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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Season 7 End???


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Copy/Pasted some basic info from reddit. Sadly I think they are going to continue to drag this season out longer as filler content since the rewards haven't been announced yet.


Season 1 lasted from 11/12/2013 to 4/8/2014.

That's 127 days, or 4 months 27 days, or 28 weeks.

The developers realized this was too long, and decided that seasons would last



Roughly three month long...ending on major Game Updates like Season 1 did with 2.7



Season 2 lasted from 4/28/2014 to 8/21/2014.

That's 108 days, or 3 months 17 days, or 15 weeks.


Season 3 lasted from 9/9/2014 to 12/2/2014.

That's 84 days or 2 months 23 days, or 12 weeks.


Season 4 lasted from 2/12/2015 to 4/28/2015.

That's 75 days, or 2 months 16 days, or 11 weeks.


Season 5 lasted from 4/28/2015 to 7/22/2015.

That's 85 days, or 2 months 24 days, or 12 weeks.


Season 6 lasted from 7/22/2015 to 10/20/2015

That's 90 days, or 2 months 29 days, or 13 weeks.


Season 7 started on 4/5/2016.


From Seasons 2-6, we can find a mean length of ~88 days. That places the end on 7/2/2016.

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Well, there is probably a small chance it will end Tuesday with the 4.6. I say this because no one found out when the season was starting until the day of, which would mean I wouldn't be too surprised if the season ended with no notice. The reward teaser MIGHT be announced when the items in the cartel pack coming in 4.6 are announced. This is just speculation though.
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Well, there is probably a small chance it will end Tuesday with the 4.6. I say this because no one found out when the season was starting until the day of, which would mean I wouldn't be too surprised if the season ended with no notice. The reward teaser MIGHT be announced when the items in the cartel pack coming in 4.6 are announced. This is just speculation though.


I was asking and encouraging people to ask when S7 gonna be started. We did it in 3 dev streams, every time they said "we haven't decide yet". Then suddenly they launched it without notice.

So this is possible. Considering they don't make armor sets anymore, making rewards shouldn't take a long time.

Edited by DerSchneider
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  • 2 weeks later...
Why pay for a game in which the developers won't even tell you when the season starts or ends? Do what I did. Cancel sub, maybe come back later when the rewards come out (if they are any good). I'm not going to support this nonsense.
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  • 2 weeks later...

They must put and to it :D

I logged in today, decided im gonna go get some cash from heroics, picked up all Hoth heroics and qued ranked, when i was done and back on odessen, there was no pop.

Whats the point of dragging it out if people won't que? And anyone who will decide to start doing it now will be screwed, they will never get the tokens together.

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They must put and to it :D

I logged in today, decided im gonna go get some cash from heroics, picked up all Hoth heroics and qued ranked, when i was done and back on odessen, there was no pop.

Whats the point of dragging it out if people won't que? And anyone who will decide to start doing it now will be screwed, they will never get the tokens together.


it's more about not knowing what they're doing, not being prepared to do what they need/want to do, and not knowing how they can salvage anything out of the mess that they've created that is causing the delay. in other words, I think it's incompetence rather than intentional.

Edited by foxmob
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Sadly it once again looks like we are approaching yet another thing that wasn't supposed to happen again (like the 2+ years between new ops). It looks like we are not only going to cross into the 4+ month long season again (like pvp season 1) but end up pushing toward the 5 month long season too.
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Bottom line, this game and its PVP is a joke and we all Volunteered to be the butt of it.

The Devs are having a laugh at our expense.


Laugh? At what? I'm pretty sure they completely forgot about it. They made sure we all kept buying gambling pack after gambling pack and now they are off spending it at the Celebration. Jokes on us. Again.

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the dev have actually spoken about this issue indirectly

bottom line is they dont have the manpower to do all things , but they will do it in due time ( even it is very long)


Like they said for example they are going to deliver the next chapter 16 ( even they delay it to august 11) , mean all hands are on that project , plus the cartel market of course :p

They wont deviate from that course and drop everything and start making others, they need to make the chapter 16 happens first and most priority other can come later


so expect to have anything if at all after chapter 16 finish and if no bug on that chapter

my best guest should be around september or so

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