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Petition: Either make LS/DS event less grindy, or...


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Give PvE and PvP endgame better rewards.


Seriously, Bioware - this is below pathetic. You've basically created a rehash event with, possibly, some neato rewards. What happened to cool aesthetic rewards from endgame PvP and PvE? PvE gets a few mounts, and you've yet to release ANYTHING on the S7 PvP rewards.


Get your priorities straight.


Or make the damn event retroactive like half the forum is suggesting just to make it bearable.

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It's essentially a bunch of achievements....on top of achievements


I already get achievements for getting level 50 on 8 characters, and now they want me to do them again?


What new content does this "event" actually bring apart from new armor sets, new packs, some fluff and a companion?

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It's essentially a bunch of achievements....on top of achievements


I already get achievements for getting level 50 on 8 characters, and now they want me to do them again?


What new content does this "event" actually bring apart from new armor sets, new packs, some fluff and a companion?


TITLES! and... MOUNTS! And old cartel stuff!




Overwatch is looking like a pretty neat replacement in case **** hits the fan.

Edited by ToMyMa
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It's essentially a bunch of achievements....on top of achievements


I already get achievements for getting level 50 on 8 characters, and now they want me to do them again?


What new content does this "event" actually bring apart from new armor sets, new packs, some fluff and a companion?


Agreed! I have already leveled every class up to 50, most are at 65 now and have been for some time, my mains are valor leveled 80-100, fully geared and now BW want me to do all this sh*t again? not a chance :mad:

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Sorry to stir off topic a little, but is this event really telling me i have to start a new character?


Yep, in fact, if you want the top tier rewards, you gotta make 8 new chars. Have fun.

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Yep, in fact, if you want the top tier rewards, you gotta make 8 new chars. Have fun.


:D:D I couldn't think of a worse nightmare!! I hated leveling and now being a "legendary player" I'm done with it, except for 65 onward that is.

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EAWare's "metrics" say players don't want new repeatable content. It says players only want to level, level and level more as well as simply solo story content. So we get 1-2 hour story content chapters a month, absolutely no new operations or plans for them in what 2 years, and now events that instead of introducing actual new content, just tell us to do it all over again - again.


Us long-time subs, those of us who have stuck through these ridiculous content droughts and false promises, are being eviscerated here. These last 2 years have not been indicative of a company who actually cares what the players want, completely and utterly about "metrics". I've been a fool subbing this long, supporting a game that long ago said in no uncertain times they don't want me here, so I'm ending my sub


I'll find my gaming fix elsewhere. At some point they have to realize enough is enough, unfortunately so long as others like me sit back and allow it to happen they'll never get it. Not doing the event isn't the issue here, it's the mindset that goes into decisions like having such an event, as well as the other "decisions" over 2 years


Good luck to those of you who still have faith for EAWare

Edited by Avalauren
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EAWare's "metrics" say players don't want new repeatable content. It says players only want to level, level and level more as well as simply solo story content. So we get 1-2 hour story content chapters a month, absolutely no new operations or plans for them in what 2 years, and now events that instead of introducing actual new content, just tell us to do it all over again - again.


Us long-time subs, those of us who have stuck through these ridiculous content droughts and false promises, are being eviscerated here. These last 2 years have not been indicative of a company who actually cares what the players want, completely and utterly about "metrics". I've been a fool subbing this long, supporting a game that long ago said in no uncertain times they don't want me here, so I'm ending my sub


I'll find my gaming fix elsewhere. At some point they have to realize enough is enough, unfortunately so long as others like me sit back and allow it to happen they'll never get it. Not doing the event isn't the issue here, it's the mindset that goes into decisions like having such an event, as well as the other "decisions" over 2 years


Good luck to those of you who still have faith for EAWare


I'd ask to have your stuff, but think this is the end of the line for me also.

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I have 16 full slots and I dont want to delete any of them, So I will have to pay for a new character slot if I even want to do the event? also I wish they could have at least released a new spices to give me a real reason to roll a new character. having to do legendary all over is dumb and so is forcing hard mode flash when most PUG groups cant finish one because people quit them all the time. they really need to make allot of this retro.
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