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Malgus Alive?


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And good riddence, we got a more fleshed out Marr thanks to that.


Even ignoring that we got better characterization of other high-power Sith because they killed Malgus on Ilum, I hated him. Malgus was becoming dangerously mary-sue-ish in how much power literal and political he had.

Edited by Diviciacus
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I read somewhere that Malgus survived the battle of ilum and was frozen in carbonite and given to valkorian as a gift


Is there any merit to this?




Take a look at this video

(1:50). It shows Darth Malgus.


I love Darth Malgus and I hope he gets back. He is my favorite character. Other Sith Lords I find rather boring. Darth Marr was okay until he became this thing he is right now.


Edit to explain better why people hoped for Malgus to be alive: Also, if you look at current KotFE trailer, you can see Arcann and Thexan presenting 'gifts' to Valkorion. There are four lightsabers and all four had connection with Darth Malgus.

On white flag there are two lightsabers: one that belonged to Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach (Satele's Master) and Lord Vindican (Darth Malgus' master). Both of them where killed by Darth Malgus.

On black flag one saber belongs to Darth Malgus himself and another to Jedi Master Van Zallow, also killed by Darth Malgus.

Here is the screenshot: http://sta.sh/0kdbdm77lw3.


If you watch the entire video I linked, you will get to see a model of Darth Malgus' carbonite: http://sta.sh/0gl3ixw5ic7.

Edited by Daex
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Take a look at this video
(1:50). It shows Darth Malgus.


I love Darth Malgus and I hope he gets back. He is my favorite character. Other Sith Lords I find rather boring. Darth Marr was okay until he became this thing he is right now.


Edit to explain better why people hoped for Malgus to be alive: Also, if you look at current KotFE trailer, you can see Arcann and Thexan presenting 'gifts' to Valkorion. There are four lightsabers and all four had connection with Darth Malgus.

On white flag there are two lightsabers: one that belonged to Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach (Satele's Master) and Lord Vindican (Darth Malgus' master). Both of them where killed by Darth Malgus.

On black flag one saber belongs to Darth Malgus himself and another to Jedi Master Van Zallow, also killed by Darth Malgus.

Here is the screenshot: http://sta.sh/0kdbdm77lw3.


If you watch the entire video I linked, you will get to see a model of Darth Malgus' carbonite: http://sta.sh/0gl3ixw5ic7.


Fun fact: those aren't the lightsabers you think they are. Darth Atroxa (the red-skinned Twi'lek Arcann kills) is just Eleena Daru's model from the Deceived trailer with a palette swap and a cloak. The lightsabers are the same way; there's literally no way that Arcann and Thexan would randomly find Malgus' lightsaber, his old master's lightsaber, and the lightsabers of two Jedi he killed up to fifty YEARS after said killings took place. The odds would be spectacularly astronomically low.


No, those lightsabers belong to random Jedi/Sith. One of them is obviously Atroxa's, but the other three... we have no idea who their masters are. They just happen to be reused models from old trailers to cut costs.

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Fun fact: those aren't the lightsabers you think they are. Darth Atroxa (the red-skinned Twi'lek Arcann kills) is just Eleena Daru's model from the Deceived trailer with a palette swap and a cloak. The lightsabers are the same way; there's literally no way that Arcann and Thexan would randomly find Malgus' lightsaber, his old master's lightsaber, and the lightsabers of two Jedi he killed up to fifty YEARS after said killings took place. The odds would be spectacularly astronomically low.


No, those lightsabers belong to random Jedi/Sith. One of them is obviously Atroxa's, but the other three... we have no idea who their masters are. They just happen to be reused models from old trailers to cut costs.


It doesn't matter (to me). I only explained why people thought Darth Malgus will come back in KotFE (which I stated in my post). Someone above asked.


But I do not know why is there literally no way that Arcann and Thexan could not find a room on Korriban with sabers inside. When Darth Malgus went down, someone might have entered his place and took these sabers. Things older than 50 years have resurfaced. Span of 50 years is not much.


Eleena Daru's model is a nice information. :) I did think Atroxa looks really cute! Eleena's chin looks different, however. Might be because of makeup.

Edited by Daex
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I'd like to see Malgus make a return. He was one of the few memorable members of the Dark Council, and he was very unique for a sith, something Valkorian would have found interesting (judging by the comments he makes about Jadus). He was my favorite boss to go against (Thanaton was fun until the level shifts, but now they all suck), and I always felt like his story was over too quickly. Aside from FPs and the Ilum arc, there's not much to him, and I'd like to see some more of him.
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I'd like to see Malgus make a return. He was one of the few memorable members of the Dark Council, and he was very unique for a sith, something Valkorian would have found interesting (judging by the comments he makes about Jadus).


I'm pretty sure Valkorian displayed a dislike of Malgus in Chapter 2.

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Ever since launch Malgus has basically been the backup card to be pulled out for w/e reason. Think about Vitiate, he was killed at launch, like Malgus, was basically on the backburner for several years until we wrapped up the dread master arc and moved into Shadow of Revan. Malgus is basically in the same state. If the devs decide they want to pull a Vitiate on Malgus, that's what they'll do. It's only logical to keep as many doors open as possible. Granted in taking out Malgus we did get an arguably better replacement in Marr, but that being said the card is still there in case that's a route the devs would like to take later.
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Ever since launch Malgus has basically been the backup card to be pulled out for w/e reason. Think about Vitiate, he was killed at launch, like Malgus, was basically on the backburner for several years until we wrapped up the dread master arc and moved into Shadow of Revan. Malgus is basically in the same state. If the devs decide they want to pull a Vitiate on Malgus, that's what they'll do. It's only logical to keep as many doors open as possible. Granted in taking out Malgus we did get an arguably better replacement in Marr, but that being said the card is still there in case that's a route the devs would like to take later.


Not really the same thing, with malgus we're not given any hint of him surviving aside from the deleted scene. With Vitiate we were basically told that killing that body on DK probably wouldn't mean much in the long run.

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Not really the same thing, with malgus we're not given any hint of him surviving aside from the deleted scene. With Vitiate we were basically told that killing that body on DK probably wouldn't mean much in the long run.


That's a good point, but I think that they are still going to keep him as a backup card more or less. You're right in that Scourge pretty much spelled it out for us in that he still felt his presence, and with Malgus we basically have a Sidious defeat with a deleted scene. To this day I don't think we have ever gotten a confirmation of Malgus death so that they can keep this card in their back pocket for as long as they want.


I also just checked wookieepedia, which should probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they point out that Malgus was "captured by unknown means and presented as a gift to Valkoiran."


In a nutshell you're totally right, with Vitiate we were directly told he's still "out there," but for all intents and purposes, Malgus is basically in back pocket card mode now.

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