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Legacy Bank


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Could you add a credit deposit,/withdraw facility to our legacy bank please or alternatively link all our characters so the credits shown in your inventory reflect the total credits across all of your characters on that server. It's such a pain to email credits back n forth between toons
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Could you add a credit deposit,/withdraw facility to our legacy bank please or alternatively link all our characters so the credits shown in your inventory reflect the total credits across all of your characters on that server. It's such a pain to email credits back n forth between toons


YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! That would be super awesome!:D:D:D I wouldn't have to email credits from one toon to another all the freaking time with an idea like this and could keep better track of them!

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Could you add a credit deposit,/withdraw facility to our legacy bank please or alternatively link all our characters so the credits shown in your inventory reflect the total credits across all of your characters on that server. It's such a pain to email credits back n forth between toons


If only there were a forum search tool so people could see if there "OH SOOOO wonderful" idea had been suggested previously. Wait, there is, but apparently it only works for those who are not too lazy to actually use it.



This idea has been suggested numerous times before, despite the fact that BW stated PRIOR to legacy banks being introduced that they would NOT be making credits legacy wide.


Apparently, that "NO" from BW (even before legacy storage was implemented) has not stopped the whining, crying and temper tantrums from those who cannot be bothered to take a few seconds to use the already functional mail system to transfer credits between characters.


BW's decision not to implement legacy credit storage may be related to the credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred. Those restrictions include a credit cap AND the inability to transfer credits between characters. You say "make it subscriber only"? Well, what happens to any credits in your legacy credit storage should you drop from subscriber to preferred?


No one has yet been able to provide a way to implement legacy storage in such a manner that it maintains ANNY AND ALL credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players while also NOT holding any credits in legacy storage hostage should a player drop from subscriber top preferred.

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So as you would have discovered if you had used the search function to read the eleventy billion other threads asking for this, there are two primary reasons they don't have this:


1) It would allow non-subscribers to bypass the credit cap.

2) If it were restricted to subscribers only, there would be no way to prevent players from bankrupting themselves if they dropped to non-sub status if they kept all their credits in the Legacy vault.


If they ever decide to devote development resources to solving that problem, I'm sure they could make it happen.

However, since the simple act of mailing credits accomplishes the same thing, is currently in-game, and requires no development resources to maintain, something like this will remain pretty low down on the list of things that will ever happen.


Perhaps instead of mailing credits back and forth, you give each character a sufficiently large pool of credits to work from so that any one character has enough to buy all but the very most expensive things.

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If only there were a forum search tool so people could see if there "OH SOOOO wonderful" idea had been suggested previously. Wait, there is, but apparently it only works for those who are not too lazy to actually use it.



This idea has been suggested numerous times before, despite the fact that BW stated PRIOR to legacy banks being introduced that they would NOT be making credits legacy wide.


Apparently, that "NO" from BW (even before legacy storage was implemented) has not stopped the whining, crying and temper tantrums from those who cannot be bothered to take a few seconds to use the already functional mail system to transfer credits between characters.


BW's decision not to implement legacy credit storage may be related to the credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred. Those restrictions include a credit cap AND the inability to transfer credits between characters. You say "make it subscriber only"? Well, what happens to any credits in your legacy credit storage should you drop from subscriber to preferred?


No one has yet been able to provide a way to implement legacy storage in such a manner that it maintains ANNY AND ALL credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players while also NOT holding any credits in legacy storage hostage should a player drop from subscriber top preferred.


I bet you also QQ when a thread is Necro'd. It doesn't hurt you, so just move on instead of a a bunch of whining.


Yes please to the Legacy Bank holding credits idea.

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I bet you also QQ when a thread is Necro'd. It doesn't hurt you, so just move on instead of a a bunch of whining.


Yes please to the Legacy Bank holding credits idea.

Would be a nice option that way you can also have better chance of figuring out how much all your toons have total and pooling the amount for something better without having to hop from one toon to the next.

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So as you would have discovered if you had used the search function to read the eleventy billion other threads asking for this, there are two primary reasons they don't have this:


1) It would allow non-subscribers to bypass the credit cap.

2) If it were restricted to subscribers only, there would be no way to prevent players from bankrupting themselves if they dropped to non-sub status if they kept all their credits in the Legacy vault.


If they ever decide to devote development resources to solving that problem, I'm sure they could make it happen.

However, since the simple act of mailing credits accomplishes the same thing, is currently in-game, and requires no development resources to maintain, something like this will remain pretty low down on the list of things that will ever happen.


Perhaps instead of mailing credits back and forth, you give each character a sufficiently large pool of credits to work from so that any one character has enough to buy all but the very most expensive things.



If this was set up properly, then both your points wouldn't be a concern.


1. All toons on an account could have their credits automatically paid into the legacy bank and the credit balance would show in your inventory as a legacy total which can be used by any character on the account as if the total amount was in your characters inventory.... eg: when purchasing something from the GTN etc, the credits you spend would automatically be taken from your legacy bank (no need to withraw credits every time you want to buy something)

2. All F2P and Preferred players would have their credit limit for each character added to the total they can deposit, once they reach the limit then the credits get automatically transferred to Escrow.

3. All subscribers going from subbed to preferred would have anything over their total credit as a preferred player sent automatically to Escrow.

4. Any F2P or Preferred players who sub, automatically get their Escrow credits added to their total credits in their Legacy Bank.


It's an easy solution really if it is set up properly... sorted :)

Edited by BogiWan
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If this was set up properly, then both your points wouldn't be a concern.


1. All toons on an account could have their credits automatically paid into the legacy bank and the credit balance would show in your inventory as a legacy total which can be used by any character on the account as if the total amount was in your characters inventory.... eg: when purchasing something from the GTN etc, the credits you spend would automatically be taken from your legacy bank (no need to withraw credits every time you want to buy something)

2. All F2P and Preferred players would have their credit limit for each character added to the total they can deposit, once they reach the limit then the credits get automatically transferred to Escrow.

3. All subscribers going from subbed to preferred would have anything over their total credit as a preferred player sent automatically to Escrow.

4. Any F2P or Preferred players who sub, automatically get their Escrow credits added to their total credits in their Legacy Bank.


It's an easy solution really if it is set up properly... sorted :)


Nailed it ^

It's not like the function is not there, we can already craft with mats being stored in Legacy Bank.

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Except that you failed to explain how this would function properly without removing either the F2P/Preferred credit cap or transfer restrictions. Those restrictions are probably the largest reason that legacy credit storage does not exist.
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Except that you failed to explain how this would function properly without removing either the F2P/Preferred credit cap or transfer restrictions. Those restrictions are probably the largest reason that legacy credit storage does not exist.


Someone didn't read the entire thread.

Suggestion has been made 2 posts up :rolleyes:

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Except that you failed to explain how this would function properly without removing either the F2P/Preferred credit cap or transfer restrictions. Those restrictions are probably the largest reason that legacy credit storage does not exist.


The credit cap would remain, once you reach your credit cap in your legacy bank all other credits would automatically get stored in Escrow (like I explained in my previous post)

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So what happens currently if a sub with excess cash goes preferred? Do they lose all the credits that toon has? I really don't know about escrow or how it works.


I know when my account went preferred for a year or whatever and I logged into it after it had gone preferred I was able to access only 3 toons.


I can't save to save my life so I don't know what monetary impact it had on me. I seemed to have access to plenty of funds with all my available toons once I resubed.


If the option was available why not make it dependent on your available toons. Having 1 toon gives you a deposit availability of X amount while having 3 gives you 3X. 4+ would give you an 3X+Y deposit availability. Y then becomes an unavailable savings amount for subs that become preferred. Resubbing opens that as an available savings amount that must be redeposited to be usable by your toons.


X is an amount of deferred funds towards that which is available to f2p and preferred members such that 3x does not exceed one toons amount.


This way a sub player could in fact deposit all and any available funds into the bank, then drop sub and play as a preferred player for a period of time, play with three toons with only the available funds of one toon from their legacy vault; resubmit at a latter date giving them access to all those stored funds previously not available to them as a preferred player.


F2P players would only be able to deposit upto the 3X into a legacy vault if that was something available to them.

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Actually you solved neither problem, you only skirted around them. A Pref player cannot have more than 350K at any time on a character without purchasing a one-time escrow transfer. Also, credits cannot be transferred between characters.


Problem 1 - If the legacy bank were automatic/mandatory then to maintain the credit limit for pref players, the bank would have to be capped at 350k. Now you have gone from having 350k on each character to having 350k for all your characters to share. I'm sure people will love that.


Problem 2 - Transferring credits. As a pref you cannot do this. Let's say character A has 150k, and character B has 100k. You see a shiny on the GTN for 200k, you cannot mail credits from one character to the other to get the 200k. Having a shared bank bypasses this restriction.


The only possible solution I see for a legacy bank is to make it sub only. But even that creates problems if your sub drops to preferred status. I do not have a viable solution for that situation off the top of my head.


But it is pretty clear that a legacy bank would circumvent the credit limit and transfer restrictions on F2P/Pref.

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Actually you solved neither problem, you only skirted around them. A Pref player cannot have more than 350K at any time on a character without purchasing a one-time escrow transfer. Also, credits cannot be transferred between characters.


Problem 1 - If the legacy bank were automatic/mandatory then to maintain the credit limit for pref players, the bank would have to be capped at 350k. Now you have gone from having 350k on each character to having 350k for all your characters to share. I'm sure people will love that.


Problem 2 - Transferring credits. As a pref you cannot do this. Let's say character A has 150k, and character B has 100k. You see a shiny on the GTN for 200k, you cannot mail credits from one character to the other to get the 200k. Having a shared bank bypasses this restriction.


The only possible solution I see for a legacy bank is to make it sub only. But even that creates problems if your sub drops to preferred status. I do not have a viable solution for that situation off the top of my head.


But it is pretty clear that a legacy bank would circumvent the credit limit and transfer restrictions on F2P/Pref.


I do no state that I have all the answers, this is just a suggestion.... a work in progress, something I wish BW would sort out once and for all.... below is one possible sub only way of implementing the system...


Looking at the problem, the best way would be to make it for subscribers only and before anyone says it, if you go preferred each character would automatically get back their credits up to the credit cap limit then all remaining credits go to escrow:


Sub Accounts Adding Character to Legacy Bank: allowing you to add your character to the bank (while logged into that character and standing at the legacy storage), then you choose how many credits you wish to deposit from your inventory credits into the legacy bank account. You would maintain your inventory credits that you earn and only credits you manually deposit into the legacy bank would add to the legacy account.


So say I have 2350100 on one character 'Jedi John' and 4810500 on another 'Commando Chris', I could log into Jedi John and deposit 2000000 to the legacy bank leaving 350100 in his personal inventory. Then I could log into Commando Chris and deposit 4500000 which would leave him 310500 in his personal inventory. Now I would have 6500000 in my legacy bank which any of my characters could use when purchasing anything, the option to use credits or legacy bank would appear and by choosing legacy bank your purchase would automatically debit your legacy bank.


Then when buying something you would have the option (similar to cartel coin/credit option) where you choose personal credits or legacy bank credits to pay for the item.


eg: Bounty Hunter Bob wants to buy a speeder for 1500000 and only has 235000 in his own personal inventory, I click on the purchase button which brings up a pop up box showing my own personal credits and legacy bank credits of 6500000, I choose the legacy bank option which completes the purchase, debiting the legacy bank by 1500000 leaving a balance of 5000000. (this system is already in game for credit / cartel coin purchase options)


This feature would be a sub only system which would give yet another option for f2p and preferred to sub an account.

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