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Wicked Huntress NOT Vailen armor


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You are right: Wicked Huntress is not Vaylins armor. It was also never once stated as being Vaylins armor. The exact description that was given was that it is a set of armor /inspired by/ the clothing Vaylin wears. For all of those complaining that they were mislead in to believing that the armor in the pack is the same set Vaylin wears bioware names character sets after their respective characters. Also there is the fact that there is a big picture of the the set plastered all over the pack you get it from.


There is also the fact that you can preview armor....

So while yeah I would also like to see her actual gear set put in to the game anyone feeling ripped off right now you had several warnings that the set was not the same clothing Vaylin wears and thus have only yourselves to blame if you ignored all that and got it anyway expecting to be able to run around as a Vaylin sorc using force lightning on everything that moves for the evulz. In the future they might release the actual set but for now its either snag the wicked huntress gear or wander the world looking less pretty.


I completely agree with the first paragraph. And most of the second. But...


Less pretty? Are you implying that the wicked huntress gear makes people prettier?


I guess I'm in the minority. I don't like either the wicked huntress set or Vaylin's armor. I guess my girls will all have to run around being ugly forever. :(

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I completely agree with the first paragraph. And most of the second. But...


Less pretty? Are you implying that the wicked huntress gear makes people prettier?


I guess I'm in the minority. I don't like either the wicked huntress set or Vaylin's armor. I guess my girls will all have to run around being ugly forever. :(


Lol i do like wicked huntress and Vaylins armor but i was kind of joking, there are plenty of nicer outfits already.

Edited by Aryalandi
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I completely agree with the first paragraph. And most of the second. But...


Less pretty? Are you implying that the wicked huntress gear makes people prettier?


I guess I'm in the minority. I don't like either the wicked huntress set or Vaylin's armor. I guess my girls will all have to run around being ugly forever. :(


I probably would have liked the Wicked Huntress set if it didn't remind me of Vaylin. I detest her and that feeling oozed over onto her armor :o

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I probably would have liked the Wicked Huntress set if it didn't remind me of Vaylin. I detest her and that feeling oozed over onto her armor :o


I was thinking the only good thing was the armor, everything else is deplorable...I would have dyed it, to make it look better (less gray and more black) but apparently it dyes up in a peculiar fashion as well, given other posts I've read. I did enjoy the rounded cape-let and the way they did the chest part on Vaylin's armor.

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Didn't. Also don't wish for your commentary on my opinion. It is my opinion and I am entitled to it. If you disagree, move along. Thanks.


No it's just you crying you didn't get what you wanted....



This set wasn't meant to be a copy of Vaylins robes, it will likely come in due time though. You cannot at all say they got the Wicked Huntress set wrong when there was nothing to get wrong in the first place. So your opinion is wrong...

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Didn't. Also don't wish for your commentary on my opinion. It is my opinion and I am entitled to it. If you disagree, move along. Thanks.


Well, your opinion is wrong.


Because if you can't tell the difference between "Buy X hypercrates for a chance of obtaining an armor set INSPIRED by Y character" and "Head to the cartel market today to buy your own Z's armor set", you invalidate your own argument and should probably open a dictionary once or twice if you don't know the meaning of the words.


It was very clear since the announcement that it wouldn't be a 1:1 replica of Vaylin's set, but instead an inspired set based on her armor.


And while I may agree with you on the fact that it's really sad for hoods to automatically make people bald, I assume that this hood in particular can be worn with full closed helmets. Which is not perfect nor ideal, but it's a workaround for the baldness. I personally use the set with the Scion's headgear which is really great.


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{And in other news, scientists today found out that Sprite is NOT the same as Pepsi, despite them sharing some similar ingredients. Apparently people were somehow confused, even though they have totally different names. We'll have more on this at 10.} Edited by CrazyCT
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No it's just you crying you didn't get what you wanted....



This set wasn't meant to be a copy of Vaylins robes, it will likely come in due time though. You cannot at all say they got the Wicked Huntress set wrong when there was nothing to get wrong in the first place. So your opinion is wrong...


opinions, by their very definition, cannot be wrong. They are opinions. Look it up.

I wasn't crying. We surely treat people online with far less consideration than we would if they were face to face. I have already admitted my mistake. It would be so nice to see people being more civil and accepting it.

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We only got Thexan robes because Thexan is ded. My guess is that Arcann & Vaylin sets will come after we bonk them to the ground.


Now there's a supposition that sounds like a far more unusual plot twist in UK English slang...


Still, yes it's a shame that Wicked Huntress is rather cheap and dull looking, but in fairness, they didn't actually call it the "Little Miss Nutcase Robes" set.

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opinions, by their very definition, cannot be wrong. They are opinions. Look it up.

I wasn't crying. We surely treat people online with far less consideration than we would if they were face to face. I have already admitted my mistake. It would be so nice to see people being more civil and accepting it.


It is my opinion that all human beings have clearly visible wings and can fly.

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We surely treat people online with far less consideration than we would if they were face to face.


Your OP set the tone initially and to say that it wasn't passive-aggressive and condescending would be quite the lie. So when people reply to you with a similar tone all of a sudden it's not ok? I guess you've never heard of the "do unto others" cliche?


Also, it's doubtful that the "we" in this quote actually included yourself at all and was really just a passive-aggressive shot at everyone who replied in a manner that you didn't like.


Don't give out a bad attitude and not expect bad attitude back. It all started with your OP so don't act like others are bad people for only following your lead.

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Honestly, I like the Wicked Huntress armor. Yeah, they could've made Vailen's, but I kind of like the fact that's its unique and not worn by any NPC or anything. People might think it's a cheap rip-off, but I like it.


Of course, I really don't think it's various pieces are worth 500K+, but whatever. It's also glitched as well. The front skirt-thing hanging from the belt doesn't move during cut scenes when the rest of the body does. Kinda weird

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opinions, by their very definition, cannot be wrong. They are opinions. Look it up.

I wasn't crying. We surely treat people online with far less consideration than we would if they were face to face. I have already admitted my mistake. It would be so nice to see people being more civil and accepting it.


So all the opinions that you are acting spoiled and entitled can't be wrong then? ;)

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I know this post may contain logic, and that's a very unhealthy thing around here, but I have to ask:


I agree with you OP, I was disappointed with the set too, especially what I had to spend to get it.


You have a preview tab, don't you? You can just click on it and preview the armour on your characters. You can check out dyes, details, and even such things as the "tasteful upper bossom." If the set doesn't match your expectations of a Vaylin armour, you shouldn't buy it. Writing "I'm disappointed by this set, and by the amount of credits I had to spent to get it" could be satire. If you preview the set, and you see that it is not the Vaylin set you want, why go ahead and buy it for tons of credits?

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Rule of thumb:


If it's name is [Character's Name] armor then it will be 99.999-100% the same as that said character.


If its a set like Wicked Huntress, Exiled Revolutionary etc. It is inspired by them not the exact same. This is why Reaver's armor set is not the same as Darth Marr's it is an inspired set, yes you can get a dye and make it look almost exactly like Marr's but its an inspired set not set of.

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