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Arrogance and the Current Event


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No, it's just off topic and has nothing to do with the thread. We're talking about the Ls/Ds event.


I'm sure the OP won't mind. You seem pretty determined not to answer the question though. What are you hiding?

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Let's keep it civil, please. This has been a great discussion so far!


I get it. People want new group stuff. I support that.


But, we have had lots of content this year. If all of KotFE had been rolled into one drop, it would have felt huge!

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And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


To this I agree. SWTOR already felt so gruesome empty already. People weren't asking for World Bosses ( except for Conquest ) and for how to get the Datachrons. Knowledge began to get lost, which has an very stzrong impact on ANY culture.

Knowledge lost = becoming barbarians again.

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I'm sure the OP won't mind. You seem pretty determined not to answer the question though. What are you hiding?


I can tell you why I'm still here if you'll accept that as a substitute.


I like the IP. I enjoy raiding at higher difficulties with my teams. I enjoy spending time doing things with my guilds.


And, most of all, I have hope that someday this game might go back to focusing on less frivolous things.


Let's keep it civil, please. This has been a great discussion so far!


I get it. People want new group stuff. I support that.


But, we have had lots of content this year. If all of KotFE had been rolled into one drop, it would have felt huge!


I won't argue there's not a lot to KotFE. I only argue that it is not player-retention type content, and it had to be episodic in order to offset that.


Only my point of view, but I strongly believe it - just as I strongly believe this game desperately needs to focus on player retention.

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Unless he subscribed specifically for the event and that is the absolute only reason he even created a character then no the event didn't bring it to him.


That's what I get for screwing up word order. I should have said "brought him to it."


Err- so my points are less worth thinking about because I am actually participating in the event?


No, I was so startled by it that I didn't read carefully past it. My error and one I should not have committed - you have some excellent points later.


You are implying people are doing this for the rewards. I think you are vastly underestimating the number of people who are doing it because there is literally nothing else to do.


By your own admission you hadn't done KotFE. It might be (apparenlty was not) your cup of tea, but it's something to do.


I believe it is a bad business decision to ignore Operations. I believe it is a bad business decision to ignore PvP and GSF. I believe it is a bad decision - once you've done the above - to create an "event" that dangles a carrot that is specifically designed to minimize the time spent by new players in 1-50 content.


I agree with you; to a certain extent, anyway. For the "ignore content" complaint, they made a business decision to completely refurbish the game - so they had to make some hard choices about where to get the resources to do it. Ops drew the short straw, PvP got only a slightly longer one, and GSF didn't even get to draw. Sometimes your choices are all bad ones, so you pick the least-bad.


I would have done it eventually. Probably. But I can say with certainty barring another of these events I will never do it again. Call it whatever you want but it is not MMO content. It is episodic single-player content.


Put together with about, assumes facts not in evidence, that there is a commercially-viable market for "classic" MMO content. (I'm not claiming there isn't, beyond noting the dearth of such new content across the board. Where's the new-launched major-studio Theme Park MMO? Most everyone is threatening to quit and go back to WoW, or LotRO, or ESO; or non-MMO titles. Either someone is leaving money on the table, or there's not enough money on that table. I can't say, I don't have the data.)


Let's keep it civil, please. This has been a great discussion so far!


I get it. People want new group stuff. I support that.


But, we have had lots of content this year. If all of KotFE had been rolled into one drop, it would have felt huge!


You'd still get the salt about lack of Ops. But I've been saying what you said for a while

Edited by IanArgent
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As with anything, there is good and bad. Over the course of SWTOR, they have (and are) doing plenty of things that piss me off and there's plenty that's broken. When I first heard about this event, I wasn't happy about it and was really not interested in participating. Then I decided to at least do one toon and go for some stuff. My friends in game started new toons with me, and after having so much fun just playing and doing things again, we're going to do the 8 toons.


As others have said, it is nice to see populated places, and to experience things again that were accomplished long ago. I am a bit disappointed at the unintended effect the event has had on my guild's attendance as people are off alting and RP has suffered, but aside from that. I'm really happy with the event.

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Henry David Thoreau says it best:


“The whole course of SWtoR history may depend on a change of heart in a single, solitary, even humble developer. For it is within the soul of the developer that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost.”


Or something like that.

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It is interesting to me to see people who are longing for swtor of old days and yes it has not really been out for as long as some other heavy heights but that longing for a better swtor or the hope that it will over night swing in the opposite direction is just the usual mmo gamer clinging on to memories still not forgotten and still fresh in your mind. Many mmos have come and gone and each and every one of them I have stayed for most of the time to the end. SWTOR right now wont be that one mmo and it is not because of the poor development but because i realize that subbing just to sub with hopes for change wont do a thing. You can say well your not helping by not subbing but the truth is foolish people who will angrily hang on just to spite the others that speak up and out about how poorly this game is being handled now.


i get it we all want and hope and post for BW to listen to our posts but the fact that you are or anyone is so easily changed not from the oh i quit screw you bw posts but you honestly speaking to how poorly the game is being handled is just shameful and sad.


the fact is the game is not being handled correctly or right . the content of lack of content being developed for the monthly that one would pay is just mind boggling. the lack of real bug and polish on even the newest chapter cheese being delivered is pitiful and weak. the lies upon lies of what will come and not come or what was planned but now not planned is just pathetic. the vague ideas of what group content is planned, the utter flash of just how much of a money grab the LvD event really is just is disgusting.


So no OP your initial gut reaction of screaming and saying over and over the game is a steaming pile of horse flop is and was and will be still spot on.


Now for the meat of your post OP,


1. even on the heavy hitter server and we know which that is so no point debating it, instances of leveling characters have dropped off steeply. if you look to other servers of which i have many characters on a handful of the servers still left, they are status quo on the tide of people online. Can anyone give a number no because BW has for as long as swtor has been out just plain straight up hides it and says its amazing and populated. On one server it honestly has seen a decreased population be it transfers for the absurd 1k or just not playing


2. the rewards are pathetic, and just another one of the many money grabs that are laced into the event. i do not just guess but speak from experience having opened more than enough to get a good sample size going.


3. people are not learning anything trust me i get you and why you said that. many people jsut didnt know how to play in a group with the class they were playing and they still do not.


4. this game is not increasing subs but f2p sure i see it and read it and help a lot of new people in game but they are all f2p and several have already left the game with the final good bye question i ask why to the reply i get of EA wants to charge me for every little thing in the game of which I am only just messing around with. This is the root of the issue again boils down to money grab and poor development.

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I'm sorry, but I disagree. This is still not an "event"...it's a checklist with rewards.


Are people doing it? Of course they are, because we're so starved for something/anything to do that we're willing to grind new toons just for stupid trinkets. I'm doing it myself...but that doesn't make anyone wrong for calling it what it is...it's a sham, a joke, it's lazy, it's pathetic. It's yet another attempt to recycle existing content and present it as something "new" to do...it's not. No effort went into this, no resources were used, nothing new was developed for it...it's sad...it's even sadder because I enjoy this game, but if this is the best that 8 man "team" can do in Austin, this game is done...the decline in players will only continue...


I agree with TUXs. I'm doing some of the event cause I'm *that* bored right now, but that doesn't by any stretch of the imagination mean that this 'event' is worthy of praise in any way, and if they think they're going to lure me into activities I don't enjoy simply because there are prizes attached it, they've got another thing coming.

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Regardless of how monotonous they are, although there is a slight pleasure in clearing something on the checklist. I'm not sure why this is. :confused:





No logic,

To huuuumaan, behaaaavior,

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No logic,

To huuuumaan, behaaaavior,


*waves hand*


Look over there, it's a cute little kitten!




Edit: Oh dear god, ***.


uuuu aaaa


Am I wrong? Am I so unkind?

Show me the way don't turn away

I can't hide all these thoughts in my mind

Every moment I'm just thinking of you


Ooh ah, just a little bit

Ooh ah, a little bit more

Ooh ah, just a little bit

You know what I'm I'm looking for


Oh come on.... seriously? WTH is this mind trickery?

Edited by Transcendent
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*waves hand*


Look over there, it's a cute little kitten!




Edit: Oh dear god, ***.




Am I wrong? Am I so unkind?

Show me the way don't turn away

I can't hide all these thoughts in my mind

Every moment I'm just thinking of you


Ooh ah, just a little bit

Ooh ah, a little bit more

Ooh ah, just a little bit

You know what I'm I'm looking for


Oh come on.... seriously? WTH is this mind trickery?


Tao te ikinai.

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Regardless of how monotonous they are, although there is a slight pleasure in clearing something on the checklist. I'm not sure why this is. :confused:


OCD, man. OCD. I make checklists for everything and it scratches that itch when I can cross something off the list. Doing dishes or cleaning the bathroom is FAR more dull than playing a video game I like, yet I am thrilled when I can cross it off my list.


This game (that I still mostly like) gives me something to do that I, personally, have never tried before AND it gives me a checklist? I'll stay subbed AND try to cross everything off the list. :o

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