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PETITION: Cross Faction GSF (reps and imps in the same group)


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I have recently came back to playing GSF upon transferring to TRE, and it didn't take too many games to realize a sad truth: in TRE as well, GSF suffers from a terrible imbalance...


At noon, the republic mostly dominate with ease. At evenings, it is the premade time, and unless there is the rare occasion of premades clashing one another, one faction gets constantly dominated, and the more matches the premade wins, the less aces who remain on the losing side, meaning the odds are getting even more odd each and every game, until the premade kindly disassembles. At this rate, as it seems so far, more and more good pilots will stop flying solo at evenings completely, and I rather not count on them finding themselves a group.


In conclusion, the imbalance caused by premade matches and the number of pilots who are active in certain hours, makes it so one faction wins in certain hours and days, and the other on other hours and days. It is no longer win-lose-win-lose with close calls as it used to be, its a long series of wins or losses, which mostly frustrates the losing team.


So here is a simple solution: Cross faction GSF!! Meaning: having both imperials and republics in the same group in a GSF match.


Cross faction PVP was done before "alliance proving grounds" and used to be a great way to compensate for the republic-imperial PVP imbalance (In my time in TOFN, just before the transfer, there were times a republic player could only win in this warzone, with an imperial group, and I regret the reduced pop rate).

Why not do it with GSF? The technical can't be hard, since it was done before, and admiral aygo's texts for wargames can even remain, since he is in the alliance, and lana or theron can always be added if people complain about repeated comments. As for pop rates: why not 100%? gameplay is same anyway, and faction imbalance will be gone forever. Premade groups will still pose a problem but if Premade is limited to 4 people, than if 8 people premake they can be placed on the opposing sides, so no huge premades anymore!


[Can already hear people complaining: "I wont get used to shooting at my faction / getting shot by my faction / not shooting the other faction". Well, for the 1st two I can say: you already experienced that in wargames in the same faction. As for the 3rd: you wont be able to target your teammates even if they are from the opposing faction, so you cant get them confused unless you rely on the graphics to distinguish friend or foe, and seriously, nobody does that...]


[Can also imagine the comments about: "I played many balanced matches, you are exaggerating the situation".

You know what? assume I do, is there any problem with cross-faction games? Let them be implemented and I can assure you, no imbalance can be caused due to that, right? So if cross-faction is enabled you don't lose a thing and I get cured of my "hallucinations" of imbalance, fair enough?]


If you suffer from the imbalance or just like my idea, please post here "Merge the GSF", so we can get this thing implemented at the soonest patch scheduled, maybe even before...

Edited by Rafiknoll
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I'm not home right now (I never am during the week), but I'm getting quite tired of this theme. TRE has two more serious guilds pubside. That's it.


If you want, I will post a screenshot of my W/L ratio on this thread on Thursday. I have ~63% on both sides, with ~1500 games pubside and ~500 games impside.


I do agree that cross-faction would be nice, but how would that help you survive premades? Or are you counting on them carrying you?

Edited by Greezt
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I'm not home right now (I never am during the week), but I'm getting quite tired of this theme. TRE has two more serious guilds pubside. That's it.


If you want, I will post a screenshot of my W/L ratio on this thread on Thursday. I have ~63% on both sides, with ~1500 games pubside and ~500 games impside.


I do agree that cross-faction would be nice, but how would that help you survive premades? Or are you counting on them carrying you?


1st of all thx for reading the last paragraph and saying that cross-faction would be nice regardless of your disagreement!


My win ratio is high as well regardless of the problem. It doesn't mean that it isn't because I play at certain times of the day mostly, and it doesn't mean I love getting utterly smashed on my losses. I wouldn't mind losing 90% if the losses were 870-1000 / 42-50, but I see a lot of matches in which a group cannot spawn and get to the battle before getting sniped / mined down due to the dramatic difference in group skill.


The win/lose is time dependent not only due to premades, but also due to simply having more good imp/rep pilot online at certain times of the day. I rarely premake and when I do it's with only 1 man, but mostly see the same people at the same hours. Cross-faction will solve this because now I will keep seeing them, but in both sides, so I don't have to share wipes or easy wins with the same people, but alternate win/loss and balanced games with half of them each time.


As for premades, it wont solve the problem, but reduce it's magnitude: Currently, when 8 imps make a premade (2 groups of 4) they are approximately 90% likely to be together versus pug reps, and 10% against one another, with additional solo queuers for each side, in a wargame. Once cross-faction is implemented, the likelihood of them being against one another will be 50%, and it wouldn't be so hard to add in the code that 2 premades are never placed in the same group (unless 3 premades are in queue).


In addition, the need for premades will be reduced by a lot since there are 2 reasons to make a premade:

1. You wanna massacre the enemy and have some like minded friends online.

2. Your faction is getting crushed and you need a good group to turn the tide.

Reason number 2: SOLVED! No faction is ever at a disadvantage. Result: less premade.


I know, 1 premade can deal enough damage, but I am not looking to make the problems disappear. Making them smaller would be good enough for me, and I am positive that Cross-faction will deliver [same for any other thing I said here, you can disagree about one problem being solved, but no one can say that there will be no improvement]




And by the way, my final motive to post this thread is being a republic player getting squashed by 7 imperial aces (in 8vs8 match) 3 games in a row, few hours after crushing the empire with 4 aces + me, 5 times in a row. So I never said 1 faction is hopelessly weaker than another. But imagine you can come online for a few matches and the faction you want to fly at is at "losing season (season = few hours)". Specifically you might just switch faction, but some players can only fly one faction / have things to gain from flying only in one faction / have already completed daily on the other faction, etc. My solution is for those people, also known as the majority of players in any game (people have work / studies, can't play whenever they want and just choose the time they want to fly at).

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Heh. I don't switch factions, first of all. That would be admitting loss, and I can't do that :cool:


Secondly, people will still group up, no matter the case. How do I know? I was at the receiving end of a couple of stomps impside last week. Then a group of four imps joined, and we stomped a game. Next game was a wargame - guess who I was up against? Said imps. They had no idea that there was pub opposition - they couldn't know, since they weren't in any of the preceding matches. This is just one example.


Groupfinder tends (in my experience) to queue soloqueuers against groups in wargames. That is to say, if there's a group of 5-shippers queued, you as a soloqueuer will usually be pitted against them.


Don't get me wrong. Cross-faction would be nice, if only for reducing the time between pops. But don't think it will solve any of the current problems you're describing. People group for a variety of reasons - anything from flying with friends to keeping their K/D or W/L up. Whatever floats their boat. That's fine with me. Cross-faction won't fix this.


In short - get a group, or get so good you can carry. Or you can (like me) just grin and bear it, if you're not into groups and can't carry :)

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Heh. I don't switch factions, first of all. That would be admitting loss, and I can't do that :cool:


Secondly, people will still group up, no matter the case. How do I know? I was at the receiving end of a couple of stomps impside last week. Then a group of four imps joined, and we stomped a game. Next game was a wargame - guess who I was up against? Said imps. They had no idea that there was pub opposition - they couldn't know, since they weren't in any of the preceding matches. This is just one example.


Groupfinder tends (in my experience) to queue soloqueuers against groups in wargames. That is to say, if there's a group of 5-shippers queued, you as a soloqueuer will usually be pitted against them.


Don't get me wrong. Cross-faction would be nice, if only for reducing the time between pops. But don't think it will solve any of the current problems you're describing. People group for a variety of reasons - anything from flying with friends to keeping their K/D or W/L up. Whatever floats their boat. That's fine with me. Cross-faction won't fix this.


In short - get a group, or get so good you can carry. Or you can (like me) just grin and bear it, if you're not into groups and can't carry :)


I never said there won't be groups. I said there will be less, so giving an example of a group doesn't prove anything.


Additionally, you are only referring to the premade problem, and that isn't the only problem I came to solve, take a closer look at what I said:

The win/lose is time dependent not only due to premades, but also due to simply having more good imp/rep pilot online at certain times of the day. I rarely premake and when I do it's with only 1 man, but mostly see the same people at the same hours. Cross-faction will solve this because now I will keep seeing them, but in both sides, so I don't have to share wipes or easy wins with the same people, but alternate win/loss and balanced games with half of them each time.


Even if premade rate won't be reduced (which can't be proven by seeing premade, just as probability of dice throwing resulting in certain number can't be proven by throwing a dice), this problem, which is mostly the case in noons and afternoons, will be absolutely solved (there will be unlucky people who get matched with the losing team each time, but at least 1 external factor which is out of their control (more aces in 1 faction) is down, misfortune can't be defeated completely.

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Why do everyone seem to think this is all about premade?? I wrote it once, and now I will quote it a second time:


The win/lose is time dependent not only due to premades, but also due to simply having more good imp/rep pilot online at certain times of the day. I rarely premake and when I do it's with only 1 man, but mostly see the same people at the same hours. Cross-faction will solve this because now I will keep seeing them, but in both sides, so I don't have to share wipes or easy wins with the same people, but alternate win/loss and balanced games with half of them each time.


Now tell me if anything is wrong with the logic up there. Assuming that at least half of the very-imbalanced matches are premade, which is the probable assumption, the rate of imbalanced matches will go down by a lot, and even if not it will at least be random and not faction related.


That alone should be enough reason to implement the cross-faction and in fact the only reasoning I made up when asking myself why isn't GSF cross-faction since it was released was that bioware don't have the technology to put reps with imps in the same group. Soon as alliance proving grounds was released that reasoning was down and the only reason I didn't talk then was because I was on TOFN and couldn't do GSF at all in there. But seriously, if it does only good and no bad and isn't impossible or hard to implement, why do people have to argue about this?


And on top of all that:

Cross faction queuing on its own is a nice idea which might help with pop times in the quiet hours but I don't see it helping beyond that.

OK, so it is a nice idea that gets one thing improved [and I just hallucinate about more things getting improved], isn't that enough reason for support?

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Cross server or any kind of server upgrade doesn't seem to be in the cards over at Bioware Austin. I don't think they have the resources or desire to budget that out. All of their Q3 and Q4 are going toward paying for voice over talent and story animation for KOTFE chapters.


Reps and Imps would be a great idea as it would allow for the dominated faction to be able to play a more even game. It would also make sense with the current Alliance to have simulated war games.

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