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Alignment doesn't make sense, BioLucas


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those don't look like official sites to me. you trying to give me viruses, son?
Really? If that is what you think then this whole discussion holds no bearing. Almost everyone knows about those sites. Torhead is created by Wowhead which is one of the largest WoW databases around. There are no 'official' sites as in run by Bioware even Blizzard doesn't have that for WoW. They are always player, fan run or in this case owned by gold farmers but that is a different discussion entirely.


Those are the best database sites to look information up currently. At least until players start putting more information in them.

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There are no 'official' sites as in run by Bioware even Blizzard doesn't have that for WoW. They are always player, fan run or in this case owned by gold farmers but that is a different discussion entirely.


fine. then you're telling me light/dark side rewards are merely cosmetic, and you can get equal rewards for the same prices elsewhere?


all you need to do is validate that, and i no longer care about alignment at all.


you can end this whole 20 page thread. but i'm not visiting any non-official sites. that way madness lies

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Support the OP. The current alignment system basically boils down to spam-selecting answers 1 or 3 over and over again, regardless of the situation. You have to dumb TOR down to the most basic and pitiful system imaginable if you want gear, right now. The game never should have launched in this state.
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Support the OP. The current alignment system basically boils down to spam-selecting answers 1 or 3 over and over again, regardless of the situation. You have to dumb TOR down to the most basic and pitiful system imaginable if you want gear, right now. The game never should have launched in this state.
Again what "Gear" are you getting that so over balances that requires you to get them in order to play?
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this "the side-restricted gear is only cosmetic" argument is the best case so far for the alignment system being this uninspired.


just wish he could back his claim with real evidence

I gave you all the tools, that everyone else who plays the game, uses to search for information. I also didn't say it was purely cosmetic. A lot of the the items are modular, making them purely for the looks. There are a couple items that can be bought but the advantage over other gear isn't that great. Quite a few of the items that are better like some weapons, you can net better by upgrading a mod-able item.
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This is a role playing game. You might play the role of someone who does everything for there masters to appease them and get the best rewards from them and their peers. But if you are wishy-washy and jump all over the place doing things that both sides disapprove of then why would you expect to be rewarded equally by one or the other?


If people want to min/max the rp out of their game then let them. They lose out on the fun of rp'ing but gain the faction rewards faster.


And some people are saying "it is not fair" well nothing is fair. Fairness is a concept for the weak to complain about what other people have obtained. You didn't/don't hear Christopher Reeves, Michael J Fox or Stephen Hawking bemoaning the "fairness" of life. There are only obstacles and those who decide whether or not to overcome them.


My guess is that the majority of people will eventually reach a maximum light side or dark side. Those that remain in the middle forever are probably psychotic or actively trying to stay there.

Edited by fragvector
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As I said in my previous post, the gear from the dark/light side merchants are pretty underwhelming in my opinion. Maybe I''m doing it wrong...


There is only 2 sets of armor that I can see, one being Light and one being Heavy. There is no Medium for some odd reason. The relics seem to be pretty decent, but again, nothing jaw dropping. I think there is a purple mount you can buy. Other than that the vendor items really aren't that great. Someone correct me if I'm doing it wrong please. As a Sith Marauder, I am a little confused as to why there is no Medium armor from the merchant...

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There is no Medium for some odd reason.
To be fair there is Medium armor that has restrictions:



However again, it is nothing too serious to go "OMG unless I go Darkside I won't be Uber-tastic!". There are more items that are available than just from those 2 vendors. But yeah a lot of it isn't that big of deal. It is like saying those who have CE Vendor access get access to uber items because they don't.


There is a giant misconception though that lightside and darkside points limit the game. Most of it started simply because someone couldn't use a red blade lightsaber or a blue bladed ligthtsaber. They then took that to account for the rest of the game and from there it snowballed. Just like the OP who hasn't even bothered to do any research and look up items to bring some comparison. They just want to say its broke but not actually give real specifics.

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To be fair there is Medium armor that has restrictions:



However again, it is nothing too serious to go "OMG unless I go Darkside I won't be Uber-tastic!". There are more items that are available than just from those 2 vendors. But yeah a lot of it isn't that big of deal. It is like saying those who have CE Vendor access get access to uber items because they don't.


There is a giant misconception though that lightside and darkside points limit the game. Most of it started simply because someone couldn't use a red blade lightsaber or a blue bladed ligthtsaber. They then took that to account for the rest of the game and from there it snowballed. Just like the OP who hasn't even bothered to do any research and look up items to bring some comparison. They just want to say its broke but not actually give real specifics.



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I gave you all the tools, that everyone else who plays the game, uses to search for information. I also didn't say it was purely cosmetic. A lot of the the items are modular, making them purely for the looks. There are a couple items that can be bought but the advantage over other gear isn't that great. Quite a few of the items that are better like some weapons, you can net better by upgrading a mod-able item.


there either IS an advantage to being on a side, which rules out the "purely cosmetic" argument. or there isn't, which would make the choice a non-issue. hence "cosmetic".


now you're telling me that you DO get an advantage, but "it's not that great".


please pick a side to argue and stick with it

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To be fair there is Medium armor that has restrictions:



However again, it is nothing too serious to go "OMG unless I go Darkside I won't be Uber-tastic!". There are more items that are available than just from those 2 vendors. But yeah a lot of it isn't that big of deal. It is like saying those who have CE Vendor access get access to uber items because they don't.


There is a giant misconception though that lightside and darkside points limit the game. Most of it started simply because someone couldn't use a red blade lightsaber or a blue bladed ligthtsaber. They then took that to account for the rest of the game and from there it snowballed. Just like the OP who hasn't even bothered to do any research and look up items to bring some comparison. They just want to say its broke but not actually give real specifics.


Thank you for the link... I honestly appreciate it. I guess I was looking at the wrong place or something because I have never seen these items. I always check the Dark merchant on the Imperial Fleet. I didn't see any of the oranges from the link you posted. I'll double check tonight. Good to know I was doing it wrong.

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The Revanites would be a good example of someone who could reward you with neutral rewards. Not sure if this was stated in an earlier reply, but then again, I'm not reading through 22 pages of pirate banter to find out.


But Revan did not focus on doing things for the republic or the empire, sith or jedi, good or bad. So the revanites would be an obvious choice for a neutral reward source.


Just my 2 credits.

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I agree light/dark side points make chocie pointless. I am forced to always pick the one which gives me the most points. I would like to see Grey as a choice (as we were told would be in) 500 light + 500 dark would make me Gray level 1.
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It's an alignment, not a faction or reputation level, that's why you can't have both, plus it's the lore, you can't be both jedi and sith at the same time.


I don't care if it's just a game mechanic, that's what star wars is all about, you choose your side, not get both.


This is not WoW, you don't get to have everything, the game is based around choices and you can either choose to be good, bad or neutral, not all 3. You're not prevented from doing bad things as you can just run missions to neutralise the loss so you're not forced to make certain choices.


Not sure why this is up for debate to be honest, it's a pretty simple system, no one in WoW gets to be alliance and horde.

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I'm just tired of people saying stuff like who gives you the rewards if you're neutral or that by staying neutral you're not choosing a side in the war. You can be neutral and still be on either "side"!! Or I can be all light side and still support the Empire. Maybe I was born in the Empire but have good morals.


It's very stupid to look at this from a lore or story point of view. The numerical system of points is to blame and I agree there needs to be neutral items or like what someone else put in another post on this topic, items with the requirement dark 1/light 1.


But on the other hand you can play your story how you want and in the end just grind FP's for points. It sucks yes but that's how you can do it. Also look on torhead.com and search through the item database. Most end game relics have no requirements and honestly these are the only ones that matter.


In conclusion: yes this is an issue and needs to be reviewed by BW but people are using the wrong arguments IMO.

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there either IS an advantage to being on a side, which rules out the "purely cosmetic" argument. or there isn't, which would make the choice a non-issue. hence "cosmetic".


now you're telling me that you DO get an advantage, but "it's not that great".


please pick a side to argue and stick with it

I didn't say they were purely comsmetic. The majority of them are. I also gave you the tools to go look for yourself and actually educate yourself so you can see what you are arguing for as well.


As an example some of the weapons are better. However they aren't mod-able. You can can just as good stats with a mod-able weapon and upgrading it. Quite a bit of the armor is sold without stats, just 3 mod slots for you to upgrade as you see fit. Even Red Lightsabers crystals are an example. They have endurance, crit, etc stats. Those stats are available in every color as well.

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Personally, I'm attempting to dismantle the hierarchy of the empire, and root out the racism and stupidity of it, from the inside. thats why I choose light choices. It's also why I tell lord Baras to shove it up his poopshoot every time I can.



sounds like an attitude that would get you forcechoked to death within 5 seconds of any encounter with sith if this was anywhere close to resembling a real roleplaying game

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