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Whats your favorite planet?

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In terms of Aesthetics:


Rishi is my favorite. Darvannis is good too, so is Tython. And of course Manaan and Rakata Prime are fantastic. Alderaan could be good but why a planet that's been part of an advanced civilization for 20,000 years has DIRT ROADS is beyond me.


Dromuund Kass is kind of neat. It's very dark. The upper city in Coruscant is cool too, and I like the ruined remains of Taris. Oricon and Yavin are okay too.


Nar Shadda I was disappointed by. I was hoping for it to be more like KOTOR II's Nar Shadda.


I hate Balmorra, Belsavis, Quesh, Hutta, Tatooine, and Hoth. Belsavis I was let down by when I first played, because I sort of envisioned this massive prison in the glacial ice that you'd be constantly spending your time running through cell blocks and checkpoints and all sorts of things. And Balmorra I expected you to be constantly in massive droid foundries, churning out battle droids. But they all seem like the same generic side-dungeons over and over again instead.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Voss is nice. I find the Voss fascinating.

Ilum is cool too.


**** Taris, especially Pub side. Imp is redeemed by Thana Vesh. Though Imp Balmorra isn't that much better. In general I find the worst planets are the ones right after the capital world. They're dumps to look at and they're right where you start to really get tired of the slog and grind and it feels like you're not really going anywhere (due to Chapter 1 being four planets instead of two like the others). At least that's how it was back in the day. Now that you can practically skip them altogether, it may not be that bad.


Corellia can get annoying too, for those few spots where the map would have you believe you can just go straght from point A to point B but in reality you have to take a giant detour because it's either on a platform way above you or there's crap in the way. In general, boo to any map that does that.

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Dromund Kass is my favorite planet, though I think it's half aesthetics and half nostalgia. I like the lush green and shadowy lighting. I also enjoy Hoth, Rishi, and Voss. Hoth has a great mood and atmosphere. Rishi is both pretty and has a great mix of world cultures. I'm not even sure why I like Voss, but it could just be that it's a breath of fresh air after Belsavis.


Coruscant is my least favorite. I don't like the layout, aesthetics, or vibe. It takes forever to get places. It's by far inferior to Dromund Kaas and I've played it way too many times. Belsavis is a very close runner up. It's too big and I too often get lost in opposing faction territory. I think the fact it's somewhat nice to look at just increases my irritation, because I feel like I should like it, but get annoyed almost every time.

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My Favorite planet.... hmm...


Nar Shaddaa has to be mine, so many different levels to explore, then you have the shrouds final mission being their.



Least Fav planet is Hoth though to much traveling around and snow and ice everywhere

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1) Manaan (too sad that the zone is minimal)

2) Tatooine (only because of my stronghold)

3) Korriban/Tython/Dromund Kaas/Coruscant (like the aspect that these planets are completly turned to their side of the force (except Coruscant)

4)Zakuul (love this luxury atmosphere)


I would like to add Ziost but just beforde the destruction. Too sad BW destroyed the planet.

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My favorite planets are the beautiful worlds – Rishi, Rakata Prime, Tython, Alderaan, Dromund Kaas. I’m sure if we could explore more of Manaan and Odessen, they would be added to my list of favorites.


I also love Balmorra for the music.


My least favorites are Quesh because I don’t like the colors. Corellia because I don’t care for the navigation. Nar Shaddaa makes me feel claustrophobic. Oricon because I prefer water to fire.

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Favorite - Alderaan - Because it's like trying to soak in a beautiful forest before you know some power hungry corporation deforests it....you just want to enjoy it while it lasts :)


Lease favorite - Corellia - Because the maze of buildings and tunnels make it a pain to get *anywhere*.

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I love Hoth and hate Corellia.


I love snow and big expanses of it. Gives me a serene feeling of eternity. Would love a Stronghold there.


Whenever I play a new character Corellia is the planet I wish that hadn't been there and the story line could've ended a planet earlier for me or on Ilum for example.


Corellia is bland, the mapping is terrible and the quests uninteresting.

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I love Hoth and hate Corellia.


I love snow and big expanses of it. Gives me a serene feeling of eternity. Would love a Stronghold there.


Whenever I play a new character Corellia is the planet I wish that hadn't been there and the story line could've ended a planet earlier for me or on Ilum for example.


Corellia is bland, the mapping is terrible and the quests uninteresting.



If you had played SWG Corellia was way different. We had 3-4 major shuttleports and if you went to Dearic it was snowing there.


There was even a gold beach there but yea here not much to see.

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If you had played SWG Corellia was way different. We had 3-4 major shuttleports and if you went to Dearic it was snowing there.


There was even a gold beach there but yea here not much to see.


That's one element I'd love to see them add here....variations to the planets we have. Everytime you visit every planet it's exactly the same time of day and the same climate. It's like each planet is stuck in a time bubble (well, they are, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see Tatooine at night).

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Belsavis to me is the most visually appealing planet. The variety of greenery areas mixed with volcanic lava flows combined with snow covered regions is superb. The variety of npc's is also excellent. You have sewer creatures, prisoners, enemy Imps, and a wide range of predators.


for a small expansion planet


the NEW Oricon The graphically updated fire fountains, crashed mecca, and megalithic temples are a step above the original graphic engines ability.

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the Gnarls (where you start) or the part round the back of Kalikori village?


Not the Gnarls, but rather the mountain wilderness in which they live.


Rishi is very interesting due to its variety - and great detail.


Plus, I always hoped that Republic side would get something like Dromund Kaas. The amount of immersion is just great there. But no. Everything great belongs to the imperial side ( except Voss ).

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I like the Illum sky, but I love Alderaan. Reminds me of Colorado and the continental divide. BW got the naked mountain peaks right, but all of them are white. What they got wrong is the timberline. There are no timberlines on Alderaan and there should be (given that there are naked snow-packed peaks way above the timberline).


There are plenty of mountains above the timberline (trees don't grow above 11k to 12K feet in Colorado) that do not stay snow-packed all year long, so you get this effect of seeing tree... tree... okay no more trees... but the peak is brown, not white. That's the one detail missing from Alderaan.


Otherwise I think it's just lovely and it's easy to forgive that detail.

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I love Hoth and hate Corellia.


I love snow and big expanses of it. Gives me a serene feeling of eternity. Would love a Stronghold there.


Whenever I play a new character Corellia is the planet I wish that hadn't been there and the story line could've ended a planet earlier for me or on Ilum for example.


Corellia is bland, the mapping is terrible and the quests uninteresting.


I get enough snow and ice IRL, so I tend to hate Hoth

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Dromund Kaas. If this place existed in real life, I would do anything to live there.

I love thunder and the rain. I usually prefer night over day. My favorite part of the day is dawn and nightfall. Dromund Kaas seems to be locked somewhere around nightfall, which is perfect. The purple-blue-turquoise atmosphere is a color palette I usually pick when painting.

Also: the jungle. Every big city is concrete jungle. Having a city surounded by real jungle of beautiful plants and animals is a dream. I am not sure how many people took a walk through woods during the rain. That cozy feeling and smell of rain is unique. If you have never done that, do it!!!

Every time I visit Kaas City I imagine that feeling and smell of the fresh, forest air. It reminds me on my childhood when I used to walk through nature with my mother and our cat:D .We would take umbrellas and slowly walk listening to the soft sounds of rain drops falling down on leaves.

I remember the day when I saw Dromund Kaas for the very first time. It was officially my favorite zone ever made. I was blown away. It felt like a projection of everything I like onto one zone.


Least favorite is Hutta. It has no life.

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