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Season 7 Rewards


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I think there will not be a season 8 and any ranked players in the game next year.




You must encourage people to continue to play by giving really good rewards, the best pvp server of EU is DEAD, you didn't merge servers and we transferred to TRE because of low pops and also other reasons too. Ranked population was good at the beginnings of the season at TRE, but it is like the last days of TOFN at the moment... You can give rewards like legacy tunings, cool weapons and mounts. I think there is no one that use that crystals... And also players who play ranked warzone can get more credits, maybe these things also encourage people getting sub to play solo ranked.


Still some problems will continue to be until you merge servers and find better solution against hackers.

yeah i got ur back azh :c

Edited by wefoundlove
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I think there will not be a season 8 and any ranked players in the game next year.




You must encourage people to continue to play by giving really good rewards, the best pvp server of EU is DEAD, you didn't merge servers and we transferred to TRE because of low pops and also other reasons too. Ranked population was good at the beginnings of the season at TRE, but it is like the last days of TOFN at the moment... You can give rewards like legacy tunings, cool weapons and mounts. I think there is no one that use that crystals... And also players who play ranked warzone can get more credits, maybe these things also encourage people getting sub to play solo ranked.


Still some problems will continue to be until you merge servers and find better solution against hackers.


People will say now - nobody cares about ranked pvp, because it is dead. Why should EAware make good rewards then?

I will explain. This is how the market works. First - you create useful product. Then you put it on the market. And THEN people decide whether is it good or not, and only then people buy it.

If people would see really good exclusive items as rewards they will BUY a sub and play ranked to get these rewards. Example of good rewards - S1 rancor, S5 nexu (just don't give it away randomly), furious armor/weapon sets, top 3 titles.

So instead of making another CM pack EA could acquire new subscribers that are happy with the game.

And they still could have their income. But no, we make a new pack instead. Why the **** are you destroying this game? It's ok for EA, but bioware created SWTOR and it looks like they don't give a **** about their own work.

Continue to pretend you don't see negative comments on twitch chat.


Edited by DerSchneider
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It's ok for EA, but bioware created SWTOR and it looks like they don't give a **** about their own work. Continue to pretend you don't see negative comments on twitch chat.



Sadly no one from Bioware is actually left. All original employees from Bioware quit (including the founders). What you have now is Bioware in name only. I think EA has once again continued it's tradition of buying a studio and then killing it off.

Edited by AutoCocker
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What a reward. Six months of Pre-season 7, and like six months of Season 7 and all they could do is: Titles, Color Crystals, and a mount? What's so hard about asking the Cartel Market team to make something that is a reskin but is still unique in the sense of a reward skin. Remember Season 1, where you got:



  1. A reskin outfit of the endgame PvE gear that looked cool
  2. A reskinned weapon
  3. An exclusive Rancor mount (other skins came out but the PvP was exclusive)
  4. The generic All-star titles
  5. A reskin pet


Anyone who has ever done Season 1 or look back at that season envy those people with those rewards. There are a lot of people I know who really wanted the rancor mount, but they just couldn't get to the tier. There are people who loved the armor set because it was something that made that player stand out. Heck, just the other day, I got a compliment for wearing that exact armor set. **This does not imply that you should rehash those rewards for other seasons.


What I'm saying is that players want rewards that feel justified to get rating for. When people saw the S1 or S3 rewards, people flocked to the ranked scene to try and get the sets. Some people were successful while other failed. Those people who got it legitimately felt gratification for getting it and others to not have it.


If only Bioware actually reads this.

-Te'fia :jawa_angel:

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Sadly no one from Bioware is actually left. All original employees from Bioware quit (including the founders). What you have now is Bioware in name only. I think EA has once again continued it's tradition of buying a studio and then killing it off.


I noticed a story quality deterioration in 3.0 with the whole secret 3rd faction Revanite conspiracy and the Light and Dark Revans.... can we pretend that the Light and Dark Revan thing was just a drunken fantasy from when I got sloshed with Lana and Theron on Rishi? Seriously, everything after the Battle of Rishi was just me, Marr, and Satele hammering drinks back while working on a peace treaty. And after 24 shots I started seeing some crazy stuff:p


Despite the criticisms I've seen on this forum, Makeb was not poorly written. Oh sure, the clear out of excess mobs from the Cartel Mining Mesa was a long overdue QoL improvement, but that's not a plot issue, it's a gameplay one.


And don't get me wrong, Rishi was fun!


But Revan's plot on Yavin 4? He needed us to destroy ourselves on Rishi so we wouldn't notice Yavin?


If not for Rishi I would have never found out about Yavin!


He didn't need to destroy our fleets to summon the Emperor, he already had the device.


I get he became very arrogant and thought he could solo a being that is essentially a NiM Ops boss, but overconfidence doesn't explain why he needed to remove our fleets from play.


His plan would have worked BETTER if he just went right to Yavin and started the ritual.

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Anyone who has ever done Season 1 or look back at that season envy those people with those rewards. There are a lot of people I know who really wanted the rancor mount, but they just couldn't get to the tier. There are people who loved the armor set because it was something that made that player stand out. Heck, just the other day, I got a compliment for wearing that exact armor set. **This does not imply that you should rehash those rewards for other seasons.

-Te'fia :jawa_angel:


I participated in seasons 1-4, and best ranked reward I got so far was furious weapon set.

I always was jealous and salty at people who got rancors, nexu, furious armor, not even talking about top 3 titles.

This made me play actively this season, like many other people. Now we don't see anything promising, and I guess next season ranked will be in a very poor shape. Even if I'm enjoying arenas as they are, 99% of people will not queue without a reason.

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What a reward. Six months of Pre-season 7, and like six months of Season 7 and all they could do is: Titles, Color Crystals, and a mount? What's so hard about asking the Cartel Market team to make something that is a reskin but is still unique in the sense of a reward skin. Remember Season 1, where you got:



  1. A reskin outfit of the endgame PvE gear that looked cool
  2. A reskinned weapon
  3. An exclusive Rancor mount (other skins came out but the PvP was exclusive)
  4. The generic All-star titles
  5. A reskin pet


Anyone who has ever done Season 1 or look back at that season envy those people with those rewards. There are a lot of people I know who really wanted the rancor mount, but they just couldn't get to the tier. There are people who loved the armor set because it was something that made that player stand out. Heck, just the other day, I got a compliment for wearing that exact armor set. **This does not imply that you should rehash those rewards for other seasons.


What I'm saying is that players want rewards that feel justified to get rating for. When people saw the S1 or S3 rewards, people flocked to the ranked scene to try and get the sets. Some people were successful while other failed. Those people who got it legitimately felt gratification for getting it and others to not have it.


If only Bioware actually reads this.

-Te'fia :jawa_angel:

Preach it sister.

6 months of pre-season, 6 months of season. This game just keeps getting better and better

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I desperately require legacy armor and weapons for my subscription to continue. . All i do is pvp and extreme role play.....Hear my cry! Three-ish years of sub and you're doing me dirty.


Also, is wintrades like, ok? or nah? Seems that that's the only ranked and any legit groups of people wanting to queue to knock out the dailies, conquest and compete amongst friends (in-house, guild vs guild) just get sniped. ALWAYS someone watching for arenas and then we get some Houdini OP l337 Squad queueing up.


I think there should be rewards given to guilds that queue together...add it to conquest rewards maybe? extra tokens? special tokens for exclusive decos, weapons, crystals, maybe armor set for guild participants so guild can pvp in an EARNED uniform?

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