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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What class is best at Round 5 of the Eternal Championship?


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Any of them tbh, round 5 is fairly easy.




On my Gunslinger main though I found some matches to be fairly tedious due to the amount of moving you have to do, couldn't stay in one place for more then a second at times. But I still managed. I got to round 5 on my first run without looking at guides and stuff.

Edited by Newyankalt
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My vote goes for Juggs/knights. Great DPS, melee and you get so many defensive cooldowns you can just breeze through it. Maras and Sents would be my second pick.


I agree with your first pick but the second is a squishy class, there's easier then that.


Vanguards/ Powertechs should certainly have a better time then Mara/ Sent

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I agree with your first pick but the second is a squishy class, there's easier then that.


Vanguards/ Powertechs should certainly have a better time then Mara/ Sent


A decently geared Sentinel/Marauder played properly puts out obscene DPS though, and with a rank 35-40+ companion, it doesn't matter what class as long as you know the fight; you're basically invincible.

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I'd be more concerned about what class is best against the Knight and Squire round, because once I realised you were able to bring companions, I was able to clear each fight first attempt... except that one, where my progress came screeching to a halt. Seriously, I found the final round easier than those two.
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Any close ranged class should be able to solo it pretty easily with a healer/dps companion.

I went through it with my mara in pvp gear and only struggled with Brawler (Boss 6) because my companion kept trying to dps outside of their circle and it would reflect the damage back to us.

Edited by Ruhun
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  • 4 months later...
I fail at this fight - can't do it. Seem to spend it all running around with a few times I can actually hurt the boss, then dead - looks like no bonus companion for the DvL event for this sap. I play a sage, tried on my guardian as well. Died faster with that.
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Pretty much any class should be able to go through round 5 fairly easily. It's all about add management:

Kill adds, damage boss, kill adds, damage boss and repeat until boss is dead.


- get higher influence with companion (doable with influence level 4-5, but at 10+ you'll see a big difference)

- Dot specs (Madness/Balance/Pyrotech/Plasmatech...), AoE specs (TK Sage/Lightning Sorc)

- If you can play Mara/Sent, you're more than fine here


Vengeance Jugg/Vigilance Guardian... this isn't even a challenge, not even close.

Edited by Halinalle
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Fight: 5 has only one significant mechanic: after a short while into the fight the boss will summon 2 adds behind him who will channel an ability on the boss which will make the boss immune to damage. You need to break this channel so you can continue to damage the boss. Different ways to do so:

- kill adds

- knock adds back, sorcs, snipers, sins, merc all have aoe knockbacks, just knock them back and the channel will break

- stun them, those mobs are not cc immune, if you stun them their channel will get interrupted, since the adds are classified as "weak" even attacks like force sweep/smash (mara/jug) or vengeful slam (vengeance jug) will knock them down/stun them and you can continue to burn the boss

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