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Theory: Gemini Deception Aftermath = Zakuul Civil War? *SPOILERS*


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Warning Spoilers Ahead!


Scorpio takes over the Eternal throne and the fleet, pretty much becomes Empress Scorpio, ruler of the Eternal Empire with the skytroopers and the fleet under her command. What if the Knights of Zakuul rebel because the Knights in the throne room were killed and prefer Arcann to rule and they recruit Zakuul soldiers (like the ones from the Star Fortresses), Heralds of Zildrog and a civilian miltia form a rebellion against Scorpio's droid army.


So with Zakuul in a civil war causes much chaos within the cities with Havoc Squad and their Exiles fighting as well so the civil war is at a 3 way (droids, exiles and knights). With the way Arcann and Vaylin treated the Knights its possible that they support him as a better ruler to remove Scorpio but once Scorpio has been removed they may want to execute or arrest Arcann and Vaylin and then make Senya the new Empress. But if she dies or refuses to take the throne then the Eternal Empire could fall with no royal blood left so Zakuul (and all its territories in Wild Space) could turn into a democratic Independent Republic or join the Galactic Republic or Sith Empire.


Arcann and Vaylin have a small loyal fleet and forces and think by the looks of the next chapter (Battle of Odessen) he finds the Alliance base so for the Outlander to prepare he gathers a fleet of imperials, republic, smugglers, mandalorians and maybe a few Hutt/underworld forces and recalls Havoc Squad. The Exiles join the Knights after agreeing to put their differences aside for the sake of the planet.


With Scorpio on the throne the Empire has stopped their tribute requests and stopped watching over the Republic and Sith Empire which gives both sides breathing room to rebuild and gave the Alliance a few ships and soldiers (after rescue Republic and imperials in Gemini Deception) but can't give Alliance full support for fear of being dragged into the war when both sides are still weak.


Interesting to think once the Eternal Empire threat has been neatralized then will the Republic and Sith Empire continue their war or agree on peace if the Sith Empress rather the Empire rebuild to its former strength before the Great Galactic War and remain in the Unknown Regions until Darth Ruin rediscovers the Sith Empire and invades the Republic many years later.


I'm not sure if Scorpio is friend or foe to the Alliance now. Has she taken the Eternal throne and fleet for the Alliance or used the Alliance for her own agenda and see the Alliance as a threat so she gave the location of the Alliance base to Arcann hoping the battle will take out one side and weaken the other so Scorpio can come and finish the weaken side off then go and finish the Republic and Sith Empire.

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You didn't get an email from Scorpio ?


She say (dunno if we get it before or after the end of her chapter , but It was there once the chapter ended) , so she say that an alliance with her is benificial .


So I'm guessing that with the fleet in her hand , she will support the alliance and maybe fake it to the Zaakul peoples so they think Arcann is still Emprore while helping the alliance to take him down .


With the way Arcann and Vaylin treated the Knights its possible that they support him as a better ruler to remove Scorpio but once Scorpio has been removed they may want to execute or arrest Arcann and Vaylin and then make Senya the new Empress

So Arcann and Vaylin go dictators and the Knights will still support them ? is that what you are saying? cose that make them stupid.....


and if they help Arcann and Vaylin to take down Scorpio , their numbers would go down doing that . So rebelling afterward is very suicidale . Since when Valk was supposedly killed..they didn't have the nerve to rebel...I doubt they will have it with smaller number .


If anything , with Scorpio in charge that open a door to the Alliance to reach to the Knight and uphold them to protect the peoples of Zaakul . So that's more allies on our side .


Maybe even the Scion will show up.....


I see Scorpio as an Allie personally..


There are many ways Arcann couldve found the location of Odessen..

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You didn't get an email from Scorpio ?


She say (dunno if we get it before or after the end of her chapter , but It was there once the chapter ended) , so she say that an alliance with her is benificial .


So I'm guessing that with the fleet in her hand , she will support the alliance and maybe fake it to the Zaakul peoples so they think Arcann is still Emprore while helping the alliance to take him down .



So Arcann and Vaylin go dictators and the Knights will still support them ? is that what you are saying? cose that make them stupid.....


and if they help Arcann and Vaylin to take down Scorpio , their numbers would go down doing that . So rebelling afterward is very suicidale . Since when Valk was supposedly killed..they didn't have the nerve to rebel...I doubt they will have it with smaller number .


If anything , with Scorpio in charge that open a door to the Alliance to reach to the Knight and uphold them to protect the peoples of Zaakul . So that's more allies on our side .


Maybe even the Scion will show up.....


I see Scorpio as an Allie personally..


There are many ways Arcann couldve found the location of Odessen..


Scorpio sends you that message at the end of Mandalore's Revenge. Presumably it's her way of trying to deceive you into thinking she is committed to your Alliance and not about to betray you.

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Scorpio sends you that message at the end of Mandalore's Revenge. Presumably it's her way of trying to deceive you into thinking she is committed to your Alliance and not about to betray you.


still...as far as I'm concerned , she doesn't betray you . She still can use the fleet to help us....

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because the chapter ended ? :p and because she know we will say 'No way! them toys are mine!'' ? :D


No, if helping us by takking the fleet was actually her plan, then it would be compleatly stupid not to tell us about it in advance of going there, so if that is the case then either Scorpio is compleatly stupid, or the devs just want a cheap what a twist moment, even after they had the 'twist' of Scorpio betraying us, which was not a twist cause a blind guy could have seen it coming, the only twist in this thing is how our supposedly intellegent character did not see this coming

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No, if helping us by takking the fleet was actually her plan, then it would be compleatly stupid not to tell us about it in advance of going there, so if that is the case then either Scorpio is compleatly stupid, or the devs just want a cheap what a twist moment, even after they had the 'twist' of Scorpio betraying us, which was not a twist cause a blind guy could have seen it coming, the only twist in this thing is how our supposedly intellegent character did not see this coming


Let's say for a second she tell us she want the control of the fleet .


Would you say yes go ahead..take it . ?


Honestly , I don't know . At this point there are Alot of stuff that don't make sense , and it feel more like you are (the player) more on the side line while everyone else is the main actor . You just get a few lines here and there , but the real script..is for OTHERS . Not you..


You just sit there and be the side kick to every companion coming back from the wood work and help them screw Arcann just to see Later that it did squat against Arcann . And here I though he was human and may have blood vessel and we could rise his blood pressure...


So who know , maybe there are more ''twist'' coming....


I dont see it as a betrayal because if you choose that reply ''I take you in and you stab me in the back'' she tell you that she wanted something and so did you , she only get hers first .


So if anything , it is more ''Hidden truth'' then betrayal .


The real betrayal is if she is the one who tell arcann our base location , or turn the eternal fleet and Bombard Oddessen , killing some peoples in the process and weakning the alliance we have been building so far .

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IF the Outlander is former Cipher Nine, she would try to eliminate you because she can't kill you directly (perhaps she overwritten the code, she had FIVE years to do that)...


IF the Outlander is anybody else: is completely logical that the Eternal-Fleet's mortal enemy is the only chance to defeat SCORPIO and her new toys. She will eventually try to destroy the ship, or maybe she had already sabotaged it during her time in the Alliance.


I think everyone forgetting someone: Valkorion. He's the one who got the Eternal Fleet in first place, so he must have a word about it (like a restauration point in our PCs for the Eternal Fleet), his followers may been decimated, but they were loyal and somewhere ready to bring him back.


There's still the Sith Empire and their betrayal chain and the Republic endless corruption... We haven't heard of the Jedi Council or the Empress of the Sith... to make matters worst: the missing and unseen menace is alive and I don't think it will be easy to defeat... Vaylin

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...the only twist in this thing is how our supposedly intellegent character did not see this coming


My "Outlander" Agent's face:


-_- <---Not Shocked


SCORPIO had been threatening/attempting to kill my Agent since they met on Belsavis. My Agent is more surprised that everyone else is shocked.


(That's my head canon anyway.)

Edited by AngFour
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Interesting. Good point about Valkorian he left the Outlander with a gift but will be back so I have no theories myself on what he is planning, because the Scions are gone for now but will return when time is right maybe they are planning to resurrect Valkorian as Zakuulans prefer him as a ruler than Arcann.


I think Valkorian is the real body of the Sith Emperor, what the Jedi Knight killed on Dromund Kaas and released from Yavin4 and destroyed Ziost was just a Voice of the Emperor which eventually found its way to Valkorian.


Think the Knights and civilians may not agree with having a droid ruling over them, most of the Zakuul military are droids so I guess Zakuulans see droids as things so don't agree with having 1 ruling over them and isn't the traditional way of going through blood lines. Scorpio could of disguised the holovids of herself to look like Arcann but Arcann could of sent a message to say that the Arcann on the throne is an imposter. Is Scorpio and her droids be worser than Arcann?


Think the Jedi Council was destroyed and Satele is hiding and working with the spirit of Darth Marr.


The Republic and Sith Empire are watched constantly by Zakuul to make sure they pay their tributes and prevent any consideration of fully supporting the Alliance so they can't do anything for now. With Scorpio on the throne then she may not have any use for the tributes.


Scorpio wanted what she wants first before giving Outlander what he/she wants. She has the fleet and maybe what she gives to the Outlander is weakening Arcann so he and Vaylin are more vulnerable now as they have lost much of their power probably lost control on every skytrooper and lost most of the fleet. The Alliance now has a fighting chance against Arcann so that could be Scorpio's gift in return for getting control of the fleet and the throne.


Once the threat is over then would be interesting to find out what happens to the galaxy after. What happens to the Eternal Empire (like what I said on my post about either falling, have Senya take over or turn into a democracy or join Republic or Sith). Will the Republic and Sith go back to war even though both are still weak from fighting Arcann or bring peace, does the Empress rather the Empire stay in the shadows and go back to the way it was hiding in the Unknown Region? Outlander (if Jedi) could rebuild the Jedi Council and Order and the Alliance could collapse and split up and go back to where they came from because it would of done what it was created for. Anything can happen once the Zakuul threat is over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was thinking something.Most of Zakuul forces are controled by droids, so if Directive 7 succeeded they would control Zakuul fleet which would make them greatest threat in whole Galaxy, not to mention Rakata technology they could control.Which actually makes them greatest potential danger for whole galaxy, maybe even universe.
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I was thinking something.Most of Zakuul forces are controled by droids, so if Directive 7 succeeded they would control Zakuul fleet which would make them greatest threat in whole Galaxy, not to mention Rakata technology they could control.Which actually makes them greatest potential danger for whole galaxy, maybe even universe.


Nah the greatest potential danger for the whole galaxy when Mentor was still alive was Vitiate. Probably still is, though the whole thing is kind of uncertain for now.

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Nah the greatest potential danger for the whole galaxy when Mentor was still alive was Vitiate. Probably still is, though the whole thing is kind of uncertain for now.


If we consider that Vitiate could consume all life in the galaxy or that was his goal, a sentient Droid army would probably be his biggest threat. However, I would think Mentor and Vitiate would get along considering they both wanted to eradicate all life in the galaxy just both had different methods.

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Still wondering what the future holds for the Eternal Empire. Who will take the throne after Arcann, Vaylin and Scorpio are gone? Will Senya take over? Don't think Zakuulans want an Outlander (with no Zakuul blood) on the throne. Does Valkorian have a plan of his own to take the throne back? Maybe Zakuul turns into a democratic Republic and stay independent from the Galactic Republic or have their first senator and join the Republic or decide to join the Sith Empire as Zakuul has no alignment to either light or dark side.
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With regards to SCORPIO, I just don't know how much she would actually want to rule Zakuul. She's made it clear, and it's been reflected in her actions, that her primary drive is to make herself greater than she is. While the resources of Zakuul might suit her mission, I feel like having to manage them on her own would simply be seen as a waste of time. With control of the Eternal Fleet, she'll probably put it at the disposal of whichever side is strongest, because they'd be the ones most likely to aid her further advancement.


Arcann and Vailyn are pretty much morons, and neither the Republic nor the Empire has any interest in getting their respective **** together any time in the near future, so unless there's another faction out there (which is not impossible...the Fleet and the Gravestone had to come from somewhere, after all), the Alliance still seems like her best bet for continuing to advance her own goals.

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But honestly I can't undersand motives of Vitiate, we will know clearly soon.Mentor was different he wanted to destroy all living things exept droids.Vitiate is great danger but if he was really that much powerfull he wouldn't made an army, he did that on purpose, if Mentor took that army I think Vitiate's plans would fail.
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