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Do you think Valkorion will turn on us in the future? Like is he bad or actually good


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Anybody else think they're recycling the Dragon Age lore?


Like Valkorian = Flemeth and Vitiate = Mythal?


They have definitely taken inspiration from Dragon Age.


The alliance = the inquisition.

Valkorian= Flemeth/Mythal

Vitiate= Fen'harel " the dread wolf"

Edited by cool-dude
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As I've been working on finishing up some unlocks before diving into KofFE and just finished up a Jedi Knight run, some of the different dialog choices I've explored bring up these points to consider going with the point of Valkorion is Vitiate. I am spoilering as a just in case thing for assorted storyline reveals.



When the Knight confronts the Emperor/Emperor's Voice in the Dark Temple, there's an option to ask what the Emperor plans to do once everything and everyone's dead. His response is he plans to savor the peace for a bit and then start a new life/existence once the galaxy restarts itself, specifically mentioning maybe experiencing things as a farmer or the like. This isn't something completely unheard of with body hopping as those who have played the Inquisitor storyline knows that's what Zash has been doing for who knows how long and all we really know about it is that the rituals required are very ancient which would fit with them possibly being pioneered by Vitiate perhaps while he was researching the method for his immortality. Even asking Lord Scourge at the Republic victory award ceremony as to why is he still sticking around with the Emperor dead, he will say he's going to stick around until he's certain the Emperor's dead. Many of his dialog options stress he's convinced that unless Vitiate's truly dead, he's going to keep planning and working towards godhood through galaxy death.


As for why the seeming change in personal plans, it could be something like as was said earlier in the thread about studying societies with the Sith Empire being a study of a society built on meritocracy and infighting and the Zakuul on benevolence. Assuming Vitiate was being honest in his answer to the Knight, it is quite possible that he hasn't so much given up on the death of the galaxy thing, but more put it on a backburner for now. He knows the rites for galaxy death will power him up, but because his first attempt failed, it would be best to hold off for now considering there's enough people still alive with the memory of the Emperor's attempt who could rally people to the resistance against that compared to waiting until those people die off or see who can be manipulated/possessed to reduce that chance of resistance.


Maybe it's me but for how long he's been Emperor, while it would be understandable for one having been in that sort of powerful position to want to just have a figurative breather as something without so much responsibility, it also stands to reason that while Vitiate might be content for a while as one of the common folks, he equally would eventually want to be a top dog again and want to experience something different than what he's done with the Sith and Zakuul empires for when that comes rather than try the v2.0 of either since as someone else said, he's immortal and the only thing that would draw his attention would be something interesting and genuinely new.

I played through the Jedi Knight story but it was quite some time ago so I forgot all that ;3 now that you have refreshed me memory I'm starting to understand why he suddenly changed from wanting to devour all life to becoming somewhat nice for a change and trying to save Zakuul. Interesting points ~ I wonder though, why would he want to turn evil again and become the most powerful again if he wanted to do/achive something different now ? Guess cuz he is hungry for power and always will be lol

Edited by JessicaWolf
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I think that Volkarion is really inspired by Kreia from KOTOR 2, which makes me believe he will actually help you grow as much as possible, and then betray you.

I really hope I'm wrong about this. It is a nice scenario, but I just don't want to see the same concept again.

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I still think it's rather telling that accepting Valkorion's aid is always, without exception, a Dark Side action. Refusing it to end an argument or recklessly blast a Force lightning torrent out into the atmosphere near fleeing civilian vessels is one thing, but it's still Dark to call on it in saving an ally's life.


Valkorion wouldn't be the first Legends character to declare himself beyond light and darkness in his hubris and either be proved wrong by future lore or turn out to have been lying the whole time. Perhaps BioWare's writers feel freed up by the discontinuity of Legends to create however they want regardless of the timeline outside their game, but if not then I expect something of an anticlimax. It's not a matter of if he betrays the player but when.


I predict that he'll take what he's after in a pivotal moment that doesn't technically clash with his prior statements but still runs contrary to what the player character could have expected. Misleading rather than lying directly and manipulating our actions with words that are "true from a certain point of view."

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They have definitely taken inspiration from Dragon Age.


The alliance = the inquisition.

Valkorian= Flemeth/Mythal

Vitiate= Fen'harel " the dread wolf"


That last one doesn't really fit. Especially since Vitiate and Valkorion are ostensibly the same person.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Warning, there references to the new content, as I am a subscriber, but it'll be later toward the end.. oh yea wall of freak;n text warning. Don't like, well I got 'tude and IDK ok *grin* lets get on with it!




Of course he will. He's not on the players "side" he's on his own side just as he has always been. In the end, the opinions of others don't really concern him other then possibly some minor entertainment value. What his ultimate goals have never really been said, and that's assuming he actually has a goal. . He says some things about it to the player but they're lies for all practical purposes. Valkorian doesn't do manifesto's. But go back to the carbonite sequences. He's very sith there for a moment. A broken tool is to be discarded. When the PC no longer can serve his goals the PC will be at best abandoned by him at some point, or become his new permanant vessel. Which we do believe means no more you. I wonder who the real Valkorian was? I wonder if his spirit feels like he pretty much got screwed over?


Who Valkorian reminds me most strongly of is "The Architect" from the Matrix. We're all "lesser" beings. For the Matrix humans were essential power sources (I don't want to go into the possible flawed science of it all) with setience. Recall the Emperor consumed all life on Ziost. It provided him power, obviously "force" related, and afterwards he abandoned the core worlds entirely and moved apparently fully into his Valkorian body.


The Architect manipulated the human population including the "Zion" humans. He allowed Zion to be rebuilt so many time to provide a societal safety valve for his farm animals.. Us. The Architect you'll recall had absolutely no respect for human intelligence or ability. Valkorian is much the same. At some point what is today Valkorian was just another force user.. a powerful one, but mortal. He found a way to harness the force to at first transfer consciousness to another host body. (he wasn't the only one who knew how to do this.. Sith Inquisitor story line anyone? ) He also apparently later on discovered how to suspend aging, which would have been a real convenience to having to be constantly having to posses a new host body every few decades. Many who would have been not exactly willing to give up their all for him, but no small number of them that would have willingly done so over possibly tens's of thousands of years. Do note that as a side effect he's really plans long term. He left and reason to trust him long ago...at this point he possibly not really much more then self aware appetite for power. And a whole bag full of bad habits that are not good or happy making for other sentient being which brings us to...





Valkorian plans how ever may have just hit a major snag in the form of a droid that's as capable as he is at long term planning, and apparently really amazingly pissed off at him, and quite possible smarter then he is. As an older male let me tell ya Scorpio is a dame... as in Katherine Hepburn dame..as in lets say Dame Judith Anderson (r.i.p.)

dame. And Valkorian pissed her off. You made a serious Boo Boo dude!. He don't have my pity! As we know, no one follows through on a grudge like Scorpio, and Scorpio may have just saved your PC's *** long term, and made your job much easier. And I don't think she's done doing it yet either. Because she's not done dealing with Valkorian whom at this point I think I can safely say she means to put a permanent end to him.


Huh you say? HE STOLE HER CODE AND REPLICATED HER WITH OUT HER PERMISSION! The Bad! The ******! The Baby Steal-er! You may have missed that part, I didn't! Oh yea, the story isn't even over yet. And Scorpio..she's just getting warmed up.


And I am suspecting that the "Celebrity Grudge Match" of SWTOR will happen when Scorpio and Veylin go toe to toe.. as Vaylin has her own agenda, and we are all suspecting that it doesn't necessarily include her big brother. If she survives Arcann getting offed, which I strongly suspect she will, she'll want the Eternal Throne for herself. It is home after all. And she quite capable of staging a one woman invasion of Zakul to seize it for her self. Part of me keeps hoping that somehow Vaylin can be redeemed. What am I saying! Meh! This is Star Wars, and they are go'n down! Bring your popcorn! But keeps yer weapons handy, because you know your going get a battle royal against Valkorian soon after that one goes down. But don't be take'n book on what I say. there's some very good writers doing this story


We'll have to just see what happens next. It's been interesting so far!

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More interesting theories xD guess time will tell lol but seems quite obvious that he will betray you somehow, after reading all of these posts it became more and more obvious although they are all theories still. Now the main question remains: How is he going to pull his betrayal off ? And if you used his power does that make you more vulnerable ? If you refused it will it be a challenge for him in a way ? He left your mind in chapter 12 will he be able to come back ? And how ? :D
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And I am suspecting that the "Celebrity Grudge Match" of SWTOR will happen when Scorpio and Veylin go toe to toe.. as Vaylin has her own agenda, and we are all suspecting that it doesn't necessarily include her big brother. If she survives Arcann getting offed, which I strongly suspect she will, she'll want the Eternal Throne for herself. It is home after all. And she quite capable of staging a one woman invasion of Zakul to seize it for her self. Part of me keeps hoping that somehow Vaylin can be redeemed. What am I saying! Meh! This is Star Wars, and they are go'n down! Bring your popcorn! But keeps yer weapons handy, because you know your going get a battle royal against Valkorian soon after that one goes down. But don't be take'n book on what I say. there's some very good writers doing this story


We'll have to just see what happens next. It's been interesting so far!


I agreed with almost everything you said up until this point. I highly doubt Vaylin and SCORPIO will have issues with each other. Vaylin has made it clear that she doesn't really care about the throne, she just wants to be left to her own devices, to act with full immunity in the Empire. SCORPIO doesn't care about Vaylin, her interest is in the fleet, and revenge against Valkorian. I could actually see Vaylin and SCORPIO coexisting, if not full on partnership. Everything else though made sense.

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Vitiate lied about being stuck in our head. I think that tells you enough about his trustworthiness.

I know he is manipulative and can't be trusted (became clearer to me after reading all these interesting theories) but it's always interesting to hear other people's opinions and theories and points of views ~

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Do you think Valkorion will turn on us in the future? Like is he bad or actually good
What makes anyone think different? Valkorian is the main villan from the beginning. Arkann and now Skorpio are just some 2 dimentisonal hoff thwirling villans. I wasn't suprised at the beginning of KotFE while Arkann stabbed Vakorian, and I wasn't suprised at all Skorpio betraided me as well. Oh, and man will I be suprised Kalyo will do as well. :rolleyes:


At most will I be suprisd, while Vaylin is going to kill Arkann.:D Shocker!

And at the end Valkorion is standing there grining, for I have done his dirty work, and he will say something like, "blabla, am smarter than you, blabla, evil talk, blabla new era with Blackjack and hooters" and my toon is going to answer idiotically as before, "oh, noes, I'm suprised, you betrayed me, buhuh!" and the real me is puking all the time during this special dialogue. But wait! He'll get away! Of course he will again. He's going to delude us for so long SWTOR is going to exist, because he is the main baddie in an neverending story, that an MMO has to be..

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What makes anyone think different? Valkorian is the main villan from the beginning. Arkann and now Skorpio are just some 2 dimentisonal hoff thwirling villans. I wasn't suprised at the beginning of KotFE while Arkann stabbed Vakorian, and I wasn't suprised at all Skorpio betraided me as well. Oh, and man will I be suprised Kalyo will do as well. :rolleyes:


At most will I be suprisd, while Vaylin is going to kill Arkann.:D Shocker!

And at the end Valkorion is standing there grining, for I have done his dirty work, and he will say something like, "blabla, am smarter than you, blabla, evil talk, blabla new era with Blackjack and hooters" and my toon is going to answer idiotically as before, "oh, noes, I'm suprised, you betrayed me, buhuh!" and the real me is puking all the time during this special dialogue. But wait! He'll get away! Of course he will again. He's going to delude us for so long SWTOR is going to exist, because he is the main baddie in an neverending story, that an MMO has to be..

Hahaha xD I like your answer :p is funny xD and most likely what's going to happen in a way or another hehe

Edited by JessicaWolf
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