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Marauder pvp gear


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I'm a lvl 43 Marauder and specced into Annihilation. I'm currently doing both pve and pvp. And i have not yet fully understand how to get the 50 pvp gear when i hit 50. I've now saved alot of warzone and mercenary commendations and are not quite sure how to get those tokens for the 50 pvp gear. Anyone that can clearify this for me? :)
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I'm a lvl 43 Marauder and specced into Annihilation. I'm currently doing both pve and pvp. And i have not yet fully understand how to get the 50 pvp gear when i hit 50. I've now saved alot of warzone and mercenary commendations and are not quite sure how to get those tokens for the 50 pvp gear. Anyone that can clearify this for me? :)


You trade in 30 Warzone Commendations for 10 Mercenary Commendations.


You trade in 200 Mercenary Commendations plus 200 Warzone Commendations for a Champion Gear Bag. You can only have one of these at a time.


Open the Champion Gear Bag. You will either get:


a) Three Centurion Commendations


--- or ---


b) One Centurion Commendation plus One Unassembled Piece of Champion PVP Gear (Champion PVP gear is one tier better than Centurion)


You can turn in an Unassembled Piece of Champion PVP Gear to the Champion PVP Vendor to get the actual item. These are the items you should be hoping for when you open your Champion Gear Bag.


Centurion Commendations can be used to buy Centurion PVP Gear, which is the basic level 50 PVP set. Individual pieces have a cost range between 21 and 72 Centurion Commendations. So, yes, 800 Warzone Commendations = One Champ Bag, that can give you 3 Centurion Commendations (if it only gives you 1, the good news is that the Unassembled Champ Gear that comes with it is better than the Centurion PVP gear). For one 72 Commendation item, that'd take you 19200 Warzone Commendations at best. For one lightsaber. :p


As you can see, there's a lot of RNG involved, and if you're luck is bad, it'll take you a really long time to gear up. You can also see that you're really hoping for Unassembled Champ Gear, because grinding out the Comms for the basic Centurion will take you forever. Now, you should buy a Champion Gear Bag prior to 50 (but, you can't open it until level 50). This lets you then gather 1000 Mercenary Commendations and 1000 Warzone Commendations, so you can buy 5 Champion Gear Bags immediately upon reaching level 50.


Your PVP dailies as a level 50 will also reward you with a Champion Gear Bag. Your PVP weekly will reward you with...I want to say 2 Champion Gear Bags, and your choice of a third Champion Gear Bag or a Battlemaster Gear Bag. Battlemaster is the third tier of PVP gear, that comes after Champion gear. It has a Valor requirement on it of Valor Rank 60. Probably worth getting one, even if you can't use it, as it'll save you a week of time later on down the road.


There may be other ways to earn Commendations/PVP Gear, but this is what I know. Not sure if I've been lucky or not, but two days at level 50 and I have four pieces of Champion PVP Gear (would have five, but got the chest twice).


Hope that helps.

Edited by revial
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  • 2 weeks later...
I kinda love the fact that it´s not that easy to gear up - one has to have dedication and work to get it - if the game was to easy ppl would leave - not by making us work for our gear!





Yeah well some people have lives and can't dedicate so much time to grinding. I can understand not making it so easy, but making it too hard will just frustrate some people.

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