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Alignment doesn't make sense, BioLucas


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Chose a Side?


What is with this line of thinking? Did George Lucas somehow make a bunch of clones of himself?


People are not one dimensional. If you have chosen for your character to be completely one dimensional that's fine. But your character isn't a real character.


Just because a character is in love(darkside option), Doesn't mean they are a murderer (dark side option)


Just because a character is not a murderer (lightside option), Doesn't mean that they aren't a liar (lightside option)


Just because a character is a liar (darkside option), Doesn't mean they are a jerk for no reason (darkside option)


According to your "chose a side" argument along with a lot of that thinking I have read in this thread.


Lying, stealing, falling in love and murdering people are the same exact thing and if you chose to do one you should do them all or else you have a bipolar character...




Mountain out of a mole hill, anyone?


It's an alignment system in a game, based on something George Lucas wrote years ago while he was probably high. Of course it doesn't have all the little variables and gray areas that a real sense of morality would have.

It's just one more thing (optional thing) for our characters to spend time on. If you don't want to make all of the game's DS or all LS choices, then don't. But then don't complain you can't use the gear. Use non-alignment gear instead.

Edited by Warlocc
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another "it will eventually be added"


i got one for you


"it will eventually close down when everyone leaves as they sick of waiting for eventually to arrive!"


"Eventually will be added" has kept all MMO's alive for a very long time. It is the essence of an MMO.


If there were nothing more that could be added, THEN the MMO will close down, because the Devs are either not creative enough, or lazy, or they are not given the resources needed to do stuff.

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If someone is dark 4 / light 1 I think they've done enough to negate the light 1 part of their choices and should be held to the dark side standards.


You can play your character how you want, but the result of those choices should be static. Make more characters if you want to explore another path.


I mean if you murdered a school of def / mutes (D4) then helped a lady walk across the street (L1) I don't think you should be able to run around with a blue crystal.


If anything your points should cancel out and be left with the remainder.


Neutral rewards would fix this, but getting both light and dark rewards seems logically broken.

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This whole thread was over when "neutral rewards are going to be added" was said. The rest is a whole lot of debate over the system reflects real life, or whether it should, none of which applies to the fact that right now, choosing all light or all dark is the way you get rewards right now.


As for me, my Jedi will be Light.


My smuggler will choose whatever he feels like.


My Sith will be Dark.


I don't bend the story to fit my character, I decide my character will be Light Side, or Dark Side, or somewhere in between depending on the situation, and follow the path the game then sets before me.

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Simple question: why didn't they just use the Mass Effect system?


Paragon/light-side points accrue,

and Renegade/dark-side points accrue,

in different directions without cancelling each other out....

for appropriate awards in either direction?


because that would make too much sense, sir

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Exactly. I think the system is really freakin stupid. It encourages people to either blindly hit red or blue and discourages actual thoughtful choices. The alignment system needs to be totally separate from gameplay/gear or whatever. It should only affect your character's story and how npcs interact with you. That's it. That way people can actually make the choices they WANT to make for their character. I find that I never just go red or blue. Nobody thinks so black and white in the real world.
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I think someone is arguing for 29 pages because they don't know how to admit their stance doesn't hold any water. :rolleyes:


In my opinion, if I do a job for the Jedi, they PAY me in gear, money, and experience (and maybe something different). But the point is that I'm being paid for doing a job for them. I instantly attain something for doing work for them.


If in the process, I decide to make some swarthy decisions that end up giving me Dark Side points, I still get paid for my time and hard work. This should make me feel good for digging that hole for the Jedi. It doesn't matter if I dug the hole with a shovel made of pure Force (Light Side) or if I ripped the skull cap off an orphan and fused it to a femur, thus creating a shovel that I then used to dig a hole for the Jedi (Dark Side). Either way, I still dug the hole and I still have been rewarded for my time. That seemed to be a big issue.. being rewarded for time spent. The game mechanic system benefits the player's time.


In this process though, I took a turn to the Darkness and now I'm darker than lighter. I keep doing that for 1000 points.. Yay, I'm evil and still being rewarded the entire time by the Jedi for doing their work. Now I decide to go Light to atone for my sins and put in 1000 Light points. I've worked off my karmic debt and have no stains on my soul. Yay again.


Who logically thinks that after I've already been rewarded for my hard time spent doing all of these quests, that on top of all the XP, money, and gear I've gathered... that I should also be considered for special gear from an alignment faction? A min/maxer is who. Not a roleplayer.


If one was truly into roleplaying, then one would know that roleplaying is it's own reward. In playing a role, one should simply expect the NPC's and game to react to the decisions made.. not ALSO pay them for playing both sides of the fence and then crying that either side isn't happy enough to hand the keys to the galaxy over to them.








These are just my personal opinions and I'll agree with the plethora of other posters who said that this discussion should have been over when the revelation that neutral rewards are going to be implemented. Sadly, some people just like to argue and don't understand concepts such as good/bad and group A/group B. They are not the same thing.

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I hardly think so. If he was, he would have figured it out by level 5. :p


there was no indication prior to getting to fleet and browsing the "side vendor" that items were restricted by alignment, and not bought based on point values.


so no, you had no idea. don't make stuff up

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you must be psychic to know things without any information then. because you certainly didn't have any


It has nothing to do with being psychic. It's common sense.


The damn thing is an alignment meter. There ARE NO POINTS. You are adding alignment toward light/dark depending on your actions.


Think of it like a thermometer. You do Light acts, it gets warmer. You do Dark acts, it gets colder. You can't benefit from both at the same time. The freaking indicator even looks like a thermometer.


I just can't see why this is so hard to understand.

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Uhm, why are we discussing this?


Bioware already announced before launch that they were working to implement neutral rewards, they just arent in yet. Actually this would make them maybe the only moral-using game of modern times to actually reward you for going neutral.


Besides, the rewards are not that big a deal anyway, so far I have yet to get a single actual use out of allignment, besides a unique story for my allignment and access to different colours on my lightsaber, a limitation that can easily be bypassed.

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I can't belive there are players who consider a no-sense the choice of being a gray jedi/sith while we are playing "the old republic".


What abaut all the references to Raven and the Ravenatine who are no jedi and nor sith.

Did they miss all that part of the trama?

This game offers also the possibility to name your character with the title "the ravenatine" but after offers only disadvatnages if acting in their philosophy.....

Edited by Garrhyck
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And did you notice something : most of the time, the best choice for the Empire is the light one !

When you pick dark choice it is about self, short time reward : kill the scientists/rakgoule/spy or keep them alive and send them in Dromund Kaas : what's the best choice for the imperial benefit ?!


So I totally disagree with the guy who told that you have to be 100% dark to fit with the Empire and 100% light to fit with the Republic, it just a non sense. You have to make your choice by your own during your story and simply not 'I HAVE TO pick this red (or blue) choice in order to wear this stuff later'.

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Neutral rewards are in the works, they simply couldn't get them in time for launch. Patience.


By then we're finished with our class story - and what's done cannot be undone.


In this case Patience is entirely useless - Bioware went ahead with a completely broken design decision, even though they had QUITE A LOT OF TIME during beta to actually fix it.

Adding gear - recolored/slightly redesigned version - is not a lot work to do.


It's just that they we're totally incapable of getting their priorities straight.

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