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Even Evil Emperors Need Love


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Not sure why, but lately I find myself falling for Arcann. There is just something about the way the writers have been writing him in the last few chapters. He seems vulnerable. I think all he needs is just a little love and he wouldn't be so bad. Kind of like the beast in "beauty and the beast".


My daughter who also plays SWTOR and KOTFE thinks I'm crazy. But surely there are others who feel the same way, but are afraid to admit it.


Kyrielan-Matriarch of the Whitestar Legacy

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He had his brother's love, then he shanked him in a fit of blind homicidal rage.


Blame that on Valkorian. Arcann's rage was directed at him. If Thexan had just stayed out of the way he would still be alive.

Edited by Kyrielan
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I don't think there's a single bad guy in existence that someone hasn't thought, "A little love can change them! They can be good!"


And sure, sometimes it works... And this is Star Wars, where a child murderer apparently got redemption (from his son helping).


But even if Arcann could be redeemed, or given a chance to be good, let's keep the realistic option of "Stab him in the face until dead" as primary option #1.

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But even if Arcann could be redeemed, or given a chance to be good, let's keep the realistic option of "Stab him in the face until dead" as primary option #1.

In the heart. Or neck. Hitting him in the face hasn't worked well already.

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Blame that on Valkorian. Arcann's rage was directed at him. If Thexan had just stayed out of the way he would still be alive.


But Arcann could have stopped or refused to fight his brother once his brother intervene with the situation. When Arcann saw that it was his brother attacking he should have stopped so he alone was responsible for his brother's death.

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But Arcann could have stopped or refused to fight his brother once his brother intervene with the situation. When Arcann saw that it was his brother attacking he should have stopped so he alone was responsible for his brother's death.


That's the thing though. He didn't see him. That kind of rage blinds you to everything around you until it's satisfied. Speaking from experience. That's why I blame Valorian for inciting that rage.


Ok, I will agree with the killing him part, but only as a last resort.

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That's the thing though. He didn't see him. That kind of rage blinds you to everything around you until it's satisfied. Speaking from experience. That's why I blame Valorian for inciting that rage.


Ok, I will agree with the killing him part, but only as a last resort.


When a person is rule by blind rage then you can never trust such a person as even love is not going to help so I would not even consider trying to show him love when he is ruled by anger.

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Blame that on Valkorian. Arcann's rage was directed at him. If Thexan had just stayed out of the way he would still be alive.


Did Valkorian use magic to force Arcann into getting so pissed he didn't even see who he was fighting? It isn't on anyone but Arcann that his rage was so great it controlled him instead of him controlling it. I mean, there is no denying he had every right to be pissed but he should have handled it like he started doing after that and secretly plotted to dish out cold revenge against Valk instead of flipping his **** and trying to murder him then and there.

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OK, I understand where everyone is coming from. There are certain points I agree on, such as he may deserve to die, and he may not be redeemable, and it's all his fault.


However, I would still choose to try. I just wanted to know if anyone else would and I got my answer. No one else would try. Thanks for all your opinions.

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However, I would still choose to try. I just wanted to know if anyone else would and I got my answer. No one else would try. Thanks for all your opinions.

I admire this mindset. I honestly do. I don't necessarily agree with it, at least in this case, but I do appreciate it. It's admirable... and, for a lack of a better word, Star Wars-y. Luke did have the same mentality towards Vader, after all. I suppose it also depends on how you play. Any chance your character is a good, LS one?

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I admire this mindset. I honestly do. I don't necessarily agree with it, at least in this case, but I do appreciate it. It's admirable... and, for a lack of a better word, Star Wars-y. Luke did have the same mentality towards Vader, after all. I suppose it also depends on how you play. Any chance your character is a good, LS one?


I have one of each class and believe it or not they are all predominantly LS, even the Sith. Although They can be a little bad sometimes, even the Jedi.


Oh, I should also say 7 are female and the JK is male.

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I admire this mindset. I honestly do. I don't necessarily agree with it, at least in this case, but I do appreciate it. It's admirable... and, for a lack of a better word, Star Wars-y. Luke did have the same mentality towards Vader, after all. I suppose it also depends on how you play. Any chance your character is a good, LS one?


To follow up on this, I don't think people here think less of you for wanting to try. It is an admirable concept and outlook.

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*tsks* oh them Bad Boys ya know...


It's not strange ok..


Personally, I'm waiting for Veylin to decide to do big brother in.. mostly because she still very unhappy about Thexan being killed.. and that girl holds a grudge like no one I've ever seen.

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Arcann spent what.. 20-30 years trying to do nothing but get his fathers approval? He did everything under the sun in the hopes that his father would just look at him and Thexan and be proud for once, Valkorion in the mean time seemed to be pushing Arcann twards snapping for his entire life. He and his brother had just gotten done essentially conquering the entire galaxy for their father, Arcann lost half of his face and one of his arms in the conflict and still he and his brother didn't even warrant a "good job son."


Arcann is obviously still emotionally damaged over killing Thexan, it was entirely accidental. When Arcann killed his brother it was in a moment of darkside fueled absolute rage, he couldn't control himself, the horror on his face when he realized what he had done tells it all.


Like a chat with Jorgan about my thoughts on Arcann said

"He is a victim too. With a father who has devoured worlds.. Try growing up in that shadow." I will be fully prepared to kill both Vaylin and Arcann when the time comes unless there is a good reason not to do so (like them being remotely possible to redeem at this point, Arcann has actually done more wrong at this point than Vaylin by far with his whole obliterate five worlds as a warning and make our knights kill eachother so the remaining half will be better motivated.. ideas)


When it comes to it both Vaylin and Arcann are the product of their father being an incomparably gigantic evil jerkbag who in Vaylins case /caged her mind, personality, and force abilities/ because it isn't like he is going to actually guide her away from being a murderous lunatic when he can drive her further in that direction instead. Thexan wasn't entirely spared from becoming what his father wanted either, he was still in lightsided sith territory as far as his personality went and was just as harsh twards Senya when given the chance to leave as the other two. Thexan just managed to hold on to a more tempered outlook on things than the other two did, he loved his family but that didn't make him any less cold to everyone else (as seen when he had to remind himself that a knight walking in to his tent had just fought with him earlier and that he should try to be nicer to her)


I would imagine that Vaylin will become the bigger bad in all this eventually (given the fact that she is Valkorions favorite) it seems like a matter of time before either she murders her brother or shrugs it off when we do so. Even if Arcann can be redeemed that doesn't excuse him for the countless deaths he has ordered or for what he will likely continue to do until we curb-stomp the arrogance out of the remaining part of his face.

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Arcann is obviously still emotionally damaged over killing Thexan, it was entirely accidental. When Arcann killed his brother it was in a moment of darkside fueled absolute rage, he couldn't control himself, the horror on his face when he realized what he had done tells it all.


Like a chat with Jorgan about my thoughts on Arcann said

"He is a victim too. With a father who has devoured worlds.. Try growing up in that shadow."


I would imagine that Vaylin will become the bigger bad in all this eventually (given the fact that she is Valkorions favorite) it seems like a matter of time before either she murders her brother or shrugs it off when we do so. Even if Arcann can be redeemed that doesn't excuse him for the countless deaths he has ordered or for what he will likely continue to do until we curb-stomp the arrogance out of the remaining part of his face.


I agree with your point about Vaylin. There is no hope for her. She is more damaged than Arcann in my opinion, and I agree it is more likely she would do him in before the Outlander.


And, yes, Arcann should pay for the countless deaths he has ordered or will continue to order. There is no nappy ending for Arcann I'm afraid but I'm still an optimist when it comes to love. I have enjoyed this discussion.

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Arcann is only being spared if it means I can make him a companion. I can think of no finer punishment than endlessly making me cell grafts.


That is so cruel.......Aric Jorgan is my biggest complainer on making those. :p

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