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As the story goes on.. July speculation


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If you haven't seen it yet, the new teaser is up..


What we know: Scorpio and cousin Gemini have a heart to heart, and a few disagreements.. will they keep it civilized? Umm no, only at first, but we all know how these things go when two cute cousins end up in the same room together.

They either take over the rest of the family or go to war with each other.


Announcer voice tell us treachery shall strike... I feel like Walsh on the bridge of the Firefly playing with my plastic dinosaurs all of a sudden.. oh damd your inevitable treachery!. Of course the real question is is this treachery aimed at me, or at Valkurian, or the alliance in general. Who will it be? Aunti Senya? Naw.. if she were gonna, she would have done it by now, same same Koth (if he didn't stomp off cuz of dark side choices earlier) ..Theron, Lana? Unlikely.. T-7.. umm no.. I'm not sure T-7 could even if he wanted to! And that leaves the rest of the old story side kicks.. And remember.. the way the story is structured player alignment is immaterial to the over all plot line.


Scorpio? I could see her taking off after getting what she wants. But actively turning against me (unless I've been a total pill to her all along) I just don't see it. Scorpio has always honored her debts. It seems unlikely to be one of the "Inner Circle" though I could see some of the older side kicks going all bad on you.


So an outer agency perhaps... Scions again? Wouldn't surprise me to see them act counter to my action based on their visions. I could see a sith faction selling out to the eternal empire..power and wealth ya know. Any number of possibilities there.


Of course, it could be Valkurian administering another ....... lesson. I've noticed he likes to do that...And he is a sneaky, underhanded over educated insanely powerful potent ancient *** hole, not one of your newly minted *** holes that are just getting started with messing with the galaxy and you in particular.. So he does tend to succeed

as you the player just don't have the experience to see he wheels within wheels with in wheels, within yet more wheels machinations he's capable off.


Personally loving the whole Scorpio thing..My light side agent uses Scorpio and Kalio as his main side kicks, and both of em at over rank 20.. I'd find it very disappointing if Scorpio actively turned against the player. Remember the voice over guy says Treachery which imply pre planning and a whole lotta intent.


So what your thoughts...



TL_Roff sends

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I think the betray will have to be handled incredibly carefully or it will come off as pathetic and cheesy, rather than adding to the story, it will turn it into a farce.


For this reason I don't think the writing team can make it Scorpio, Senya or Valkorian. Rightly so you don't have to trust any of them, there involvement in the story is forced upon you, with no option to decide to turn Scorpio into spare parts. You don't even have the option of stopping her from interfacing with the gravestone when you first get her. All three options have the same outcome, you wouldn't think it but its exactly the same outcome no matter what you say. The same goes for Senya when you find out who she is, rather than spacing her you go planet side with her.


If you put in people you don't trust and then force you to have them in your inner circle or head and then force you to take them on missions. Its not an amazing plot twist if they betray you its forced, cheesy and just going to get people annoyed. Oh look at that you forced me to have Grima Wormtongue as my adviser and now you want to act like I bet you never saw that coming when he betrayed you. No it was obvious, crap and you only happened cause this is no longer a MMORPG but a cartoon where I have no control over what is happening.


The same goes if Vaylin betrays Arcann, firstly its not much of a betrayal. Its one insane stupid evil all powerful force user or another insane stupid evil all powerful force user. It changes nothing except to play into stereotypes and try and force something from nothing.


This puts for me the most likely and least Cheesy betrayal that by Theron. He has proven some use to the alliance which means he doesn't fall into the category of someone you didn't trust but were forced to. So his betrayal is more genuine and not manufactured by bad writing. I.e. Oh Backstabbing untrustworthy bastard betrayed us... why did you put him in charge of the fleet, Well cause some piss poor writing made me do it. This also plays into Saresh's reappearance in Season 2. If Theron's betrayal leads into her being the new big bad then he becomes the new big bads second in command and at some point there is a reckoning.


The one thing I am fairly certain of though is that the eternal fleet will not fall into the Alliances hands, it would make you too powerful. I am rather hoping the betrayal doesn't lead it to falling into someone elses. So far the only real ground made by the alliance has been to get the Gemini stuff, its got, its almost over so please god let it be over. If this isn't the end of the fleet much of Season 1 has been focused on taking down the fleet. And it would get really drawn out if it also moved into Season 2 with more fighting an unstoppable fleet.

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Scorpio kills Gemini as she believes he's inferior and takes over the Eternal Fleet and bolts off into hyper space.


Arcane looks around with a silly oh crap grin on his face before diving into a cleverly hidden escape hatch hidden in the eternal throne and makes his escape.


Next season we get a new character called a T-800 which was created by Gemini to go back in time to kill Vitiate before he becomes the Emperor.

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some nice thoughts, but one of you brought up a point indirectly and that my own assumption that said treachery happens from within the alliance.. with that as a thought suddenly the most likely culprit becomes either the Sith Empire or the Republic.


Remember the players alliance is only getting very limited backing from the Republic..and considering some of the story elements around the republic that we've experienced in the different class stories and planetary missions suddenly the Republic seems a very likely candidate...


There is a reason for this.. The republic leadership is much more "political" then that of the Empire... and theres always some optimist who believes that a "power sharing" can be arranged with the bully he pretty much figures they can stomp you into bantha poodoo (and rightly so). Arken might agree to such a deal as he maybe mad with power and authority, there is still no way for him to actually police his conquests. He may have a billion sky troopers to deploy, but he's in a galaxy with millions of inhabited worlds and a population in the trillions...


He may be able to devastate planets with the greatest of ease, but ticketing a swoop bike double parked is a much more boots on the ground sort of deal. So he goes in, subjugates, and then leaves the locals to govern themselves..


With that in mind and all the possible ramifications (future doctorate submission: ramifications of command and control in a galactic war) it's entirely possible that we might see the republic elements try to sabotage the efforts of the Alliance.. with the best of intentions of course. Much more likely to see the Republic try to do this then the Empire, which would be much more likely to do the back stab thing after the internal empire is beaten, not before..

especially with word making its way around that the Hero is "destined" to overthrow Arkens throne and take the Eternal Empire for their own... I could even see Sersh defiantly and directly involved....


Well, we will know in three weeks!.... maybe......

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If it goes the same way Quinn's betrayal went, I will definitely kill whoever he or she is. I so badly wanted to kill Quinn because my SW trusted him and saw him as his first mate and then Quinn betrayed me. So yeah they better let us kill the traitor. Unless it's Vette... then I will just be heartbroken.
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