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Broken Companions


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Thank you! Now, are those the two conversations that people are missing?


I just went back and dug through my screenshots and movies and guess what? My male Mandalorian did indeed get the resol'nare conversation. I matched up the screenshots with the video posted here. Now remember, I finished the BH class quest chain before 4.0 with him, but just did the Torian conversations 2 weeks ago (May 14th according to screenshot.) If it's a flagging issue, he carried his flag into 4.0 and the conversation still triggered.


That's very interesting. Did you max affection on Torian before doing all his convos, or just leave him as he was? Sounds to me like you did carry your flag over into 4.0, either way. I haven't heard of anyone getting that convo post-4.0, but this could be something to investigate--whether it's flagging for males and not females or if yours is an isolated incident.


Now my female BH did not get either conversation as far as I can tell, but she wasn't Mando, so that could be intentional. I am a bit bummed that it appears I missed out on a black screen with Torian because of it. Actually, looking through my videos with her, I didn't see that she got ANY black screens with Torian. :confused::(


Non-Mandos also get "Ways of the Warrior," but the dialogue is different. He asks you why you refused Mandalore's offer instead of offering you Mando'a lessons. Both quests start with him thanking you for letting him leave during the events of "Hunting Party."


The FTB should have occurred in a quest called "The Next Step," which has two sets of dialogue. Which one triggers is based on the outcome of "Ways of the Warrior." Because no one is able to do "Ways of the Warrior," we all get the default "shooting lessons" dialogue, which should only happen to non-Mandos.

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I also felt that after the betrayal his devotion to her was solidified even more, because of how she understood and forgave him.


This is very poignant, and possibly the only explanation for continuing on with him romantically. He would never expect that from a Sith, and that alone would make the warrior worth serving. Forgiveness aside though, he'd have to make some very convincing arguments as to why he was still trustworthy enough to be a part of my crew. Conversely, I guess you could keep him around to parade Baras' failure in front of him at the conclusion ("I stole your favorite toy and now it's mine!"). That alone has some entertainment value.


(If anyone is curious how I envisioned a DS Sith romancing Quinn,

while interpreting the betrayal in a different light,

I wrote it all out in this story: Fear and Forgiveness)


Awesome, I'll have to check it out. I love Quinn fanfics, they're always so well thought out (well, except the trashy ones--you know the ones I mean).

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That's very interesting. Did you max affection on Torian before doing all his convos, or just leave him as he was?


I just left him sitting at whatever affection he was at (rank 1 or 3 or something low) and then did all his convos at once. That BH finished the class story a long time ago, had also done Makeb, and was basically sitting around waiting to do SOR. I'm really glad I just happened to take so many screenshots. When Torian offers to teach you Mando, the female BH gets a flirt response, whereas my male Mando said something like, "Yeah, I probably should find out what people are saying about me."


Non-Mandos also get "Ways of the Warrior," but the dialogue is different. He asks you why you refused Mandalore's offer instead of offering you Mando'a lessons. Both quests start with him thanking you for letting him leave during the events of "Hunting Party."


The FTB should have occurred in a quest called "The Next Step," which has two sets of dialogue. Which one triggers is based on the outcome of "Ways of the Warrior." Because no one is able to do "Ways of the Warrior," we all get the default "shooting lessons" dialogue, which should only happen to non-Mandos.


I wish I could have gotten "Ways of the Warrior" then. I would have liked a chance to explain why I refused to join, especially since Torian seemed upset that I "insulted Mandalore to his face," when I never wanted to do that, the conversation choices just wouldn't let me say anything else. :(


I went back and rewatched my videos and I did see the fade-to-black in the "The Next Step." It was just so fast that I barely noticed it!


Thanks for the explanation. I've been trying to keep up with the thread, but since I don't have all the convo names written down or recorded, I kept getting lost.

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Wow, that's really interesting that your male BH was able to get Ways of the Warrior.


I commented about it being missing on a thread in the General forum, and someone said that they got it as well. It may have been a male character.


This is seriously getting my blood pressure up and I think I need to just go back to EQ2. It's always the female characters that are messed up. :(


So if I choose to continue my latest BH and want to stop right before this bug kicks in, can I do it? Or should I just stop playing her now before she even meets Torian?

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Another Companion that is quite broken is the Probe Droid you get from the packs. Broken sounds/animations everywhere!


Tank stance uses taunt animation for leaping and uses leaping animation for taunt, also no distance is covered (visualy) when leaping but the probe droid still acts as if it where in melee range. And of course no sound from its basic blaster attack, just a single slow moving silent bolt. (a common occurrence with bugged animations)


We paid money for this companion BW! At least get it working right.:mad:

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Another aspect broken with Treek is she currently under performs by about half when compared with other companions. Half as good at tanking, half as good at healing, half as good at DPS.


One way to see is to get into combat with her in tank or DPS mode and let her health get low. At the end of combat switch her to heal and time her healing to full. Then repeat the test with another companion of similar influence. Other companions that aren't also currently under performing, like Veerona Denz, should heal to full in a bit less than half the time.

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Conversely, I guess you could keep him around to parade Baras' failure in front of him at the conclusion ("I stole your favorite toy and now it's mine!"). That alone has some entertainment value.


I'm bummed that

the game doesn't recognize when you take Quinn in with you to the final fight with Baras. I really wanted to shove Quinn's loyalty to ME in Baras's face, but alas, Baras acts as if he doesn't notice no matter who you bring to the fight. :(



Awesome, I'll have to check it out. I love Quinn fanfics, they're always so well thought out (well, except the trashy ones--you know the ones I mean).


People have been forced to get really creative with explaining Quinn's story and I've seen some really interesting ideas along the way. I don't like the ones that seem to be all about abusing Quinn though, filled with excruciating detail of his violent sufferings and humiliation. Ugh.

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Wow, that's really interesting that your male BH was able to get Ways of the Warrior.


I commented about it being missing on a thread in the General forum, and someone said that they got it as well. It may have been a male character.


This is seriously getting my blood pressure up and I think I need to just go back to EQ2. It's always the female characters that are messed up. :(


So if I choose to continue my latest BH and want to stop right before this bug kicks in, can I do it? Or should I just stop playing her now before she even meets Torian?


You seem to have bumped into more than your fair share of these bugs, Cedia, sorry. :( Male inquisitors got to endure that Ashara romance bug for months, remember, and they kept up their thread until it got fixed. Hopefully Torian's romance convos will be fixed eventually too, and without the umpteen month wait. <sigh>


These romance bugs are my biggest complaint about KOTFE and 4.0. Do you still have your first BH? The KOTFE bug should be fixed now, so all you will have lost is getting that e-mail after chap 4. You might have to resign yourself to not getting your perfect play through. Or put your BH on hold for a while and see what happens. It's hard to tell when the bug actually kicks in. I'd stop playing her before she even meets Torian, if you want to wait for a fix.

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You seem to have bumped into more than your fair share of these bugs, Cedia, sorry. :( Male inquisitors got to endure that Ashara romance bug for months, remember, and they kept up their thread until it got fixed. Hopefully Torian's romance convos will be fixed eventually too, and without the umpteen month wait. <sigh>


These romance bugs are my biggest complaint about KOTFE and 4.0. Do you still have your first BH? The KOTFE bug should be fixed now, so all you will have lost is getting that e-mail after chap 4. You might have to resign yourself to not getting your perfect play through. Or put your BH on hold for a while and see what happens. It's hard to tell when the bug actually kicks in. I'd stop playing her before she even meets Torian, if you want to wait for a fix.


I haven't had a single character that is not bugged one way or another into KotFE. This game is an exercise in frustration for me at the moment. I'm not willing to gamble yet again when this game is supposed to be all about story.


I will submit another bug report for "Ways of the Warrior" and the non-Mando "The Next Step" and then I guess take a long break. I will be sure to mention that this is what made me unsub.


I found a page that lists all of Torian's old conversations in order, if that helps any.




Looking to the Future

Talking Shop

War Stories

Point Blank

Battle Brothers

Hunting Party

Home Cooking

Ways of the Warrior

Target Practice

Mandalorian Iron

Brother's in Arms


The Next Step

Family Commitments

Bonds Stronger Than Blood


Am unsure where these missions fit in:

Dinner for Two

Good Advice

Testing the Waters

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Another Companion that is quite broken is the Probe Droid you get from the packs. Broken sounds/animations everywhere!


Tank stance uses taunt animation for leaping and uses leaping animation for taunt, also no distance is covered (visualy) when leaping but the probe droid still acts as if it where in melee range. And of course no sound from its basic blaster attack, just a single slow moving silent bolt. (a common occurrence with bugged animations)


We paid money for this companion BW! At least get it working right.:mad:


Another aspect broken with Treek is she currently under performs by about half when compared with other companions. Half as good at tanking, half as good at healing, half as good at DPS.


One way to see is to get into combat with her in tank or DPS mode and let her health get low. At the end of combat switch her to heal and time her healing to full. Then repeat the test with another companion of similar influence. Other companions that aren't also currently under performing, like Veerona Denz, should heal to full in a bit less than half the time.


Bowdaar is also broken after turning in Freedom Fight, part of the Eternal Championship of KotFE in patch 4.4 and 4.5.

He is stuck as an "Alliance Recruit" and cannot be summoned even though his rank is 10+ and his influence log states he joined the alliance as a follower.


Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=882539


I'll add these other bugs to the list in the first post as soon as possible. Feel free to update with links to other forum posts with more information.

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So if I choose to continue my latest BH and want to stop right before this bug kicks in, can I do it? Or should I just stop playing her now before she even meets Torian?


These romance bugs are my biggest complaint about KOTFE and 4.0. Do you still have your first BH? The KOTFE bug should be fixed now, so all you will have lost is getting that e-mail after chap 4. You might have to resign yourself to not getting your perfect play through. Or put your BH on hold for a while and see what happens. It's hard to tell when the bug actually kicks in. I'd stop playing her before she even meets Torian, if you want to wait for a fix.


I agree with CloudCastle on this one, I'd put her on hold. My second female BH is parked in her stronghold after finishing Hoth, to await news on a fix. It's not a big deal to level a whole new character if that becomes necessary, but I would rather not have to. On the other hand, I might finish leveling her just because I don't want to wait another whole month (or longer) just to have my Chapter 3 completion bug cleared on my current BH.


I haven't had a single character that is not bugged one way or another into KotFE. This game is an exercise in frustration for me at the moment. I'm not willing to gamble yet again when this game is supposed to be all about story.


I will submit another bug report for "Ways of the Warrior" and the non-Mando "The Next Step" and then I guess take a long break. I will be sure to mention that this is what made me unsub.


So sorry to hear about all this, especially because that means there's one less player to carry the torch. Really makes you wonder what BW's renewed "focus on story" assertion meant. If they intended to focus on breaking the story as many of us know it, they succeeded spectacularly.


In other news...without spoiling anything...have any of you gotten Torian back yet? Is it worth the wait? A simple "yes" or "no" works for me!

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I'm bummed that

the game doesn't recognize when you take Quinn in with you to the final fight with Baras. I really wanted to shove Quinn's loyalty to ME in Baras's face, but alas, Baras acts as if he doesn't notice no matter who you bring to the fight. :(


You're not alone, but that's what headcanon is for ;)


People have been forced to get really creative with explaining Quinn's story and I've seen some really interesting ideas along the way. I don't like the ones that seem to be all about abusing Quinn though, filled with excruciating detail of his violent sufferings and humiliation. Ugh.


Yeah that's never been my thing. This comic artist (one of my favorites) really sums it up: http://aemixx.deviantart.com/art/32-Companion-Abuse-464940171


On a related note, I finished my newest IA last night, and Vector proposed halfway through Corellia. It seems that the new triggers aren't the same for each class. I don't know if this makes Torian's case more or less frustrating.

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Y'all are just making me want to play through with the conversation bugs and pray that I'm not bugging in KotFE (again).


The only other character I'm interested in playing through is my Trooper because I hear the reunion with Aric is so awesome.


But I really only have the time (and inclination) to take one character "to the max". :(

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Y'all are just making me want to play through with the conversation bugs and pray that I'm not bugging in KotFE (again).


The only other character I'm interested in playing through is my Trooper because I hear the reunion with Aric is so awesome.


But I really only have the time (and inclination) to take one character "to the max". :(


If your Trooper is good to go, get on it! Jorgan is the man. He reminds me of Garrus from ME. It'll be enough to tide you over til they fix Torian's convos (and all these other bugs) or give us some idea of when they will (hopefully).


Oh, great comic! I always feel bad when people talk about being mean to their companions. :( Now I'm going to get sucked into reading the rest of those comics...


It's well worth it. Her interpretation of the Sith Warrior story and romance (plus, her depictions of all the companions) are marvelous. There's another one on DA, forget what it's called, but it follows the female IA storyline--that one's also pretty good, but the art style is pretty different.

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It's well worth it. Her interpretation of the Sith Warrior story and romance (plus, her depictions of all the companions) are marvelous. There's another one on DA, forget what it's called, but it follows the female IA storyline--that one's also pretty good, but the art style is pretty different.


I read the whole thing yesterday! Really loved how she captured the themes of the SW story and the Quinn romance in particular so succinctly. What the IA one? Do you have a link? It sounds familiar so I may have seen it.

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I read the whole thing yesterday! Really loved how she captured the themes of the SW story and the Quinn romance in particular so succinctly. What the IA one? Do you have a link? It sounds familiar so I may have seen it.


I remembered it earlier today, it's called "Imperial Entanglements," here's the link http://imperialentanglements.thecomicseries.com/about/. I remember reading it on DA originally, but I guess the author has moved up in the world.

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They didn't mention anything at all about bug fixes.


Probably didn't want to open that can of worms in an uncontrolled environment. Selectively mentioning bugs might be worse (in their minds) than not mentioning them at all.


Best we can do is to keep this thread relevant and continue to update it with more companion bugs as we find them.


To further confirm Torian's conversation bugs, I took my second BH through the rest of the story yesterday and still didn't receive either "Ways of the Warrior" or "Target Practice." This BH is almost identical to the first one, including being Mando (a little more DS though). I made sure to check after every quest update during Belsavis, and no conversations flagged. I also took Skadge with me to the airlock at Belsavis' conclusion this time, just to see if something different would happen--Torian still disappeared from the ship as soon as the quest updated to "No Strings Attached."

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