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Why won't the developers fix Treasure Hunting Lockboxes, the main source of inflation


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why won't the developers fix the main source of inflation in the game which is

the treasure hunting lockbox missions. those missions have been taken advantage of by bots for

8 months now ever since kotfe made crewskill missions extremely fast if you have max influence companions.



when the devs nerfed heroics they upset the players and it didn't affect inflation one bit. the spammers

still sell for the same or lower price so obviously that was not the main source of inflation.



the main source of inflation is treasure hunting lockbox missions which give tons of pure credits

at an extremely fast rate if you have max influence companions and vendor the items from the lockboxes.



it can be easily fixed by increasing the duration of treasure hunting lockbox missions by around 600%. it needs to

done on every grade of lockbox. not just grade 7, 8 and 9.



then they should also increase the duration for all slicing lockbox missions by around 300%, as a similar thing can be done with them.

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I don't think there was a single response to this issue. Instead of making ridiculously overpriced credit sinks within character perks (these should have been global unlocks, especially for that price...) they really need to look at the credit rewards from various sources and think about limiting automation of credit-spawning methods. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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why won't the developers fix the main source of inflation in the game which is

the treasure hunting lockbox missions. those missions have been taken advantage of by bots for

8 months now ever since kotfe made crewskill missions extremely fast if you have max influence companions.



when the devs nerfed heroics they upset the players and it didn't affect inflation one bit. the spammers

still sell for the same or lower price so obviously that was not the main source of inflation.



the main source of inflation is treasure hunting lockbox missions which give tons of pure credits

at an extremely fast rate if you have max influence companions and vendor the items from the lockboxes.



it can be easily fixed by increasing the duration of treasure hunting lockbox missions by around 600%. it needs to

done on every grade of lockbox. not just grade 7, 8 and 9.



then they should also increase the duration for all slicing lockbox missions by around 300%, as a similar thing can be done with them.


They nerfed heroic payout not because they intended to stabilize economy. They did it because they want to force us to buy CM packs for cartel coins + they have increased the price of packs due to get more money. Welcome to swtor...

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They nerfed heroic payout not because they intended to stabilize economy. They did it because they want to force us to buy CM packs for cartel coins + they have increased the price of packs due to get more money. Welcome to swtor...


it will really slow down the sales of cartel coins when people can buy credits for 50 cents per million because of credit farmers botting these treasure hunting lockbox missions.

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They nerfed heroic payout not because they intended to stabilize economy. They did it because they want to force us to buy CM packs for cartel coins + they have increased the price of packs due to get more money. Welcome to swtor...


Or to just make us replay stuff for the event, forcing us to buy the one decoration for the event for a million, and also with the RNG not delivering full sets, just parts, we get part of an armor set and then have to buy the rest via credits on the GTN.


The CM packs on CM supposedly have "more stuff" in them than other packs, thus the higher cost. And the hypercrates "have more packs" than other hypercrates.

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why won't the developers fix the main source of inflation in the game which is

the treasure hunting lockbox missions. those missions have been taken advantage of by bots for

8 months now ever since kotfe made crewskill missions extremely fast if you have max influence companions.



Dude, You have been on a rant about this for the last month. This isn't your first thread like this. Get over it. There are lots of reasons for inflation. TH lockboxes are NOT likely #1. Have you ever seen 3 toons or 4 with junk names on Ord Mantell up on the cliffs, nailing all the mobs that spawn? then they pop back to fleet for a while, then back to ord.... they aren't humans. They stand in *exactly* the same place they're usually gunslingers and they spam their "health" regen so they don't time out.


Report them as often as you want. Bio does nothing. They spam fleet chat, they whisper you, they mail you... It's horrible. I don't know why you are on this kick, but it does seem to be you, over and over, starting early June, and you have it out for TH. Where were you in May? April? On another account? Been banned for something? Why come here now and start multiple threads about this...?


If you start another, I'll just report you for spam.

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TH is nowhere even remotely close to the main source. It's actually a really slow way to earn credits. Even the nerfed heroics are still better. There's also the fact that the normal players out number bot farmers about a thousand to 1. That means even if the average person earned 1/100th as much as a bot farmer: They would be making 10 times as much.


Nearly all credits come from regular people doing regular missions. We're talking TENS of TRILLIONS of credits here.

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BioWare runs their asinine "metrics" to see things like this. If your little campaign about TH was accurate they would have done something, or will anyway.


Stop with this nonsense. You're wrong and your entire argument is one-sided with cherry-picked "proof" to back it up.

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TH is nowhere even remotely close to the main source. It's actually a really slow way to earn credits. Even the nerfed heroics are still better. There's also the fact that the normal players out number bot farmers about a thousand to 1. That means even if the average person earned 1/100th as much as a bot farmer: They would be making 10 times as much.


Nearly all credits come from regular people doing regular missions. We're talking TENS of TRILLIONS of credits here.


Actually the main source of inflation has been the 2 dupe exploits that were in game since the expansion launched. However the situation with macroing things like treasure hunting/slicing has a big impact on inflation, especially in the long term.


Not really sure how you are coming up with the nerfed heroics being better than macroing crew skills. Treasure hunting for example nets anywhere from 5-30 mil a day. while you are afk doing something else.


BioWare runs their asinine "metrics" to see things like this. If your little campaign about TH was accurate they would have done something, or will anyway.


Stop with this nonsense. You're wrong and your entire argument is one-sided with cherry-picked "proof" to back it up.


You mean like how they used their asinine "metrics" to see the dupes LOL? The first one was in for 6 weeks and was only fixed after people started posting about something strange going on then someone posted a video of it. Same thing happened with the 2nd dupe, only fixed after everyone was posting on the forums about the GTN being completely bought out. I believe swtor_miner or someone else figured it out and told bioware how to do it.


On the topic they really should do a fix. Easiest thing to do would be to put a daily limit on crew missions per account. Set the limit so that it doesn't effect regular players but hurts people macro farming. Also the credits put out via treasure hunting is double of how much slicing puts out and that makes no sense. They should give about the same. Tbh though treasure hunting shouldn't even be about getting credits, it should be about what it is actually called "treasure hunting" aka finding treasure. I also would rather see crew missions become more complex and more mechanics added. For example certain companions being better depending on mission, and sending multiple companions on a single mission.

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Actually the main source of inflation has been the 2 dupe exploits that were in game since the expansion launched. However the situation with macroing things like treasure hunting/slicing has a big impact on inflation, especially in the long term.


Not really sure how you are coming up with the nerfed heroics being better than macroing crew skills. Treasure hunting for example nets anywhere from 5-30 mil a day. while you are afk doing something else.


Those also were blips, as the vast majority of exploit credits/items/ill gotten gains were removed. Yes, quite a bit slipped through...but it ends up again being really minor compared to the masses.


It's in the hourly income that you see how bad TH is. It's only useful if you macro it to run 24/7 on multiple accounts, on multiple computers. Very few people do that, so when you multiply it out...it becomes utterly insignificant. Until something is on a level of OVER something like 10 trillion credits, it isn't enough to affect the economy. This treasure hunting thing would take decades to hit that level.


Now, don't get me entirely wrong here. If the developers feel it's too much, they should absolutely lower it. Just like they did with the heroics. However, it hurts your cause to try and claim that the sky is falling because someone threw a rock in the ocean.


Additionally, don't forget that a certain amount of inflation is intended. As you progress, everything is supposed to move with it. Your HP gets higher, your damage gets higher...and your income gets higher. That's a normal thing in an MMO, and is entirely intentional. That's why the new perk unlocks are the most expensive to date: It's expected for players to be able to afford them, because they are making more money than ever before. That's how it was designed.

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You have been posting on the forums for a month and don't have one comment not related to Tressure Hunter ... Might be time to give up...


Or just join them at this point if you where smart and pick up Tressure Hunter on your main if it's such a gold mine.

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Those also were blips, as the vast majority of exploit credits/items/ill gotten gains were removed. Yes, quite a bit slipped through...but it ends up again being really minor compared to the masses.


It's in the hourly income that you see how bad TH is. It's only useful if you macro it to run 24/7 on multiple accounts, on multiple computers. Very few people do that, so when you multiply it out...it becomes utterly insignificant. Until something is on a level of OVER something like 10 trillion credits, it isn't enough to affect the economy. This treasure hunting thing would take decades to hit that level.


Now, don't get me entirely wrong here. If the developers feel it's too much, they should absolutely lower it. Just like they did with the heroics. However, it hurts your cause to try and claim that the sky is falling because someone threw a rock in the ocean.


Additionally, don't forget that a certain amount of inflation is intended. As you progress, everything is supposed to move with it. Your HP gets higher, your damage gets higher...and your income gets higher. That's a normal thing in an MMO, and is entirely intentional. That's why the new perk unlocks are the most expensive to date: It's expected for players to be able to afford them, because they are making more money than ever before. That's how it was designed.


They were blips?!? You can't be serious. It doesn't matter if the accounts that did them were eventually banned. All the credits while doing it ended up in the economy via buying on the GTN or credit sellers. They don't comb through the game and remove everything lol.


I don't know how you can call TH utterly insignificant when you don't know exactly how many are doing it and how many credits are being generated. I'm sure tons of credit sellers are running it and how many regular players are using it or will use it in the future we will never know.


I'm not sure where you are getting your 10 trillion credits figure from. Surely you don't mean 10 trillion generated daily by heroics. People really over estimate the amount of credits heroics generate. As if they think everyone does them every week on 10 alts while grouped with 3 others.


We already know that most players play solo and I'd be willing to bet the average player might do heroics on one toon a week. They also didn't lower heroic's payout simply because generating too much/inflation. They said on stream they wanted to lower so it would be worth doing other things in game.


You are right a certain amount of inflation is intended but shouldn't be at the point it currently is.

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They were blips?!? You can't be serious. It doesn't matter if the accounts that did them were eventually banned. All the credits while doing it ended up in the economy via buying on the GTN or credit sellers. They don't comb through the game and remove everything lol.


I don't know how you can call TH utterly insignificant when you don't know exactly how many are doing it and how many credits are being generated. I'm sure tons of credit sellers are running it and how many regular players are using it or will use it in the future we will never know.


I'm not sure where you are getting your 10 trillion credits figure from. Surely you don't mean 10 trillion generated daily by heroics. People really over estimate the amount of credits heroics generate. As if they think everyone does them every week on 10 alts while grouped with 3 others.


We already know that most players play solo and I'd be willing to bet the average player might do heroics on one toon a week. They also didn't lower heroic's payout simply because generating too much/inflation. They said on stream they wanted to lower so it would be worth doing other things in game.


You are right a certain amount of inflation is intended but shouldn't be at the point it currently is.


The 10 trillion is the low end number for the amount of total credits earned by normal players. To cause inflation, you need to add a significant percentage of this total amount. This is so high, because there are so very many normal players. The average person probably hasn't made much, a few million. Maybe 10-20 million. But then there are those that have made a lot more, and it all multiplies out. There are/have been many hundreds of thousands of players.


Also, as I've previously pointed out: Credit farmers can never ever be a significant portion of the players. People buying credits are in the vast minority, and most of them only buy a little. So, credit farmers can't just farm more credits to make more money. If they crank out too many, the value drops, and pretty quickly it gets to be so little it isn't worth doing. ( It's a business for them after all. )


Oh, there's also been 0 significant inflation the last few months on Shadowlands. All of the items I watch on the GTN have remained at roughly the same price.

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Maths time?


Imagine 500,000 players, earning on average 2 million credits a week - the number of players is probably high, but the earnings are probably very, very low (running all the heroics in a foursome nets around 4 million, and many people run multiple toons through them).


500,000 x 2,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) credits, which are being added into the economy every single week (and that's at the very, very low end of the estimate).


But you think a couple of people opening a few lockboxes and selling the gear inside is the main cause of inflation?

Edited by CrazyCT
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The 10 trillion is the low end number for the amount of total credits earned by normal players.




People like the OP A) have an agenda and B) can't figure out the effect of tens of thousands of players every week running through the Heroics, which was huge before the recent nerf (which is till huge really at the total game level of measure)


While we have no idea of absolute numbers for sure... it's not hard to figure out a range of new credits incoming to the game every week just from players doing heroics.


For example: if 50,000 players run the heroics each week (which given the richness of credits from heroics pre nerf, and the obvious massive blowback when they nerfed it, is probably an under estimate).... and if the average earned imcome per player per week = 1 million ... then the heroics inject at least 0.1 trillion credits into the economy every week. And it could easily be much more then double this. My guess is that it is closer to a 100K players per week hitting the heroics (pre-nerf), some for less than 1M credits earned, some for more.. many for around that center point. So it is very likely heroics injected between 0.1 and 0.3 trillion credits per week into the server economies. And all other sources from playing the game is probably in the same range.. so we do see between 0.2-0.6 trillion new credits enter the game every week. Over the period of 4.0 this would result in between 9 and 27 trillion new credits over the last 10 months.


A few hundred bots on the other hand running TH 7/24 would be small potatoes by comparison. Of course the OP will greatly conflate the credits per hour in his conspiracy prosecution to try to ignore this fact.

Edited by Andryah
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you guys don't know much about anything. you don't know how many hundreds or thousands of accounts are running treasure hunting lockbox missions. but we do know it is definitely hundreds or more. and yes i did count them. easy to add them to your friends list and then add them up. since they moved to random locations it's harder to add more and count them but it can be done.



i think there are at least 600 accounts running lockbox missions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. probabkly a great many more than that. it's the main reason the gtn is a joke with massive inflation as they sell their credits for really cheap to the population.


why do you think the spammers spam non stop, they are flooded with credits that they need to sell. do they ever run out? no, because of these lockboxes and the vendoring of their contents.

Edited by Akostt
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you guys don't know much about anything. you don't know how many hundreds or thousands of accounts are running treasure hunting lockbox missions. but we do know it is definitely hundreds or more. and yes i did count them. easy to add them to your friends list and then add them up. since they moved to random locations it's harder to add more and count them but it can be done.


It has been demonstrated in multiple threads that this is not the best way to earn credits in game. It's rather inefficient in fact... so get over it.


i think there are at least 600 accounts running lockbox missions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. it's the main reason the gtn is a joke with massive inflation as they sell their credits for really cheap to the population.


I trust that you have reported all of these.... right?


Now.. for maths... sorry.. but 600 accounts running 7/24 simply cannot earn enough credits to make a blip on the total incoming credits to the game... as exemplified in my math post above as well as CrazyTs.


Should bots get reported and actioned? Yes. Have you reported them? I doubt it. Hence you are part of the problem.


Should treasure hunting get nerfed? I doubt it.. they just need to enforce actions against bots (which if they get reported I am sure they do, but not on you personal time table).


why do you think the spammers spam non stop, they are flooded with credits that they need to sell. do they ever run out? no, because of these lockboxes and the vendoring of their contents.


You clearly do not understand how most RMTs obtain credits these days. They are brokers.... they buy from players at X and resell at probably 2X to buyers. There is simply no need for RMTs to do any of the leg work in MMOs.. and it has been this way for years.... because players are not only willing to buy in game currencies.. they are also willing to sell them. Given this.. Heroics are actually the largest contributor to RMT spam right now.

Edited by Andryah
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It has been demonstrated in multiple threads that this is not the best way to earn credits in game. It's rather inefficient in fact... so get over it.




no it has not and "get over it" is not an argument


if we take 600 accounts, that's more than 9 billion credits generated per day and that is the minimum generated from exploiting this idiotic system.


you sure will make up anything you can to keep this exploit in place.

Edited by Akostt
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you guys don't know much about anything. you don't know how many hundreds or thousands of accounts are running treasure hunting lockbox missions. but we do know it is definitely hundreds or more. and yes i did count them. easy to add them to your friends list and then add them up. since they moved to random locations it's harder to add more and count them but it can be done.



i think there are at least 600 accounts running lockbox missions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. probabkly a great many more than that. it's the main reason the gtn is a joke with massive inflation as they sell their credits for really cheap to the population.


Oh I'm sorry we're not experts on SWTOR Inflation caused by Treasure Hunter Lockboxes... You counted them you say? You went around to every server 24/7 looking for idle toons and just assumed they where all farming TH Lockboxes?


Since we're making assumptions I'm going to assume most, almost all players don't buy credits from credit sellers and instead earn easy credits elsewhere... Heroics for example. I ran lots of heroics last week preparing to get credits for toons I'd make during the event and made somewhere around 9-10 million credits running heroics on 6 different toons... But I'm sure Treasure Hunter is the main reason. Of course.

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no it has not and "get over it" is not an argument


if we take 600 accounts, that's more than 9 billion credits generated per day.


you sure will make up anything you can to keep this exploit in place.


1) I do not Treasure hunt.. so stop accusing me. And the reason I do not is that it does not earn enough credits to be worth the effort.


2) 9 billion in the larger scheme of all the other credit sources are small potatoes.. as has been demonstrated above.


Again.. have you reported the 600 accounts you claim to be aware of??? Have you ??? If not.. you are part of the problem.

Edited by Andryah
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Oh I'm sorry we're not experts on SWTOR Inflation caused by Tressure Hunter Lockboxes... You counted them you say? You went around to every server 24/7 looking for idle toons and just assumed they where all farming TH Lockboxes?




there were more than 250 of them all in one place, juggernauts in the fury space ship. then they moved to random places once threads were made about them. then it's easy to see them standing in front of vendors 24/7

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there were more than 250 of them all in one place, juggernauts in the fury space ship. then they moved to random places once threads were made about them. then it's easy to see them standing in front of vendors 24/7


You know all you are doing is echoing Rozaran's talking points right?


A echo =/= facts. particularly when the source of the echo is as dubious as your claims are. Everyone knows there are players that are likely breaking the ToS/EULA on TH. Good players report and move on... because the only party that investigate and determine if a character is botting... or just obsessive about running TH missions while watching TV, house cleaning... etc.... IS THE STUDIO.


Have you reported any suspicious characters that appear to be botting TH? Have you????? Have you????

Edited by Andryah
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9 billion in the larger scheme of all the other credit sources are small potatoes.. as has been demonstrated above.




wow so funny, 9 billion of exploited credits every day for 8 months since kotfe is not a lot, hahaha. so funny dude.

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there were more than 250 of them all in one place, juggernauts in the fury space ship. then they moved to random places once threads were made about them. then it's easy to see them standing in front of vendors 24/7


Pictures next time or it didn't happen... Can't say I ever seen that many people on a class ship ever and I have been playing since launch.

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