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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Body types 5 and 6.


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Even though more body types would be nice, it will never happen at this point. But what they really need would be something between body type 2 and 3 above all else.


Why do you think it will never happen? We've gotten new other cosmetics why couldn't we get new body types?


I wish we could just get sliders for height weight and distribution for body types. 1-4+ is so limiting and so far from actual potential body shapes.

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Why do you think it will never happen? We've gotten new other cosmetics why couldn't we get new body types?


I wish we could just get sliders for height weight and distribution for body types. 1-4+ is so limiting and so far from actual potential body shapes.


It's been 5 years it's not going to happen at this point.


Bringing in a new body type and making it fit into everything is a lot more work then a new hair style or eye color

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Personally I would like a fat body type without abs. Ball shape, just pure fat, no muscle. The current bodytype 4 on males is like a box shaped bodybuilder with doughnut addiction. Not to mention females are just slightly chubby on 4, not fat, I'd like fat ladies. Edited by Kiesu
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Personally I would like a fat body type without abs. Ball shape, just pure fat, no muscle. The current bodytype 4 on males is like a box shaped bodybuilder with doughnut addiction. Not to mention females are just slightly chubby on 4, not fat, I'd like fat ladies.


Hahaha ha!!! claps twice* xD

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Why do you think it will never happen? We've gotten new other cosmetics why couldn't we get new body types?


I wish we could just get sliders for height weight and distribution for body types. 1-4+ is so limiting and so far from actual potential body shapes.


It will likely never happen because camera angles in cutscenes, especially close ups and when the player character interacts with NPCs were designed from the get go with the four different body type heights in mind. To create a new body type with a new height would mean new camera angles for the ENTIRE game in many cutscene aspects, as well as brand new modeling scaling for the new body type(s). Animation work would also be involved.


If it was a new body type with a currently existing height, it'd still involve rescaling armor sets to accommodate it.


I personally would love a body type right between 2 and 3, but it likely won't happen. If a new type does happen, it'll likely be confined to one of our existing heights to reduce the effort needed for functionality in cutscenes.

Edited by JediJuliusDavin
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  • 5 months later...
Personally I would like a fat body type without abs. Ball shape, just pure fat, no muscle. The current bodytype 4 on males is like a box shaped bodybuilder with doughnut addiction. Not to mention females are just slightly chubby on 4, not fat, I'd like fat ladies.


Unfortunately to most of the internet that body type IS considered "very fat". I'd consider it curvy at best. The stomach is still quite flat and toned. It is my favourite body type by far to use though!

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Females need an obese body like male body 4. As obesity is more common in the world today than it was 5 years ago. This is only fair.


Yeah, the fat guys are unappealing (although still clearly strong, not just fat tubs o' lard), while the 'fat' women are really just extra curvy, not obese.


And I can't help thinking that obese people would not make particularly good bounty hunters/troopers/Jedi knights/etc. It's just not realistic to see a truly obese, out of shape person doing the things that our characters do.


And to the guy who suggested being able to adjust breast size: Only if I can adjust the size of my male characters' "packages", so that when I dress them in nothing but a loincloth or metal bikini, I can make male players uncomfortable. Only fair.


My body type suggestions:

pear-shaped women (the most common female body type IRL)

short, stocky, muscular guys

tall, thin guys

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Yeah, the fat guys are unappealing (although still clearly strong, not just fat tubs o' lard), while the 'fat' women are really just extra curvy, not obese.


And I can't help thinking that obese people would not make particularly good bounty hunters/troopers/Jedi knights/etc. It's just not realistic to see a truly obese, out of shape person doing the things that our characters do.


And to the guy who suggested being able to adjust breast size: Only if I can adjust the size of my male characters' "packages", so that when I dress them in nothing but a loincloth or metal bikini, I can make male players uncomfortable. Only fair.


My body type suggestions:

pear-shaped women (the most common female body type IRL)


short, stocky, muscular guys

tall, thin guys




I wouldn't mind a breast size slider to be honest, not outside of what's already there but I like the breasts of body type 4 more than I do of body type 2. Generally when you are a larger woman, your breasts are bigger, yet I think Body 4 has smaller breasts than body 2. I also wouldn't mind body's 2 breasts on body 3, it would make it a little more feminine. But then I'm not really a fan of 3 at all so. ;/

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Blizzard updated their character models - Bioware can do the same. They seem to have a knack for copying Blizzard design, so it's going to happen at some point simply because of that.


Alternatively, they could just completely disregard any type of customer feedback and just focus on the $$$, which they have a good reputation of doing.


EA = Cash > Fun

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Yeah, the fat guys are unappealing (although still clearly strong, not just fat tubs o' lard), while the 'fat' women are really just extra curvy, not obese.


And I can't help thinking that obese people would not make particularly good bounty hunters/troopers/Jedi knights/etc. It's just not realistic to see a truly obese, out of shape person doing the things that our characters do.


And to the guy who suggested being able to adjust breast size: Only if I can adjust the size of my male characters' "packages", so that when I dress them in nothing but a loincloth or metal bikini, I can make male players uncomfortable. Only fair.


My body type suggestions:

pear-shaped women (the most common female body type IRL)

short, stocky, muscular guys

tall, thin guys


You need to understand what Star Wars is, in order to understand the artwork. The chubby male character model doesn't have to run real life race, nor be judged on his physical health.


Star Wars is a fantasy IP - if you want to use 'realism', then you need to bunch everything else together with it and not just cherry-pick game features that aren't "realistic". Lightsabers and speeders defy the laws of physics, no one cares about their real world application because they aren't even "real". Ships defy the laws of gravity, but no one has ever called them out.

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