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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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You CAN run the HM FPs on your main. You can run the operations, PvP, GSF, datacrons on main- but it won't count b/c they aren't allowing any existing character to participate in the event. That is what I can't understand why they set it up as such. I get leveling a new Pub and Imp toon from 1-ch 16 through the game - sucks if your slots are maxed out and you have to buy new ones to particiapte in event- but I understand. Just don't get the exclusion of existing characters.


Two reasons I see. 1. So that players currently do not get a head start or a jump up over all the new people. (Which is a blooming stupid reason imo) or 2. Because they have had issues with integrating old content flags (romance bugs with KotFE launch, not being to get Zenith ect ect) into new content, they took the "safe" route and said "Nope not even going near that and screwing up our player base even more by messing with what they have already." (The latter is most likely the truth, though I wish the former reason was so we have a clear and present enemy to blame:p) Though also wish we could get a clear confirmation on which is it, though I doubt they will answer either way, because either way......they lose in the communities eyes. So if they stay silent, they don't say anything, they can't be blamed for saying anything wrong. Also that means they get yelled at for saying nothing, but that is the lesser of 2 evils in their mind.

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Hmm....I foresee a BIG problem with that......if you can unlock the achievements but not the tiers, what happens if you have the achievement already but the tier was not unlocked?

You don't move onto the next level until you've unlocked the achievements required for that level.

This will not prevent you from unlocking achievements required to unlock a higher level, they will just sit in your achievement tracker until called upon.


Look at the Home Sweet Home achievement required for the Valiant level (3rd level), it can actually be completed at level 10.

Many of the Legendary requirements rely on completing content in time restricted events. Restricting the achievements to the levels would add an unnecessary complication.


So for an extreme example.

Eternal level requires you kill boss 5 in the Eternal Champion event.

You complete all the Legendary achievement requirements apart from killing boss 10 in the Eternal Champion.

Here you would have a character that is sat at Champion level.

They then run the Eternal Championship.

As soon as they take down boss 5 they get the Eternal Contender achievement and unlock Eternal Level.

As soon as they take down boss 10 they get the Eternal Champion achievement and unlock Legendary level.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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People say they are leaving at times like this all the time. I wonder how many do and stay gone.


The lack of OPs has meant those end gamer veterans have been looking for an excuse to make a transition for some time.

It's also coming up to summer time in the Northern Hemispher, it's usual for MMO populations to slump and very, very unusual for devs to release gleaming shiny new content, they save that for the winter months.


If you really love the game you'd see that aside from the Legendary Level, all the other rewards are attainable with a small amount of effort and running content that for the most part is meant to be repeatable.




Makes for an excellent "pretext" for the "pretexters" who need some pretext to feel empowered to /quit.


Just make a list and then check it during the event.... sort those who walk their talk from those that are just pretexting. :) I used to do this way back in the day.. and it was hilarious to catch them and call them on it. Not so much these days as honestly.. there are fewer actual pretexters.


Those that are genuinely and sincerely tired of the game and need a break.. they don't pretext. They simply take a break and like many before them (myself included) they return later refreshed and more appreciative of the game.

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Calling it now, people don't get credit for completing event objectives because they already had the achievement.


Oh now that would BURN SO BAD. Whats sad is with the Huttball and some of the companion achievements being bugged atm....I see this as a real possibility. *sigh* :(

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You don't move onto the next level until you've unlocked the achievements required for that level.

This will not prevent you from unlocking achievements required to unlock a higher level, they will just sit in your achievement tracker until called upon.


Look at the Home Sweet Home achievement required for the Valiant level (3rd level), it can actually be completed at level 10.


True, but what happens if you do the the SH mission and get it "ticked" on the achievement before that tier is unlocked? Or are the other higher tier achievements locked also and you can not and will not get progress for them until the tier for that achievement is unlocked? Because I have had issues with that in the past, where I know i have done The Foundry FP Hm 25 times,(only about 8 atm) it still gave me all 3 for beating the entire fp 1, 10 and 25 times, even tho i did not have all the other boss achievements required for it. Same with the healing for 100k, 250k and 350k in the Odessen WZ, i have the heal for 100k and 350k but not 250k? O.O So just recounting bugs i have run into, in asking if those bugs wil happen to the new achievements which....fi they do would reakk, because what happens if you get to the tier but its already ticked for the achievement and because its ticked for the achievement it will not tick for the tier reward? (I know it most likely wont, but with the amount of bugs inagme atm, its a real possibility, just making sure brace themselves.)

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My question is why do they not check the forums in the first place?


Laziness. Pure and simple laziness. Its sad the amount of people that never read the patch notes when they are released. (On the flip side, i also know a lot of others who do read them, just thought more would.)

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Laziness. Pure and simple laziness. Its sad the amount of people that never read the patch notes when they are released. (On the flip side, i also know a lot of others who do read them, just thought more would.)

You'd have thought... Things are usually announced here first...

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You've been here since the start of the debate (3rd post on this very thread). You know full well that's the case. What part of 'not retroactive' did you find hard to understand?


If you want the companion (Eternal) at most you have to level an Imp and a Rep to 65 (only one of which has to run the SoR and KotFE content). Clear 3 story FPs (can be doen solo), clear the tactical FPs (can be run by two players and companions if I recall, and some on that list also seem to be solo... although some confusion over which panel reference is right), clear first 5 bosses of EC.


Now being blunt, as FPs are repeatable content anyway and with no story levelling required you can fulfill most of that requirement as you level the characters I'm not sure what the hardship is?


I find no issue with these, its the 2 in the legendary tier i have issue with (Level 8 characters to 50 and the crafting one) But as has been pointed out, we will be leveling so stupidly blinding fast, its....wow that's sad rofl. At how fast we will level, heck maybe faster then 12xp for storyline :D

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My initial reaction as I read the event details was not good. It felt like a heap of grinding and things to do that I had already done (aside from operations), as I have 14 max level toons and 11 more in the level 15 range. The prospect of doing it all over again seemed daunting.


But once I've read the guides after calming down a bit, it does not seem to be that bad really. I only need to level one (or 2) toons to get everything beside the final tier of rewards, which I was about to do anyways. Now I just need to do it in the time frame of the event.. I do not think that I would get the final tier of rewards, but I wish those who goes for it all the luck :)


One good thing is that this will certainly boost up the queue timer for everything from Warzones to operations, so that should excite that segment of the players.


You would think...for pvp and gsf sure, but for fps? I think they will still be the same, because with only specific fps being needed, people are not going to queue up random and waste their time on a HM FP they have ticked already, which means ie: if 4 people are in queue (1 tank and 2 dps and 1 heals) and they each have a different fp marked, the queue will not pop for hours even though there is enough players in queue for said HM FP. Hence why i only do premades.

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This has to be THE WORST idea this team of clowns has ever come up with. The degree to which it punishes its own players is directly proportional to the amount of time players have spent playing the game. I don't know WHAT you guys are thinking.


Thanks for the middle finger, but you'd better give the biggest apology you ever have if you want anyone to care about your new Star Wars MMO, because at this point you're punishing your loyal fanbase. A lot of us aren't going to bother with SWTOR 2 or whatever your upcoming MMO is. You have more than crossed the line at this point. Good luck recovering from this.


I hope SWTOR 2 doesn't come out, or if it does, do what Guild Wars and Wars 2 have done, where the stuff you did in the first game, gave you special titles, AP and cool and special skins ONLY if you played the first game. That's the only way i would be happy with a new SWTOR game. Also, i don't think there is another Star Wars MMO in the works atm, maybe in a idea stage? But not in development....yet.... The previews we got from EA at E3 were for action-adventure game (Respawn is making it) and a RPG (not a RPGMMO though i could be wrong) (Viseral is making it) That's all i know of atm. But if you have info about another Star Wars MMO being made, please post it and let the masses know, because i REALLY love Star Wars and will lap up any Star Wars info :D:D:D

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It's an event not a "here have a free award for being here for so long" bonus. There is no event in just giving you something for things you've already done.


Also you did get a reward for your long time play ... you got to play and enjoy yourself. If you haven't enjoyed yourself but continued to pay ... well then you or anyone else in that boat are idiots.


Well...this is REALLY small and stupid but....for the people who had Rak specimens left over from the first Rak event, they could hand in 50 of them for one Rak DNA canister with the new repeatable rak event. So there has been at least somewhere (even if it is stupid and small) where they let people who play before hand get something for their playtime before hand.

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I work in marketing for a mobile game developer...believe me I know about nickle and diming people to no end. It digusts me every day and I'm always trying to get my bosses to go the pro-player route since there ARE ways of making a profitable game without pissing off your player base.


*nod* Wish more idiots in the leadership seat would listen to us peons. :D

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The Leading Dev's that cleared this idea need to be taken out in a public square and beat to death with clubs.....


pathetic way to treat long time players with a chicken **** grindfest event ,and making loyal players of the game redo all content (again) ,relocate to other servers or purchase new slots to even do this event....


i just can't see how nobody from the dev team even thought out that this would receive MASSIVE negative imput from the community.... actually tell ya what first off you can start by firing ya community managers cause they are clearly not relaying *** we think.


Hey whoa whoa whoa whoa, that's a bit over the top. Yes i agree with you about the stupidity and non-logical way this "event" is being handled and the requiremnts for it, which means the devs failed or at least messed up big time. But that doesn't mean they need to be beaten to death?!?! O.o really? It is a game, and if you cant see the difference well......*sigh* See? THIS is why are society is gone down the drain. *sigh*:(

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<snip>...they at least need to be BoA and not account-unlockable...<snip>


I have no issue with the rewards from the packs being BoA and not account-unlockable. Anything is better than BoP packs with BoP items :(

Edited by Ceinwyn
smiley face
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I appreciate the clarifications, thank you. That was most helpful.


But it pretty much confirms, even more so, that I won't be bothering to participate in this...event. That's more work than I care for, for the fact it's rushed far too quickly, if nothing else. On the bright side, I won't have to suffer through the Zakuul arena. Again, best of luck to all participating - you have far more tolerance for this sort of...stuff...than I do.


*nod* No problem. Yeah they should have made it clear on the blog post that this is a speed run (course that wouldn't have gone over well either) and yeah, speed running content isn't everyones cup of chocolate milk. (fav drink even at bars :D) I wish i could pass it up but....i have a OCD problem with achievements, which is why i don't play a lot of games (online anyways). I go nuts for them and my head hurts and then I'm not having fun lol. Though i will say the primary reason i play any game is for storylines, i LOVE storylines and the characters. And then my OCD idiot brain takes over when i see achievements :D:D:D

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Oh Lakemine, do you know anyone who has successfully transferred between EU and US? I just looked on the transfer page and it says that you can't. I'm wondering if they just haven't updated their rules page.


Also, does anyone know if transferring your Legacy includes character inventory slots you've unlocked?


I'm thinking this might be a good time to rebuild my Legacy on a server closer to home, as much as I love you EU people.


No i don't know anyone personally, i myself have only transferred maybe...3 or 4 characters total? They most likely have not updated it, there is ALOT on the website that has not been update in years, odd. But when they changed the price of the transfers form 90CC to 1000CC they also added transferring to EU from US and vice versa for 1500CC. But i will keep looking for 100 confirmation. :D And about character inventory slots, yes and no. I'll explain. if you bought them on that character, yes they will transfer with you, same with bank tabs. Now what i did was buy every inventory and bank tab (and legacy bank tab) with CC, as buying them with CC goes for EVERY CHARACTER ACROSS YOUR ENTIRE ACCOUNT. If you buy them with creds, it is ONLY for that character. Hope that helps and i'll keep looking! *straps on the jawa pack and bi nocs and sets out*

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I do wish they would clarify the issue with the flashpoints.


Does solo count or not considering they way they have worded it. Sounds like they are saying one thing and doing another.


I thought it was according to the link guide.... Maybe I'm wrong....

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