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Why won't the developers fix Treasure Hunting Lockboxes, the main source of inflation


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wow so funny, 9 billion of exploited credits every day for 8 months since kotfe is not a lot, hahaha. so funny dude.


If your number was even remotely correct (nobody, including you, knows for sure)...it is a small fraction of the total credits entering the game every day... as exemplified by multiple reference posts by multiple players in this thread.. yet again.


I'm done with you.. off to /ignore you go.. because you offer absolutely no constructive discussion in this forum.

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Pictures next time or it didn't happen... Can't say I ever seen that many people on a class ship ever and I have been playing since launch.


there is a twitter out there with all the proof but if i link it here they delete it.


i shouldn't waste my time on this game anymore. obviously the devs don't give a ****


these exploiters are being protected by swtor for some reason. hundreds of accounts of exploiters served up on a silver platter online 24/7. it's like they are getting a cut out of it. what other explanation is there. no group of 10 people or whatever is this dumb.


enjoy the daily mail and whisper spam from credit farmers, these dev's dont give a ****

Edited by Akostt
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there is a twitter out there with all the proof but if i link it here they delete it.


i shouldn't waste my time on this game anymore. obviously the devs don't give a ****


these exploiters are being protected by swtor for some reason. hundreds of accounts of exploiters served up on a silver platter online 24/7. it's like they are getting a cut out of it. what other explanation is there. no group of 10 people or whatever is this dumb.


enjoy the daily mail and whisper spam from credit farmers, these dev's dont give a ****


So are you giving the devs a cut as well??


Starting to think you're also a credit seller at this point, how else would you know of such accurate statistics? Of course you would know all about them and how they operate. You also defended them calling the sites they sell from "safe"... Yeah credit card fraud is a real good definition of "safe"... :rolleyes:


I'm sure you and your colleagues have found a more effective farming tool then TH though, got to take out the competition right?

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So are you giving the devs a cut as well??


Starting to think you're also a credit seller at this point, how else would you know of such accurate statistics? Of course you would know all about them and how they operate. You also defended them calling the sites they sell from "safe"... Yeah credit card fraud is a real good definition of "safe"... :rolleyes:


I'm sure you and your colleagues have found a more effective farming tool then TH though, got to take out the competition right?


Read his posting history. He used to argue strongly that TH was not being exploited and did not need a nerf.


whatever, the important thing is that this is not an exploit and it is working as intended and it's good for the game to have an easy flow of credits. what people do with credits after they get them is their business.



Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8959826#post8959826 :rolleyes:


I guess he was for it before he was against it. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Maths time?


Imagine 500,000 players, earning on average 2 million credits a week - the number of players is probably high, but the earnings are probably very, very low (running all the heroics in a foursome nets around 4 million, and many people run multiple toons through them).


500,000 x 2,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) credits, which are being added into the economy every single week (and that's at the very, very low end of the estimate).


But you think a couple of people opening a few lockboxes and selling the gear inside is the main cause of inflation?


Ok 500,000 regular players is high lol. Especially when with how the game is now, a good amount only play a few days/week on new chapter release. However lets say 1% of that are macro farming...


5000 x 10,000,000 x 7 days = 350,000,000,000 billion credits. Obliviously doesn't make as much as the entire player base. However you have 35% more credits being put into the economy and they are being put in by a low number of cheaters.


Now what happens as time goes on and more people start macro farming? What if a public macro is released that anyone could easily download and use? What if this starts to become common knowledge/spreads and a lot of people are using it?


Basically this is a recipe for disaster and has no benefit to not make a change so that cheaters cannot easily macro farm this or if they do macro farm they make no where near what they get now.


One final thing, a few months ago when they buffed slicing nodes by mistake or who knows. They eventually changed them back to were they were. Now why do that and not do anything about this when it is way worse? People couldn't macro farm slicing nods and a very limited number of people could farm an area. This however ANYONE can easily macro and there is NO LIMIT on how many can do it.

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This is a pathetic crusade.


that's not an argument. you may as well have made bleeping and blooping sounds like r2d2.


maybe that should be your new posting style. just click reply and then type "bleep bloop, beep wooo woo bleep bloop"


here, use this video for posting ideas


Edited by Akostt
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that's not an argument.


No! I agree was not an argument by that player. As you have offered zero proof of any of your claims in any of your posts. Other than , I believe this, so must be fact! Not shocked that you are getting replies like the player you quoted.


Zero proof that a single one these players/bots have treasure hunting as there crew skill, let alone many/most or all. Or that Treasure Hunting is the main source of inflation.


So your question

"Why won't the developers fix Treasure Hunting Lockboxes, the main source of inflation"


Better question would be.

Why would they?


On your say so? When offering nothing other than "I don't like it"? You certainly have not proved your case.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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Zero proof that a single one these players/bots have treasure hunting as there crew skill, let alone many/most or all. Or that Treasure Hunting is the main source of inflation.



actually most people who report seeing characters standing in front of a vendor 24/7 notice that they have very few achievements but one of the achievements is always the one for high level treasure hunting crewskill

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that's not an argument. you may as well have made bleeping and blooping sounds like r2d2.


maybe that should be your new posting style. just click reply and then type "bleep bloop, beep wooo woo bleep bloop"


here, use this video for posting ideas



It's not an argument. In fact, it's a statement.


You can't go around Twitter as "SWTORDetective" harassing Potato and Miner and Musco and Boyd and whoever else has anything to do with this game with tenths of screenshots about random /who lists filled with lv65 players that according to you are "exploiting", even though for all you know they could all be lifeless players that have nothing else better to do than stand in front of a vendor farming treasure hunting 24/7.


It's actually not as uncommon as people may think for mmo and/or rpg players to get so involved in a videogame that they spend tenths of consecutive hours behind the computers/consoles losing track of the time.




While, of course, this may or may not be the reason/truth for all those characters standing idle or just being online 24/7, and we all agree that this game is full of people that use bots, macros, multi-boxes and whatever else they could think of, it's enough to invalide your pathetic crusade because you have no damn proof over what's really behind each character's screen.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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. It's only useful if you macro it to run 24/7 on multiple accounts, on multiple computers. Very few people do that, so when you multiply it out...it becomes utterly insignificant. .



The bolded part, this is where you need to realize it's already happening...


Imp side on Ebon Hawk, you can't swing a dead cat near ANY NPC vendor without seeing at least a dozen or more zombies camped out on every planet with the same MO, an Imp Warrior or Inquisitor, one companion maxed, last several achievements deal specifically with TH and getting over 10 million credits, the same screwy naming convention, with no guild tag or legacy listed,....doing just this.. sitting there macroing TH 24/7.


The fact that they are not hiding on a ship, but sitting in PLAIN SIGHT out in the worlds sitting on top of NPC's with their 1 companion popping in and out every 3-5 minutes, 24/7 for weeks and in some cases months of certain "players" that are still there after being reported means that not only must it be profitable for someone to run dozens or more of these things simultaneously, they seem to be going completely unchecked.



Dozens per planet, dozens of planets across several servers, how many would it take again for them to be "worth it"?

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online 24/7 doing treasure hunting lockboxes. obviously not a human.


How do you know they're online 24/7? Because, to prove that, you must be online 24/7 yourself to check them all constantly, otherwise, this is another thing you are ASSUMING which is not a FACT.


What a pathetic joke.:rolleyes:

Edited by JeKoCZ
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How do you know they're online 24/7? Because, to prove that, you must be online 24/7 yourself to check them all constantly, otherwise, this is another thing you are ASSUMING which is not a FACT.


What a pathetic joke.:rolleyes:



I've got a list of players, (that i can't name here ironically otherwise'd be in trouble) thatI've reported over a month ago when this started and have seen consistently still there as I level additional characters through the same spots.


I just did a sweep back across 4 planets on another Imp character I'm leveling.


Guess what?


Every one of them I reported regarding suspicion of this issue is s t i l l standing in the same spots as when I reported them over a month ago. (Yes, I'm sure plenty of people pay a sub to stand in the same spot forever and appear to never move)




They all have the same things in common:


Insta lvl 65.

Sith Inquis/Warrior

Standing directly on an NPC vendor in an Imp camp/outpost.

Only one companion max-achievement.

Their companion shows back up every 3-5 minutes then vanishes again.

Only other achievements unlocked, Treasure Hunting, Slicing

The last achievement they all received... 400 Treasure Hunting.




But yea, it's real easy to sit behind a keyboard and say "That's not evidence!" ..:rolleyes:

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why won't the developers fix the main source of inflation in the game which is

the treasure hunting lockbox missions. those missions have been taken advantage of by bots for

8 months now ever since kotfe made crewskill missions extremely fast if you have max influence companions.



when the devs nerfed heroics they upset the players and it didn't affect inflation one bit. the spammers

still sell for the same or lower price so obviously that was not the main source of inflation.



the main source of inflation is treasure hunting lockbox missions which give tons of pure credits

at an extremely fast rate if you have max influence companions and vendor the items from the lockboxes.



it can be easily fixed by increasing the duration of treasure hunting lockbox missions by around 600%. it needs to

done on every grade of lockbox. not just grade 7, 8 and 9.



then they should also increase the duration for all slicing lockbox missions by around 300%, as a similar thing can be done with them.


Lol you're gold.


This post from you a month ago:


i said the low prices are good. many people buy from credit sellers because it's cheaper than cartel coins now. i want treasure boxes kept the same because its a good easy source of credits and keeps prices low. learn to read killboy.


Now prices are heading towards 40 cents a mill you want it nerfed because you can't compete with the competition anymore.


I say if you are now making threads like this then it must be hurting the RMT business. I say they should increase the amount of credits from treasure hunting and shorten the time, make the RMTs have so many credits between that the competition is so prevalent the pricing drops to 10 cents a million at which time you all just give up even trying to sell credits.


Like you said in that other thread - who cares how people get credits or how many they have, let them make millions, billions even, anything so they don't need revert to giving your sort money.

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The bolded part, this is where you need to realize it's already happening...


Imp side on Ebon Hawk, you can't swing a dead cat near ANY NPC vendor without seeing at least a dozen or more zombies camped out on every planet with the same MO, an Imp Warrior or Inquisitor, one companion maxed, last several achievements deal specifically with TH and getting over 10 million credits, the same screwy naming convention, with no guild tag or legacy listed,....doing just this.. sitting there macroing TH 24/7.


The fact that they are not hiding on a ship, but sitting in PLAIN SIGHT out in the worlds sitting on top of NPC's with their 1 companion popping in and out every 3-5 minutes, 24/7 for weeks and in some cases months of certain "players" that are still there after being reported means that not only must it be profitable for someone to run dozens or more of these things simultaneously, they seem to be going completely unchecked.



Dozens per planet, dozens of planets across several servers, how many would it take again for them to be "worth it"?


Who cares? The fact we have RMTs here now actually complaining about treasure hunting means it's a good thing - it's slowly making it not worth their while to sell credits now.


I agree it's happening but the question is .... is it a bad thing?

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I've got a list of players, (that i can't name here ironically otherwise'd be in trouble) thatI've reported over a month ago when this started and have seen consistently still there as I level additional characters through the same spots.


I just did a sweep back across 4 planets on another Imp character I'm leveling.


Guess what?


Every one of them I reported regarding suspicion of this issue is s t i l l standing in the same spots as when I reported them over a month ago. (Yes, I'm sure plenty of people pay a sub to stand in the same spot forever and appear to never move)




They all have the same things in common:


Insta lvl 65.

Sith Inquis/Warrior

Standing directly on an NPC vendor in an Imp camp/outpost.

Only one companion max-achievement.

Their companion shows back up every 3-5 minutes then vanishes again.

Only other achievements unlocked, Treasure Hunting, Slicing

The last achievement they all received... 400 Treasure Hunting.




But yea, it's real easy to sit behind a keyboard and say "That's not evidence!" ..:rolleyes:



the only proof those guys would believe is if you broke into the exploiters house and took out your smartphone and recorded video of the account doing treasure hunting for 24 hours straight intermixed with filming him sleeping while holding up 3 forms of id and his birth certificate and today's paper across his chest.


then they MIGHT consider it. these guys are dense. but truth is i think the exploiters come here and defend it with their accounts and will not believe any evidence or proof.

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the only proof those guys would believe is if you broke into the exploiters house and took out your smartphone and recorded video of the account doing treasure hunting for 24 hours straight intermixed with filming him sleeping while holding up 3 forms of id and his birth certificate and today's paper across his chest.


then they MIGHT consider it. these guys are dense. but truth is i think the exploiters come here and defend it with their accounts and will not believe any evidence or proof.


I think the truth is that exploiters are probably also massive cartel coin whales. I've heard of some people getting away with outrageous things and not getting banned because they were such huge whales. One guy on Jedi Cov, who did eventually get banned, notably. Not an exploiter, but I heard the dude was allegedly spending thousands a month on cartel coins...


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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I think the truth is that exploiters are probably also massive cartel coin whales. I've heard of some people getting away with outrageous things and not getting banned because they were such huge whales. One guy on Jedi Cov, who did eventually get banned, notably. Not an exploiter, but I heard the dude was allegedly spending thousands a month on cartel coins...


~ Eudoxia


Then there is the CC fraud used to launder money through online games. The developer will only take note if there are charge backs of course.


When the RMTs were making more cash per credit a year or so ago you used to see a massive influx of packs/hypercrates by sellers like ThhfgrrrrTyy with 20+ hypercrates each.


Now however with the economy effectively crashing for RMTs you don't see this hardly as much anymore because this game won't be viewed as efficient for laundering CC fraud as it once was.


This is just yet another factor as to why hypercrates are worth a lot more credits now too - less perceived fraudsters selling them = higher prices.


I would almost wonder if BW prefer it this way. When you think on it a charge back on CC if the hypercrate is already bought and sold means money they don't get and the product they can't recoup ( even though it didn't cost money to create, somewhere along the line it would have generated them real money as the person buying it for credits would have bought from a legit seller ).


So if I were in their shoes I would view RMTs as no more than a mere annoyance since they can't generate CM items that people want to buy, those HAVE to be bought with CC.

The botters and exploits devalued the currency driving away many of the CC fraudsters to that means less charge backs and thus less profit down the drain.


The more you think on it, the more you can see motivation for the status quo from Bioware's point of view.

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