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Light Side Imperial classes and Dark Side Republic classes?


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Do any of the class stories make sense with the opposite alignment?

I want to try out LS Sith Warrior and Inquisitor but not sure if the story would make sense in these case

And what about Republic classes? any of them work well as a DS character?

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Do any of the class stories make sense with the opposite alignment?

I want to try out LS Sith Warrior and Inquisitor but not sure if the story would make sense in these case

And what about Republic classes? any of them work well as a DS character?


I think they do. I'm one of those players who likes going against the standard alignments. My first Dark V was a Jedi Sage, my first Light V was an Imp Sniper. Some are a bit awkward, but the non Force user class stories work better with the 'opposite' alignment, IMO. Trooper and Smuggler works beautifully as DS. LS makes a fun Agent Imp side and I won't drop spoilers but it makes a number of changes to the Agent story I enjoyed a lot. Bounty Hunter is quite interesting if you do the LS story.


Now, force users? Sith classes tend to really push you to DS choices, but they are fun to play the LS options with. Dark Side Jedi feel awkward to me, I admit it, but they had a lot of fun moments. They push just as hard to have you choose the LS choices but it's fun to buck the trend and the VA's did some wonderful work with the outfall of those DS choices. None of the stories felt broken, they were clearly written to allow that alignment option, so don't worry. Inquis in particular, again, not posting spoilers but it changes the ending a bit.


My advice is to give it a try, have fun with it. :)

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My sorceres are all LS : considering i am a slave before starting the quest class, then i consider that i just let them think i am going DS and be a sith BUT in fact i go LS for my actions.


humm hope i am clear enough. Time to go to bed for me :p

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The characters can make sense, so long as you are sensible about it. While some options are obvious and painful (eg the moral choice on Athiss for the Republic) most of them are reasonably well thought out and balance more than arbitrary LS/DS distinctions. (eg the choice on the Esseles is idealism and hope versus pragmatism and cynicism). I have observed the following through playthroughs.


LS Warrior - plays more as an honourable blood knight than a thug, with a hint of aristocratic bearing. Think classic Dracula more than Vader

LS Inquisitor - here the LS comes off as calculating and pragmatic, even if you do miss out on some of the force lightning prompts.

LS Agent - Plays more like Bond than Bauer, able to make the hard choices when necessary but will look for a better way when possible.

LS Hunter - Plays more like an honourable mercenary than a thug with a gun (though the VAs sound better with DS IMO).


As for the Rep sides, I don't remember the DS Knight or Consular very well (though there are videos of them on youtube [xletalis has both as far as I can remember]).


DS Knight - I remember this one being painful to play through, acting like a petty edgelord teenager more than the pragmatic warrior I wanted, always lusting after more and more power at the expense of others (and in the end may get punished for it).

DS Consular - far more believable, the character was cruel and willing to take shortcuts and sacrifice innocents for the greater good. Think fanatic more than Jedi

DS Trooper - the character comes across more as a bully or a thug than a noble warrior (ironically similar to the DS Warrior)

DS Smuggler - the character comes across more as a gangster than a scoundrel

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I have a LS warrior. I play him like a noble, honorable warrior who's passion is freedom instead of hate. He has taken some DS choices, but only when it was to prevent the other choice from causing further harm (like letting certain npcs live, I'm looking at you Thana Vesh) Edited by BlazeTomahawk
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A Dark Jedi Knight was fun. I played her as hating the Empire and wanting to do anything to eliminate it.


Some funny conversations where she was trying to justify being so bloodthirsty - "Just because I want to see the Empire destroyed doesn't mean I'm Dark." Uh huh.

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Sith Warrior works very well as Light Side, and of the Imperial classes As others have mentioned, it has a honor bound and noble feel as well as potentially having goals of reform among the empire / Sith. I personally find it to be the best class option if you intend to go pure light side on an imperial character.


My Sith Inquisitor is Light V. I found it to work just fine, as I RPed she was a slave so didn't buy into the depraved Sith morality that reinforced the abuses she experienced as a slave. However I have heard others say it works better dark and think doesn't quite feel right as light. Having played it fully light, I think light leaning or gray might be better.


I prefer Agent as best gray / pragmatic, but it is a story that takes into account light, gray, and dark and has ending variations for all types of alignment. Light could work very well and has a really cool ending option.


I can't comment much on the Bounty Hunter, but I can it work light side and you get some cool options for a light side character.


I enjoyed Jedi Knight as dark leaning, though there are a few dark side choices that are weird and more greedy than anything else. My main Knight is impatient and action oriented. She believes in taking the fight to the empire, killing ones enemies to resolve threats permanently, and ends justifying the means. She feels the Jedi Council are too set in their peace bringing ways to properly deal with the threats they are faced with. She thinks she's a hero! She is Dark IV.


I haven't played the Smuggler, Trooper, or Consular as Dark. I can see the former two working better than the latter. The dark counselor feels awkward to me, at least for the first chapter, but I know others who found it fun.

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Not much of a spoiler but a LS Warrior basically does what is best for the Empire and a DS warrior does what is best for himself.



Bounty Hunter works for either, depends if you want to be the honorable Hunter or the cold blooded killer.



I am playing a DS Consular for the event, pretty funny... I thought the voice for the female consular was pretty bad before but all the sarcastic bottom options are making my day :) however realistically a LS Consular makes a lot more sense

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While I haven't decided if this will be my character for the event, as SWTOR is redownloading, and only at the starter planet stage right now, but I made a Bounty Hunter I was thinking of light leaning, honorable hunter rather cold blooded thug.
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Do any of the class stories make sense with the opposite alignment?

I want to try out LS Sith Warrior and Inquisitor but not sure if the story would make sense in these case

And what about Republic classes? any of them work well as a DS character?




-- Agent story can branch in multiple directions i.e. totally different endings.

-- Bounty Hunter can be either honorable or a serial killer. Your love interests skew Light.

-- Sith Warrior can explicitly be Light or Dark.

-- Inquisitor has multiple endings based on alignment. His powers are Dark but he's a much better plotter as Light, which can be RP'd as either being a reluctant Sith and a reformer (Inquisitor is a random slave) or playing a Palpatine long game.


For the Republic...Smuggler is the best DS character because they can just be a pirate. The other three should not realistically be able to get away with consistent Dark behavior. Moreover, most of the Dark Side points for the Jedi are banal evil or not being Lawful Stupid rather than delving into the forbidden side of the Force.

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My main D&L character is a dark side Shadow. She is Darth Imperious' twin, the one that wasn't captured and made into a slave.


Aloysious' darkness is strong in her, though, but it comes out as pragmatism rather than flat-out cruelty. I am really loving that you can pretty much explain your actions to the Jedi Council as being "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few".

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  • 4 weeks later...
LS Inquis is probably my favorite reverse alignment. Aside from the fact that LS Inquis comes off as extremely pragmatic (Which makes conversations with Marr, Lana, etc. much better), it also makes chapters 2 and 3 much more enjoyable. The way Thanaton treats the LS Inquis plays perfectly into his traditionalist behavior, even going so far as to say that, while he respects, and even cares about you, he still has to kill you. It's a nice difference from the usual "All Sith are evil and are in it for their own gain" that's shown much more in SWTOR. For a LS Inquis, it's made clear that you're only attacking Thanaton to stop him from killing you. Depending on the dialogue options, it can be implied that the Inquis still has some respect for Thanaton. Overall, it really brought a depth to Thanaton that I never really saw with the other class bosses (JC and IA final bosses were amazing, but they'd be good no matter what choices you make).
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DS Knight - I remember this one being painful to play through, acting like a petty edgelord teenager more than the pragmatic warrior I wanted, always lusting after more and more power at the expense of others (and in the end may get punished for it).

DS Consular - far more believable, the character was cruel and willing to take shortcuts and sacrifice innocents for the greater good. Think fanatic more than Jedi

DS Trooper - the character comes across more as a bully or a thug than a noble warrior (ironically similar to the DS Warrior)

DS Smuggler - the character comes across more as a gangster than a scoundrel



Repb side seem got screwed even more lol


I had fun playing a LS Warrior , Agent and BH . (my Sorc is always DS) . But damn , I can't bring myself to play a DS repb (any class)...just feel..like I be screwed lol .


And apparently you do... :(

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To start, for disclosure purposes, unless I'm doing a specific completely LS/DS run, my characters tend to be neutral with a couple hundred point spread towards one or the other. I have done a total Ls0/Ds5 run on two servers before the DvL event because I wanted the achievement dings that I went with whatever choice earned DS points and used Diplomacy to finish off going from DS4 to 5. Both my DS5 characters were Jedi because I wanted to see how things played out with the Council when you are pretty darksided. With all that said, I can say that it had to be the most mentally grueling game play I've experienced because Bioware tends to handle Dark Side more as Cartoonishly Stupid Evil which isn't my particular thing in the first place.


First off, it's absolutely hysterical to be DS5 with corruption showing in full pasty veiny glowing eyes glory and having the Council being concerned about you making some dark choices. It's as if they're doing Olympic level mental gymnastics to be in denial that you're completely darksided, and you do have Sith repeatedly ask you if you're sure you're on the right side. DS Knight came across completely about the power grab regardless of the cost, and DS Counsular came across as a ruthless fanatic. Having done a mostly Dark Side Trooper and Smuggler, Trooper comes across as a mindless patriot and Smuggler as a practical crimeboss. Each of these really do work well on the tangent of the Republic being pretty rotten on the inside with a pretty seeming outside.


On Imperial side, going Light Side works exceptionally well in my opinion. LS choices really do play into the idea of the Empire in it's current state is in dire need of reform. While there's ample DS choice options on Imperial side and the voice actor for the SI completely deserves an award for how well she sells the DS dialog, LS tends to be the smart pragmatist. Warrior is still ruthless on occasion, but comes across thinking more on the long term than short sighted gratification. Inquisitor is more thoughtful and cautious than zap at a moment's notice. Agent does come across more Bond trying to deal with crazy Sith stupidity, and Hunter is more a "I'm hired by bad people to do bad things to worse people, and if it's not me, someone else will so why not get paid for it' type.


Overall, I've been pleasantly surprised with how well Bioware allowed for the options to go LS Imperial/DS Republic when the usual perceptions are Imperials are always the Baddies and the Republic is total goodness.

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