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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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In order to unlock the highest rewards we have to run multiple characters through, are we going to be able to get both Light vs Dark companions?

No just the one the community votes for.

And by vote I mean accumulates the most LS or DS points across servers on characters created on or after the 28th June 2016 in conversation choices.


Darth Hexid and Master Ranos

These two new Companions are embedded into the core of the Dark vs. Light event. As event characters are making dark and light decisions, they are tilting the scales towards Hexis or Ranos - ultimately determining which Companion players can earn at the conclusion of the event.


Edited by Vhaegrant
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The Idea of LS/DS Event would be great if they would handle it like the Gree, Rakghoul and Bounty Event, for example.

Was it so hard to put LS/DS Ambessadors on the Fleet?

We have that area allready, was it so hard to create a new type of farming LS/DS Points?


And what is so hard to do the rewards retroactive?

You (the Dev. Team) had the chance with that event to bring back fun in the game, but doing things again is no fun.

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I play this game since beta! I am from the launch a subs! I have achieved legendary player status, got all datacrons and basically did all the required for this event stuff during all these years.


Of course I wont stop playing the game that I love, but BW once again...jeeez, epic fail!


I say NO, thank you!


I understand that you want to attract new players to your, our, game but this way you show no respect to the people who already done all this and paid this game all these years!


I feel that sometimes you are trying so hard to disappoint your loyal player base....


What a poor game planning...

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The Idea of LS/DS Event would be great if they would handle it like the Gree, Rakghoul and Bounty Event, for example.

Was it so hard to put LS/DS Ambessadors on the Fleet?

We have that area allready, was it so hard to create a new type of farming LS/DS Points?


And what is so hard to do the rewards retroactive?

You (the Dev. Team) had the chance with that event to bring back fun in the game, but doing things again is no fun.

I would have thought Conquest would be a better model with various activities giving differing amounts of LS/DS points towards the tally.

Not only that, and perhaps more important for some it would allow existing characters to run the content on the lower planets.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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People need to understand a few important things...


1. This event is the equivalent of a Speedrun its meant to be a challenge to see who can get through waves of older content in a limited amount of time. I for one am happy for it because its going to be one of those events in which not many people will get.


2. You only need 2 character slots, once you get one to lv 50 the check mark is checked for the achievement is completed, then you can delete the toon, even eric said this.


3. Keeping in mind that this is a Speedrun, does that even change your mind?

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People need to understand a few important things...


1. This event is the equivalent of a Speedrun its meant to be a challenge to see who can get through waves of older content in a limited amount of time. I for one am happy for it because its going to be one of those events in which not many people will get.


2. You only need 2 character slots, once you get one to lv 50 the check mark is checked for the achievement is completed, then you can delete the toon, even eric said this.


3. Keeping in mind that this is a Speedrun, does that even change your mind?


In a word, no.

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In a word, no.


Lets see, the raid community has been complaining about less people doing ops, now this event will make people do more ops, and HM flashpoints. GSF players have been complaining about low pops, now more pops will be comming.


And your getting 75 packs if you complete everything, which is basically a free hypercrate that drops only gold and platinum items.

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Lets see, the raid community has been complaining about less people doing ops, now this event will make people do more ops, and HM flashpoints. GSF players have been complaining about low pops, now more pops will be comming.


And your getting 75 packs if you complete everything, which is basically a free hypercrate that drops only gold and platinum items.

And they've been complaining just as loudly that it's mainly unskilled and ungeared players that don't have a clue.


Also, it's 85 crates!!!


Edited by Vhaegrant
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I am honestly disappointed by the limitations on this event - that I can only complete the event on new characters. I know it is optional content, but I was anticipating something I could play with my current characters, which events in swtor typically allow for.


I played swtor at the beginning but did take a few year break. I came back last summer and between work and family have been progressing through content with my three primary toons and playing through the class stories I hadn't done the first time around (the streamlined 1-50 experience really helps!). These toons are characters are enjoy playing but I still have a lot still to do.


However this event ignores all upcoming progress I might might make on these characters I am attached to, in favor of me disregarding them to play brand new characters. This just isn't very appealing to me.


I really wish that what we accomplish on our current toons during the time of the event could be counted towards the event achievements. Or even that a part of the event was geared towards already established toons.


I doubt they will change things, but if it is only for new characters than it should be a 'new character promotion'. That may not be how marketing or business works, but I was looking forward to a new event I could participate in with my current characters.

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People need to understand a few important things...


1. This event is the equivalent of a Speedrun its meant to be a challenge to see who can get through waves of older content in a limited amount of time. I for one am happy for it because its going to be one of those events in which not many people will get.


2. You only need 2 character slots, once you get one to lv 50 the check mark is checked for the achievement is completed, then you can delete the toon, even eric said this.


3. Keeping in mind that this is a Speedrun, does that even change your mind?


Well said...


I'd like to add one thing:


4. There's nothing saying you have to level all 8 through the class missions etc. If you read the reward guides and information page, you just need to get to level 50. So you really only need to complete the specifics twice (once light, once dark) and speed level the other 6 though H2s


So.. create a toon, group up and run the h2s you will be 50 in a couple of hours with a full group of 4. Just run 2 lowbies with 2 65s and reep the rewards! :-)

Edited by Baby-Girl
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And they've been complaining just as loudly that it's mainly unskilled and ungeared players that don't have a clue.


Also, it's 85 crates!!!


Even better XD 85 crates.


All i know is its going to get more players to try other areas of post game content if they want to do the speedrun. Veteran players have a leg up in a way because of guilds they are in, especially if they are in a raid guild they can say they are doing a Light Vs. Dark which most of them might be already, so they level up the one for the HM flashpoints and SM ops with you, and now you have people doing classic group content with you.


Yes you will have inexperienced players but having previous contacts as a veteran player and myself being in a raid guild with my 2 raid alts its going to be an easier time.

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Lets see, the raid community has been complaining about less people doing ops, now this event will make people do more ops, and HM flashpoints. GSF players have been complaining about low pops, now more pops will be comming.


And your getting 75 packs if you complete everything, which is basically a free hypercrate that drops only gold and platinum items.


No, the raiding community has been complaining about NO NEW OPS to do lol.


Only a super small percentage will even go after the legendary status anyway so that invalidates your point.

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Even better XD 85 crates.


All i know is its going to get more players to try other areas of post game content if they want to do the speedrun. Veteran players have a leg up in a way because of guilds they are in, especially if they are in a raid guild they can say they are doing a Light Vs. Dark which most of them might be already, so they level up the one for the HM flashpoints and SM ops with you, and now you have people doing classic group content with you.


Yes you will have inexperienced players but having previous contacts as a veteran player and myself being in a raid guild with my 2 raid alts its going to be an easier time.


This event might actually get me to join a guild for the first time since I moved to Harb, and into some Ops for the first time in around 6 months.

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Well said...


I'd like to add one thing:


4. There's nothing saying you have to level all 8 through the class missions etc. If you read the reward guides and information page, you just need to get to level 50.


So.. create a toon, group up and run the h2s you will be 50 in a couple of hours with a full group of 4. Just run 2 lowbies with 2 65s and reep the rewards! :-)


Yup thats something that needs to be underlined, story content for the 6 other lv 50's your leveling then deleting (which eric said you can delete when they hit 50) don't need to complete story content :D


People just need to take a deep breath and see it as it is, a speedrun, yes we all know everyone can do it and many have done it, but this time you have a time limit to run it all. It's fun that way :D

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Even better XD 85 crates.


All i know is its going to get more players to try other areas of post game content if they want to do the speedrun. Veteran players have a leg up in a way because of guilds they are in, especially if they are in a raid guild they can say they are doing a Light Vs. Dark which most of them might be already, so they level up the one for the HM flashpoints and SM ops with you, and now you have people doing classic group content with you.


Yes you will have inexperienced players but having previous contacts as a veteran player and myself being in a raid guild with my 2 raid alts its going to be an easier time.


People who weren't doing ops before aren't going to do them now based off this event. They just won't They are casual... and only super committed players can even think about doing the level with all the ops.

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I now love this idea the only way it could get better is with a complete server reset. Imagine all the challenge and fun of trying to rebuild your legacy. Come on bw think bigger.


The achievements are brand new speedrun versions with Light vs. Dark: [original achievement], you don't need to go to a new server, you only need 2 slots, once you hit lv 50 on a character you can delete it as Eric said many pages back before. And its not BW's fault, EA programs it, BW is doing story

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The achievements are brand new speedrun versions with Light vs. Dark: [original achievement], you don't need to go to a new server, you only need 2 slots, once you hit lv 50 on a character you can delete it as Eric said many pages back before. And its not BW's fault, EA programs it, BW is doing story


He was being facetious.

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People who weren't doing ops before aren't going to do them now based off this event. They just won't They are casual... and only super committed players can even think about doing the level with all the ops.


Once I figured that Legendary level was well out of my reach it wasn't as bad.

Eternal is feasible, just have to find a couple of folk to run through the Tac FPs with (usually find companion healer is more useful :o )

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Yup thats something that needs to be underlined, story content for the 6 other lv 50's your leveling then deleting (which eric said you can delete when they hit 50) don't need to complete story content :D


People just need to take a deep breath and see it as it is, a speedrun, yes we all know everyone can do it and many have done it, but this time you have a time limit to run it all. It's fun that way :D


The only story content you MUST do is SoR, Ziost, and Kotfe 1-16; done on one character only, and Ziost is only needed for legendary.

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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




Do you realise just bad a decision this is?


I have no intention of starting yet another character - and I certainly have no intention of running another character through KOTFE.


You've just made content that a significant portion of your playerbase is never going to touch.


Way to go!


All The Best

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Once I figured that Legendary level was well out of my reach it wasn't as bad.

Eternal is feasible, just have to find a couple of folk to run through the Tac FPs with (usually find companion healer is more useful :o )


Ya for me, i believe i can hit legendary, i love a good challenge and this is what this event is basically, a speedrun challenge. Should be interesting to see how many legacies hit the legendary level in the end of it.

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