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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why won't the developers fix Treasure Hunting Lockboxes, the main source of inflation


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looks like they don't care that they lose thousands of dollars of cartel coin sales each and every day due to this exploit supplying cheap and easy credits.


it must be fun to be so rich you can throw away that kind of money.

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looks like they don't care that they lose thousands of dollars of cartel coin sales each and every day due to this exploit supplying cheap and easy credits.


it must be fun to be so rich you can throw away that kind of money.


No they don't care that you've been trolling them for months about this. Akostt/Mezarkan/Rozaran or whatever the heck you are with so many troll accounts it's a nuisance trying to keep up. Your stupid ploys to get them to notice are pathetic and pitiful. You've never once had genuine intentions and I knew you were reverse trolling with the whole I buy from credit spammers BS. They've know about TH for months and you know what a nerf is on the way Soon™. Get over yourself the whole SWTOR detective crap is annoying as heck as well.

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looks like they don't care that they lose thousands of dollars of cartel coin sales each and every day due to this exploit supplying cheap and easy credits.


it must be fun to be so rich you can throw away that kind of money.



It's more like you creating an issue where there is none, and no one cares about it, including the devs. If they didn't like how they designed it, then they would change it. So please spare us the melodrama and get off of your soapbox. No one cares.

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It's more like you creating an issue where there is none, and no one cares about it, including the devs. If they didn't like how they designed it, then they would change it. So please spare us the melodrama and get off of your soapbox. No one cares.


Yeah don't bother with this person they are just trolling everyone with multiple accounts. Akostt/ Mezarkan/ Rozaran all the same person trying to troll someone. It's easy to see this because they all post the same exact way. Also I agree with Holocron No One Cares. :p

Edited by squirrelballz
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Yeah don't bother with this person they are just trolling everyone with multiple accounts. Akostt/ Mezarkan/ Rozaran all the same person trying to troll someone. It's easy to see this because they all post the same exact way. Also I agree with Holocron No One Cares. :p


You know, I suspect some of it is rival credit farmers trying to destroy the competition. :D

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I've seen these people and reported them. They are always in far flung places never in groups like some of these threads elude to.


Quick Fix: Return Treasure Hunting to what it was before where you accumulated tokens to be traded into a treasure hunter vendor on fleet.





The inflation part is real as far as GTN adaptive armoring is concerned. Where you used to have several pages of under 10k chest/belt/pant I've recently noticed the starting price is 40k. This is on Shadowlands where cartel pack clothes were overly abundant and cheap.

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The inflation part is real as far as GTN adaptive armoring is concerned. Where you used to have several pages of under 10k chest/belt/pant I've recently noticed the starting price is 40k. This is on Shadowlands where cartel pack clothes were overly abundant and cheap.


That's not inflation. That's a combination of mid-month ( less people buying packs ), and the event causing people to make lots of alts.


Watching other items, I saw a spike some months ago, but nothing since. I haven't seen a real change in prices on Shadowlands for anything with a decent supply, that isn't explained by a sudden change in demand.

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You know, I suspect some of it is rival credit farmers trying to destroy the competition. :D


treasure hunting lockboxes are the credit farmers source of credits. it's the fastest and easiest thing to do to generate credits and it is 100% scalable and requires no interaction with other players or the gtn.

Edited by Akostt
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treasure hunting lockboxes are the credit farmers source of credits. it's the fastest and easiest thing to do to generate credits and it is 100% scalable and requires no interaction with other players or the gtn.


It has been this way since the beginning of the game, and NOW it is an issue all of sudden? I'm sorry but I don't buy it. I understand the mechanics, but farmers would have been using it since launch, but history has shown that the majority farmers have used other outlets until recently.


So you must ask yourself, what changed? What changed is there at least two rival farmers and one of them has a back-up plan to farm credits for when treasure hunting gets nerfed, so he is doing his darnedest to remove his rival seller by getting his rival sellers income method removed/nerfed. BUT in the long run it will only hurt the regular players, as farmers will always find other methods.

Edited by Holocron
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It has been this way since the beginning of the game, and NOW it is an issue all of sudden? I'm sorry but I don't buy it. I understand the mechanics, but farmers would have been using it since launch, but history has shown that the majority farmers have used other outlets until recently.




when kotfe happened they made crewskill work extremely fast with max influence, those treasure hunting lockbox missions were balanced based on taking 40 minutes or so to complete, not 3 minutes.


they are completely imbalanced at 3 minutes and generate tons of credits since kotfe. also proof has been shown that hundreds of accounts are abusing it non stop with bots.


many notice this but they only post once or twice and get drowned out by the exploiters who defend it on the forum in every post they make on the subject.

Edited by Akostt
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when kotfe happened they made crewskill work extremely fast with max influence, those treasure hunting lockbox missions were balanced based on taking 40 minutes or so to complete, not 3 minutes.


they are completely imbalanced at 3 minutes and generate tons of credits since kotfe. also proof has been shown that hundreds of accounts are abusing it non stop with bots.


many notice this but they only post once or twice and get drowned out by the exploiters who defend it on the forum in every post they make on the subject.


Face it. People don't care, they don't want it fixed as that benefits your credit selling. People would rather you suffer.

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Face it. People don't care, they don't want it fixed as that benefits your credit selling. People would rather you suffer.


the credit sellers are making a fortune. i created this account to troll the name of a credit seller on an auction site. his name is similar to this one and he sells billions of credits every few days.

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the credit sellers are making a fortune. i created this account to troll the name of a credit seller on an auction site. his name is similar to this one and he sells billions of credits every few days.


No you just created this account to troll everyone again whoever the heck you are Akostt/ Mezarkan/ Rozaran. :rolleyes:

Edited by squirrelballz
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the credit sellers are making a fortune. i created this account to troll the name of a credit seller on an auction site. his name is similar to this one and he sells billions of credits every few days.


Yeah don't believe you considering there are better ways to stop all credit sellers but you don't seem interested in those thus you just want the price adjusted so you can make even more money.

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you guys love defending these exploiters.


the game must be losing tons of cartel coin sales because these exploiters undercut them by getting unlimited credits really easy and undercutting the price of cartel coins.


for people who want credits, the exploiters are seriously undercutting cartel coins because the amount you would get through buying cartel coins and selling the items on the gtn is a joke in comparison to the price exploiters sell credits at and you guys keep defending the exploiters and the credit sellers. the game is losing thousands of dollars a day in cartel coin sales due to this exploit and the endless credit spam.

Edited by Akostt
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you guys don't know much about anything. you don't know how many hundreds or thousands of accounts are running treasure hunting lockbox missions. but we do know it is definitely hundreds or more. and yes i did count them. easy to add them to your friends list and then add them up. since they moved to random locations it's harder to add more and count them but it can be done.



i think there are at least 600 accounts running lockbox missions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. probabkly a great many more than that. it's the main reason the gtn is a joke with massive inflation as they sell their credits for really cheap to the population.


why do you think the spammers spam non stop, they are flooded with credits that they need to sell. do they ever run out? no, because of these lockboxes and the vendoring of their contents.


Wait wait wait. Do you even have any idea how Crewskill Missions work? There is no need to be in any specific location to do TH. It's not a gathering skill. They could be in their SH, or in their ship. HOW did you add them to your friends list? What did you mean by "moved to different locations" ? Akosit, you're making no sense. Give it up already, and go pet your cat until you feel better; it generates negative ions.

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There is no need to be in any specific location to do TH. It's not a gathering skill. They could be in their SH, or in their ship. .



And yet, as discussed in multiple posts in multiple threads, ad nauseum, before you decided to cherry pick one comment to 'prove' your argument , these zombies are popping up all over Imp side doing just that.

Just because you think people might not be dumb enough to do this doesn't hide the fact that you can see dozens of "players" out in the worlds doing just so and getting away with it for months on end.

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And yet, as discussed in multiple posts in multiple threads, ad nauseum, before you decided to cherry pick one comment to 'prove' your argument , these zombies are popping up all over Imp side doing just that.

Just because you think people might not be dumb enough to do this doesn't hide the fact that you can see dozens of "players" out in the worlds doing just so and getting away with it for months on end.


No, you're confusing the alleged TH botters with the actual botters who are auto-harvesting the Hacking nodes. True, there are people standing on top of some NPC vendors, but you have no way to know what they are doing. It's not like an icon pops into being over their head. This is all surmise and unsubstantiated allegation.


And anyone who has a peek at your posting history can see that you have posted on this subject and no other for pages and pages. Obviously, you're Akosit's sockpuppet.

Edited by ElZaguero
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