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It's Official: Thrawn is canon!


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This is fantastic news for the EU (as it was called then) and for its fans.


Let us hope they stay true to his character as much as possible!


If he's in Rebels maybe he'll make canon appearances elsewhere...

Edited by ghescwa
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This is fantastic news for the EU (as it was called then) and for its fans.


Let us hope they stay true to his character as much as possible!


If he's in Rebels maybe he'll make canon appearances elsewhere...


I duno if you clicked the link -- but Timothy Zahn is writing another Thrawn book, and this time it's canon!


Here's hoping they bring in Pellaeon.

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"This time it's canon."


It was all canon the first time (maybe not to Lucas himself, but it was to lucasfilm). Disney retconned it all.


Pellaeon would be a great addition.


I'm concerned as to what Dave Filoni will do with Thrawn though... he may ruin the character.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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"This time it's canon."


It was all canon the first time (maybe not to Lucas himself, but it was to lucasfilm). Disney retconned it all.


Pellaeon would be a great addition.


I'm concerned as to what Dave Filoni will do with Thrawn though... he may ruin the character.


~ Eudoxia


Well, yes. But I'm talking about since the Disney acquisition and the Legends thing.

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This is fantastic news for the EU (as it was called then) and for its fans.


Let us hope they stay true to his character as much as possible!


If he's in Rebels maybe he'll make canon appearances elsewhere...


Did you watch the Rebels Season 3 trailer? Although they retconned Chiss eyes (Thrawn's aren't featureless, but simply red irises and sclerae; but that could also be a stylistic/animation choice), he spends the entire second half of the trailer until he turns around staring at a bunch of art pieces. I'm thinking Thrawn in Rebels will be rather true to Thrawn from the Heir to the Empire trilogy; although it might be a bit weird since Rebels is what... 5-10BBY? (I haven't really watched it much) That's almost two decades before Heir to the Empire in 9ABY.


My question is if or how they'll handle Chiss Core-name conventions.

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I'm excited by this. Thrawn was always one of my favourite characters and from the trailer it looks like they're staying true to what he was like in the old books. From him studying the pieces of art to the voiceover saying that the new commander has started anticipating their (the rebels) actions more and has been using precise attacks, it's encouraging.


In terms of where he's placed in the SW timeline, I don't think it really matters anymore. They may have decided they love the character but they might have other stuff planned for just after RotJ. Hell, Thrawn might not survive post-RotJ this time round and you know what? I'm ok with that. I'm just happy to see the character on the screen and that he's going to be like how he was in the books.


I'm pretty happy with his voice as well. I always heard him in my head with this cultured, sort of light kind of voice and he sounds a lot like that in the trailer. I remember way back when playing the TIE Fighter flight sim on my PC and Thrawn made an appearance but he had this very low almost booming voice. It sounded more like they were trying to make him intimidating through strength rather than intelligent and extremely smart that I always pictured him as.

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Thrawn... canon.


Fark yes. Thrawn and Mara Jade are two of Zahn's creation I wished were re-canonized. Thrawn... is the sort of Imperial one can respect.

(and, I sorta wanted Luke to end up happy... and a red-head who can hand him his own head in a fight is a good choice.)

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Thrawn... canon.


Fark yes. Thrawn and Mara Jade are two of Zahn's creation I wished were re-canonized. Thrawn... is the sort of Imperial one can respect.

(and, I sorta wanted Luke to end up happy... and a red-head who can hand him his own head in a fight is a good choice.)


Well Jacen Solo kills her, and who kills the Jedi before Ep. VII? Kylo "honest guv I'm not Jacen Solo" Ren. So it's possible we might see her in a flashback or something.

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"This time it's canon."


It was all canon the first time (maybe not to Lucas himself, but it was to lucasfilm). Disney retconned it all.


Pellaeon would be a great addition.


I'm concerned as to what Dave Filoni will do with Thrawn though... he may ruin the character.


~ Eudoxia

Couldn't have said it better myself. I have no interest in Mickey's "canon". That they adapted their own version of Thrawn only proves they're not complete idiots and know a good character when they see one. It also makes the crap they pulled with Emo Ren and Gollum notEmperor even worse in light of that, but meh. They're still printing money so what do they care?


Otherwise they're getting the eyes wrong, and I can't say I'm thrilled about the voice either. It's not terrible, but it's not what I imagined. That might just be personal opinion, but Thrawn's voice was always described as "coolly modulated". That and we know Cheunh can't be properly spoken by humans. That would make me expect Chiss voices to be very distinct and Thrawn's voice in particular to be a very resonant but slightly strange voice, in addition to being smooth and cultured. I don't mean just add a weird filter to it, like Turians in Mass Effect. But something other than "generic deep, slightly raspy voice".


Timothy Zahn writting a new Thrawn book puts me in a tight situation though. I swore I'd have nothing to do with Mickey's shenanigans. But more Thrawn is mighty tempting.

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I'm hoping this is a marketing primer to set him up for later in the live-action, post-ROTJ story. It would be a shame to see him taken down by a band of wacky heroes in an animated series.


This. I expect they'll pull something similar to the EU where Thrawn suddenly comes back after this whole Jakku debacle and gives the New Republic a run for its money, and when he's defeated the Empire sues for peace. At least, that's what I'm hoping.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Well Jacen Solo kills her, and who kills the Jedi before Ep. VII? Kylo "honest guv I'm not Jacen Solo" Ren. So it's possible we might see her in a flashback or something.


Aye; I have pretty much head-canon'd Ben Solo into Jacen Solo from the start.

...similarly, Jaina was time-displaced (and cousin'd) into Rey.


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Aye; I have pretty much head-canon'd Ben Solo into Jacen Solo from the start.

...similarly, Jaina was time-displaced (and cousin'd) into Rey.


The way they blatantly rip off the EU while specifically and very deliberately giving it the middle finger never ceases to infuriate me.


Ben Solo? How the **** does that make sense? Luke named his son Ben after Obi-wan "Ben" Kenobi because he was such an influence over Luke's life. But Han? He just thought he was a crazy old man. And while Leia may have known who he was, the knowledge was second hand at best. She never had any special connection to Obi-wan. There is zero reason to name the guy Ben for them, other than Disney just going "umad bro?"


Having creative freedom is one thing. Deliberately going out of your way to contradict every facet of the EU is just a dick move.

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The way they blatantly rip off the EU while specifically and very deliberately giving it the middle finger never ceases to infuriate me.


Ben Solo? How the **** does that make sense? Luke named his son Ben after Obi-wan "Ben" Kenobi because he was such an influence over Luke's life. But Han? He just thought he was a crazy old man. And while Leia may have known who he was, the knowledge was second hand at best. She never had any special connection to Obi-wan. There is zero reason to name the guy Ben for them, other than Disney just going "umad bro?"


Having creative freedom is one thing. Deliberately going out of your way to contradict every facet of the EU is just a dick move.


I agree. Frankly, if Luke had a son, it should always be a "Ben Skywalker." "Ben Solo" doesn't make sense, fundamentally. But, Leia remembering Padme also doesn't make sense, so...


Well, now that I think about it, Leia might have known Obi'wan a bit, from tales from her dad. But, she referred to him as "General Kenobi" in the holo that R2D2 delievered; that bespeaks more of a formal knowledge and not a personal one. Or, she knew it was possible it was going to be public, and she was going for a "hey, favorite-Uncle-of-mine-need-your-help-for-the-Rebellion-and-not-me" secret sub-message.


We honestly don't know about the relationship between Leia and Obi'wan. Did he buy her the first bikini she ever wore? Did he occasionally drop by Alderaan for tea and cookies? Did he teach her how to dance when she was six? Those sorts of things would explain "Ben Solo," hypothetically.


Still. Ben Skywalker makes sense to me. Ben Solo... just sounds like "I've been solo so long, I'm Emo."

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We honestly don't know about the relationship between Leia and Obi'wan. Did he buy her the first bikini she ever wore? Did he occasionally drop by Alderaan for tea and cookies? Did he teach her how to dance when she was six? Those sorts of things would explain "Ben Solo," hypothetically.


Still. Ben Skywalker makes sense to me. Ben Solo... just sounds like "I've been solo so long, I'm Emo."



Well I'm sure they'll do a ****** patch job that will make it so Obi-wan bought her a pony on her 16th birthday and so there's your connection for darling Ben "go to your room" Solo.

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Well I'm sure they'll do a ****** patch job that will make it so Obi-wan bought her a pony on her 16th birthday and so there's your connection for darling Ben "go to your room" Solo.



(sadly, aye, I'm afraid of that)

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This. I expect they'll pull something similar to the EU where Thrawn suddenly comes back after this whole Jakku debacle and gives the New Republic a run for its money, and when he's defeated the Empire sues for peace. At least, that's what I'm hoping.


~ Eudoxia

That would be ideal. Would make me so happy.

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And while Leia may have known who he was, the knowledge was second hand at best. She never had any special connection to Obi-wan.


I don't think that Leia has only second-hand knowledge of Obi-Wan. Remember when she was putting the recording into R2, who was she asking help from? "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." Doesn't seem like second-hand knowledge to me. It seems there is more connection to her and Obi-Wan earlier than Episode 4 then. It also doesn't seem likely she would ask help from someone she only heard from her stepfather, Bail Organa. So it is likely she and Obi-Wan had met earlier for her to ask help from him. How much connection is there we don't seem to know yet, as this seems to have not been explored somehow (or else I must be missing something).

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I don't think that Leia has only second-hand knowledge of Obi-Wan. Remember when she was putting the recording into R2, who was she asking help from? "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." Doesn't seem like second-hand knowledge to me. It seems there is more connection to her and Obi-Wan earlier than Episode 4 then. It also doesn't seem likely she would ask help from someone she only heard from her stepfather, Bail Organa. So it is likely she and Obi-Wan had met earlier for her to ask help from him. How much connection is there we don't seem to know yet, as this seems to have not been explored somehow (or else I must be missing something).

Desperation =/= familiarity. And I didn't say she only knew him as some random guy and therefore wouldn't have reason to trust him. But again, trusting someone is not the same as being shaped by them.

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