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Dark vs. Light Event


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For a dark v light event dark and light alignment is in fact irrelevant for the majority of the event. You only get achievements for dark or light points in the legendary tier that the majority of players will never complete.
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This event is a cluster fk. Forcing people to play the same old lame content thats been around for the past 5 years, 8 times to get the rewards. Jeeze Bioware you're full of "surprises." The definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over and over. I just don't see this game lasting long with the current state of things the only reason it has lasted this far is idiots who purchase packs on the CM hoping for the ugly AF Kylo Ren look alike sabers and outfits. Subscribing is a joke with the HK-55 rewards everyone is sick of, I mean you get everything subscribing once, friends who haven't subbed in months still get access & early access to the latest chapters, I find that funny (Probably a bug nobody speaks of.) No new PvE content coming up quickly on 2 years, half assed linear scripted event story content where you're told choices matter which none really have with the minor exception of an annoying character most don't like and a few others that people don't have high opinions of either. PvP which is still stale and only just received it's first class balancing of the expansion after 6 months and that got it's first real update this year with new maps, the first in like 2.5 years other than class balancing and boring seasons. It's just sad really how far this "MMO" has sunk into oblivion when it's a Star Wars MMO and should be flourishing, I guess that's what you get with EA these days, it's a shame really.
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This event is crap to be honest.


Basically... Non PVPers are cut off from this event at like the third or fourth rank because of forced PVP. We can get to Valiant rank and no further.


Some players don't PVP due to mental health reasons, there is a whole list of PVE related things beyond this point that there is no use in us trying to do because of the forced PVP.


PVP can be a trigger for those with anxiety and panic disorders, going up against other players in games can in fact trigger panic attacks and anxiety. I know, because I am one of these people with this disorder. It is all well and good to try and encourage PVP and I get why they want to, so the game is more fun for PVPers but please consider those who are disabled and don't cut us off from PVE content so early on in the event.


Please consider moving the forced PVP to the final rank, so we can at least do the other ranks.

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It is read what's in bold here:



So say you really want that Tulak Horde Armor Set, I don't but just say you do, all you gotta do is either hop servers or delete the character and restart and do it again until you get it and boom you got a Tulake Horde Armor Set, you just equipped it and it opens in collections pay the 400 CC to unlock it and boom it's unlocked to your entire account...


I guess yes you could do that but you'd still need each character to get to 25 is it? So in a way that would be an easier way of getting the reward you wanted from the pack unlocked if I catch your drift here.


To avoid this though once you unlock the first tier you can't get it again on that legacy. I'm not too sure how unlocks work but if you create a new legacy on your account on a new server does that unlock from collections apply account wide for all legacies?

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According to the DARK vs. LIGHT EVENT Guide you only need 2 slots and 2 toons (possibly 3) and even with this you can still get the legendary even by simply completing the storylines and then deleting the say third toon and doing a different class cause they will count in your legacy. It's actually not quite bad when put in that light. Edited by DarthEnrique
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This event is crap to be honest.


Basically... Non PVPers are cut off from this event at like the third or fourth rank because of forced PVP. We can get to Valiant rank and no further.


Some players don't PVP due to mental health reasons, there is a whole list of PVE related things beyond this point that there is no use in us trying to do because of the forced PVP.


PVP can be a trigger for those with anxiety and panic disorders, going up against other players in games can in fact trigger panic attacks and anxiety. I know, because I am one of these people with this disorder. It is all well and good to try and encourage PVP and I get why they want to, so the game is more fun for PVPers but please consider those who are disabled and don't cut us off from PVE content so early on in the event.


Please consider moving the forced PVP to the final rank, so we can at least do the other ranks.


Though you can do it at any time, maybe with an understanding group in lowbies you can hide and do nothing like many with lv 60's tokens going for Peirce or 4X's, valor rank 5 and 5 WZ's doing this may yet be doable for you, or get a friend to do 5 without knowing a thing of the game. Though ya im not truely a fan of forced pvp least its not ridiculous like 20 WZ's and 40 valor.

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Yup, people complain about rewards being HK related, the players want something different and unique instead of what we have been getting.


Now they try something different and people grill them for doing something new... ya i feel bad because this does seem like a good idea, its different, and now the people who were asking for something new get, something and then pull the same old stuff like im quitting SWTOR, which they still say then say it over and over again.


It's sad. Great job BW for trying something new, least you were listening to us on how sick of HK rewards we were.


Remember though.....some more incoming sub rewards are HK-55 decos! :D

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PVP can be a trigger for those with anxiety and panic disorders, going up against other players in games can in fact trigger panic attacks and anxiety. I know, because I am one of these people with this disorder. It is all well and good to try and encourage PVP and I get why they want to, so the game is more fun for PVPers but please consider those who are disabled and don't cut us off from PVE content so early on in the event.


Oh well that may explain why I get so upset when people just troll kill me... Well Bioware sure does need to be considerate of those with mental disorders. Course they never will be. None of the player base is so can't expect Bioware to be. :rolleyes:

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Remember though.....some more incoming sub rewards are HK-55 decos! :D


True but before we knew that. I would love HK-47 to be a subscriber companion though, unlock a quest where you have to rebuild him after ToS. Then i will have 3 epic assassin droids....

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Ooops completely managed to overlook the Dev Blog on rewards :o


'Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set

As mentioned before, this armor set is an entirely new type of armor set. If you manage to complete the entire set, you will earn 50% bonus experience boost while wearing it. Unlocking the entire set will require you to complete up to Champion Level. You earn the following pieces at the following Levels:

•Legacy Level: Helm, Chest, Legs (25% bonus experience)

•Valiant Level: Belt, Bracer (+15% bonus experience / 40% total)

•Champion Level: Gloves, Boots (+10% bonus experience / 50% total)



The armor set is a moddable set which can be worn at level 1 and is bound to legacy! That means once you have unlocked the set you can freely move it to other characters in your legacy to help them level faster than ever, allowing you to move even faster through the event.'


Thanks for pointing that out, I was distracted by the big glitzy event page ;)


No prob :D Even with being so mad and sad at all of this info and then reading all the 85+ pages.....knowledge is power (and sometimes has a calming effect) Just trying to help :)

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True but before we knew that. I would love HK-47 to be a subscriber companion though, unlock a quest where you have to rebuild him after ToS. Then i will have 3 epic assassin droids....


How can you rebuild something that blew up? Wasn't HK-47 destroyed when The Foundry exploded after the False Emperor event? If he didn't I'd sure as hell want him back. :D

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True but before we knew that. I would love HK-47 to be a subscriber companion though, unlock a quest where you have to rebuild him after ToS. Then i will have 3 epic assassin droids....


Now THAT I could for, I love HK-47 over both 51 and 55. *sigh*......KoTOR.....we shall miss your meatbags well. Eh who am I kidding, that's why I bought it to replay it ever once in a while lol. Now speaking about the mission for 51, yes I HATE that thing, heck I did 5 times (yes I'm that big of a idiot) but it would be ok if they remade the scanner like the seeker droid, would make finding the parts ALOT easier. But another type of quest would be cool to.

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How can you rebuild something that blew up? Wasn't HK-47 destroyed when The Foundry exploded after the False Emperor event? If he didn't I'd sure as hell want him back. :D


You fight him in the temple of sacrifice operation that came out in shadow of revan. HK-47 has been destroyed over and over again, i wouldn't mind doing another HK-51 style quest to rebuild him either.

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How can you rebuild something that blew up? Wasn't HK-47 destroyed when The Foundry exploded after the False Emperor event? If he didn't I'd sure as hell want him back. :D


Well I know this is Legends now, but there was a story where HK-47 survived even all the way to episode 5. Can't remember the name but I remember hearing it where he tried to rebuild a droid factory and Vader blew it pieces. So.....yeah he can survive. MEATBAGS

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Oh well that may explain why I get so upset when people just troll kill me... Well Bioware sure does need to be considerate of those with mental disorders. Course they never will be. None of the player base is so can't expect Bioware to be. :rolleyes:


Story of my life for everything, not just games. It makes living with mental disorders even more difficult to.


I have friends who are in the same boat, PVP is a big trigger for anxiety and panic disorders so any time this is forced we get cut off from that content. I was looking forward to this event, I was even looking forward to playing all of the class stories again ( I very much enjoyed each of them ). Until I realised how early on those of us who can't PVP are cut off.

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Now THAT I could for, I love HK-47 over both 51 and 55. *sigh*......KoTOR.....we shall miss your meatbags well. Eh who am I kidding, that's why I bought it to replay it ever once in a while lol. Now speaking about the mission for 51, yes I HATE that thing, heck I did 5 times (yes I'm that big of a idiot) but it would be ok if they remade the scanner like the seeker droid, would make finding the parts ALOT easier. But another type of quest would be cool to.


If you unlocked the HK-51 in your legacy before hand by doing the mission at least once it counts as the unlock if you buy him with 1 mil credits or the 350 CC's.


I would love a cutsceen with all 3 bickering at eachother like in the false emperor flashpoint with 47 and 51.

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This event is crap to be honest.


Basically... Non PVPers are cut off from this event at like the third or fourth rank because of forced PVP. We can get to Valiant rank and no further.


Some players don't PVP due to mental health reasons, there is a whole list of PVE related things beyond this point that there is no use in us trying to do because of the forced PVP.


PVP can be a trigger for those with anxiety and panic disorders, going up against other players in games can in fact trigger panic attacks and anxiety. I know, because I am one of these people with this disorder. It is all well and good to try and encourage PVP and I get why they want to, so the game is more fun for PVPers but please consider those who are disabled and don't cut us off from PVE content so early on in the event.


Please consider moving the forced PVP to the final rank, so we can at least do the other ranks.


I agree with you, and feel your pain. You're not alone in this, and it's too bad that we're not given choices...where we can choose a certain number of achievements from all of them, so that those who can't cope with stressful group activities can still work around and earn their way to the rewards. :/

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Well I know this is Legends now, but there was a story where HK-47 survived even all the way to episode 5. Can't remember the name but I remember hearing it where he tried to rebuild a droid factory and Vader blew it pieces. So.....yeah he can survive. MEATBAGS


Then I want him back! :D And you're a MEATBAG! :p


Story of my life for everything, not just games. It makes living with mental disorders even more difficult to.


I have friends who are in the same boat, PVP is a big trigger for anxiety and panic disorders so any time this is forced we get cut off from that content. I was looking forward to this event, I was even looking forward to playing all of the class stories again ( I very much enjoyed each of them ). Until I realised how early on those of us who can't PVP are cut off.

Oh yeah, I started PVPing cause of Pierce I was like oh well this isn't so bad but boy was I wrong. It got worse after I started seriously getting into it and then the fun just turned to people being jerks and I get anxiety.


Shoot the crap with high prices on Revan stuff causes me to have anxiety cause I am a big Revan fan but I feel like I'm being screwed for being loyal cause I absoletly love the character I played KOTOR when it came out, I literally bought the PC version back in 2003 and STILL OWN IT, read the book and it's why I came to TOR in the first place and when I found out I could have items revolving around him I'm like yay! But boy does the player base like to screw you cause they too greedy and don't want to get off their lazy butts and make the cash themselves and want others to do the work for them but hey at least one good thing about this event is that those packs are a slap in their faces cause of the possible rare items it drops. At least Bioware saw that issue and are dealing with it. XD

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So a few questions here ...

1)whats the point with the XP gear? Is it like legacy heirloom gear that we can put on any toon and it levels them faster ?

2) What about the each 8 classes to lvl 50 achievement ? Do i have to relevel all 8 classes to qualify or does it auto count it from my achievements if i already have legendary status ?


3) Also will the XP gear be class specific? like for example only warriors or inquisitors ? What level can toon wear them ? level 1? level 10?


4) If we have already done some of these achievements they are asking does it auto unlock for us , or do we have to go redo those achievements in order to qualify ?


1. Yes 2. Yes you will have to relevel each class all over again, all 8 (I know I know I know, it sucks, but its only to level 50 and NOT just the storyline, just level 50, which with the 50% exp boost that will most likely (not confirmed yet) stack with all the other exp boosts, will make it easier. 3. No its legacy bound, so any character and level 1 is what the blog post says. 4. No achievements you have atm will count for ANY of the new achievements progress, so you will need to redo them. (Its just like when they added the achievement system on April 9th 2013, we got all the storyline and level and codex entire achievements as soon as we signed in. But all the kill and non codex bosses we had to redo. Same thing here.) Hope that helps:) And may the Force be with you.

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I agree with you, and feel your pain. You're not alone in this, and it's too bad that we're not given choices...where we can choose a certain number of achievements from all of them, so that those who can't cope with stressful group activities can still work around and earn their way to the rewards. :/


I wont even be able to get the full legacy armor set because the final pieces, boots and gloves are in the rank that requires pvp. :/

Makes no sense really when its a set that is only going to benefit PVE'ers.

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Then I want him back! :D And you're a MEATBAG! :p



Oh yeah, I started PVPing cause of Pierce I was like oh well this isn't so bad but boy was I wrong. It got worse after I started seriously getting into it and then the fun just turned to people being jerks and I get anxiety.


Shoot the crap with high prices on Revan stuff causes me to have anxiety cause I am a big Revan fan but I feel like I'm being screwed for being loyal cause I absoletly love the character I played KOTOR when it came out, I literally bought the PC version back in 2003 and STILL OWN IT, read the book and it's why I came to TOR in the first place and when I found out I could have items revolving around him I'm like yay! But boy does the player base like to screw you cause they too greedy and don't want to get off their lazy butts and make the cash themselves and want others to do the work for them but hey at least one good thing about this event is that those packs are a slap in their faces cause of the possible rare items it drops. At least Bioware saw that issue and are dealing with it. XD


Wish I was a MEATBAG but sadly I still need to do The Foundry about 18 or 19 more times on HM, but I will become a MEATBAG! Though I have a Simulated Meatbag so maybe that counts? :p Yeah I started playing SWTOR because I got KOTOR 1 and 2 and didn't come out of room for 4 days (81 hours on the first one because of replays a couple of times.) and saw it was connected. I have Revan's reborn set, but not the original set (only have the chest and pants because who knows lol) And yeah, the prices on the GTN on multiple servers is just beyond stupid on quite a few things.

Edited by Lakemine
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