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Arrogance and the Current Event


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That's funny, because I see a lot of spacebarring through everything, horrible, defiantly ignorant play in FPs and Ops, throwing matches and suicides to get stuff over with. People might be doing more, but to what end? Speed runs are generally what people do once they've already experienced something and enjoyed it enough to want to see how fast they can do it again using the skills and gear they've earned.


Veterans can knock this crap out relatively fast because we've already done it all a bajillion times before. I've memorized every fp/op map, every boss strat, every shortcut to bypass trash and every story beat. The event's ticking clock makes new people speed run content they've never seen before as if they were me, but they don't have the experience to play like me. They learn nothing about the story or how their characters play. I imagine before this event ends many people will have burned themselves out, especially if they try to get legendary and start deleting toons.


Do you speed run your brand new games, ignore all tutorial hints and just barrel through all content and then delete your save game the moment you finish? Aren't you supposed to enjoy a game by experiencing it naturally? Seems kinda counter productive to encourage people to burn through everything like this all in one go, especially in a subscription based game.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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That's funny, because I see a lot of spacebarring through everything, horrible, defiantly ignorant play in FPs and Ops, throwing matches and suicides to get stuff over with. People might be doing more, but to what end? Speed runs are generally what people do once they've already experienced something and enjoyed it enough to want to see how fast they can do it again using the skills and gear they've earned.


Veterans can knock this crap out relatively fast because we've already done it all a bajillion times before. I've memorized every fp/op map, every boss strat, every shortcut to bypass trash and every story beat. The event's ticking clock makes new people speed run content they've never seen before as if they were me, but they don't have the experience to play like me. They learn nothing about the story or how their characters play. I imagine before this event ends many people will have burned themselves out, especially if they try to get legendary and start deleting toons.


Do you speed run your brand new games, ignore all tutorial hints and just barrel through all content and then delete your save game the moment you finish? Aren't you supposed to enjoy a game by experiencing it naturally? Seems kinda counter productive to encourage people to burn through everything like this all in one go, especially in a subscription based game.


I'm hoping that new players do not do this. The wise thing to do would be to play through the story and earn tier 1 or tier 2 for this event. Attempting the top tiers is ridiculous for even the most seasoned veterans. Speed running would probably make for a pretty horrible experience for noobs.


This game was meant to be enjoyed over time. Top tiers of this event are for veterans who have already done it all and just want "cool" stuffs. Noobs will get decent rewards just by playing the game normally. And, better yet, they'll get more exposure to the best stuff in the game!

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Except the vibe of this event is "one time only to change the galaxy". If they came out and said "every year between seasons we will repeat the event and add new tiers/rewards AND you can pick up where you left off", then sure, people would probably slow down, but they haven't and people are not going to want to participate and not get the companion, not contribute to the LVD balance and not get all the shinies they possibly can.
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Except the vibe of this event is "one time only to change the galaxy". If they came out and said "every year between seasons we will repeat the event and add new tiers/rewards AND you can pick up where you left off", then sure, people would probably slow down, but they haven't and people are not going to want to participate and not get the companion, not contribute to the LVD balance and not get all the shinies they possibly can.


I'm participating and I don't want the companion though I may very well qualify, that's probably the reward I least want - yet another companion.

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Ok, so I am breaking my vow of silence because of this thread, I no longer post but still look at these forums (I am breaking my rule but not too many times). I am actually glad to see that so many 'veterans' around the forums are sort of embracing the event. I had a few similar feelings when I first saw the event list, however after carefully looking at the requirements only really the final level is 'hardcore' the rest are doable.


Me personally, I went back and forth to whether or not I was going to do any of it but I finally decided to do up to the final level as I think the xp armour might be useful and that the requirements for the final tier should be easy enough. I will however be breaking my rule of space barring since I do every quest while levelling it would take too long to level naturally but as soon as I hit 65 I will move on to SOR regardless of story progression as I will have no attachment to the character I level it will be deleted as soon as the I reach the target.


I do feel as if they could have done a slightly better job for the veterans, maybe in making some of the requirements retro active (the ones I am thinking of was the all level 50 one and crafting) while flashpoints etc can be done specifically for this event.


Oh and if BW were having problems with BOL gear being combined with BOE gear to complete sets then why simply not make the DvL pack gear BOE, this way it will also help bring the economy down slightly if more of the older gear was available on the GTN.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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I really miss the distinctiveness of the old companions, when Risha was the single target DPS queen. Now they're all the same, all blandly generic corporate crapola.

And it's great, finally get to run with the companions I want to run with, not the ones I'm forced to because of their role.

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I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of the game. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with BW.


Ok, I can admit when I make a mistake. I've been thinking about this event, BW, and the things I've been posting lately. The funny thing is, I was wrong. The event. BW. All of it. It was all wrong.


Seriously, though: I think the event is a good thing and I'll tell you why. People are chasing after rewards that many people have saved credits over long periods of time, or spent CCs on, These people are getting a taste of things that were previously out of reach. This is a great incentive for them to complete sets, which will require either paying or playing more.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!


People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.




I think the hardest part to come to terms with is the player base just doesn't see the metrics. We can make wild guesses, but they will usually carry a significant bias from our own content preference. It's hard to let go of the feeling that your preferred content may not be the money generator.


There's also the realization that most MMOs rely upon repetition of content. It would be nice to think that a developer only needs to focus on end game content. I would love to know the perentage of players participating in that sort of long duration, large group, regimented play compared to the casuals that drop in run a flashpoint and a couple of heroics then leave. More importantly the return on investment ;)

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I was against this event because I did everything before. But I am playing this event. My guild too. But we should aks ourselfes why we are playing it. Because it is the only "new" content, the only "new" things we could explore. Your points are right. But from ALL of my guild members the first reaction to the event was dissapointment. On the one hand, because classes receive stuff they do not need and stuff they have to unlock for CC etc. I can not send my greetings to BioWare. It is just old stuff and it will always be the old stuff connected to this event. Why should a veterean praise that? I have to buy character slots if it was my intention to complete the event. I have to unlock items because they are not BoL. It makes fun to level up with guild members but we already did that before.
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And it's great, finally get to run with the companions I want to run with, not the ones I'm forced to because of their role.


Downside is, they are all the same now. New companions don't matter - they are just another tab in my menu and another resource sink. HK-51 isn't worth getting anymore. So is Treek. Of all rewards for this event, companion is probably the least useful. Not like they'll participate in any story or have some noteworthy dialogue.


As for event, I definetely appreciate what it does for new population of the game. Entire "buy boost to KotFE" idea was absolutely horrible, and LvsD at least attempts to remedy the consequences. Yet I totally hate that it does absolutely nothing for me. Running third set of characters is just too much at this point, so I, as well as many other vets I guess, feel left out of yet another part of the game, offering absolutely nothign to old timers. I'm not saying we should automatically qualify for high-tier rewards. But goddamnit, give us something. At least something to do.

Edited by Frenesi
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Personally, I just want the Chiss lady.

I don't care about the top tier... and given that one of the top tier achievements is getting infected with the Rakghoul Plague and blowing up in people's faces, something I refuse to do on principle, I know I'll never get Legendary.

I'm perfectly fine with that.

The "do all the Hard Modes" and "Beat these Ops bosses" achievements aren't looking all that likely either because most of my guildmates vanished a few months ago and hardly any have came back so far. C'est la vie.


I introduced a friend to this game after KotFE launched (he finally subbed at Christmas) and we've done some leveling together and some apart. We've decided to do our Republic DvL characters together, so I like our chances of getting each other up to the companion unlock :)

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Downside is, they are all the same now. New companions don't matter - they are just another tab in my menu and another resource sink. HK-51 isn't worth getting anymore. So is Treek. Of all rewards for this event, companion is probably the least useful. Not like they'll participate in any story or have some noteworthy dialogue.

Not quite the same, Treek is awful compared to others.

And many of the original companions didn't suit their role, for example the Sith Warrior's Vette would have made more sense as a healer and Malavai Quinn as a Ranged DPS. Now I get to correct that.

Appearance of companion is just vanity fluff now as it always should have been.


As for event, I definetely appreciate what it does for new population of the game. Entire "buy boost to KotFE" idea was absolutely horrible, and LvsD at least attempts to remedy the consequences. Yet I totally hate that it does absolutely nothing for me. Running third set of characters is just too much at this point, so I, as well as many other vets I guess, feel left out of yet another part of the game, offering absolutely nothign to old timers. I'm not saying we should automatically qualify for high-tier rewards. But gosh darnit, give us something. At least something to do.

As any MMO ages and starts to rack up the expansions you have to give new players some way of getting to the new content without expecting them to make a level 1.

You also have to understand that any game set in a persistant world is unlikely to offer unique gameplay at every turn.


I play Elite: Dangerous a sandbox space sim set in a simulated galaxy and it has to be the single most repetitive game I've ever played. And yet technically everytime I jump to a different system or dock with a new station they are 'never done before' content, they are just wearing the same clothes :(


If an MMO continued the old style progression of a level hike and new tiers of gear in an Operation with every expansion you actually cut out content by making the old Operations redundant. Far better to try and get all content worth playing at all times.

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I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


Paraphrasing Anakin Skywalker isn't a good start to anything.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great!


No, it isn't. What if people slave away with their LvD decisions and end up with the comp they don't want?


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


At this point, all Bioware is doing is slowly replacing their long time subs with new ones. I suppose that's fine for them, but I'm not sure why any players think that's a great thing.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity...


Remember, this is the company that had nothing to concur with the release of the Force Awakens.


...and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more.


Wow, Bioware expanding endgame content? Yeah, that's what a lot of people keep hoping for, but instead end up with an event like this one.


If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.




All 4.0 has been is Bioware "trying to bring in more people".

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That's funny, because I see a lot of spacebarring through everything, horrible, defiantly ignorant play in FPs and Ops, throwing matches and suicides to get stuff over with. People might be doing more, but to what end? Speed runs are generally what people do once they've already experienced something and enjoyed it enough to want to see how fast they can do it again using the skills and gear they've earned.


Veterans can knock this crap out relatively fast because we've already done it all a bajillion times before. I've memorized every fp/op map, every boss strat, every shortcut to bypass trash and every story beat. The event's ticking clock makes new people speed run content they've never seen before as if they were me, but they don't have the experience to play like me. They learn nothing about the story or how their characters play. I imagine before this event ends many people will have burned themselves out, especially if they try to get legendary and start deleting toons.


Do you speed run your brand new games, ignore all tutorial hints and just barrel through all content and then delete your save game the moment you finish? Aren't you supposed to enjoy a game by experiencing it naturally? Seems kinda counter productive to encourage people to burn through everything like this all in one go, especially in a subscription based game.


These are some of the biggest reason I am against it. For a company that's all about "the story" having a speed run contest to trivialize the story doesn't make sense.

The way it is implemented is the biggest reason.

I gladly would have been more supportive they if they had given everyone 2 character slots instead of telling subs to spend even more real money for slots or to delete characters.

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And it's great, finally get to run with the companions I want to run with, not the ones I'm forced to because of their role.


I think this is nice from a gameplay perspective and all... but come on... in terms of story it makes zero sense. Why should Mako be just as an effective tank as skadge or someone else. I'm a heavily into a gameplay>realism kind of guy... but in terms of story I think that should have at times have a higher priority.

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Remember, this is the company that had nothing to concur with the release of the Force Awakens.



It was not a good movie so no loss there. If it wasn't for the brand it would have flopped horribly

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I'm sorry, but I disagree. This is still not an "event"...it's a checklist with rewards.


Are people doing it? Of course they are, because we're so starved for something/anything to do that we're willing to grind new toons just for stupid trinkets. I'm doing it myself...but that doesn't make anyone wrong for calling it what it is...it's a sham, a joke, it's lazy, it's pathetic. It's yet another attempt to recycle existing content and present it as something "new" to do...it's not. No effort went into this, no resources were used, nothing new was developed for it...it's sad...it's even sadder because I enjoy this game, but if this is the best that 8 man "team" can do in Austin, this game is done...the decline in players will only continue...

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These are some of the biggest reason I am against it. For a company that's all about "the story" having a speed run contest to trivialize the story doesn't make sense.

The way it is implemented is the biggest reason.

I gladly would have been more supportive they if they had given everyone 2 character slots instead of telling subs to spend even more real money for slots or to delete characters.


You're right. It could and should have been implemented better. But the event itself is not as bad as I had originally thought. And I haven't even started participating yet. Just looking at the big picture.


Sure the content is not new, but this is better than not getting content AND not being given a reason to play the old content again.


And, as mentioned before, it's a good draw for people who haven't really played it before.

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i'm sorry, but i disagree. This is still not an "event"...it's a checklist with rewards.


Are people doing it? Of course they are, because we're so starved for something/anything to do that we're willing to grind new toons just for stupid trinkets. I'm doing it myself...but that doesn't make anyone wrong for calling it what it is...it's a sham, a joke, it's lazy, it's pathetic. It's yet another attempt to recycle existing content and present it as something "new" to do...it's not. No effort went into this, no resources were used, nothing new was developed for it...it's sad...it's even sadder because i enjoy this game, but if this is the best that 8 man "team" can do in austin, this game is done...the decline in players will only continue...







~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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I'm sorry, but I disagree. This is still not an "event"...it's a checklist with rewards.


Are people doing it? Of course they are, because we're so starved for something/anything to do that we're willing to grind new toons just for stupid trinkets. I'm doing it myself...but that doesn't make anyone wrong for calling it what it is...it's a sham, a joke, it's lazy, it's pathetic. It's yet another attempt to recycle existing content and present it as something "new" to do...it's not. No effort went into this, no resources were used, nothing new was developed for it...it's sad...it's even sadder because I enjoy this game, but if this is the best that 8 man "team" can do in Austin, this game is done...the decline in players will only continue...


Yea my boyfriend and I are doing it but we not pushing ourselves to get the rewards. First because the companion I really want is not really based on my actions but on everyones. Second, it gets really boring running the same thing yet again.


We taken into playing less and spending time playing SWG, the NGE Emulator instead and then sometimes I play a solo game instead of logging on here.


I think we played once or twice since it started. It might be good for those that have never done it but I question the way it is done, it actually encourages racing to the end instead of taking your time and seeing the story and learning your role when you do fp.

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IMO one of the things they did right with this "event" was putting the Companion reward on the second-highest tier. I'm okay with the "Legendary" tier requiring legitimately exceptional effort to reach, since that tier is not required for the Companions that are being presented front-and-center as the face of the promotion. Legendary tier is the "Wings of the Architect" for this event, and I think that's ultimately something that it's okay for it to have (although they might have avoided some blowback by packaging it as a 'bonus' tier or 'super-special achievement' instead of as the highest tier).


I will note that I hit L26 or so on my first event character, without spacebarring and without doing (much) optional content; before landing on Coruscant, and without doing every last exploration mission (I did most, I'll admit; but as I go on, I'll probably drop back to "core missions" only. It took a couple of XP boosts and buying out the Story XP perq, admittedly, but the point is, the non-legendary tiers are entirely accessible without a spacebar run.


I'm sorry, but I disagree. This is still not an "event"...it's a checklist with rewards.


So are all the other events - the checklist is a little more "metagamy" this time, but for every other event it's "go here, do this, probably kill some stuff."


At this point, all Bioware is doing is slowly replacing their long time subs with new ones. I suppose that's fine for them, but I'm not sure why any players think that's a great thing.

All 4.0 has been is Bioware "trying to bring in more people".


"Slowly replacing long-term players with new players" is the life cycle of every game.




AlienTX, thanks for the rethink. I'm not terribly far off from your position here; my complaint has been that they made concept decisions that necessarily precluded allowing existing characters to participate, and that was a Bad Thing. The implementation details, once that Bad Decision was made, have been pretty good.

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You're right. It could and should have been implemented better. But the event itself is not as bad as I had originally thought. And I haven't even started participating yet. Just looking at the big picture.


Sure the content is not new, but this is better than not getting content AND not being given a reason to play the old content again.


And, as mentioned before, it's a good draw for people who haven't really played it before.


Exceeeeept...I already had reasons to play the content again: my existing 40 toons at all stages of the game. And now I either don't use them at all the next three or four months and only focus on throw away LVD toons, or I give up getting more than a handful of rewards.


If the goal was to get people who bought 60 tokens and only used token characters to play through KOTFE to now play all the content they had previously been enticed to skip, then sure, they'll now be enticed to play through vanilla content...but they're still rushing, still skipping actually enjoying the game to check off a box on arbitrary list.


And we all know, just like the 60 token did for KOTFE, this event is meant to pad BW's numbers during the down time so they can lie to corporate and tell them absolutely everyone loves all the nothing they're doing.

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So are all the other events - the checklist is a little more "metagamy" this time, but for every other event it's "go here, do this, probably kill some stuff."


But other events offer new areas, new bosses, new rewards. And when they first arrived, they were brand-new content.


This event is dead on arrival, so old its supposed "content" is. Even rewards are mostly pulled from CM.

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