacher for Anakin than Kenobi was.

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What?! Why would anyone want them here! :D Only Theron and Lana deserve to be there with you! This "my best friends Senya and Arcann" option is more like for players who used the Outlander token and really don't care what happened before the chapters (and before you can have deeper relationships with Lana and Theron, and even with Darth Marr and maybe with Satele...oh but no, no Satele), otherwise I don't understand how can you have the feeling of satisfaction in the end when one of the greatest villains and your nemesis is watching you taking his former throne? :D

Now that I mentioned it - I would really like to have Marr with us. He was great!


Yes, mine told him that too! And he's just closing his eyes to the truth. I think he also cannot understand that my SW was his Wrath in our galaxy and she knows better - if Lana told him everything he wasn't listening at all. Or he doesn't believe that.

And I completely agree with Senya x Koth! But Lana thinks bigger, she probably thought that Senya would really help them so she didn't care about their past.


I don't understand this! If you don't wanna have same sex relationship then just don't do that? :D No need to eliminate it from the game completely! (I played LOTRO for years, but here I am. The choice system and story lines are great here - it would be just another advantage for BW if the were possibilities like this.)


Such a shame. And that's another reason to dislike the Republic side :D.


I'm glad you do too! I thought that finding someone who likes her won't be so difficult! I came here to sing praises about her and expected much more people joining but.. Two is enough for good conversation! :).


Yes! By the end of KOTET you have known Lana and Theron for almost seven years...okay, you were in carbonite for five of those years, but you do have a long history together. WHY would you possibly want Ms. Bossy and her psychopath killer son by your side instead of them?! Also, if I were a citizen of the galaxy and I were watching the Holonet, and I saw Senya and Arcann standing in the background while the Outlander was talking, I would immediately think "Oh no, we're going right back to how it was before." I don't know how a citizen could trust that the Outlander would be any different than Arcann, if they had Arcann right next to them.


I would have loved it if Darth Marr had a greater role in the story, and showed up now and then to talk to the Outlander. I think the Outlander and their team could have really used his guidance, but more than that, he was someone who respected and believed in the Outlander, and that support could have really helped, too.


Yes, with Koth, you would think that with both Lana and the Outlander telling him, over and over again, how bad Valkorion was, he would have woken up and listened. He really never looked past Zakuul, and he was so idealistic. I get that he didn't want innocent people to get hurt, but he put way too many expectations on the Outlander. Like with Kaliyo - I didn't like her the first time I did KOTFE, and killed her, but I think I will keep her around next time. She wasn't nice, but if she was with the Alliance, it meant that she wasn't out in Zakuul causing trouble, and that should have made Koth happy...


Lana really probably was thinking of the big picture when she brought Senya on board, too, I think you're right. And she probably felt that since she and the Outlander and HK-55 were all there, Senya wouldn't make any moves to hurt Koth or his crew. In my version of the story, Lana's not fond of Senya after the Scions thing, but still feels that she has useful information about how Zakuul and the Knights operate, so she keeps Senya around. But I also feel Lana probably was angry enough about the Scions hurting her girlfriend that she probably did want to kill Senya on some level...


I agree, it always makes me very sad when people have to complain about same-sex relationships, either here or in real life. As you say, if that isn't what someone is into, they don't have to do it, but why keep it from the rest of us? I am glad that EA/BW finally came to their senses and added it to the game, I just wish it had been there far earlier. I was looking at another EA/BW game from 2009, Dragon Age, and they have same-sex relationships there, so it's strange they wouldn't have gone with it with SWTOR, which came out later. Oh well. At least we have them now. :)


What do you think of the change they are putting out tomorrow, where they are adding something they're calling Lana's hairstyle to the Appearance Modification options? I'm disappointed. I actually wouldn't give my Sith Warrior Lana's hairstyle because she and her girlfriend are not twins, but I really do love Lana's KOTFE haircut with the spiky edges. But the "Lana hairstyle" they are offering isn't that; it's something a lot more boring, that looks weird on both Lana and any other character. :(


Two *is* enough for a good conversation! :)

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Yes! By the end of KOTET you have known Lana and Theron for almost seven years...okay, you were in carbonite for five of those years, but you do have a long history together. WHY would you possibly want Ms. Bossy and her psychopath killer son by your side instead of them?! Also, if I were a citizen of the galaxy and I were watching the Holonet, and I saw Senya and Arcann standing in the background while the Outlander was talking, I would immediately think "Oh no, we're going right back to how it was before." I don't know how a citizen could trust that the Outlander would be any different than Arcann, if they had Arcann right next to them.


I would have loved it if Darth Marr had a greater role in the story, and showed up now and then to talk to the Outlander. I think the Outlander and their team could have really used his guidance, but more than that, he was someone who respected and believed in the Outlander, and that support could have really helped, too.


Yes, with Koth, you would think that with both Lana and the Outlander telling him, over and over again, how bad Valkorion was, he would have woken up and listened. He really never looked past Zakuul, and he was so idealistic. I get that he didn't want innocent people to get hurt, but he put way too many expectations on the Outlander. Like with Kaliyo - I didn't like her the first time I did KOTFE, and killed her, but I think I will keep her around next time. She wasn't nice, but if she was with the Alliance, it meant that she wasn't out in Zakuul causing trouble, and that should have made Koth happy...


Lana really probably was thinking of the big picture when she brought Senya on board, too, I think you're right. And she probably felt that since she and the Outlander and HK-55 were all there, Senya wouldn't make any moves to hurt Koth or his crew. In my version of the story, Lana's not fond of Senya after the Scions thing, but still feels that she has useful information about how Zakuul and the Knights operate, so she keeps Senya around. But I also feel Lana probably was angry enough about the Scions hurting her girlfriend that she probably did want to kill Senya on some level...


I agree, it always makes me very sad when people have to complain about same-sex relationships, either here or in real life. As you say, if that isn't what someone is into, they don't have to do it, but why keep it from the rest of us? I am glad that EA/BW finally came to their senses and added it to the game, I just wish it had been there far earlier. I was looking at another EA/BW game from 2009, Dragon Age, and they have same-sex relationships there, so it's strange they wouldn't have gone with it with SWTOR, which came out later. Oh well. At least we have them now. :)


What do you think of the change they are putting out tomorrow, where they are adding something they're calling Lana's hairstyle to the Appearance Modification options? I'm disappointed. I actually wouldn't give my Sith Warrior Lana's hairstyle because she and her girlfriend are not twins, but I really do love Lana's KOTFE haircut with the spiky edges. But the "Lana hairstyle" they are offering isn't that; it's something a lot more boring, that looks weird on both Lana and any other character. :(


Two *is* enough for a good conversation! :)



In carbonite or not, you know that you can count on them. Especially Lana, but we know that :). And you're right, it's not just only about our friends, but also whole Zakuul and the Empire and the Republic! I'm not evil, but I kinda hope that those heroes will angry Arcann with some -probably LS- decisions and he'll betray them. I mean, even Koth can steal your ship, imagine what this freak could do! And Valkorion repeated many times that his son is also very jealous so I would expect that he still will be...


That's true! Afterall, he was in touch with Satele, he can do that with the Outlander! I think he was pure character (weird to say that about Sith) - he knew what has to be done and didn't shame to do it. He was willing to make any sacrifices. He believed in the Empire and the dark side - but still he was able to admit that he might be wrong and you can learn even from the Jedi (and all the things he said in the 'I'm lost in Odessen Wilds' chapter). - I hope this makes sense and you can make my point of view from this, I'm not really sure I explained myself cleary. But I put faith in our shared understanding :).


You're right. He cannot see that all we do is not just for Zakuul and that the Outlander will have to make sacrifices, this or that way.. I don't know, maybe Koth would be happy if the Outlander used Valkorion's power - but wouldn't care if that will take it's price from her/him. (And as you said, he puts too many expectations on the Outlander and she/he will still be the problem no matter what.)

I have Imperial Agent so I knew what to expect from Kaliyo and kept her, but I do understand why she has to die in your case. Yeah, right! It's better to have Kaliyo around and keep and eye on her (I think you can tell Theron to do that and he'll mail you reports) than let her do her crazy stuff. Koth just have mouth full of complaints, but never offers any solution or helping hand, funny.


Yeah, that makes sense! I'm sure if she thought Senya wasn't useful anymore she'd destroy her without hesitation. But that thing with Scions.. We were looking for allies and instead we got another traitors (I know they did what they believed Fate predestined them, but still) and they only made things worse. And I've read some suspicions that they were involved in the Iokath sabotage , wouldn't surprise me if that was true..


Yeah, hard to believe it's still an issue..

True! I think they feared that Star Wars is far more popular and if it was unsuccesful it could kill the game. This or different reasons, it's still sad. But yeah, at least we have them now :). But we deserve a lots of companion quests with Lana as a reward for the long waiting! Each week new one at least!


I was just looking at it! I'm not a fan, same reasons. I don't really like the normal all lenght loose hair options, I preffer braided hairstyles on my ladies (or how to describe it, but I'm sure you understand :)) A lot more interesting would be eye color customization, that won't be so weird if you'd want to use it! And I love her hair in KOTFE too! I don't get why the major appereance changes affects mostly Lana (or so I think). But whatever, she's still the hottest thing around.


But I'm sure it will be popular, I've noticed many players love to customize their heroes like (main) game characters.

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In carbonite or not, you know that you can count on them. Especially Lana, but we know that :). And you're right, it's not just only about our friends, but also whole Zakuul and the Empire and the Republic! I'm not evil, but I kinda hope that those heroes will angry Arcann with some -probably LS- decisions and he'll betray them. I mean, even Koth can steal your ship, imagine what this freak could do! And Valkorion repeated many times that his son is also very jealous so I would expect that he still will be...


That's true! Afterall, he was in touch with Satele, he can do that with the Outlander! I think he was pure character (weird to say that about Sith) - he knew what has to be done and didn't shame to do it. He was willing to make any sacrifices. He believed in the Empire and the dark side - but still he was able to admit that he might be wrong and you can learn even from the Jedi (and all the things he said in the 'I'm lost in Odessen Wilds' chapter). - I hope this makes sense and you can make my point of view from this, I'm not really sure I explained myself cleary. But I put faith in our shared understanding :).


You're right. He cannot see that all we do is not just for Zakuul and that the Outlander will have to make sacrifices, this or that way.. I don't know, maybe Koth would be happy if the Outlander used Valkorion's power - but wouldn't care if that will take it's price from her/him. (And as you said, he puts too many expectations on the Outlander and she/he will still be the problem no matter what.)

I have Imperial Agent so I knew what to expect from Kaliyo and kept her, but I do understand why she has to die in your case. Yeah, right! It's better to have Kaliyo around and keep and eye on her (I think you can tell Theron to do that and he'll mail you reports) than let her do her crazy stuff. Koth just have mouth full of complaints, but never offers any solution or helping hand, funny.


Yeah, that makes sense! I'm sure if she thought Senya wasn't useful anymore she'd destroy her without hesitation. But that thing with Scions.. We were looking for allies and instead we got another traitors (I know they did what they believed Fate predestined them, but still) and they only made things worse. And I've read some suspicions that they were involved in the Iokath sabotage , wouldn't surprise me if that was true..


Yeah, hard to believe it's still an issue..

True! I think they feared that Star Wars is far more popular and if it was unsuccesful it could kill the game. This or different reasons, it's still sad. But yeah, at least we have them now :). But we deserve a lots of companion quests with Lana as a reward for the long waiting! Each week new one at least!


I was just looking at it! I'm not a fan, same reasons. I don't really like the normal all lenght loose hair options, I preffer braided hairstyles on my ladies (or how to describe it, but I'm sure you understand :)) A lot more interesting would be eye color customization, that won't be so weird if you'd want to use it! And I love her hair in KOTFE too! I don't get why the major appereance changes affects mostly Lana (or so I think). But whatever, she's still the hottest thing around.


But I'm sure it will be popular, I've noticed many players love to customize their heroes like (main) game characters.


That's such a good point about Arcann. He was raised to be a sociopath from the time he was a child - and he IS jealous. I'm not convinced at all that his "magic Voss ceremony" somehow cured all of that and made him a good person. I think he really could turn on the Outlander/Alliance at any time, and Senya already has...even more reasons they cannot be trusted and needed to be eliminated from the story. Plus, since Senya is all about Zakuul above everything else, I think she and Arcann might eventually be angry when the Outlander helps their own faction above that.


I do understand and agree with you on Darth Marr! IMHO it's a shame that he was not given more time to be the head of the Sith Empire, because he was an excellent leader and really knew how to see others' perspectives. I think he could have been a driving force in brokering some sort of peace between the Empire and Republic, or at least making the Sith Empire more productive and less treacherous. Which of course is probably the reason Valkorion lured him into that trap, he wanted Marr out of the picture. :( I wish Marr had chosen to hang out with the Outlander more than Satele - but on the other hand, Satele had the power to perhaps talk to the Jedi and the Republic as one of their own and make a difference at some point...


Koth DOES want you to use Valkorion's power! The first time I went through KOTFE, my Sith Warrior chose to use V's power in the Arcann chapter (basically because I was tired of fighting Arcann so much...alas, I missed a kiss with Lana with that choice!). I also chose different things in the conversation with Koth, and he was basically like, "well, whatever Valkorion tells you to do, you should listen, I'm sure he has the best interests of the galaxy in mind." O_o And then when my Sith Warrior was in the medbay, she mentioned that Valkorion's power had really shredded her up. Lana disapproved...Koth didn't. :/ He's so darn clueless!


Ah, I have not played through my IA's story far enough to really get to know Kaliyo there. My SW basically felt that since she disobeyed orders and didn't care that she had gotten members of Aric's team killed, she was too dangerous to keep around - but also too dangerous to exile because she could betray the Alliance. Next time I think I am going to just punish her, though, because I am curious as to how she does in the rest of the chapters.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Scions were behind the Iokath betrayal, in the end. They don't seem to have any ethics at all - it's all about what they feel is "fate" regardless of how it harms someone else. They're definitely not to be trusted at all.


That's true, they might have felt that the Star Wars brand couldn't have same sex relationships, but I am glad they have evolved on that point. I agree, I think a new chapter of Lana's companion quest every week would be most excellent. :) There's so much they could do with that, if they wanted to - not just for Lana (her first, but still!) but for some of the other companions with romances, too. And if they made them companion/romance quests, people wouldn't complain about it being in the main storyline.


They do have Lana's yellow eyes as a customization option! :) I was thinking about getting them for my SW, but I gave her blue eyes and they're really pretty on her, so I think she will stay as she is. I agree, Lana's just adorably gorgeous. I really dislike the new customization model for her, though - it has that bad hair, and then they changed her body type. I won't customize her clothes in any case, because I really feel what she has now suits her really well, and I am glad I can keep her with the KOTET/KOTFE look. It reminds me somewhat of Anakin and Luke's robes, as well.


I am curious about her belt, actually - she's worn belts with that same round/triangle symbol since Forged Alliances, and I'm interested to know what it means. Knowing Lana, it's some ancient Sith thing she's researched. :)


What's funny is that they have Senya's hairstyle available and all I can think is that it's ballet hair. I went through years and years of ballet training, so that is the first thing that sprung to mind...and they're as tough as any Sith trainer, LOL - well, okay, they won't kill you, but they'll certainly scare you into thinking you will die. :)


I really wish they had better hairstyles for female characters. I would love it if they had more wavy/curly hair. I usually just use the ponytails or the long hairstyle, but I am not fully satisfied with them. I tried the Leia ceremony hair on my SW and I loved it in the Appearance Designer, but it looked weird on my SW. :(

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That's such a good point about Arcann. He was raised to be a sociopath from the time he was a child - and he IS jealous. I'm not convinced at all that his "magic Voss ceremony" somehow cured all of that and made him a good person. I think he really could turn on the Outlander/Alliance at any time, and Senya already has...even more reasons they cannot be trusted and needed to be eliminated from the story. Plus, since Senya is all about Zakuul above everything else, I think she and Arcann might eventually be angry when the Outlander helps their own faction above that.


I do understand and agree with you on Darth Marr! IMHO it's a shame that he was not given more time to be the head of the Sith Empire, because he was an excellent leader and really knew how to see others' perspectives. I think he could have been a driving force in brokering some sort of peace between the Empire and Republic, or at least making the Sith Empire more productive and less treacherous. Which of course is probably the reason Valkorion lured him into that trap, he wanted Marr out of the picture. :( I wish Marr had chosen to hang out with the Outlander more than Satele - but on the other hand, Satele had the power to perhaps talk to the Jedi and the Republic as one of their own and make a difference at some point...


Koth DOES want you to use Valkorion's power! The first time I went through KOTFE, my Sith Warrior chose to use V's power in the Arcann chapter (basically because I was tired of fighting Arcann so much...alas, I missed a kiss with Lana with that choice!). I also chose different things in the conversation with Koth, and he was basically like, "well, whatever Valkorion tells you to do, you should listen, I'm sure he has the best interests of the galaxy in mind." O_o And then when my Sith Warrior was in the medbay, she mentioned that Valkorion's power had really shredded her up. Lana disapproved...Koth didn't. :/ He's so darn clueless!


Ah, I have not played through my IA's story far enough to really get to know Kaliyo there. My SW basically felt that since she disobeyed orders and didn't care that she had gotten members of Aric's team killed, she was too dangerous to keep around - but also too dangerous to exile because she could betray the Alliance. Next time I think I am going to just punish her, though, because I am curious as to how she does in the rest of the chapters.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Scions were behind the Iokath betrayal, in the end. They don't seem to have any ethics at all - it's all about what they feel is "fate" regardless of how it harms someone else. They're definitely not to be trusted at all.


That's true, they might have felt that the Star Wars brand couldn't have same sex relationships, but I am glad they have evolved on that point. I agree, I think a new chapter of Lana's companion quest every week would be most excellent. :) There's so much they could do with that, if they wanted to - not just for Lana (her first, but still!) but for some of the other companions with romances, too. And if they made them companion/romance quests, people wouldn't complain about it being in the main storyline.


They do have Lana's yellow eyes as a customization option! :) I was thinking about getting them for my SW, but I gave her blue eyes and they're really pretty on her, so I think she will stay as she is. I agree, Lana's just adorably gorgeous. I really dislike the new customization model for her, though - it has that bad hair, and then they changed her body type. I won't customize her clothes in any case, because I really feel what she has now suits her really well, and I am glad I can keep her with the KOTET/KOTFE look. It reminds me somewhat of Anakin and Luke's robes, as well.


I am curious about her belt, actually - she's worn belts with that same round/triangle symbol since Forged Alliances, and I'm interested to know what it means. Knowing Lana, it's some ancient Sith thing she's researched. :)


What's funny is that they have Senya's hairstyle available and all I can think is that it's ballet hair. I went through years and years of ballet training, so that is the first thing that sprung to mind...and they're as tough as any Sith trainer, LOL - well, okay, they won't kill you, but they'll certainly scare you into thinking you will die. :)


I really wish they had better hairstyles for female characters. I would love it if they had more wavy/curly hair. I usually just use the ponytails or the long hairstyle, but I am not fully satisfied with them. I tried the Leia ceremony hair on my SW and I loved it in the Appearance Designer, but it looked weird on my SW. :(


I bet they would! If not Arcann, Senya wouldn't be shy to betray the Outlander again. She lied all the time! Maybe she'd think that her precious "cured" son would be much better leader for Zakuul... There are actually so many options how they can betray the Outlander and yet to my complete astonishment people want to keep them!


That's true - I'm glad the Outlander was able to say that to Valkorion when he killed Marr - and again in the carbonite dream.

Yes, he was open minded and after the little co-operation with Satele and the Republic on the Yavin moon he'd be able to make changes. I agree, but I still don't like Satele for all the hard time she gave Theron - mostly she acts so Jedi-like. But with time maybe she'd learn more from her connection with Darth Marr and change a little bit. Nevertheless on the Republic side she's the best choice for ally.


Well he must've known that the Outlander killed Valkorion (true or not) - maybe that is the problem all along? But he never said anything. It's really hard to say if it's because of Lana, Valkorion, high expectations or anything else - or that he's just dumb and wanna be blind to the things he don't want to believe. I must admit that for the first time I used his power against Arcann too - really big mistake! It's a shame that after the chapter when Valkorion attacked the Outlander in the Odessen wilds nobody could witness that - or that in my case we never spoke of it again! I know he granted some of his power to the Outlander - but that was never meant to be as act of kindness. But yeah, in the end, Koth would believe it was, I know... Useless.


Kaliyo is really complicated character, it really takes some time to get used to her - and when you finally do you get SCORPIO, lol. From the frying pan right into the fire. I was able to forgive Kaliyo for disobeying, I think the mission is failure both ways anyway and since she and Aric are main I let them stay.

But SCORPIO was far worse - I cannot imagine to play through the chapters with IA, must be insane!


Right - they proved it when Heskal called Arcann to Asylum. They may have some just visions, but so have eg. the Voss mystics - and they never hurt or sacrifice anyone for their dreams! They could definitely work in less violent way - but they're furious and fierce even my Sith was surprised - especially when Heskal said he'd cut her open if that means learning her fate!


Me and you! Exactly my thinking - and like that they could easily avoid the complaints - the romances would be completely personal and up to the player! And you'd never miss a chance to kiss Lana :). There's just so much things we don't know about her (or others) it'd be really nice to get closer.


Oh I didn't noticed that, cool! I usually have green or the orange like, but I have always the dark side corruption on so I'm satisfied - though I really love the eyes Acina (and the former Emperor freak) have - so magnetic!


I feel you. She lost something that make her 'that' Lana :). Well you may be surprised as I was - and amused too - but just now I read that some dislike Lana (and maybe that caused the new customization) because she's too muscular and manlike :D. Maybe we were right about the "strong and independent woman" issue afterall, because I don't see her physical appereance as a reason to dislike her! (And honestly, that's the most ridicoulous reason to dislike anyone, in-game or not.) I would also never tell that's she's not feminine!


And are you kidding me?! This morning I was going through her armor and was wondering about the same thing! :D I would like to have my Lana her old armor from SoR, but her new customization is not worth it. Not that I don't like her KOTFE armor - suits her well and it looks good! I'm just obsessed with various outfits options (my main have at least 7 different outfits and I'm able to change them every hour while playing, lol) and I like Lana in that green one.

Just one of my alts have Lana in a hooded robe and because it's not exactly tight and all you can see is her face you cannot tell the difference. Almost.


Oh my, you're right! :D Now I cannot unsee it. And it's nothing special, this hairstyle. If you wanna look like ballet dancer there's already one similar available (one of my ladies had that hairstyle at the beggining and now that I'm thinking about it she really looked like ballet dancer, lol).


Right, many of them are just terribly looking. I tried this one too, but still it wasn't 'that' one. I like the Zabrak hairstyles though, many of them look really good - they might look good on humans too (and the horns! I'd also give it a shot, heh).

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I bet they would! If not Arcann, Senya wouldn't be shy to betray the Outlander again. She lied all the time! Maybe she'd think that her precious "cured" son would be much better leader for Zakuul... There are actually so many options how they can betray the Outlander and yet to my complete astonishment people want to keep them!


That's true - I'm glad the Outlander was able to say that to Valkorion when he killed Marr - and again in the carbonite dream.

Yes, he was open minded and after the little co-operation with Satele and the Republic on the Yavin moon he'd be able to make changes. I agree, but I still don't like Satele for all the hard time she gave Theron - mostly she acts so Jedi-like. But with time maybe she'd learn more from her connection with Darth Marr and change a little bit. Nevertheless on the Republic side she's the best choice for ally.


Well he must've known that the Outlander killed Valkorion (true or not) - maybe that is the problem all along? But he never said anything. It's really hard to say if it's because of Lana, Valkorion, high expectations or anything else - or that he's just dumb and wanna be blind to the things he don't want to believe. I must admit that for the first time I used his power against Arcann too - really big mistake! It's a shame that after the chapter when Valkorion attacked the Outlander in the Odessen wilds nobody could witness that - or that in my case we never spoke of it again! I know he granted some of his power to the Outlander - but that was never meant to be as act of kindness. But yeah, in the end, Koth would believe it was, I know... Useless.


Kaliyo is really complicated character, it really takes some time to get used to her - and when you finally do you get SCORPIO, lol. From the frying pan right into the fire. I was able to forgive Kaliyo for disobeying, I think the mission is failure both ways anyway and since she and Aric are main I let them stay.

But SCORPIO was far worse - I cannot imagine to play through the chapters with IA, must be insane!


Right - they proved it when Heskal called Arcann to Asylum. They may have some just visions, but so have eg. the Voss mystics - and they never hurt or sacrifice anyone for their dreams! They could definitely work in less violent way - but they're furious and fierce even my Sith was surprised - especially when Heskal said he'd cut her open if that means learning her fate!


Me and you! Exactly my thinking - and like that they could easily avoid the complaints - the romances would be completely personal and up to the player! And you'd never miss a chance to kiss Lana :). There's just so much things we don't know about her (or others) it'd be really nice to get closer.


Oh I didn't noticed that, cool! I usually have green or the orange like, but I have always the dark side corruption on so I'm satisfied - though I really love the eyes Acina (and the former Emperor freak) have - so magnetic!


I feel you. She lost something that make her 'that' Lana :). Well you may be surprised as I was - and amused too - but just now I read that some dislike Lana (and maybe that caused the new customization) because she's too muscular and manlike :D. Maybe we were right about the "strong and independent woman" issue afterall, because I don't see her physical appereance as a reason to dislike her! (And honestly, that's the most ridicoulous reason to dislike anyone, in-game or not.) I would also never tell that's she's not feminine!


And are you kidding me?! This morning I was going through her armor and was wondering about the same thing! :D I would like to have my Lana her old armor from SoR, but her new customization is not worth it. Not that I don't like her KOTFE armor - suits her well and it looks good! I'm just obsessed with various outfits options (my main have at least 7 different outfits and I'm able to change them every hour while playing, lol) and I like Lana in that green one.

Just one of my alts have Lana in a hooded robe and because it's not exactly tight and all you can see is her face you cannot tell the difference. Almost.


Oh my, you're right! :D Now I cannot unsee it. And it's nothing special, this hairstyle. If you wanna look like ballet dancer there's already one similar available (one of my ladies had that hairstyle at the beggining and now that I'm thinking about it she really looked like ballet dancer, lol).


Right, many of them are just terribly looking. I tried this one too, but still it wasn't 'that' one. I like the Zabrak hairstyles though, many of them look really good - they might look good on humans too (and the horns! I'd also give it a shot, heh).


I wouldn't put it past Bossy Senya to decide her precious son should be back on the throne, no. She lied to Lana and betrayed the Commander twice - what's to stop her from doing it again?


My SW totally told off Valkorion too, when he tried to insult Darth Marr. I was glad she got to defend Marr! I never understood why Marr shows up as a supposed enemy in a few scenes, either - in the carbonite dream and with the Scions, there's Darth Baras, Nomen Karr...and Darth Marr? What?! The first time he showed up, I was thinking, "but I don't want to fight him!" even though it was an illusion.


I am with you on Satele, too. She's the most reasonable of the Republic allies, but she's still unreasonable and I don't like her. She's so cold to Theron - she's on Odessen, but never tries to see him?! And it always frustrates me that with all of her experience, she doesn't pitch in and join the Alliance. Camping in the woods is apparently more interesting to her than actively helping. >_< She seems to have received more insight from Darth Marr, but she still does slam the Sith once or twice in the Odessen wilderness, too.


With the Scions, yes, that violence shocked me...and at the end, I was thinking, "so WHY do we want these guys as allies, again?!" I liked the line Lana had, where she basically said "with friends like these, who needs enemies?" She was right.


Some dislike Lana because she's...what? I think we were right - many people don't like strong, smart women. There's more than one type of beauty. She's certainly feminine as anyone else, and she's got a style all her own. <3


I hate that so many people judge women based on how they look, above everything else. I feel like the new customization made her look Barbie-ish...not like Lana at all. :( I'm sure some players love that, but ugh. I actually was thinking of dyeing her KOTFE outfit black and blue because I thought that would look really good on her, but no, it's not worth it if it changes her. :( I am just glad that for now they seem to be keeping her KOTET look as the default.


My SW is big on clothes too - my main has 14 outfits right now, including ensembles for different planets. :D Her current thing is that she's often wearing Lana's SoR belt or gloves as a way of always carrying Lana on missions. She's super sentimental. :)

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I wouldn't put it past Bossy Senya to decide her precious son should be back on the throne, no. She lied to Lana and betrayed the Commander twice - what's to stop her from doing it again?


My SW totally told off Valkorion too, when he tried to insult Darth Marr. I was glad she got to defend Marr! I never understood why Marr shows up as a supposed enemy in a few scenes, either - in the carbonite dream and with the Scions, there's Darth Baras, Nomen Karr...and Darth Marr? What?! The first time he showed up, I was thinking, "but I don't want to fight him!" even though it was an illusion.


I am with you on Satele, too. She's the most reasonable of the Republic allies, but she's still unreasonable and I don't like her. She's so cold to Theron - she's on Odessen, but never tries to see him?! And it always frustrates me that with all of her experience, she doesn't pitch in and join the Alliance. Camping in the woods is apparently more interesting to her than actively helping. >_< She seems to have received more insight from Darth Marr, but she still does slam the Sith once or twice in the Odessen wilderness, too.


With the Scions, yes, that violence shocked me...and at the end, I was thinking, "so WHY do we want these guys as allies, again?!" I liked the line Lana had, where she basically said "with friends like these, who needs enemies?" She was right.


Some dislike Lana because she's...what? I think we were right - many people don't like strong, smart women. There's more than one type of beauty. She's certainly feminine as anyone else, and she's got a style all her own. <3


I hate that so many people judge women based on how they look, above everything else. I feel like the new customization made her look Barbie-ish...not like Lana at all. :( I'm sure some players love that, but ugh. I actually was thinking of dyeing her KOTFE outfit black and blue because I thought that would look really good on her, but no, it's not worth it if it changes her. :( I am just glad that for now they seem to be keeping her KOTET look as the default.


My SW is big on clothes too - my main has 14 outfits right now, including ensembles for different planets. :D Her current thing is that she's often wearing Lana's SoR belt or gloves as a way of always carrying Lana on missions. She's super sentimental. :)


Exactly - I think Arcann lost his good side when he killed Thexan and besides he wouldn't be truly loyal to anyone (except Senya?).


Me neither! For a moment my SW didn't fight at all, I have no idea what to do :D. And my other SW didn't kill Nomen Karr (she just let him be in his miserable state) and he was still there. I still don't fully understand these ghost memories or whatever they're meant to be.


Yeah, "she's needed elsewhere" but where it could be more important in that time? It's nice she has a holo of Theron with her, but useless when she's on the same planet and won't show up. There's also so much Bastila in her - and Bastila was always *rude words*, always more clever than anyone, always better.

And Satele is happily camping, cry over her mistakes with the Jedi order and Republic - well hello, they're at the nearby base and helping too! No need to pity yourself Satele, if you need that so badly you can do it after we win this war!


Oh if only we could refuse the Scions (and kill them)! I was also angry when Heskal or someone kept sending mails about how I MUST use Valkorion's power and that he's my ally! With all their visions they're still blind!


They don't! I read an article (not SW related this time) about how offended (mostly) men feel, when they make compliments and women won't accept them "properly". That means when she says "I know" instead of "thank you".. She's showing that she's independent and strong on her own and the males think of it as arrogance or stupidity. Because how can she know she's pretty when I didn't say anything, she must hear that before she can think it! I feel this could be the same case, but in a different context.


It did! They should make a variation of her messy hair from SoR, not this.. She would look great in black and blue! But she must be beautiful in anything. (Well but I've seen Lana in the dancer outfit.. I'm not saying I wouldn't wanna see her in that, but in private, not running around half naked in battles, lol.)

Oh wow, tha'ts cool! :D And I thought I'm crazy about this! :D

I wanted her armor for same reason :).


And with the companion quest - they could make them available now when Valkorion is gone, so we finally can get some real privacy? :D That would fit in the story and we would be satisfied! I'm not really sure right now, but after the final chapter of KOTET and the lovely "I love you" moment we don't get many private conversations on Iokath?!

Edited by Amaureaa
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Exactly - I think Arcann lost his good side when he killed Thexan and besides he wouldn't be truly loyal to anyone (except Senya?).


Me neither! For a moment my SW didn't fight at all, I have no idea what to do :D. And my other SW didn't kill Nomen Karr (she just let him be in his miserable state) and he was still there. I still don't fully understand these ghost memories or whatever they're meant to be.


Yeah, "she's needed elsewhere" but where it could be more important in that time? It's nice she has a holo of Theron with her, but useless when she's on the same planet and won't show up. There's also so much Bastila in her - and Bastila was always *rude words*, always more clever than anyone, always better.

And Satele is happily camping, cry over her mistakes with the Jedi order and Republic - well hello, they're at the nearby base and helping too! No need to pity yourself Satele, if you need that so badly you can do it after we win this war!


Oh if only we could refuse the Scions (and kill them)! I was also angry when Heskal or someone kept sending mails about how I MUST use Valkorion's power and that he's my ally! With all their visions they're still blind!


They don't! I read an article (not SW related this time) about how offended (mostly) men feel, when they make compliments and women won't accept them "properly". That means when she says "I know" instead of "thank you".. She's showing that she's independent and strong on her own and the males think of it as arrogance or stupidity. Because how can she know she's pretty when I didn't say anything, she must hear that before she can think it! I feel this could be the same case, but in a different context.


It did! They should make a variation of her messy hair from SoR, not this.. She would look great in black and blue! But she must be beautiful in anything. (Well but I've seen Lana in the dancer outfit.. I'm not saying I wouldn't wanna see her in that, but in private, not running around half naked in battles, lol.)

Oh wow, tha'ts cool! :D And I thought I'm crazy about this! :D

I wanted her armor for same reason :).


And with the companion quest - they could make them available now when Valkorion is gone, so we finally can get some real privacy? :D That would fit in the story and we would be satisfied! I'm not really sure right now, but after the final chapter of KOTET and the lovely "I love you" moment we don't get many private conversations on Iokath?!


I agree. If Arcann was able to kill his own twin brother - the closest person in the world to him, and the one who had always supported him - I don't think anyone else would ever be safe. Maybe he'd be loyal to Senya, but then again, he turned against her in the past...so I think he could even turn on her again, given the right circumstances.


My SW sent Nomen Karr to Darth Baras once, which was probably the most Dark Side choice possible, since we all know Baras would torture him. My Sith Warrior has a thing that if someone tries to kill her, she usually doesn't feel bad about returning the favor - but letting Nomen Karr stew in his own madness is a pretty good choice, too. :)


Another thing about the ghost memories - if it's meant to be people that my SW is afraid of...well, she defeated them all, except for Marr, whom she respects. She's not afraid of them. It's definitely odd.


I agree about Satele. Whatever she wants to say about the Jedi being pure and full of light, she couldn't be bothered looking in on her own son when he was right there. I noticed that in the chapter where you kill Senya, Theron walks away sadly when you're yelling at Senya about abandoning her family. :( I think he felt that and thought of his own situation. The fact that Satele thinks that hanging out in the woods is more important than helping the people who could really use her help, like the Force users at the Alliance and her son - yeah, she's awful.


I do wish there had been an option to say, "no way, Senya, I'm not doing this" and just walk out of the Scions' lair after HK-55 gets hurt in the doorway. Or to tell them straight out, "I don't need people like you as allies" after the trial. I did like that the Commander gets to say, "hey, be our allies or not, whatever, we're done." They're such dangerous weirdos.


I agree, now would be the time for those companion quests! I will say, it's been nice to see how Lana's really come alive since the end of KOTET with the romance. That line about "moments of privacy," right in the throne room, and then the kiss and the "I love you" on Iokath....all of that made me squee so much, and it's so nice she's comfortable being so open with that now. She seems to have decided that since you've defeated Valkorion she can be really open about the romance, and now she agrees with the Commander's policy of always wanting a kiss or an 'I love you" before a mission. <3


But she and the Commander haven't had any real time alone, no, and since my Commander has been angling for vacation time since the end of KOTFE, it needs to happen. :) There was that line in Chapter 5 where she was saying "remind me to schedule some personal time," and I kept wanting to ask about that later. :D


I like Lana's hair best in KOTFE but the messy hair from SOR has some charm, too. It's pretty adorable. I didn't like it when I played through SoR because on my computer with the graphics it looked matted, but since then I've seen YouTube videos where I see it was my computer's issue, not Lana's. :)


I agree on the slave/dancer outfits. While I think that might be *cough* fun for playtime in private, I don't think Lana would be running around the battlefield with it. I don't even like the outfit that Jaesa wears when you get her...she's supposed to be learning to fight like a Jedi, and she's in a crop top and skirt that she would probably trip over. remember the first time I got Jaesa, we stopped at the market on the way out of Hutta to get her some simple trousers and a shirt simply because I couldn't stand her outfit. I think sometimes people put their female characters in those outfits to take their dignity, or because they think all their women need to look like bikini models and I really don't like it. I think everyone should have the freedom to do what they want in the game, but it's interesting that they never make those skimpy outfits for male characters...


I know what you mean. I remember reading that some men are really threatened by women who appear to be smart, strong, independent...and I would think also being a lesbian or bi would threaten some of them too, since it's pretty clearly saying you don't need a man. :) One thing that springs to mind here is that men will hassle you if you're on the bus or train, even if you've got headphones and you're reading a book - it's like they think you should be honored that they're talking to you, when you really don't want to be disturbed. :(

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I've not done a Jedi playthrough yet but when I do, he's going DS. I have a feeling it will make more sense.



a lightside jedi knight that goes gray makes the most sense in the story. Vitiate possesses the jedi, and makes him do bad things, and the whole experience changed the Jedi Knight once he/she breaks free. Your masters ghost comments on how there is hate and resentment inside the Jedi knight, and you can either be healed by the lightside or choose to deal with whats going inside your head.


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a lightside jedi knight that goes gray makes the most sense in the story. Vitiate possesses the jedi, and makes him do bad things, and the whole experience changed the Jedi Knight once he/she breaks free. Your masters ghost comments on how there is hate and resentment inside the Jedi knight, and you can either be healed by the lightside or choose to deal with whats going inside your head.


I'll not read the spoiler but I went LS for my Knight and male because Doc. I may have him turn depending on what the story plays out like.


The Consular is definitely going DS though, I hear it's hilarious for the wrong reasons.

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