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I have been playing this game from 1.2, but have taken a few small breaks. Every time a new expansion is released I come back to playing this game like many others. From 1.2 to 4.0, this game has had its ups and downs. 1.2 and the expansion about dread masters were wonderful expansions. On the other hand, the hutt cartel, GSF, shadow of revan, and KotFE had been... well.... trash. I miss the republic vs. imperial conflict from the original 3 chapters (4 if you count illum). I am tired of this lets unite to kill a common enemy for not one, but two different expansions... I want this game to go back to the conflict that IS star wars. I want operations that are part of the story and not just thrown in there (Ravagers is a good example), I want war zones that aren't republic and imperials on the same team, and I want a good story... (Something else to do with the dread masters or powerful sith would be nice). I know many people have said KotFE was make or break for swtor and from what I am seeing, it's not going very good. But I believe what ever comes after KotFE in 5.0 will be make or break for this game.
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There are whisperings in the latest chapter that give me hope...



You can influence the Mandalorians to attack the Empire once they're done with Zakuul, so the seeds of a factional conflict are still there.


if you think they are going to change from the chapter system you are sadly mistaken. while it was the worst move they could do, they will just pump out another 12 chapters and milk you of more cash for 20 minutes of content monthly. please stop thinking otherwise.

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I want an expansion, but one that has nothing to do with KotFE or at least make it so all of the chapters aren't so repetitive. Next expansions should be about the war between the republic and imperials. For example, say an imperial agent has assassinated a high ranking republic official like a senator. The republic retaliates by launching an attack on an important imperial controlled world. Then both republic and imperials fight for control on this world. Lets say the imperials have to redraw to regroup and the republic takes another three worlds. This could then start a new concept where decisions actually matter and conquest can tie in where the republic and empire fight over a world each week. Who ever pushes the enemy back to their base and captures it and still holds it by the last day wins that world and the losing faction has to withdraw. This would make it so decisions actually matter the players can have an impact on the game. This would also allow for story and pvp to mix which would allow both types of players to become involved. It wouldn't just have to be pvp, because there would be story driven elements each week that requires players to kill commanders or something. That would bring people back to this game and would be a great expansion.
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This would also allow for story and pvp to mix which would allow both types of players to become involved. It wouldn't just have to be pvp, because there would be story driven elements each week that requires players to kill commanders or something. That would bring people back to this game and would be a great expansion.


Sorry, but your premise is flawed, flawed, flawed, flawed, flawed.


1. PVP will not bring people back to this game, as people have claimed that the PVP mechanics sucks currently. Current mechanics on top of a new PVP-excuse-of-a-story won't change that.

No thank you.



2. PVP holds zero attraction for me, and any story whose sole excuse for existing is to promote PVP would drive away far more people. Case in point: having to do 20 missions to get M1-4x just plain sucked. I held my nose and did it on one toon and one toon only, and never again. Putting up with people 1/3 my age telling me I was no good and to get out of their group and kicking me for being a PVP noob did zero to heighten my interest in PVP.

No thank you.



3. To think that "killing commanders" somehow is tossing bone toward the PVE types in otherwise PVP-centric story is equally flawed.

No thank you.

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Sorry, but your premise is flawed, flawed, flawed, flawed, flawed.


1. PVP will not bring people back to this game, as people have claimed that the PVP mechanics sucks currently. Current mechanics on top of a new PVP-excuse-of-a-story won't change that.

No thank you.


While the PVP sure could be alot better in this game I'd say it's still an enjoyable activity for myself. Is class balance bad sure it is to an extent. However, if you know your class and play it well then you can dominate and change the tide of the battle. An example of this would be stealth classes they can by theselves turn the tide of a battle. While I understand PVP isn't for everyone I count this games PVP as a positive compared to others. I would much rather go back to 8 class stories even if it is KOTFE we need more variety in story telling, however, I get that the cost would be exponentially way more than what we have now and I don't think BW wants to do that ever again which makes me sad because I love playing all parts of this game especially the stories.


2. PVP holds zero attraction for me, and any story whose sole excuse for existing is to promote PVP would drive away far more people. Case in point: having to do 20 missions to get M1-4x just plain sucked. I held my nose and did it on one toon and one toon only, and never again. Putting up with people 1/3 my age telling me I was no good and to get out of their group and kicking me for being a PVP noob did zero to heighten my interest in PVP.

No thank you.


Those people are immature and make the rest of the PVPer's look bad. Most PVP vets like myself actually like helping newbies. I've always liked and felt newbies are more willing to take advice and try than others who are set in their way. I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience but I'd like to think if I or some good Vet showed you the ropes you would enjoy it quite a bit. I got my friends who refused to touch PVP into it as well by simply convincing them to play one match with me and after that they loved it. Sometimes it's just about meeting the right person to guide you. I hope you don't let those people ruin your enjoyment, you pay for this game too and have every right to enjoy it as much as them.


3. To think that "killing commanders" somehow is tossing bone toward the PVE types in otherwise PVP-centric story is equally flawed.

No thank you.


I agree here I don't think alot of people would consider this new PVE content . But I'd be interested in some Republic Vs Empire type battle or event like the new light side and dark side event that's about to happen. :)

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Killing commanders was just an idea. It doesn't have to be what commanders are today. It could be a short operation that's new every week and changes drastically depending on the planet. What it would do would be to invade a command outpost and kill the commanding officer of that planet.
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I hope they will continue this one-chapter-per-month-system and that they continue the Kotfe storyline.


I haven't PvP'd in at least 15 months or so. I PvP'd a lot in 2012. I did a lot of PvE group content around 2014. And in 2016 I'm glad that I can do things on my own without having to bother with anyone else. ;)


Now the question is: Is your opinion more important than mine, mine more than yours, both equally, neither of them? Who shall judge?

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I hope they will continue this one-chapter-per-month-system and that they continue the Kotfe storyline.


I haven't PvP'd in at least 15 months or so. I PvP'd a lot in 2012. I did a lot of PvE group content around 2014. And in 2016 I'm glad that I can do things on my own without having to bother with anyone else. ;)


Now the question is: Is your opinion more important than mine, mine more than yours, both equally, neither of them? Who shall judge?


Out of curiosity would you rather have 8 Class Stories/8 different KOTFE stories or are you content with the status quo?

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i really just want this expansion to end I'm really bored with it and this one chapter per month is the worst idea ever.

4.0 is currently failing in many areas:

no PvE endgame in over a year and a half despite the promise of "we won't go a year without a new ops"

"choices matter" err no, in the few chapter i have done i never came to a place where my choice mattered that much, in some places it was just some free DS or LS points as i didn't change the outcome of the events

PvP misery: season 7 launches out of no where and it was full of hackers. then we got 2 terrible and STILL broken maps.

instance rubbish: that instance PvP PvE thing was terrible the whole point of a PvP server was the chance of being attacked when out and about so why add this instance rubbish you just killed PvP servers.

cash grab sub rewards: these rewards are of low quality at best they are barley used by anyone and look awful.

and every month why add 20 minutes of usually broken unplayable and once you finally did your chapter content with little to no re playability when you can add a big bunch of stuff for us to do over a period of months.

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Out of curiosity would you rather have 8 Class Stories/8 different KOTFE stories or are you content with the status quo?


Tbh, I wouldn't mind seeing RotHC fused with KotFE - episodic faction-based content. Not as difficult for BioWare to write/produce as eight unique stories, keeps the factions separate (as many people seem to prefer - I'm personally fine with the alliance, but I genuinely think Imp vs. Pub would bring in more players), and release new content every month. Combine this with something new for PVP, GSF, and/or Ops at least once a year, and I think this game could get some strong sub numbers again.

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