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Petition: Musco to do a DS/LS event marathon


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I'm pretty sure Musco --not a dev, AFAIK-- didn't come up with, or even have any input into this travesty.


Reporting the news vs. making it, people, not the same things.


(It's why I wouldn't envy him his job ever in a million years...)

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To be honest, he is pretty crap. He may have played years ago, but there's no way he logs on when he's off the clock, now.


The fact that he suggested we just level the characters to 50 and then delete them straight-faced as a legit option in a game all about "Story First" and "Choices Matter" should tell you all you need to know about how much he plays and has invested in his toons. That the devs also clearly think this way should tell you all you need to know about how much they play the game, too.


When you can console command your way into any level on any class in any spec with any gear you want at any time, of course you see no issue with deleting characters left and right. I don't long for The Three Sea Shells and bemoan the loss of my Charmins after a particularly involved visit to the toilet. I reach for another roll. It's just paper. There's always another roll.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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  • 3 weeks later...
To be honest, he is pretty crap. He may have played years ago, but there's no way he logs on when he's off the clock, now.


The fact that he suggested we just level the characters to 50 and then delete them straight-faced as a legit option in a game all about "Story First" and "Choices Matter" should tell you all you need to know about how much he plays and has invested in his toons. That the devs also clearly think this way should tell you all you need to know about how much they play the game, too.


When you can console command your way into any level on any class in any spec with any gear you want at any time, of course you see no issue with deleting characters left and right. I don't long for The Three Sea Shells and bemoan the loss of my Charmins after a particularly involved visit to the toilet. I reach for another roll. It's just paper. There's always another roll.


Me and most people I know of doing the event delete the toons made just reach 50 and "kept" only the two required 65s. With the 40% gear set and an XP boost leveling a character to 50 is relatively easy to do on just on class story to fleet and then pvp and kuat drive yards FP.


After hitting 50 I'm really not going to bother to get it to 65 to have one more AC of whatever it is and a 50 char is just useless sitting there. So yea, DELETE.

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The fact that he suggested we just level the characters to 50 and then delete them


Well thats what i have been doing, get to 50 then delete! I even accidentaly deleted one toon still with 10 mil credits on him xD


Anyway, I just kept 2 lvl 65s which i made imp and rep side for the achv to be able to do the HM fps, since i will be swaping tank and healer cause u wont get a pop as dps. The imp is a healer and the rep is a tank.

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I would only like to see them run a handful of the achievements. But I'm going to place some additional rules to it.


Starting at lvl 16 you run all Tactical FPs.

You MUST pug them all.

All 4 members of the group MUST be DPS.


Now that isn't really hard and definitely still achievable but my intent would be for them to experience how broken they are.

Edited by SteveColoSp
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