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Biochem Income


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Just decided to start playing again never really got very high, and still deciding between knight and warrior, but i'm also having a hard time choosing a crew skill. Sorry i'm sure it's been asked before but couldn't find a good answer can Biochem make a good income.
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If you make your own implants, medpacks, stims and adrenals, then you'll save a fair number of credits.


Also there is a small but healthy market for implants for use when leveling.


Selling mats is also profitable - especially the ones on Yavin and Rishi, coz people need stacks of 600 to hand to Doctor Lokin to recruit him- (on Rackghoul weeks) At 600-1000 credits each- that's close to a million if you can spin around those planets picking up every bio node and killing the monsters.


You can also farm in the abundant swamps of Zakuul for Bio to turn (RE) them into Mk-9 augment components. - which isn't megabucks, but can be a steady trickle of credits every day from the crafters that make the kits.


There are quite a few heroics which put you in the thick of monster-infested places, so you'll be able to level bio up quickly, and gather lots of mats as soon as you get it off the ground.


Bio might not be stellar, but I have it on quite a few characters, and I've never really regretted the duplication.


hope that helps.

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Biochem is respectable income but not the best. I craft mostly stims (Versatile and Fortitude), I throw in some attack adrenals, and implants. Everything usually sells within 48 hours.


If you want a crafting skill that makes the most credits choose artifice or synthweaving. Artifice has a more diverse catalog of desirable items, but the Synthweaving items sell VERY quickly.


For reference, over the past three week period:

Synthweaving made me 7 million credits

Artifice made me 6.5 million credits

Biochem made me 2.5 million

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Just decided to start playing again never really got very high, and still deciding between knight and warrior, but i'm also having a hard time choosing a crew skill. Sorry i'm sure it's been asked before but couldn't find a good answer can Biochem make a good income.


It has the most crafters. I highly recommend you consider this when deciding on any crafting class. What looks to be the most underserved profession? Look at the GTN. See what seems to always have a storage of crafters. Then pick that profession. You'll be in a less competitive market which is always advantageous.


You'll want to take slicing. You'll want to get companion influence over 20 for at least 4 companions. Harvesting has two main locations today for level 9 materials.


Zakaaul Swap

Breaktown in Zakaaul


These 2 locations feature a respawn rotation that will yield you about 500 of each key material in about 1-2 hours of harvesting time.


I find selling Mk-9 components from RE components the most lucrative method. it consumes the least amount of resources, is easy and can be run on multiple crafters against multiple material sets. It an easy way to supplement income. I'm looking at 220 gear and the cost of mats and materials and often wonder how crafters make any income. The margins seem tight unless you are rolling all classes and getting DMC's. I don't see how you get rich crafting.

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It has the most crafters. I highly recommend you consider this when deciding on any crafting class. What looks to be the most underserved profession? Look at the GTN. See what seems to always have a storage of crafters. Then pick that profession. You'll be in a less competitive market which is always advantageous.


While this is a valid suggestion, it does not always work out. Supply is only one piece of the puzzle, demand is the other piece. For example, crafted weapons...blasters and rifles are made by armstech, you will only ever find a handful of them on the GTN, but the demand is EXTREMELY low, therefore it is not a great market to get into. OTOH, Synthweaving augments, there are only two that SWs make that are in demand, but the demand is so high that no matter the supply/competition value is still relatively high.

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Biochem might not rake in big bucks, but for personal use its amazing, just getting your artifact stims and med packs save a good chunk of credits, and as its been said before, with lokins event the grade 8 mats go for good chunks of money but only when the event week is up because demand soars. IMO Biochem is the most useful crew skill because of the stims/medpacks/adreanals(for OPS) and even making the 216/220/224 implants will generate a good chunk of a million credits, more so for the 220's on a sever like Ebon Hawk those go for 3 mill.
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