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An opportunity wasted, 8 stories as one.


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Well I've made this opinion before but I feel it deserves it's own thread and someone made another post that was much like my idea, but I'm just gonna toss it out there.


Tthe 8 stories as one idea would of been great, but it's missing one thing. ALL 8 stories as one. My idea was this. If you got all your 8 companions up to lvl 65, you could choose to have your one main the "Outlander" then you could pick any or all in any combo as companions, but playable. Example, say you just wanted all 4 sith classes. You pick say SI as your Outlander. The other 3 show up as now companions in that story(you can still have them as solo characters on your account) but basically how they look, the game takes a snap shot and that's now how they first appear in your game.


First chapter starts out as normal, but lets say when you meet Marr, you see the other 3 conversing with him, and Marr explains he brought in the Wrath, the best intelligence operator and the best BH around. The attack on Marr's ship occurs as normal, he looks to you and you decide where the other 3 go to secure vital areas(and this choice will haunt you later on). You go on as normal, then during the ramming or saving part, two of the heros you sent off escape and the 3rd is captured.


Go to meet Valkorion, it happens as normal, but when the room is cleared by Vaylin, the other companion is taken away. The end of chapter 1 goes as normal and you move along into 2. During the rescue of the Outlander, Lana breaks you out, but you find out in a prison the 3rd companion awaits so she leads you to break that companion out then that companion follows you much like the last chapter where Gault or Vette was a non controllable companion who helps you fight.


Next chapters go as normal till you reach Asylium where lo and behold the other 2 companions wait for the Tombstone. Then one you get to chapter 9 the alliance and start doing missions after that from the base, lets say for the mission to meet havoc squad, your Outlander and 3 companions are all talking to Theron and he suggests someone go meet Havoc. At that point you can choose your Outlander to go, or you can send in one of your 3 playable companions to go instead.


This way for certain missions the story makes more sense and you can flip around inside that one story to each companion as you see fit.


IMHO it would made for a better story where you had one "Outlander" but you had other toons inside that story you could of chosen to do that specific mission, like the latest mission where I'd send my Mandalorian BH to go meet the BHs, or my trooper to go secure Havoc's help, or send the agent to rope in Kaliyo.


A thing EA could of done, and it's just my 2 credits, wouldn't of been that much more coding to do so.

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Believe me, not everyone would have liked that idea. I find it horrible because of RP reasons. My BH would never, even set foot inside where the Wrath, his mother, is. My SI would kill said BH on sight.


So no, I prefer to headcanon a workaround but forcing us to see things taht would never normally taken place is absolutely horrid.

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Believe me, not everyone would have liked that idea. I find it horrible because of RP reasons. My BH would never, even set foot inside where the Wrath, his mother, is. My SI would kill said BH on sight.


So no, I prefer to headcanon a workaround but forcing us to see things taht would never normally taken place is absolutely horrid.


Hey there always could be the option to go it alone. not going to force people to have to pick, but you could pick if you so chose.

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And as I said in the other post , I think this is the worst idea ever . Do you know why ??


Because you want to turn our awesome characters into mere companions . Lifeless , useless , never have any personality charachters . Add to that , if such an idea was added , they wouldn't let you customize them because of cutscene......and they will lose who we made them to be .


And what about dialogue ? the Outlander would be the only one doing the Talking cose he or she is the chosen one ?


No thanx . I rather keep my toons and imagine and get a headech thinking Valkorian is actually talking about their destiny then his beard :D

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And as I said in the other post , I think this is the worst idea ever . Do you know why ??


Because you want to turn our awesome characters into mere companions . Lifeless , useless , never have any personality charachters . Add to that , if such an idea was added , they wouldn't let you customize them because of cutscene......and they will lose who we made them to be .


And what about dialogue ? the Outlander would be the only one doing the Talking cose he or she is the chosen one ?


No thanx . I rather keep my toons and imagine and get a headech thinking Valkorian is actually talking about their destiny then his beard :D


Maybe, maybe not.

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Believe me, not everyone would have liked that idea. I find it horrible because of RP reasons. My BH would never, even set foot inside where the Wrath, his mother, is. My SI would kill said BH on sight.


So no, I prefer to headcanon a workaround but forcing us to see things taht would never normally taken place is absolutely horrid.


This. My sith and republic characters would never work together. They are sworn enemies. I actually have a roleplay where this has been done where my republic toons and imperial toons are sworn enemies. Our forum roleplay has our imp and repub as sworn enemies. They are not related but they would never work together.

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That wouldn't work, it would require much more va over the already tremendous amount of required voice acting (The reason we have the classical convo system for alerts is because of the problems with recording 16 voices alone for each response). You'd have to have the 14 voice actors for each class that aren't the player, and if you go by them keeping their personalities you'd have more VA's for the various responces.


If not, you'd be making general 'default' personalities for the player's classes, which would piss off more then Bioware would like, and they know that. It would be Hawke from DA:I all over again, and people still scream about that (You get to decide if he's slightly douche, or full on. That's it)


And to head cannons, when Bioware is writing or thinking up anything for this game. Head cannons should mean jack. Because those only bring up a multitude of holes that can't be filled.

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And to head cannons, when Bioware is writing or thinking up anything for this game. Head cannons should mean jack. Because those only bring up a multitude of holes that can't be filled.

Of course, nobody should actually consider headcanons because they are a private thing, ment to fill gaps and holes the devs create - it should not intervene with any creative work the devs might want to implement.


On the other hand they gave us a tool to create our headcanons with the legacy tree, so adding something that might screw it over might not be smart :p


It's good as it is, if it won't get any worse I can live with it and get creative on my server legacy :p

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Of course, nobody should actually consider headcanons because they are a private thing, ment to fill gaps and holes the devs create - it should not intervene with any creative work the devs might want to implement.



It's just that whenever there's an idea on how to do something, I don't think the effect on head cannons should be a factor. When ever I RP I only do it within the confines of the story Bioware has made.


But, that doesn't mean I don't have my own headcannons :D


On the other hand they gave us a tool to create our headcanons with the legacy tree, so adding something that might screw it over might not be smart :p

I never got the point of the family tree... It literally serves no purpose towards the game.

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I never got the point of the family tree... It literally serves no purpose towards the game.

Well, to be fair it's pretty limited. I never even open the thing anymore but it's there, people asked for it a very long time ago so I guess completly ignoring it would be strange. :)

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Using personal headcanon to say something should or shouldn't be allowed is just downright selfish and borderline asinine.


I'd like to have my alts as optional companions...and there's the thing..they'd be OPTIONAL...your particular alt would never join one of the others? fine then don't allow them to join the list of companions we have. And no more voicework would really need to be recorded because companions are just generic now anyway. That's just something you'd have to accept if you chose to use any of your alts as a companion.


Far as gear...gear doesn't do anything for companions anymore so it wouldn't matter. And who's to say they have to take a snapshot? just recruit them with some default armor on or something...just another thing you'd have to accept if you wanted to use them. No big deal. Not like you can't outfit them in what they "normally" wear when you play them within seconds....


So please with the "worst idea ever" "but my head canon" argument, it's asinine.

Edited by Suromir
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So please with the "worst idea ever" "but my head canon" argument, it's asinine.


Still find the idea to be bad - headcanon aside.


Why put in there someone who won't be able to speak? How will the game define what your character would say or no? I would care a big deal of my LS sith would suddenly, for the sake of just standing there in a cutscene, start to say some DS stuff or my LS trooper suddenly getting a conscience and caring for some hopeless civvies...


You don't mind gearing, I do. I would find it nearly offensive if the game decided for me what my chars would wear.


If you don't have a headcanon then why are you so adamant on getting your characters in there? You are free of RPing and all your chars can be Outlanders as they please. There are bazillion other companions out there, adding mute or, Force forbid, talking out of character toons are not needed.

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I will not deny that the idea intrigues me; I think it would have been a GREAT thing to do IF done right. But that's the rub, it is impossible to do right; there would always be a significant portion of the population who do not like the implementation for one reason or another. If something along those lines had been done from day 1 i.e. going through the level 1-50 story all your characters interacted a LOT more then it could have worked a lot better. But the game at launch probably would have cost $300 million.
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Still find the idea to be bad - headcanon aside.


Why put in there someone who won't be able to speak? How will the game define what your character would say or no? I would care a big deal of my LS sith would suddenly, for the sake of just standing there in a cutscene, start to say some DS stuff or my LS trooper suddenly getting a conscience and caring for some hopeless civvies...


You don't mind gearing, I do. I would find it nearly offensive if the game decided for me what my chars would wear.


If you don't have a headcanon then why are you so adamant on getting your characters in there? You are free of RPing and all your chars can be Outlanders as they please. There are bazillion other companions out there, adding mute or, Force forbid, talking out of character toons are not needed.


Actually My idea wasn't to basically have the lvl 60 and standard gear, they get the gear they have when you launch KOTFE.


See too many are simply assuming my idea was basically "you get your companions, but they are now static like say Lana".


No, your alts are fully customizable, and hell if you choose to swap over, completely controlled by you as the player. Another person said it would be awesome if done right and he's completely correct that's the rub.


Way I'd do it, it would be:


A. Optional, if you want to go solo with 1 Outlander, totally your choice.

B. same outfitting as say one of your other toons. I mean it could be done where the other 7 toons(or how many you pick, you could just pick 1 other my way) might have to be geared up or just playing barbie. Any which way can go.

C. With B and being able to go solo, you can keep your precious headcannon till the cows come home. Personally I'd like to see the 8 stories really join into 1 where all 8 band together to stop this madness. You already see the stories weaving without the other heros, I'd like for them to really join together.


So really get off the "oh it's mandatory and it ruins my headcannon". It really is asinine.

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Still find the idea to be bad - headcanon aside.


Why put in there someone who won't be able to speak? How will the game define what your character would say or no? I would care a big deal of my LS sith would suddenly, for the sake of just standing there in a cutscene, start to say some DS stuff or my LS trooper suddenly getting a conscience and caring for some hopeless civvies...


You don't mind gearing, I do. I would find it nearly offensive if the game decided for me what my chars would wear.


If you don't have a headcanon then why are you so adamant on getting your characters in there? You are free of RPing and all your chars can be Outlanders as they please. There are bazillion other companions out there, adding mute or, Force forbid, talking out of character toons are not needed.


Like I said, selfish argument. Everything else aside because you wouldn't use it/recruit them you think no one else should have the option. gotcha.


Since you lack the "will" to not recruit or use them, no it just shouldn't be done? No that's not selfish at all.


That's what your entire argument boils down too. It shouldn't even be an option for those that may want it because you don't like it and can't keep yourself from using it or not if it were an option for others? okay then...

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Like I said, selfish argument. Everything else aside because you wouldn't use it/recruit them you think no one else should have the option. gotcha.


Since you lack the "will" to not recruit or use them, no it just shouldn't be done? No that's not selfish at all.


That's what your entire argument boils down too. It shouldn't even be an option for those that may want it because you don't like it and can't keep yourself from using it or not if it were an option for others? okay then...


People have already explained to you why your bad idea is bad. You want to have the option to recruit them and also the option not to? How much more voice acting does all of that take? Planning to include their personalities, too? That'd be even more voice acting, depending on how detailed you get.


And you want resources diverted to this thing that almost no one but you wants, meaning nothing else could ever get done because of all the time and money spent making your pet dream a reality.


... and you're calling people selfish?

Edited by PirateMouse
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You are assuming that the system would work at all in that manner, I would like to ask what in the recent behavior from the devs has given you this faith in them? most likly if such a feature came in the game it would be mandetory
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Honestly, if they were going to put the kind of money and resources in that would be needed for this, I'd much prefer they instead went back and did the SGR dialogues with the original companions that they should have delivered at launch but instead never delivered at all. A lot more people would actually care about/welcome that as well. Edited by PirateMouse
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And if the alts dosent have the personalities from the original stories, regardless of peoples headcannon or not, if they are just there like any of the other companions, then why not just use one of the other companions, they would need the personalities from the original stories for them to be worth anything, and that would almost certanly mean including their voice acting
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Like I said, selfish argument. Everything else aside because you wouldn't use it/recruit them you think no one else should have the option. gotcha.


Since you lack the "will" to not recruit or use them, no it just shouldn't be done? No that's not selfish at all.


That's what your entire argument boils down too. It shouldn't even be an option for those that may want it because you don't like it and can't keep yourself from using it or not if it were an option for others? okay then...


So anwser yourself how selfish is restricting someone from story content because they refuse the game take laces of their characters? :rolleyes:

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Still find the idea to be bad - headcanon aside.


Why put in there someone who won't be able to speak? How will the game define what your character would say or no? I would care a big deal of my LS sith would suddenly, for the sake of just standing there in a cutscene, start to say some DS stuff or my LS trooper suddenly getting a conscience and caring for some hopeless civvies...


You don't mind gearing, I do. I would find it nearly offensive if the game decided for me what my chars would wear.


If you don't have a headcanon then why are you so adamant on getting your characters in there? You are free of RPing and all your chars can be Outlanders as they please. There are bazillion other companions out there, adding mute or, Force forbid, talking out of character toons are not needed.


And still a selfish argument. You don't want it or like it and wouldn't use it...so no one should be able too.


and I already answered the VA question if you read. They'd be in league with the likes of that hammer head jedi or K'Krol (sp) Rukuss (sp) the short dog thing guy and the gormack (sp) guy..et al.


My counter-argument, everyone get's a choice to use or not use.


Your argument...no one should because YOU don't like it.


I'm done.....arguments against it are, in fact, nothing more than selfish arguments that no one should have the option because YOU (those that don't want it) don't like it.

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The question of voices is actually not so simple. Yes, alts can be mute companions - but why do we need them then? What differs them from the others?

And them being mute has no sense in-story. For example, you play as a Trooper and take your Smuggler as a companion... so, can you imagine Smuggler (snarky side of the Force incarnate) be completely silent? Or a Jedi not to voice disagreement about ethical decisions?

Then there is the question of approval. Each companion has something that he/she likes and dislikes; but, as we can shape the personality of our characters throughout class stories, it is quite hard to simply assign them a definite approval theme.

And, finally, there is always a problem - which characters to provide? Yes, all the eight heroes exist in-universe - but only one of each class exists. There cannot be two Empire's Wrath's, two Heroes of Tython, two Bar'sen'thors and so on. And if you have various characters of the same class - which of them should be included into the story?


Of course, the problems of approval and character choice above can be solved by adding an elaborate tuning system. Or permitting us to say something by different characters. But it will demand lot and lot of work and spending of resources.

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Have to admit I agree with some of these posters, mainly because I know Bioware/EA wouldn't do justice to your alts and it would piss off fans for that reason alone. Pretty much the idea behind this is the same reason they never put the Warden in DA:I.


I know about the only place I'll have my smuggler rescuing his Jedi Princess aka the Knight, is in fanfiction, and I'm cool with that since I can make their story how I like, which is why KOTFE has been changed a bit. :cool:

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So anwser yourself how selfish is restricting someone from story content because they refuse the game take laces of their characters? :rolleyes:


what are you even talking about? I never stated anything about being locked out of any content....You're just making stuff up now...go figure.


All i've said is you have the option to use basically a copy of your alt as a companion much like the 30+ generic companions we already have...nowhere have I mentioned recording new lines...locking out content...or anything.


But I will give you props on one thing...I said I was done..and you drew me back in with the absurdity of this statement about being locked out of something...when I never even eluded to anything of the sort...

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I'm done.....arguments against it are, in fact, nothing more than selfish arguments that no one should have the option because YOU (those that don't want it) don't like it.


So in other words, anyone who doesn't like your stupid, impractical, expensive idea that virtually no one but you wants is selfish.


A selfish person calling everyone else selfish for not liking his selfish idea ... ah, irony.

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