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Favorite Companion Customization


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Just curious about everyone's take on the different options for character customization. Most of mine stick to the default, but there are a few that I decided to switch for variety's sake and ended up preferring them in the end. (There's only so many copies of blue Vette and brown Jorgan running around before you get bored. Especially on the first 2 starter planets) These are a few of my personal favorites.


Andronikos Revel Customization 9



My favorite customization option. Between the tattoos, hair, and glowing eyes; he just screams murderous space pirate. :D


Khem Customization 11



Nice change from the generic Dashade skin tone and I love the body armor.


Vette Customization 2



I don't see this one very often, but I prefer it personally. Only downside is that the shock collar disappears if you change to any customization.


Aric Jorgan Customization 3



I love the leopard theme of this one, a lot more eye catching than the default.


Kaliyo Customization 3



She just looks kick *** in this one, what can I say?


Also, I'm at the point now where I've come across a comp that's every kit is as bad or is worse than the default. I've rolled my first Knight, so I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about. Sorry, but the stache on Doc's default just isn't working. Anyone choose a different one and why?

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I generally only ever change up 3 of the companions' looks. Mostly because I like the look of them, except for these particular three. Companions I don't even LIKE don't get changed or even really played with so much.


But the three that I do prefer customizing include:


(1) Khem Val gets the customization #2 off the CE Vendor every time. I tend to call him my Mutant Ninja Turtle whenever I get him properly decked out, hehe. HERE he is, looking spiffy.


(2) I give Arik Jorgan the tiger-looking customization #2 bought on Ilum: HERE.


(3) Finally, Corso Riggs gets a better hair-do with #7 off the CE vendor, because I prefer him with a more Asian-appearance. HERE he is. To be honest, Corso's look is perhaps my favorite customization in the game.

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Aric Jorgan: Number one.

Elara Dorne: Number three.(1)

Khem Val: depends on the character. My LvD sorc is a Rattataki wearing the Xoxaan set, so to go with the super-pale look, she uses the default KV.


(1) This caused me some difficulty on my main. I got the customisation way back when, and then stuck the poor girl in a hair-hiding helmet. Then I ran around for ages like that, long enough that I forgot what Elara really looked like underneath. Then I launched the Rishi phase of SoR, and there was this mystery brunette in the cinematic and no Elara.

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I try to use a new Customisation on each Character to keep their play a bit more unique. My favourite is the HK-51 Advanced Recon because I dislike all of his others.


I don't know why they haven't released a HK-47 customisation as it would be the best one. They should also put out the green look his clones had in KOTOR II

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Though I don't really care for either of the characters, probably the best customizations are:

1. The one that removes the hood from Xalek

2. The one that gives Khem armour


For Xalek it means you're no longer forced to try and build his armour around a dang beige cloth hoody, and for Khem it means your all powerful Sith is no longer running around with someone wearing rags.

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My favorites are:


Corso in his "cabana boy" customization. I've been using this one since launch and now I can't imagine Corso any other way.


Aric with this look. I really dislike the sideburns on his default look.


I have Scorpio in this look. I like this one better, but it's always too expensive on the GTN for me to buy.


I prefer my Andronikos with hair, while still keeping as close to his original look as possible.


I like this look for Ashara.


My male bounty hunter uses this customization for Mako. It's still close enough to the original that it fits her story.


I'm too attached to Vector and Quinn's original looks to change them.

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Just curious about everyone's take on the different options for character customization. Most of mine stick to the default, but there are a few that I decided to switch for variety's sake and ended up preferring them in the end. (There's only so many copies of blue Vette and brown Jorgan running around before you get bored. Especially on the first 2 starter planets) These are a few of my personal favorites.


Andronikos Revel Customization 9



My favorite customization option. Between the tattoos, hair, and glowing eyes; he just screams murderous space pirate. :D


Khem Customization 11



Nice change from the generic Dashade skin tone and I love the body armor.


Vette Customization 2



I don't see this one very often, but I prefer it personally. Only downside is that the shock collar disappears if you change to any customization.


Aric Jorgan Customization 3



I love the leopard theme of this one, a lot more eye catching than the default.


Kaliyo Customization 3



She just looks kick *** in this one, what can I say?


Also, I'm at the point now where I've come across a comp that's every kit is as bad or is worse than the default. I've rolled my first Knight, so I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about. Sorry, but the stache on Doc's default just isn't working. Anyone choose a different one and why?


HK-51, Bounty hunter from bounty week vendor

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My favorites are:


Corso in his "cabana boy" customization. I've been using this one since launch and now I can't imagine Corso any other way.


Aric with this look. I really dislike the sideburns on his default look.


We have similar tasted in these two. I really like that Jorgan in particular; the eyes are awesome. I also like the new Cartel Market one for Jorgan.


I use this customization for Elara on one of my Troopers. I really wish there were a customization available for her that looked like this (which is how she appears after she recovers from her injuries on the Gauntlet).


I use this one for Ensign Temple.


Other than these, I usually don't use customizations. Sometimes a color-changing one on T7 (usually the blue one), but not much else.

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