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Merge 'The Bastion' with some other server.

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Fleet population at a given moment in time is hardly an accurate sampling of server population anymore. People just don't hang out on Fleet the way they once did. Most players are on Odessen, in their various strongholds, or wherever else.

This is ridiculous lol.


Odessen has been in game for nearly a year, Strongholds for almost 3 now. These aren't new or novel places that players are just now experiencing...they've been in game for long enough that their impact on Fleet population is negligible. People aren't comparing Fleet populations now to numbers from 4-years ago.


Populations have nose dived from where they were a year ago...despite any pretending you folk try to do to cover it up or explain it away. Lack of NEW group content is probably 95% of the reason...the snowball effect is far greater than the defenders give it credit for.

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