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Dark vs. Light Event


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OhDon't even get me started on why you should get packs for free and I shouldn't. I don't have 8 toons to 50 and I've played and paid for years yet you should get the free gear because that's what you chose to do in the game?

Somehow you are more important than me? You should get gear for free I spent a fortune on in packs or direct buying from CM?

So what about those of us veterans who didn't do everything there is to do in the game? Why should you get rewarded and we shouldn't?


It's a damn stupid point for you to act like you deserve something because you got full enjoyment from the game by playing all it's enjoyable content. "I had fun plying this game and I deserve something for having fun damn it"! is how it comes across.


Of course if you didn't have fun I stick by my idiot point of view for persevering and paying for something you don' enjoy when there is just so much else out there.


Again, I'm not asking for anything for free. I'm asking for people to get credit for what they've already done. That's not free.


Since you've decided to take this into personal insult territory, I won't be discussing this further with you. You have your opinion, I have mine.

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Again, I'm not asking for anything for free. I'm asking for people to get credit for what they've already done. That's not free.


Since you've decided to take this into personal insult territory, I won't be discussing this further with you. You have your opinion, I have mine.


It's an event - you want to skip the event and get it for doing content you already had fun doing thus you want it for free.


If you want things in life you have to work for them, some times that means doing something you've done before. I am sure many people here have mundane real life jobs like this yet they still do it.


I don't see this as any less enjoyable than people who thinking running heroics day in day out, week in week out, month in month out is a great way to earn credits.

Maybe I should complain because Bioware didn't retroactively give me credits for the heroics I did before 4.0 ... yeah that sounds like a great argument to make! Gimme my damn credits Bioware!

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There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)



Are you s"itting on" me? Did your marketing department actually thing this is a good idea?


Pull a bungie and cancel the event. Bring it back when it's retroactive.

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Not sure if it has mention as i didn't see anything related to the set. I was wondering if the Victorious Pioneer’s Armor set (exp bonus) will still continue to function and giving exp bonus after the event or is it only work during the event?
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People simply mad cause the entire design of this event caters to new subs and even obstructs the existing players more than anyone else ...the longer and more someone is time invested into the game the more they will take insult to the design of this event...


Just badly thought out , badly designed , ****** rewards ,and an insult to those who have been waiting on any (DECENT) content for a prolonged period of time.


it's literally punishing anyone who has gone through the trouble of doing and clearing things in the past. and now to even get eligibility to this event we need to make new characters again , get legacy again , to get access to the content being released.


Bioware is basically saying this with the release of this event

"We are an incompetent company , and due to our inability to release no interesting content we will now shun all core players who have supported us for 4 years , make time invested by those players useless , and force these same players to run through content they have cleared multiple times over (and have achievements for since the *********** legacy achievements were implemented...."


I find it outrageous that they even decided to make the rewards not retroactive there is a bloody reason we have legacy you know....


Bioware needs to get it's **** together before the people that actually kept this game alive decide to give up on it and from how i hear it now all long time players are mad , disappointed and insulted by this idea and the setup of it.. adding to that Bioware's inability to respond.....

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Look at the event cosmetic rewards such as the mounts... third item on list... sent to all characters across account.


More specifically with the armour, weapons from the crates you can unlock them in collections. A collections unlock is account wide.

For dyes you could send a legacy chest piece, there are quite a few out there to be found in Alliance crates and a level 9 vendor on fleet.

For weapon tunings, same deal if legacy weapons have the tuning slot.


You know what I just read... exp boosts are part of the drop rates for these boxes :( Its in the blog post :(:(:(

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No prob:D


Oh Lakemine, do you know anyone who has successfully transferred between EU and US? I just looked on the transfer page and it says that you can't. I'm wondering if they just haven't updated their rules page.


Also, does anyone know if transferring your Legacy includes character inventory slots you've unlocked?


I'm thinking this might be a good time to rebuild my Legacy on a server closer to home, as much as I love you EU people.

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it's literally punishing anyone who has gone through the trouble of doing and clearing things in the past.


PLEASE don't use the word literally when it's not literally doing anything of the sort. You can perceive it as a punishment if you like but it's not literally punishing you ... words are important.

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Are you s"itting on" me? Did your marketing department actually thing this is a good idea?


Pull a bungie and cancel the event. Bring it back when it's retroactive.

So bring it back when you can get the rewards for no effort but deny it to others that don't mind.

With great insights like this I can see why the community manager isn't commenting on the forums.

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Oh Lakemine, do you know anyone who has successfully transferred between EU and US? I just looked on the transfer page and it says that you can't. I'm wondering if they just haven't updated their rules page.


Also, does anyone know if transferring your Legacy includes character inventory slots you've unlocked?


I'm thinking this might be a good time to rebuild my Legacy on a server closer to home, as much as I love you EU people.


You can transfer between region you just need to buy the region transfer which costs more.

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You know what I just read... exp boosts are part of the drop rates for these boxes :( Its in the blog post :(:(:(

Yeah but on a separate slot. You get two items, one from the long list of previous Cartel Pack items and then an XP boost or a companion gift.

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Running all FP in Hard Mode? lol Most are already overburdened with the normal. :D:D:D :p


Yep rofl :D:D:D Which is why I have only run like ...6 or 7 fps since 4.0, they overtuned them WAY to much. Way to wasting time atm. The only time I run them is with a full premade of 65s in 216+ gear. And before you say it...im at 61% all fp achievements (and yes that's 25 times with Mokan in under 4 days:D) man I love that fight.....

Edited by Lakemine
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PLEASE don't use the word literally when it's not literally doing anything of the sort. You can perceive it as a punishment if you like but it's not literally punishing you ... words are important.

Yes, a pet hate of mine as well. So many people now use 'literally' as a form of emphasis rather than giving it any additional meaning.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Yeah but on a separate slot. You get two items, one from the long list of previous Cartel Pack items and then an XP boost or a companion gift.


oh...well looky here! I'm the idiot that's posts stupid stuff again rofl. my bad people! listen to this person who is proving me wrong! :D Thank you sir! *bow* (I know most people would take this as being sarcastic but I'm not, I really mean it...thank you :D:D:D)

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Yes, a pet hate of mine as well. So many people now use 'literally' as a form of emphasis rather than giving it any additional meaning.


If I say "I am literally a stupid moronic idiot" does that count? Or is that a improper usage of the word?

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oh...well looky here! I'm the idiot that's posts stupid stuff again rofl. my bad people! listen to this person who is proving me wrong! :D Thank you sir! *bow* (I know most people would take this as being sarcastic but I'm not, I really mean it...thank you :D:D:D)

No worries.

I didn't even see the Dev blog when it first came out it was hidden there amongst all the guides.


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is there any truth to the statements that you cannot do the achievements progressively: AKA while i'm working on tier 1 i cannot do legendary tier achievements?


Yes, its either on the forums here from a dev post (check the dev tracker, very handy) or on twitter (cant link it as I don't have a twitter account.

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Here, maybe this will help -> http://theoatmeal.com/comics/literally


Unfortunately it's gaining acceptance in informal usage as a form of emphasis :(


Yep correct usage :) thank you! :D

Yeah, which I find sad and disappointing our state of society. :(

Its sad that more and more people are not doing research on words and other activities to use them correctly or understand them completely. (And yes this is coming from the idiot who has freaked out more then once on this forum because of my stupidity, but once the truth came to light....eased some of it down.....some not all :D)

Edited by Lakemine
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Yes, its either on the forums here from a dev post (check the dev tracker, very handy) or on twitter (cant link it as I don't have a twitter account.

Here it is ->


It's not actually confirmation on whether you can unlock the achievements out of sequence, only that you have to unlock the levels in sequence.

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Here it is ->


It's not actually confirmation on whether you can unlock the achievements out of sequence, only that you have to unlock the levels in sequence.


Hmm....I foresee a BIG problem with that......if you can unlock the achievements but not the tiers, what happens if you have the achievement already but the tier was not unlocked?

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