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How can I roleplay while doing the LvD event?


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Hi, I am one of those annoying players who LOVES to roleplay his characters. I know, so annoying. Looking at all the achievements in the DvL event I am supposed to go STRAIGHT dark or light. This feels like a great slap in the face of people who love to roleplay (we're not as small of a number as BW likes to think). Now don't get me wrong, I really want to participate in this event for the cool new gear and achievements, but if I am supposed to go straight one way or another i CAN NOT see myself doing this event. It's like eating a hamburger with the choice of having it straight out the cow, or having it burnt to a crisp. So I guess... SCREW YOU BIOWARE!!!
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Hi, I am one of those annoying players who LOVES to roleplay his characters. I know, so annoying. Looking at all the achievements in the DvL event I am supposed to go STRAIGHT dark or light. This feels like a great slap in the face of people who love to roleplay (we're not as small of a number as BW likes to think). Now don't get me wrong, I really want to participate in this event for the cool new gear and achievements, but if I am supposed to go straight one way or another i CAN NOT see myself doing this event. It's like eating a hamburger with the choice of having it straight out the cow, or having it burnt to a crisp. So I guess... SCREW YOU BIOWARE!!!


Diplomacy? :confused: You can get light/dark V with it and take the choices you want via dialogue?


or...wait, it's a troll thread, right? I got cought? :(

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Diplomacy? :confused: You can get light/dark V with it and take the choices you want via dialogue?


or...wait, it's a troll thread, right? I got cought? :(


Diplomacy would still shift my alignment and my character would turn evil/good without any real choices which feels stupid and dumb. My character's experiences should shape how my character feels. I know, its stupid how much I roleplay

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Diplomacy would still shift my alignment and my character would turn evil/good without any real choices which feels stupid and dumb. My character's experiences should shape how my character feels. I know, its stupid how much I roleplay

Well, diplomacy missions do have their description, if you send someone to sabotage a government you get "evil", how it that for roleplay? :)

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I'm an avid roleplayer, too, but keep in mind this is also the star wars universe. While I don't know too much about the lore, from my understanding it's incredibly difficult to walk a path, that is both light and dark. In almost all cases, the darkside overcomes the light in you.


Also, it was said nowhere, that you "had" to go straight light side, or dark side. One choice will determine what companion you get, but either way you're going to get a companion. No choice, will be barred rewards, based on your decisions.


I don't see why you can participate, and continue to roleplay, as you normally do?

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Serious answer...

CRPGs have serious limitations as to what you can roleplay in all cases.


You can't side with Malgus! :(


A good roleplayer seeks to justify the decisions that they need to achieve in game rewards.


The actual event doesn't need you to do the full class story run through, just level up.


Personally I see it as an ideal 'Groundhog Day' scenario if you really want to justify why you are running the same FPs over and over and over again ;)

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I'm hoping to only do enough story to get a ship and/or heroics. Then I plan to grind heroics, flashpoints, etc for the levels I need. Only one alt I have to rp as I go, and thats the one I'm running through KOTFE. The rest? I'll go do the story after the event.
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I call shenanigans.


First, any quandary over the event's impact on role-playing presumes that one actually RPs during missions. As an avid RPer ... as in, RP is my primary activity in any MMO I play ... this is, in my experience, a very rare occurrence. But even if a player does insist on "RPing" during missions ... which, is what exactly? Tossing in a few gratuitous emotes before and after convos? ... simply choose to RP a character who is all Light. Then choose to RP a character who is all Dark. As I understand the event, we have to use new characters, right? So, make one all ebil-sauce and another who is goody-two-shoes.


In nearly 40 years of role-playing, I have certainly developed a favorite "type" of character. But I still manage to RP other types as well. Role-playing is role-playing. You know the end game ... Light V and Dark V ... role-play your way there.

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Diplomacy would still shift my alignment and my character would turn evil/good without any real choices which feels stupid and dumb. My character's experiences should shape how my character feels. I know, its stupid how much I roleplay


Plus, I believe Eric said Diplomacy missions won't count towards the Light v Dark "scale" they will be counting. Only story mission choices.

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Unfortunately I have used /stuck, so I am already disqualified.


You shouldn't have fallen off the edge


We won't know if that will or can disqualify you until after the event

Edited by rklontz
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Diplomacy would still shift my alignment and my character would turn evil/good without any real choices which feels stupid and dumb. My character's experiences should shape how my character feels. I know, its stupid how much I roleplay


Well.. another good reason for the event to run with brand new characters, which you can in effect discard after the event if you wish.


As a role player, perhaps you could suspend your role playing while playing event characters as the event is pretty much a limited time speed run of current content anyway ... :)

Edited by Andryah
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Hi, I am one of those annoying players who LOVES to roleplay his characters. I know, so annoying. Looking at all the achievements in the DvL event I am supposed to go STRAIGHT dark or light. This feels like a great slap in the face of people who love to roleplay (we're not as small of a number as BW likes to think). Now don't get me wrong, I really want to participate in this event for the cool new gear and achievements, but if I am supposed to go straight one way or another i CAN NOT see myself doing this event. It's like eating a hamburger with the choice of having it straight out the cow, or having it burnt to a crisp. So I guess... SCREW YOU BIOWARE!!!

How do you RP now? Just RP that your vile or angelic...it's not that hard to do.

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How do you RP now? Just RP that your vile or angelic...it's not that hard to do.


I never thought of that honestly... every dark side choice I pick im going to pretend that their involved with Corporate imperial EA somehow, either directly or a mere supporter of the event. Thanks Tux, you always know what to do.

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As an avid RPer ... as in, RP is my primary activity in any MMO I play ... this is, in my experience, a very rare occurrence.

I agree with you in that it's a rare occurrence, but this does bring back a fond memory of one of the first HM flashpoints I ever ran (with some RPers).


I had been concerned going into it, as I really didn't know what I was doing. Luckily for me, the other 3 members of the group were all overgeared and experienced, so they were able to make up for my shortcomings. But the highlight of the run was the RP in chat as we moved through the flashpoint. They argued with Jindo, acted surprised at HK, had mild banter among the group, etc.


It was really really fun. They made the game come more alive to me -- was really pleased to have run into that group.

Edited by Khevar
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I never thought of that honestly... every dark side choice I pick im going to pretend that their involved with Corporate imperial EA somehow, either directly or a mere supporter of the event. Thanks Tux, you always know what to do.

You're most welcome! I'm just here to help Peter ;)



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Well.. another good reason for the event to run with brand new characters, which you can in effect discard after the event if you wish.


As a role player, perhaps you could suspend your role playing while playing event characters as the event is pretty much a limited time speed run of current content anyway ... :)

That is the most unreasonable and RP-phobic statement ever made in the entire history of unreasonable RP-phobia. :mad:


You act as if these characters into whom we invest such creative energy and emotion can be blithely tossed aside like last week's .... stuff ... stuff that was blithely tossed aside. And you denigrate the true RPer's dedication to his/her craft when you suggest that players can ... or should be able to ... nonchalantly turn our RPing "on" and "off". It's as if you think when I send my cadre of crafters' companions on crew skills, I don't do so "in character." To the contrary, each of my crafters' companions have their own backstories and motivations for fetching me that piece of Desh. Qyzen and I share stories about his great Slicing hunt and the many foes he overcame to return with the prize ... we share stories ... in my head.


This event ... and your pernicious, perfidious perspective on role-playing is an /emoted "slap in the face" to RPers.

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I agree with you in that it's a rare occurrence, but this does bring back a fond memory of one of the first HM flashpoints I ever ran (with some RPers).


I had been concerned going into it, as I really didn't know what I was doing. Luckily for me, the other 3 members of the group were all overgeared and experienced, so they were able to make up for my shortcomings. But the highlight of the run was the RP in chat as we moved through the flashpoint. They argued with Jindo, acted surprised at HK, had mild banter among the group, etc.


It was really really fun. They made the game come more alive to me -- was really pleased to have run into that group.

I am genuinely sad at the reaction an RPer would get today in a PUG HMFP. I agree that running content in-character can be fun. I just rarely ever see anyone do it. though, it would have made leveling Thor very difficult ... he is a curmudgeonly pacifist healer who refuses to use the Force to harm other living things. Not sure he would have made it past that first Flesh Raider mission on Tython with that attitude.
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I am genuinely sad at the reaction an RPer would get today in a PUG HMFP. I agree that running content in-character can be fun. I just rarely ever see anyone do it. though, it would have made leveling Thor very difficult ... he is a curmudgeonly pacifist healer who refuses to use the Force to harm other living things. Not sure he would have made it past that first Flesh Raider mission on Tython with that attitude.

As someone who never RP's, and never has, I would have zero issue with someone trying to remain in character during a FP/Op...is it frowned upon for some reason? I wouldn't "play along", but I certainly wouldn't say anything...

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As someone who never RP's, and never has, I would have zero issue with someone trying to remain in character during a FP/Op...is it frowned upon for some reason? I wouldn't "play along", but I certainly wouldn't say anything...


It's a speed run event that people will take way to seriously and give rp'ers nothing but grief because they might be taking to long, or what they think is to long.

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