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Arrogance and the Current Event


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I think October or November, with the smart money on November. They'll have something for people to do during the holiday season.


Off topic for a moment.....


Kudos to you AlienEyeTX for managing to keep a very controversial topic largely on track and moving forward, even with players doing the usual performance of disagreeing and trying to "win" at forum opinion. :)


It's also nice to see you pretty much back to where you were, perspective wise, before the event unfolded and got you so worked up. We don't always agree, but until recently... I found your views to be largely fair and honest. :cool:

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Everyone has there own vision of what this game should be...


^^ THIS has been a fundamental challenge with MMO players for years now. Everyone has an opinion.. which is fine. Some however, believe their opinion is both enforceable on a studio AND 110% correct. And some players talk like they own, or should own, control over the direction of a game. This is quite a boundary issue some playes have.....as we are players, not studio owners. Our monthly sub gives us permission to play the game.. it does not give us shareholder equity in EA, or Bioware, much less control over the direction of the game.


Reality: studios have to sort through all the wheat and chaff of player opinions AND match it up as best they can with the current implementation of their game as well as future plans for the game, all while making a reasonable profit. As players, we get to choose if we want to continue to sub, or even play as preferred.

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Just take a look at OPS : Open only at end level. ( I've heard level 50, but I doubt that. ) Flashpoints : You's be insane to attain to it with your level 16 character even although you're allowed to do it ! There's so much end-game exclusive stuff out there. How do Newbies feel ? Oh, yes, people don't care about Newbies. They don't want ANY new player to ruin THEIR game. Who needs Newbies who do so many mistakes and do not have that many requuired abilities on their quick access bar ? Elitists do not want them to enter ANY part of their game ... People don't care whether Newbies feel locked out by insane GTN prices, too. .


Hate to interrupt your rant, but yes, OPs are done at 50, and easily doable at 50. I have been doing the Flashpoints since level 15. The difference being that I actually try to learn a rotation so I can contribute to the group, rather then just hitting 2 basic attack buttons, or spamming an aoe.


The issue isn't BW holding back the new player, the issue is when the new player wants to hold the studio responsible for their own lack of initiative to actually try to learn their class. Even a basic understanding of the class.


I know you love to throw around the word elitist, or endgamers, or veteran players like it is some sort of insult, that we are so mean and terrible to you poor....poor new players and casuals. But we generally try our best to include them, and help them. But they need to be willing to learn as well, and contribute, and if you dont want to bother putting in that minimum of effort, rather come to the forums and rant and complain about how bad it is, then that issue is on you sir.

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Everyone has there own vision of what this game should be... how many developers are actually working on this game anymore? Some speculate 8.


8 people to meet the demands of so many different types of players. I feel sorry for the people that actually have to wake up in the morning and code this game :X Which should be a labor of love is probably just a dreaded mess for them, specially if they read these forums.


Their ****** work is a causation for the players attitude, and not the other way around. But I guess at this point it's pointless to argue with the forum posters, because only the best fanboys left here (my sub expires in few day).


Thanks god there are other mmos worth playing out there, who deliver content on regular basis.

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Usually, it is the other way round, and you know it : Newbies just cannot enter


- The Gree Event

- barely the Rakghule event

- barely the Bounty Hunt event

- barely the NIght Life event because they don't have that much money ...


The NORMAL way is, to exclude all NEW players. Just with the Chevin event : Not repeatable. With the *original* Rakghule Event : Not repeatable. Just take a look at OPS : Open only at end level. ( I've heard level 50, but I doubt that. ) Flashpoints : You's be insane to attain to it with your level 16 character even although you're allowed to do it ! There's so much end-game exclusive stuff out there. How do Newbies feel ? Oh, yes, people don't care about Newbies. They don't want ANY new player to ruin THEIR game. Who needs Newbies who do so many mistakes and do not have that many requuired abilities on their quick access bar ? Elitists do not want them to enter ANY part of their game ... People don't care whether Newbies feel locked out by insane GTN prices, too.


Now, it is the other way round : Usually Newbies, who are locked out from everything interesting, get something special. What happens ? Veterans want them to remain / kept locked out.


What are you smoking to have to have that train of thought? :confused:


This is the FIRST time anyone has been locked out of content in this game that was due to circumstances beyond their own control. (Bar the original F2P model where free players could only play to a certain level. Since they changed it, this no longer applies)


You can't compare a new player not being able to do higher level content with this situation. They aren't locked out of the content... all they need to do is level up a bit.


Not meeting requirements is not the same as ineligibility.

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What are you smoking to have to have that train of thought? :confused:


This is the FIRST time anyone has been locked out of content in this game that was due to circumstances beyond their own control. (Bar the original F2P model where free players could only play to a certain level. Since they changed it, this no longer applies)


You can't compare a new player not being able to do higher level content with this situation. They aren't locked out of the content... all they need to do is level up a bit.


Not meeting requirements is not the same as ineligibility.


Huh? Your not locked out of the content now they created the extra slots.

Sure you might have to pay for it but I don't see how you are locked out of it. Some of your characters may be locked out of it but then that's no different to lower levels being locked out of content ( and it was much worse years ago when they couldn't power level in a day ).

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Their ****** work is a causation for the players attitude, and not the other way around. But I guess at this point it's pointless to argue with the forum posters, because only the best fanboys left here (my sub expires in few day).


Thanks god there are other mmos worth playing out there, who deliver content on regular basis.


Wait, you mean the forums for a game are frequented by people who actually play the game and *gasp* like it? This is madness! :t_tongue:


But, if you really do feel that way about the work being done by the studio, I hope you put specific examples somewhere, so they have a chance to see what you consider to be "******" work.

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Huh? Your not locked out of the content now they created the extra slots.

Sure you might have to pay for it but I don't see how you are locked out of it. Some of your characters may be locked out of it but then that's no different to lower levels being locked out of content ( and it was much worse years ago when they couldn't power level in a day ).


Buying a character slot off of the GTN costs about the same credits as it took the average player to win the rancor from the Nightlife event. And that was back when a few million credits was a lot of money ;). I guess people liked that event more because they could spend hours flushing their credits down the toilet on existing characters rather than just new ones?

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Wait, you mean the forums for a game are frequented by people who actually play the game and *gasp* like it? This is madness! :t_tongue:


But, if you really do feel that way about the work being done by the studio, I hope you put specific examples somewhere, so they have a chance to see what you consider to be "******" work.


This is stupid. It's been said so many times.

- No new raids

- No new flashpoints

- No new big planets

- No new personal stories since launch

- No new classes

- Developers are focused too much on CM crap and this KOTFE, KOTOR wannabe flop

- The game difficulty has been extremely reduced

- Bugs. The 16m operation bug is still around, to name one. And they don't give a ****


And now they spit in the face of their loyal players (who already have all 8 classes up to max level and even more) with this "event", that is pretty much a cash grab (additional slots for the new toons), plus an easy way out of the stupid situation they put themselves in - no content, and end of KOTFE season 1.


It feels like the budget cuts on SWTOR have been made by the BIG scissor! It is so palpable.

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I think October or November, with the smart money on November. They'll have something for people to do during the holiday season.


Fair enough they very well could have a l vs d part 2 but I wouldn't expect season 2 or anything similar. You would just be getting your hopes up

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I think October or November, with the smart money on November. They'll have something for people to do during the holiday season.


KotFE launched 27 October 2015; with early access being 20 October. The relevant dates this year would be 18 and 25 October. I'm going to put my flag in the ground for 25 October early access, 27 October for "regular" access if they continue the 2-day "early" access. If they do go for the week early for "early access", then 18 and 25 October.


I am also going to pencil in 25 October or 1 November as the planned end date of DvL.


I'm not going to put my oracular reputation down on 9 chapters of Season 2 with a 5-6 month gap before monthly content starts again; I'd bet on a more regular release curve (a lead-in of several chapters and then one a month to August 2017; maybe 5-6 chapters as the intro; or maybe a couple of months with 2 chapters.)

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*Looks at TUXs post history*.


Nope sorry, don't believe you.

You're one to talk...pot meet kettle?!

That's uncalled-for - TUX wouldn't be so passionate if he didn't love the game. He's not thrilled by the current direction of the game, and has explained why that is. I don't often agree with TUX, but it's not because he doesn't love the game.

Thank you Ian! I absolutely DO love this game...which is why I want it to get better...and it's not.

Seriously go over his post history ... what doesn't he complain about?


The way he posted to support gabigool's wall of text shows he must too be bored of the game ( the gist I got from gabi's post ) so why hang around something you don't enjoy and find boring? I just don't understand these people.

What?! I complain about the lack of development...lack of balance...lack of NEW group content. I don't complain about a million other things that I enjoy immensely, but the lack of some basic MMO content in recent years is taking a toll on our population.


I have NEVER said I find this game boring. EVER! Quite the contrary...I still have class quests to finish, character to level, stories to play...I have absolutely NEVER said I was bored...but I'm not so blinded by my enjoyment of the game that I fail to see that it has serious issues right now.

I agree with this defense of TUXs' reputation, and IanArgent, I hope you don't mind me tacking on a few more words.


He has stated many times that he loves the game, and shows that he does by supporting it for quite some time now. I am certain the more recent posts TUX has


In sports, if a team is doing badly, the bandwagoners will leave and the loyal fans will remain. Some of those loyal fans love their team, but are angry with how the players might not be performing up to their earlier ability, or with management doing things to a team, or something else to be critical of.


TUX is like those loyal, critical fans. He is disappointed in how the game has been managed, such as this event - or whatever other term one wishes to use to describe it, - the lack of content for all playstyles, the droughts of developer interaction with the forums, the overhyping of content (SoR being overhyped and rushed to release with too many bugs), the delay of content (strongholds were delayed and replaced with Nightlife Event over that summer, wow I've been posting here for a while), and the lack of true variation of story ("your choices matter arguments"), but he has stuck with this game despite everything he has typed in rage about.

*steps off the soapbox and drinks her morning 'caf*

Thank you as well Lyraine. I try to be honest and fair...I don't rant just to be heard, I speak up to tell the developer of this game what "I" see happening and where "I" (as a customer) see needs that aren't being met.

Well that being the case perhaps people need to put more thought into the posts they make.


Because I often read players literally posting how "bored" they are of the game yet claiming they enjoy it. Maybe it's me but I can't think of much that I am bored of that I also enjoy.

More careful? So I don't offend you? I assure you, Bioware controls 99.9999999% of what happens with their customers...not us. If they want more, all they have to do is invest in their product...something they haven't done recently.


I don't know why you have such a personal hatred of me, we tend to agree on a great number of things...so what's your deal?

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KotFE launched 27 October 2015; with early access being 20 October. The relevant dates this year would be 18 and 25 October. I'm going to put my flag in the ground for 25 October early access, 27 October for "regular" access if they continue the 2-day "early" access. If they do go for the week early for "early access", then 18 and 25 October.


I am also going to pencil in 25 October or 1 November as the planned end date of DvL.


I'm not going to put my oracular reputation down on 9 chapters of Season 2 with a 5-6 month gap before monthly content starts again; I'd bet on a more regular release curve (a lead-in of several chapters and then one a month to August 2017; maybe 5-6 chapters as the intro; or maybe a couple of months with 2 chapters.)


I agree a bit. I think it will hit with a pack of maybe 5 chapters around the end of October/early November. Then there will be nothing until early February, though. And that will begin the one-ish chapter per month cadence that we are now accustomed to.


I just hope they put something else in before the new Season or with the start of it.


Is it wrong of me to hold out hope for new busywork content based on Season 1 right when 16 hits, or about a month after?

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Is it wrong of me to hold out hope for new busywork content based on Season 1 right when 16 hits, or about a month after?


Not at all.

Anymore I think hope is all we have. The devs don't even tease us with much info anymore.

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I agree a bit. I think it will hit with a pack of maybe 5 chapters around the end of October/early November. Then there will be nothing until early February, though. And that will begin the one-ish chapter per month cadence that we are now accustomed to.


I just hope they put something else in before the new Season or with the start of it.


Is it wrong of me to hold out hope for new busywork content based on Season 1 right when 16 hits, or about a month after?


The calendar you suggest would match Season One's pattern which wouldn't surprise me either.


And it's not wrong for you to hope for more busy work (hopefully stuff all toons can participate in, I'm sure I could handle another DvL-type event requiring all new characters so soon after this one ended). I hope for the same as well, but I bury it deep under my suspicion it will be delayed/bugged-broken/not-really-busy-work/rushed.

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The calendar you suggest would match Season One's pattern which wouldn't surprise me either.


And it's not wrong for you to hope for more busy work (hopefully stuff all toons can participate in, I'm sure I could handle another DvL-type event requiring all new characters so soon after this one ended). I hope for the same as well, but I bury it deep under my suspicion it will be delayed/bugged-broken/not-really-busy-work/rushed.


Oh, my expectations are certainly tempered (and quite low to begin with). But I still hold out that hope that they'll show they've been working on things, listening to us, and eventually make that first brilliant decision that turns the ship around.

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You're one to talk...pot meet kettle?!


That's your defense on "why you enjoy the game" heh pathetic.



Thank you Ian! I absolutely DO love this game...which is why I want it to get better...and it's not.


Then stop ruining it for everyone with your annoying negative nancy style posts. It's been going on for months now and any constructive attitude in the majority of your posts has long since evaporated.


You aren't make the game any better for anyone with such posts, you are making it worse and if anything possibly driving new players away which seems counter active to the claims you often make of "hating to see anyone leave this game".


Practice what you preach.


What?! I complain about the lack of development...lack of balance...lack of NEW group content. I don't complain about a million other things that I enjoy immensely, but the lack of some basic MMO content in recent years is taking a toll on our population.


All you ever seem to do is complain ... end of sentence.


I mean, ffs, you actually came into a topic that was meant to be positive towards the event to bring your negative attitude in this time.



I have NEVER said I find this game boring. EVER! Quite the contrary...I still have class quests to finish, character to level, stories to play...I have absolutely NEVER said I was bored...but I'm not so blinded by my enjoyment of the game that I fail to see that it has serious issues right now.


ORLY? Then why ...


Now - I may be (probably am, actually) in the minority but let me tell you why I did this stuff.


I'm bored.


You state things so perfectly...I feel like I can just follow you from now on and just "qfe" everything you say. Great post!!!!!!


Would you think a post by a user that basically goes out of it's way to explain and justify how bored they are of the game sums thing up so perfectly for you if you're not bored?


I mean if you aren't bored you sure do a bloody good job of convincing players to the contrary with your incessant whinging about the game.


Thank you as well Lyraine. I try to be honest and fair...I don't rant just to be heard, I speak up to tell the developer of this game what "I" see happening and where "I" (as a customer) see needs that aren't being met.


Over and over and over ... and you get the point.


More careful? So I don't offend you? I assure you, Bioware controls 99.9999999% of what happens with their customers...not us. If they want more, all they have to do is invest in their product...something they haven't done recently.


More careful so they don't come across as sounding like they find so much wrong with this game, agreeing with others on how boring it is and then trying to turn around and say how much they love and enjoy it.


I don't know why you have such a personal hatred of me, we tend to agree on a great number of things...so what's your deal?


Your negative attitude at times annoys me and it comes across as incessant. We only seem to agree when I have a criticism of the game to make and I do so regularly but I at least endeavour to balance it out by looking at both sides of the coin.


This event for example ... I've both attacked it and defended it depending on the argument being made and there have been many around it - BoP rewards, retroactive achievements, character slots, selling vs giving players slots to do the event, getting this in place of new content, whether the event itself is good for the game etc. etc.


Now this is of course only my perspective but ...


You seem to only have one mind set on these forums and that's only ever to support a cause that is against the game, very rarely in defence of the game you seem to love and enjoy so much and as I mentioned above any constructive aspect in your arguments against the game seem to have long since been removed or been repeated ad infinitum.

I just figured if you do enjoy this game so much there would be more balance in your posts because right now you don't sound like you are enjoying the game at all and are more or less trying to convince yourself that you do and justify your sub ... you come across as someone who needs a break from the game.


That is my perception anyway.

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I'm glad to hear more people looking at it this way. The event itself is actually quite clever. .


Well it's clearly cleverer than some players.


I see it for what it is - an artificial grind, with poorly thought out rewards, designed to take the place of genuine new content. There is nothing clever about that unless people permit themselves to be fooled by it.


I am playing through parts of it, but I don't delude myself about what it actually is.


And for the record I unsubbed the moment LS vs DS = BS went live.


All The Best

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I agree a bit. I think it will hit with a pack of maybe 5 chapters around the end of October/early November. Then there will be nothing until early February, though. And that will begin the one-ish chapter per month cadence that we are now accustomed to.


I just hope they put something else in before the new Season or with the start of it.


Is it wrong of me to hold out hope for new busywork content based on Season 1 right when 16 hits, or about a month after?


I agree in with the late October launch of *something* new be it a season 2 of this new group content they spoke of.


I also imagine there to be some sort of new content between now and then with the event finishing at the launch of that new content. Nothing major ... maybe that new group content, maybe just a new filler planet sort of like Ziost.


All guesswork really though. ;)

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Oh, my expectations are certainly tempered (and quite low to begin with). But I still hold out that hope that they'll show they've been working on things, listening to us, and eventually make that first brilliant decision that turns the ship around.

Huh, y'know, your post makes me feel a little more hopeful.


Maybe they'll release a new "roadmap" of what they hope to have done at generalized times soon as well?

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Hope the 2 individuals do not mind me taking bits from them to form my own thoughts on this topic. I do hope you guys will still find the enjoyment you seek within this game.


I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of the game. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with BW.


Ok, I can admit when I make a mistake. I've been thinking about this event, BW, and the things I've been posting lately. The funny thing is, I was wrong. The event. BW. All of it. It was all wrong.


Seriously, though: I think the event is a good thing and I'll tell you why. People are chasing after rewards that many people have saved credits over long periods of time, or spent CCs on, These people are getting a taste of things that were previously out of reach. This is a great incentive for them to complete sets, which will require either paying or playing more.

Rewards that are based on RNG, meaning you might get something worthwhile, or not. To top off this wonderful gamble some people might get sucked into purchasing coins or grinding for hours to complete "what they started" with the DvsL pack drops. On that part I think it was a brilliant move by BW, hats off and all that. For anyone who still think this is a good thing, just remember that in order to "share" any drops out of the DvsL packs you have to spend more fake currency.

And even then you have to deal with that fantastic idea of locking down cosmetic "content" , because certain items you will never posses except on that one particular toon. I have several toons I am rather proud off, I know the time and effort I put into getting them where they are and any "new" toon created just to get the above is simply beyond reason and logic for me.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!

Let me just paint you a different picture: What exactly is preventing Bioware to show the numbers they choose to? What prevents them to faciliate such an outcome that will get people to spend more fake currency to get what they actually wanted? The companion choice has already been discussed on the forums, look it up for yourself.

Just a wild guess on my part but I would not be suprised if the Chiss Jedi gets "locked" behind a cartel coin purchase, considering I have seen people asking others to go light side on their choices, because the Chiss Jedi seems more unique than her counterpart.


People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!

Unless you have never seen the stories, you will get to experience them properly, because everyone else is going to spacebar through them. I agree that it is an incentive to new players but for anyone else who has at least seen half the stories it lacks little to no incentive, apart of course from the rewards but if you have read this far you know my feelings on them....

Now imagine all those who complained so far and all those who do not even want to bother, bringing it all back to BoP rewards and/or CC unlocks. To each his own but I personally find this a real piss poor way of enticing "core" gamers, who are still part of this game..well, at least those who still have not left.


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.

Yea...I agree with that. It does seem a little more lively than a month ago but I ask a simple question to anyone who has been through the content the DvsL event is promoting:

Do you have things to do, do you have reason to play and be part of the event if you have taken upon notice the "rewards" provided by Bioware, in the manner they are rewarded?

Answer this for yourself, I made up my mind.

I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.

This game is supposed to be an MMO, and it really depends on who you ask if it really is one.

New players = hell yeah, just look at all the group content!

Old players = if I have to do another one of those...

So yeah, to each his own once more.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.

Spot on with that last remark, but I certanly will not stick around waiting for BW to take advantage...of whatever they choose to take advantage of.

Personally, as it seems important to make it clear one is only speaking for themselves, once chapter 16 ends I have made the decision to finish the "last" chapter on 2 toons and then GTF0...to all of you who have come this far, enjoy the event if you can....but above all enjoy the game.



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Huh? Your not locked out of the content now they created the extra slots.

Sure you might have to pay for it but I don't see how you are locked out of it. Some of your characters may be locked out of it but then that's no different to lower levels being locked out of content ( and it was much worse years ago when they couldn't power level in a day ).

I have a main character. That character cannot participate in the event. Hence, that character is locked out of the event. End of story. There is no "well just make an alt and now you aren't locked out." That is EXACTLY my point. I HAVE characters. Why do I need NEW ones?


I prefer to do events on one character. Not 8. And not a fresh 8 that I have no investment in.


And "power level in a day?" Bar Sundays, I'm lucky if I get to play for an hour each day because of work. Even with all the level boosts activated, I might gain 2 or 3 levels on one character in that time. That's assuming I spend that time on that new toon. Because I also run a guild and I need to tend to that. I also craft, so I have to tend to mats and GTN sales. I barely have enough time to play, and yet I was getting by just fine. Now we need to start new toons? Haha, no.

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This event for example ... I've both attacked it and defended it depending on the argument being made and there have been many around it - BoP rewards, retroactive achievements, character slots, selling vs giving players slots to do the event, getting this in place of new content, whether the event itself is good for the game etc. etc.


I have been trying to understand where you're coming from for the last couple days and I admit I still do not.


Are you trying to say that unless you see positive and negative in everything you are not being objective?


I don't think that's the definition. Objective means - at least I think it does - that your opinion is not formed from a bias but rather a consideration of the facts from all points of view.


I guess I do not understand why you assume that anyone who is generally negative in their opinion of BW's content delivery track record cannot have formed those opinions after objective consideration.


Totally serious question.

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I have a main character. That character cannot participate in the event. Hence, that character is locked out of the event. End of story. There is no "well just make an alt and now you aren't locked out." That is EXACTLY my point. I HAVE characters. Why do I need NEW ones?


Huh? YOU aren't locked out of the event though, that character is. Otherwise your previous argument falls over ( actually it falls over either way ) as I'm sure many people had characters ( mains too most likely ) that couldn't qualify for the previous level requirements of previous events and couldn't get there within a week thus those characters were effectively locked out too.


Heck it was worse back then because if that player can't get his highest levelled character to the level requirement in time then they themselves as players are completely locked out of the event. Here though, start a new character and off you go. You are not locked out at all.


You were implying this is the first time this game has locked anyone out, no one is locked out. Your character might be but then so was my level 10 character locked out of the gree event in the past thus there is no precedent set here.


You don't need new characters just like you don't need to do this event. If you want to do the event though then yes you need new characters, at least you have a choice of making a new character - a level 10 player couldn't just make the choice to instantly become a level 50 to do the gree event in the past.


I prefer to do events on one character. Not 8. And not a fresh 8 that I have no investment in.


Cool you're not legendary then. Neither am I. I'm so far also only doing it 1 character and there are quite a substantial amount of rewards for doing so. So there you have it, you CAN do it on only one character. ;)



And "power level in a day?" Bar Sundays, I'm lucky if I get to play for an hour each day because of work. Even with all the level boosts activated, I might gain 2 or 3 levels on one character in that time. That's assuming I spend that time on that new toon. Because I also run a guild and I need to tend to that. I also craft, so I have to tend to mats and GTN sales. I barely have enough time to play, and yet I was getting by just fine. Now we need to start new toons? Haha, no.


So you are in the same boat now that players were back when they couldn't qualify to do gree etc? How is it you think this event is somehow unfair then but the previous ones weren't?


Also 1 hour a day is about what I've been sporadically doing. Up to level 24 on my new toon and that's only doing purple story missions with no exp boost at all ( as I didn't want to get too strong too quickly - I don't trust level sync to do it for me ) probably 4-5 hours put in so far so levelling is far fastest than what you seem to think it is.


Either way though it sounds like you are too busy for this event so I'm not sure exactly what you want from it? Retroactive rewards on your existing toons or something? Nah, that's rewarding you for doing actually nothing if so.

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I have been trying to understand where you're coming from for the last couple days and I admit I still do not.


Are you trying to say that unless you see positive and negative in everything you are not being objective?


You are not being objective in the statements and arguments you make when your post is clearly not objective as yours in this thread have not been to which I've even previously pointed out how they aren't objective at all.

Go back over the wall of text post you made and show me all the fair objective points you made in relation to this event and in particular to the OPs post?

Being that most of it is about your personal experience with the event and the game and how you are bored of it and how that poster should basically come back to adopting your view of the event/game because of these points ... well ... good luck turning that subjective argument around :rolleyes:


Now you want to somehow strawman me saying something totally else about how another poster is almost always negative as to me actually trying to define what is objective and what is not?


Nice try but strawman argument fall flat sorry.



I don't think that's the definition. Objective means - at least I think it does - that your opinion is not formed from a bias but rather a consideration of the facts from all points of view.



I guess I do not understand why you assume that anyone who is generally negative in their opinion of BW's content delivery track record cannot have formed those opinions after objective consideration.


Totally serious question.


So before I go any further and try answer your rather odd question ...

You are making what I consider a total strawman argument. Perhaps show me based on the part you quoted or even the entire post I made to TUXs there where I've accused him of not being objective in his posts?

I seem to be missing it. Is this a subjective opinion you have formed of my posts. ;)

Odd because I was sure you implied earlier in this thread how your try form all your arguments objectively ... maybe I'm mistaken here too.

Which if that is the case would have been an odd thing to say to begin with since your entire post around the state of the game/event was purely from a subjective point of view i.e. how you personally feel and perceive it ...


As I said above though, can you demonstrate the objective argument you made in that post because I would love to see it?

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