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Eternal Championship is too hard!


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The EC is in some way a solo Operation, in that it requires the same rule of entry as an Operation.


1) You need to know the mechanics.

2) You need a highish influence companion to increase your chance of consistent success.

3) You need a set of gear (208 or above) to increase your chance of consistent success.


Even then, when you have it on farm you will still occasionally die if you misclick at a key moment or balls up on a required tactic.


Im doing the weekly on 3 toons a week (216~220 gear with Inf 50 companion). I still die reguarly.

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Gotta be.


I hope? Please? Yeah?

My thoughts exactly. If one were to make a troll thread on the topic, this is exactly how you do it. 10/10 A++


However, I have known a few people who have gone through EC up to the last boss and complained that it was way too hard, only to find out that they had been running it without a companion! lololol

Edited by teclado
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What? How are you only in 192? Heck, I had enough Data Crystals from saving them while leveling to be in 208 right when I hit 65.


Using those data crystals for companions instead of gear seems to be way more effective. The difference between Ziost/KOTFE quest rewards and 208 is meh, the difference in companion levels is huge.

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My thoughts exactly. If one were to make a troll thread on the topic, this is exactly how you do it. 10/10 A++


However, I have known a few people who have gone through EC up to the last boss and complained that it was way too hard, only to find out that they had been running it without a companion! lololol


I seem to not be the only one who honestly thought that you weren't allowed to have a companion in there at first, lols...


Which meant that come Boss 6 or so, I found out just how easy it is to overheat an Arsenal Merc with off-heal spam, but yeah, to address the OP a little more constructively, on the chance that it's not a troll:


These fights are all mechanics-checks, fullstop/end-of.


Go against each boss with your preferred companion (lol, see above:)), but don't actually try to nuke them down, rather just use small attacks to maintain aggro, and concentrate on watching what they do.


This will probably cost you a few deaths and some time, but keep doing this until you really know their mechanics, then concentrate on nuking them down whilst executing same until you can comfortably do so, and then rinse/repeat on the next boss. Next boss, same deal ---> next boss ---> onto round 10.


Do the planetary [HEROIC 2+] missions for creds for repair-bills and consumables (which really aren't that much in this game), as well as the green crystals for entry-level endgame gear (which should be more than enough for all but the last couple bosses for a newbie)...Those missions are mostly piss-easy to solo (use the lower-level planets' missions up to Belsavis, they're the quickest/easiest), so it's practically free money, plus some other useful rewards.


Hey, in a way OP, when you hear people talk about "progression," well, you are now experiencing how it works, just solo instead of with a raid-group. (Real/serious progression often = many, many hours of expensive and frustrating wipes before you get geared and get the mechanics down.)

Edited by midianlord
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  • 1 year later...
As a raider I surely wouldn't have minded them giving out 220 gear from the Eternal Championship and if they buff the last boss in difficulty to drop a token once per week for a 224 piece. I think solo players deserve nice things too. However there still lies the problem of what would motivate new players to do OPS. Group content is in a severe drought right now and I'd see this long term of players refusing to ever engage in any group content and I don't think that is a good thing. OPS are very fun if you play with the right people and I'm ok with the best gear being for people who need that gear to clear the toughest content. I think Ian made a good point though about set bonuses a while back and I think they should have them in com gears as well and not just exclusive to token drops. Just my two cartel coins and remember not all of us raiders are elitist scumbags. :)


Perhaps some are not scumbags but ones that aren’t are far and in between and are silent when the doichebags reign. I’m a pvper mainly because it’s short and sweet get larger reward for winning and lesser reward for losing. You get some people that ***** and complain about this that or the other but over all time invested is measured in minutes not hours. My limited experience with grouppve content was down right horrible. I never knew what was going on in the story because everyone is space baring through and if I don’t ill get voted off. Then during boss fights people die group fails and the blame game for the next three hours start because you get rage quitters and by the time you replace those you get members running out of time. Of course we attempt it a couple more timed and fail. Those that didn’t quit the first time will by the fourth time. Before I know it I’m stuck in the middle of a lengthy mission with no one I started with wasted hours achieving nothing but frustration and stress. I end up having to decide for myself is it worth trying to continue on or quit and right the day off because I have literally spent a day on this crap only to get next to zero reward. So I stick it out and finally beat the boss only to have to roll against 20 other players for an item that may or may not drop. Of course I walk away with nothing to show or nothing worth mentioning. Bad attitudes kill this game more then anything the community makes the game fun or not.

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I forgot that EC even exists. :t_eek:


I really need to go in and finish it sometime. I'm not sure why, but I might as well, right?


It's a good place for solo players to work on the basics of advanced play. Learning rotations, staying out of stupid, tracking mechanics. You have to dabble with it to get Bowdaar if you're into that sort of thing. And I thought the associated vendors have some interesting stuff, but YMMV. If you're already on top of your game, then the rewards are the achievements.


(I haven't gone in possibly since 5.0 dropped, so I'm not sure what the difficulty level is today, and while I know I checked the vendor after 5.x, I don't recall anything of note)

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I didnt, the rancor mount still drops and is nice to have!


Hmm... I have a rancor, but one can never have too many of those, right? Plus, I guess I could check vendors for anything nice. I played it long enough to get Bowdaar on one character and then just absolutely forgot the thing was there.

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Perhaps some are not scumbags but ones that aren’t are far and in between and are silent when the doichebags reign. I’m a pvper mainly because it’s short and sweet get larger reward for winning and lesser reward for losing. You get some people that ***** and complain about this that or the other but over all time invested is measured in minutes not hours. My limited experience with grouppve content was down right horrible. I never knew what was going on in the story because everyone is space baring through and if I don’t ill get voted off. Then during boss fights people die group fails and the blame game for the next three hours start because you get rage quitters and by the time you replace those you get members running out of time. Of course we attempt it a couple more timed and fail. Those that didn’t quit the first time will by the fourth time. Before I know it I’m stuck in the middle of a lengthy mission with no one I started with wasted hours achieving nothing but frustration and stress. I end up having to decide for myself is it worth trying to continue on or quit and right the day off because I have literally spent a day on this crap only to get next to zero reward. So I stick it out and finally beat the boss only to have to roll against 20 other players for an item that may or may not drop. Of course I walk away with nothing to show or nothing worth mentioning. Bad attitudes kill this game more then anything the community makes the game fun or not.


Did you really necro this thread to insult someone who hasn't been around for nearly 6 months? :eek:

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Your post is unnecessarily hostile. She explained she prefers the stronghold mechanics over the other functions of the game, and that her gear was not up to spec. Why attack her over things she readily admits? Would it not be more satisfying to encourage her to try and gear up, and really play the game? A little positivity, man.



Good for you! Someone needs to stick up for the little guy once in awhile around here. I have level 70 characters and find the championship difficult!

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Yah that's right , using interrupts, having to kite mobs, staying out bad and having to adhere to fight mechanics is way too overated, I say damn to the whole process. The way I see it, everyone should never have to do anything to receive any kind of reward for a job well done. You are correct op, all we should have to do in this game is sit in a corner, go afk and receive the best rewards the game has to offer.


I am so glad I don't have anyone like you on my raid teams.


Not very nice. Good to see others have taken a more constructive approach in their replies.

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I could go on explaing stuff but instead i can give you advice, there is a SOLO+ option, where you can go in with a friend, or 2 or 16 (not sure what the cap is).


The SOLO+ does not scale in difficulty, its the same as the solo option that means the more ppl you have the easier it will be. I tried the SOLO+ with a friend still on PTS and we just ripped through all bosses in seconds (i was a full 224 Mando and he a full 224 Slinger).


That might be easier for you, but not sure if you have friends to join, if you play solo.


This. It is much easier with two players, especially if they have halfway decent gear.


For solo casuals this content should not even be considered unless it is done with a friend.

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Yah that's right , using interrupts, having to kite mobs, staying out bad and having to adhere to fight mechanics is way too overated, I say damn to the whole process. The way I see it, everyone should never have to do anything to receive any kind of reward for a job well done. You are correct op, all we should have to do in this game is sit in a corner, go afk and receive the best rewards the game has to offer.


I am so glad I don't have anyone like you on my raid teams.


I'm thinking more than a few folks could say the same about you ;)

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This is too funny. People dissing on other people for something they said almost a year and half ago. Let this thread die again. These arguments are old news. I wonder just how far back, page wise, Hellcraw had to go just so he could troll squirrel who hasn't been seen in months.
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This. It is much easier with two players, especially if they have halfway decent gear.


For solo beginners this content should not even be considered unless it is done with a friend.


I fixed that for you.


Some of us solo casuals ( and thats all ive been for a pretty long time ) found no issues completing this content solo. I completed it on a deception sin back when the EC first released. Yes, it took a few tries on a few of those fights but mistakes were corrected accordingly. Im guessing all that raiding i did in the beginning paid off one way or another.


Im sure im not the only solo casual here that did these fights with little to no trouble. :)

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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I fixed that for you.


Some of us solo casuals ( and thats all ive been for a pretty long time ) found no issues completing this content solo. I completed it on a deception sin back when the EC first released. Yes, it took a few tries on a few of those fights but mistakes were corrected accordingly. Im guessing all that raiding i did in the beginning paid off one way or another.


Im sure im not the only solo casual here that did these fights with little to no trouble. :)




Actually I just started reading this thread. Didn’t check the date I just had something to say about it is all. I am not fluent with using forums so this is why I don’t know or care about the edicate

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This is too funny. People dissing on other people for something they said almost a year and half ago. Let this thread die again. These arguments are old news. I wonder just how far back, page wise, Hellcraw had to go just so he could troll squirrel who hasn't been seen in months.


so what if its a year old thread. Let people do their stuff. Be happy :csw_yoda:

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Actually I just started reading this thread. Didn’t check the date I just had something to say about it is all. I am not fluent with using forums so this is why I don’t know or care about the edicate


The word's etiquette, but I understood what you meant.


It's not even so much about following some unwritten rules but it's the nature of MMOs that people come and go. When a thread is over 6 months old then it start becoming too long ago simply because at least half of the people who posted in such a thread are no longer here or because the game has changed so much already that the original topic is no longer valid or at least the reasonings behind it no longer fit reality.


Certainly, it makes no sense to make a new thread when there are other current threads on the topic, but if it's months old (and I use 6 months as a rough indicator) then whatever was discussed back then is likely not to be the same situation anymore.


To be honest, I rarely look beyond page 3 of the forum. That's when I start feeling the relevance of topics is already fading, but when someone goes as far as you have with this particular thread I think it's good to realise that these are old arguments that may not hold true anymore and the person you are replying to may not even be here anymore.


Do what you want but generally speaking the forum etiquette is that you don't bring back threads of a certain age and that you don't post double threads of topics that are on the first few pages of the forum already. Not a rule but a general indication where things stop making sense really.

Edited by Tsillah
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Actually I just started reading this thread. Didn’t check the date I just had something to say about it is all. I am not fluent with using forums so this is why I don’t know or care about the edicate


You mean ETIQUETTE not EDICATE right? They don't even sound close et e kett vs ed e Kate, it's not even close.


Perhaps instead of trolling and playing an MMO you should pay attention in school and do your homework lol.

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You mean ETIQUETTE not EDICATE right? They don't even sound close et e kett vs ed e Kate, it's not even close.


Perhaps instead of trolling and playing an MMO you should pay attention in school and do your homework lol.


That's right, mister. You need to get urself edjicated so u can gradjiate at the top of ur clas. :p

Edited by Elliraen
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