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Is there any need or value to repeat comp conversations on secondary toons?

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If you have done all the companion conversations on multiple toons of a given class, is there a need to do them again on yet another (third) toon of the same class (i.e. 2 smugglers done)? The only downside I can see would be not leveling their influence, but I have no desire to have those comps active after starting 4.0 content anyway.
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Pre-4.0 the companion presence bonus continued to stack presence (+10) with each completed companion story thread - it used to continue to stack up to a further 13 odd companions I think, after the base legacy 40 (ie: 8 classes of 5 companions). Post 4.0 the waters are a little more muddied and its not clear.


My level 50 Companions currently come with presence at 3678, the guildmate that I just asked caps out currently at 3325, with a level 50 - a difference of 353, more than 10%... some of these might be datacrons, but I would expect the majority of it to be those uncompleted companion story threads. I can't imagine that the 353 would be down to just datacrons, I didn't ask how many datacrons he had collected... but 353 is too high to just be datacrons, right?


Now, you might say is that worth the effort? And, well, that's your call... what I know is any stat, regardless of how minor priority it might be, that can be permanently improved at no cost to any other stat (ie: not a trade off) is worth spending time on. Whether it be a crafting bonus, combat stat or, yes, even the companion influence bonus. And if it is legacy wide, then even more so... this is legacy wide obviously. This converts into an extra on top of the already high powered 50, but also bumps the lower level companions too, probably more so comparatively.


So, in short.. NEED? no, probably not. VALUE? yes, there is some.

Edited by leehambly
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Pre-4.0 the companion presence bonus continued to stack presence (+10) with each completed companion story thread - it used to continue to stack up to a further 13 odd companions I think, after the base legacy 40 (ie: 8 classes of 5 companions). Post 4.0 the waters are a little more muddied and its not clear.


So, in short.. NEED? no, probably not. VALUE? yes, there is some.


Agreed, just not sure if doing the same comps over again would positively impact the Legacy, or even the character in question.


Guess I'll try some of the conversations then check to see if anything changes on other toons.

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Honestly its cheap influence on companions, unlike gifts that diminish over time influence gained from conversations is more static, I mean even if you only send them out on crew skill missions surly a bit more efficiency and crit is worth the additional time in doing the conversations.
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do you play those alts in any way? especially if you craft on them - doing companion conversations basically saves you some gift spam as you can use them to raise companion influence (and influence does affect both their combat and crafting efficacy). it will do nothing extra for your legacy, just make these individual alts a little more effective.


you can always spacebar through to speed it up.


bwah, typing to slow - basically seconding above reply :)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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My second time through all the companion conversations was done on the opposite sex as the first. The only time I did it a 3rd time was on my 3rd or 4th SW where I kept shocking Vette till she told me she didn't feel it anymore.
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Are you sure?


very sure. the original bonuses (like that 10 presence bonus, 1% to hit, etc) only add up the first time you unlock them. on second, third etc character of the same class? you get absolutely nothing new. so, for instance - if you finished all the conversations with Vette on your jugg, doing them on your marauder will do absolutely nothing extra for the legacy, other then make Vette more effective on your marauder.


same thing with datacrons. you could go hunting for datacrons on alts after unlocking them in your legacy, but the only thing you'll get out of it are codex entries. otherwise, you will get a message that goes something like "you cannot get any benefit from this item anymore" more or less.

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very sure. the original bonuses (like that 10 presence bonus, 1% to hit, etc) only add up the first time you unlock them. on second, third etc character of the same class? you get absolutely nothing new.


So why did my presence continue to stack at +10 for each for a further 13 companions, I think it was, after the base 40 were complete? Why do I have more presence than my guild mates who has also got the datacrons and the completed companion stories?? Maybe its a bug. But, tbh, I wasn't asking you a question.. I was pointing out that maybe you should check :p

Edited by leehambly
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If you care for story reasons, then completing the quests will most likely be important later on. I assume you cannot pick up a romance in KotFE if you did not complete the romance before starting (as the conversations go away). If that is not important, you don't want the XP, you don't care about the quest indicators, you've already completed the companion on another toon, and don't want the free influence to increase their performance, then there is no reason to complete the conversations.
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So why did my presence continue to stack at +10 for each for a further 13 companions, I think it was, after the base 40 were complete? Why do I have more presence than my guild mates who has also got the datacrons and the completed companion stories?? Maybe its a bug. But, tbh, I wasn't asking you a question.. I was pointing out that maybe you should check :p


Long shot, but did they level a human character thorugh chapter 3? I believe that gives like 50 presence. But completing a companion multiple times does not increase the presence reward given.

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Long shot, but did they level a human character thorugh chapter 3? I believe that gives like 50 presence. But completing a companion multiple times does not increase the presence reward given.


Species sheets says +100

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Ok, checking with a guild mate.. there is definitely something hokey going on...


My char - all datacrons, all companions... presence = 630 base and 3048 bonus

His char - missing 32 points of presence on datacrons and 1 comp not completed (so -42 theoretically from mine)... presence = 630 base and 3026 bonus


So, he's 22 behind me. Now, I am not sure if I have levelled a human char through chapter 3... my main is now human, but was originally rolled way back when as a zabrak... so given I have no human chars currently... I'm actually guessing not. Meanwhile, his main is human and always has been... so this might account for the extra he is holding.


So, if I level a human char and get those extra 100... I'm now 3778 compared to his 3656... we know where 42 of those are... where are the other 80 from?? I'll level a human past chapter 3 and let you know :p And if not, I'm logging a bug... cos I should have 20 more at least, if not more again :D




And confirmed with another guild mate.. she has 3778 presence on a level 50 companion... has all datacrons and all comp stories completed... so if the gap between my two guildmates is correct, there are 80 missing presence points between two... so maybe not the 13 odd chars I said... but looks like 8. Unless there are another 80 presence knocking about hidden somewhere???

Edited by leehambly
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Ok, checking with a guild mate.. there is definitely something hokey going on...


My char - all datacrons, all companions... presence = 630 base and 3048 bonus

His char - missing 32 points of presence on datacrons and 1 comp not completed (so -42 theoretically from mine)... presence = 630 base and 3026 bonus


So, he's 22 behind me. Now, I am not sure if I have levelled a human char through chapter 3... my main is now human, but was originally rolled way back when as a zabrak... so given I have no human chars currently... I'm actually guessing not. Meanwhile, his main is human and always has been... so this might account for the extra he is holding.


So, if I level a human char and get those extra 100... I'm now 3778 compared to his 3656... we know where 42 of those are... where are the other 80 from?? I'll level a human past chapter 3 and let you know :p And if not, I'm logging a bug... cos I should have 20 more at least, if not more again :D


Legacy completing one of each type (melee sword/lightsaber, melee staff/saberstaff, sniper, single blaster, double blaster, once known as the melee tank, melee DPS, range DPS, Healer, tank DPS characters before the companion roles were made more flexible) give a legacy-wide perk.


Completing each base comp in the base game for a character gives that character a boost, additional comps give that comp a boost.


Do you have datacrons? The presence ones give like +4 or something, iirc.

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So why did my presence continue to stack at +10 for each for a further 13 companions, I think it was, after the base 40 were complete? Why do I have more presence than my guild mates who has also got the datacrons and the completed companion stories?? Maybe its a bug. But, tbh, I wasn't asking you a question.. I was pointing out that maybe you should check :p


I don't think it has.


there are several factors that boost your presence (and btw, you can easily check if you have human unlocked - its not chapter dependent but rather level of the human character dependent to unlock, just go into your species tab in legacy and see if its grayed out or not)

legacy bonuses - unlocked companions, datacrons, legendary status (which is likely where those missing 80 points are coming from) - all add presence in form of a flat amount for each unlock.

your character's level. the higher level you are - the higher your baseline presence gets.

influence level of your companion - and this one is on companion to companion basis, but basically the higher companion's influence - the higher their presence is going to be, as presence is the bolster for their effectiveness. its why influence lvl 50 companions are conciderably stronger than lvl 10.


however. 2 players with legendary status and all datacrons/human species unlocked with companions at influence 50? will have identical presence bonuses, even if one only finished each story once, while the other might have 20 extra alts on top of the base 8.

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