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Eternal Championship is too hard!


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I couldn't get past the second round when I played this the first few times, but boredom made me go back and work on it with the help of the Dulfy guides. It's true that knowing what they're going to do is half the fight. I go in with a melee companion at level 50.


The stumbling block for me with the EC now is level 9, the Doom Droid. I can't get turn the censors off fast enough to stop the insta-kill. I'm going to try it again at some point with a character that has Force Speed to see if that makes a difference.


I haven't used force speed on them even once, and those have never been a problem for me. You have plenty of time to destroy them. Game gives you warning before they appear, and first comes the thingy to the center so be ready, and then start from right (or so I do) when droids appear. You should be able to either one-or two-hit them (I can), just do it methodically and you have plenty of time left after last one.


My tip for the whole fight is to have ranged comp (I use Theron), start the fight from the back side of the arena (opposite to the door where you come in) and have your comps back on the wall. Comp will stay there shoothing the droid and healing you. When the big laser comes, move away quickly. Kill all little droids (if I remember right this one had them). Kill pulse droids asap in orderly fashion. Profit.


If I can do this, everyone can. You just need lvl50 comp and 242+ gear (given is pro players can do this with much less, but I'm not one of them). I had few augments, but only few because I'm too lazy to augment. I had some 252 gear pieces. But mostly it is about knowing what the enemy will do and how to avoid being killed.

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I haven't used force speed on them even once, and those have never been a problem for me. You have plenty of time to destroy them. Game gives you warning before they appear, and first comes the thingy to the center so be ready, and then start from right (or so I do) when droids appear. You should be able to either one-or two-hit them (I can), just do it methodically and you have plenty of time left after last one.


My tip for the whole fight is to have ranged comp (I use Theron), start the fight from the back side of the arena (opposite to the door where you come in) and have your comps back on the wall. Comp will stay there shoothing the droid and healing you. When the big laser comes, move away quickly. Kill all little droids (if I remember right this one had them). Kill pulse droids asap in orderly fashion. Profit.


If I can do this, everyone can. You just need lvl50 comp and 242+ gear (given is pro players can do this with much less, but I'm not one of them). I had few augments, but only few because I'm too lazy to augment. I had some 252 gear pieces. But mostly it is about knowing what the enemy will do and how to avoid being killed.


I have a lot of lag on my system and my characters cannot move as quickly as someone with a faster connection/system. The same thing happens in the Foundry; I can't get around the pylon fast enough to disable the panels in the HK-47 fight. In my case Force Speed might make the difference. The rest of the fight I'm fine with. I don't like using ranged companions (especially would not be using Theron) but my melees (usually Lana or Hexid) work for me.

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Well that is a bummer. I play with an exellent 65 ping so there is a difference, and Force Speed might really do a difference for you.


Thanks. It is. It's frustrating because I know there's content I could probably clear easier if I could just move faster. I try to work around it if I can. I've been making sure I take the Odessen weapon choice that includes the speed buff and that's really helped in the Arcann and Vaylin fights in KOTFE 16 and KOTET 9 for instance.


In terms of the EC, it's so frustrating being just two rounds away from winning that thing. My Assassin has Force Speed and also has Phantom Stride, though, and between those two I'm hoping she can move fast enough to overcome the lag in that round, since it's really come in helpful in other fights. So as soon as I'm satisfied with how she's geared, I'll be taking her through.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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it is more important to know all your skills exactly, if you are having tech issues. for example that force slow could be used as an attack ability, even it won't have an slow effect on the enemy, it would cause damage.


so by playing as an deception assa, you shouldn't have movement problems in this fight, because you will have phantom stride ready, after killing a add. then go to the next with it. again, here you are having some range attacks, if you are out of the fight rotation.

if you play hatred, you have range dots. so while fighting against them in melee range, you can let this dot work for you on the other adds, by switching targets in fight.


i would advice everybody to learn how to play with a dps companion. at first it seems way more harder to keep an eye on your companion and order her to the right enemy, or set her passive to join your area. if you get it, you will pass some mechanics by the amount of damage you both are doing. i'm playing it with ashara mostly. with the actual buggy companions, you need to use strg+1 & strg+2 more often, to get the companion back into fight.

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Changing utilities depending on what you will be facing can be quite useful too. For instance, I'd recommend Reaper's Rush for the doombot which will allow you to Stride+Discharge+Assassinate/Maul/Ball Lightning the adds, taking them down really quickly and leaving you with plenty of time to burn the bot down during what's left of the countdown, which isn't interrupted when the adds are dead and so is effectively free downtime.


And then for Zotar, remove Reaper's Rush and take Retaliatory Grip instead so you can reflect damage back to the walker during the beam phase, for some serious extra damage. An absorb adrenal, a med unit if you need it and Deflection can turn that phase from certain death to almost trivial.


Phasing Phantasm can be a lifesaver if Nocturno catches you after Drake is down, while Renewing Darkness, a fantastic utility in other circumstances, is completely useless throughout the entirety of the instance.


And so on, and so forth. Seriously, read the utilities. I'm baffled by how many veteran players are seemingly allergic to changing utilities, let alone spec. The main advantage of the disciplines system is how quick and easy it is to make small changes compared to the pain it was to rebuild the whole thing with skill trees.

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So, this fight is a hard one because of needing to keep them separate and engaging in melee range. I usually use a melee dual wielding comp for that fight, like Master Ranos, Ashara Zavros, or Veeroa Denz for example. They all HAVE to get into melee range, and at influence rank 50, they can usually hold out for quite a bit. I send Ranos off to "heal-tank" one of the beasts plus Brawler, then I grab the other beats and dps that one. Its important to get on my beast ASAP. If I'm on, say, my slinger or scoundrel, who lack taunts, I have to make sure my dps is up to par and frequently have to drag the beast I'm on away from Ranos when it jumps to her. The Legacy ability and the heroic moment are key here to reduce incoming damage TO RANOS at times. You have to move around a lot, to keep the beasts apart of course, but also to try and stay out of Breaktown Brawler's purple circle as much as possible. So changing utilities around to favor movement bonuses and instant casts is important.


But I think the big key is to remember that your comp will take a lot of reflect damage if they are ranged and it takes some time for the beast to get to them. Eckard Lokin isn't the best tank by parsing numbers (I think one of his skills is broken), but his Rakghoul form has no cooldown on his gap closer, so he's another option, if you're a healer or can respect for the fight.

I had Ranos be healer and that didn't do anything. She got two on her and just dropped almost immediately. It alternated between one and two. Was just ridiculous. As DPS it's no better. Have tried it several times. Just gave up on doing that and beyond. Even with tank I've gotten issues, while I used to be able to walk through it without too much difficulties. Feels like the comps have had a heavy downgrade. Might be with the recent range issue that occured with healing comps tho. They tend to stay behind again at a certain distance, might also influence my current results in a way. I don't know.

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I had Ranos be healer and that didn't do anything. She got two on her and just dropped almost immediately. It alternated between one and two. Was just ridiculous. As DPS it's no better. Have tried it several times. Just gave up on doing that and beyond. Even with tank I've gotten issues, while I used to be able to walk through it without too much difficulties. Feels like the comps have had a heavy downgrade. Might be with the recent range issue that occured with healing comps tho. They tend to stay behind again at a certain distance, might also influence my current results in a way. I don't know.


Comps are just like before: overpowered until you get to the end game. They are not downgraded, I can assure you. If you let the both beasts at your comp, they will annihilate him/her in five seconds. Have a melee comp so you don't even have to worry about ranged issue, but I have done this fight with Theron too. It really doesn't matter, because your companion must be ordered to attack one of the beasts, and at the same time heal you. He should't follow you. It is your job to have the Brawler and the other beast engaged with you, and keep the beasts separated. That means you either taunt, or you have enough dps to keep the aggro. My experience is that you will keep the aggro without problems if you just keep the beasts separated


In the beginning of the fight their first reaction is to attack your comp. If you fail to take the aggro in the beginning, your comp will die and so will you, and very fast. It is up to you to find out how to take the aggro. After you have it, and you stay away from your companion and their target, Brawler and the other beast will keep attacking you. This fight isn't that hard after you figure out how it has to be done. I find the Nocturn and Drake to be much *******r.

Edited by tahol
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Comps are just like before: overpowered until you get to the end game. They are not downgraded, I can assure you. If you let the both beasts at your comp, they will annihilate him/her in five seconds. Have a melee comp so you don't even have to worry about ranged issue, but I have done this fight with Theron too. It really doesn't matter, because your companion must be ordered to attack one of the beasts, and at the same time heal you. He should't follow you. It is your job to have the Brawler and the other beast engaged with you, and keep the beasts separated. That means you either taunt, or you have enough dps to keep the aggro. My experience is that you will keep the aggro without problems if you just keep the beasts separated


In the beginning of the fight their first reaction is to attack your comp. If you fail to take the aggro in the beginning, your comp will die and so will you, and very fast. It is up to you to find out how to take the aggro. After you have it, and you stay away from your companion and their target, Brawler and the other beast will keep attacking you. This fight isn't that hard after you figure out how it has to be done. I find the Nocturn and Drake to be much *******r.


Oh, I can assure you the comps have had a downgrade. Not sure if you solod HM fps with them, but you can notice some large differences with them.

Main issue tho is when they're just a few meters away they seem to just.... freeze... mainly healers.

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Oh, I can assure you the comps have had a downgrade. Not sure if you solod HM fps with them, but you can notice some large differences with them.

Main issue tho is when they're just a few meters away they seem to just.... freeze... mainly healers.


there's currently a bug with ranged companions, they stay in place when they get out of range instead of catching up on their own during a fight and sometimes, after they've been put to passive and back on, act like combat is over and stand there looking pretty while you're dying. I'm doing a few master mode fps solo with them every week at the moment and right now either use a melee if mechanics aren't too punishing for it or be ready to reset the encounter if they bug out.


also, yeah, some are better than others but that's not new.

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I had Ranos be healer and that didn't do anything. She got two on her and just dropped almost immediately. It alternated between one and two. Was just ridiculous. As DPS it's no better. Have tried it several times. Just gave up on doing that and beyond. Even with tank I've gotten issues, while I used to be able to walk through it without too much difficulties. Feels like the comps have had a heavy downgrade. Might be with the recent range issue that occured with healing comps tho. They tend to stay behind again at a certain distance, might also influence my current results in a way. I don't know.


The problem was that two beasts were on her, not that companions have been downgraded. Again like I mentioned the key is you have to maintain aggro on one of the beasts so that you can separate them. It’s their proximity buff that ruins the comp. I’ve done it on a gunslinger, which as you know doesn’t possess a taunt. Start attacking one, build up aggro, then send her to attack the other. Then you have to lead your beast away. It is your responsibility to control positioning even if you do not have a taunt. Use your offensive cooldowns and an adrenal to really put up a big chunk of burst to get a nice bit of aggro on your beast and then get it away from everyone else. You can use unity or heroic moment to help you survive the brief time at the start when all three are pounding on you until you can pull your beast away from the one Master Ranos is working on.

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The problem was that two beasts were on her, not that companions have been downgraded. Again like I mentioned the key is you have to maintain aggro on one of the beasts so that you can separate them. It’s their proximity buff that ruins the comp. I’ve done it on a gunslinger, which as you know doesn’t possess a taunt. Start attacking one, build up aggro, then send her to attack the other. Then you have to lead your beast away. It is your responsibility to control positioning even if you do not have a taunt. Use your offensive cooldowns and an adrenal to really put up a big chunk of burst to get a nice bit of aggro on your beast and then get it away from everyone else. You can use unity or heroic moment to help you survive the brief time at the start when all three are pounding on you until you can pull your beast away from the one Master Ranos is working on.

I've stated before. It's not the beasts that are on her! It's one beast and the beastmaster. That shows you're reading incorrectly. Getting one off is fine, but then the other goes aswell, and if I try to go get the beastmaster, the two just end up being too close. If I take a beast, she takes a beast and beastmaster. If I try get the beastmaster off of her, the beast is too close and has chance to just start switching between us two. That's the issue.


She used to be able to handle both the beastmaster and a beast and heal both of us. Now she goes down in 1...2...3.

Alot of times just freezing up inbetween her heals.


They have been downgraded/are bugged. You can tell by the HM FPS. I've duo'd them with companions and you clearly notice a bloody difference! Have you done those? Highly doubt it. Or atleast very very bugged.

Ranged comps have been broken, so healers are just f'd aswell. When they get out of range they just stand around. So downgrade or bug, one of the two is occuring here.

Edited by rebeldielan
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I've never managed to do the last 3 rounds.


Is it easier or harder to complete as a group? Maybe if I went with a group, they could show me the ropes.

I've tried reading guides and watching YouTube videos, but I just can't seem to make it happen.

I even switched from a Sith Warrior to an Imperial Agent to a Bounty Hunter. :p

Edited by Xina_LA
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I've never managed to do the last 3 rounds.


Is it easier or harder to complete as a group? Maybe if I went with a group, they could show me the ropes.

I've tried reading guides and watching YouTube videos, but I just can't seem to make it happen.

I even switched from a Sith Warrior to an Imperial Agent to a Bounty Hunter. :p


It's very easy with 2 players and 2 high-ranked comps, provided that you know the mechanics. You should switch comps between ranged and melee and change their roles based on what's coming in the next round.


I struggle to do it solo, and I've found that the best toon was my gunnery trooper. When I struggled with Breaktown Brawler, I just ran around kiting the whole trio and healing myself after they killed my comp. Then I could duck in and attack one at a time.

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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?



Miss the days when the game wasn't press basic attack and kill stuff. This is the reason why all planets are rock bottom unsatisfying ... Back in the day you coudl actually die by doing normal missions if you were not careful, but thanks to casuals and EA grand decision of making swtor noob friendly the game is a joke

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  • 4 years later...

It's not that it is hard. It is bioware screwing with the companions so much they just stop healing you and dps. Even when your nearly dead they won't heal you.  This is them constantly trying to tweak healing. I died so many times from healers just standing there shooting guns and im at no health not even in eternal champion. It's like they can't do their one job. This isn't just new champions either. Doc is the worst Healing champion i seen. i usually have to use She Visla as she doesn't seem as effected as any other champion. However it is outrageous they did this to the script. They didn't try to remake the scripts, they just kee[p adding and adding code till they break. If you remember you could set the level of healing you needed. that was awesome, as not all characters need the same healing. However in Eternal Champion this flaw shines the brightest. Half the people don't realize you can even use you companion after it disappears when you enter it.,

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