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Missing companion conversations, wanting to know if I'm alone


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So I noticed that I'm missing two conversations with Torian Cadera on my 48 PT, and I want to know if any other female BHs involved in his romance post-4.0 have been able to trigger "Ways of the Warrior" which traditionally occurs after "Home Cooking" and begins with Torian thanking you for letting him off the ship for awhile or "Target Practice," where he approaches you about his "new shot."


In my play-through, the last conversation I've gotten is "Mandalorian Iron" following "Kinship," both after the supplementary mission that follows Belsavis. According to the vids I've seen, "Kinship" should come after "Brothers in Arms," where Torian continues his narrative about Corridan Ordo, and now I'm worried that I won't be seeing that conversation either.


I also had the "Practice makes Perfect" conversation with Mako, and since I haven't played a BH (male or female) this far into the story before, I don't know if that's normal. It seems odd that Mako would want to show me her "new shot" and Torian wouldn't.


Anyway, any feedback is appreciated--even just one person having either of these convos ("Ways of the Warrior" and "Target Practice") after KOTFE would mean it's still possible and give me hope to see them on an alt.

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Conversations are pegged to the story progression now, not influence or level. For example, Quinn doesn't propose until after Corellia now; Vector doesn't do his thing until then, either. So likely you just need to keep playing your class storyline and that will open up your conversation with Torian.
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I believe they may have shuffled the order around on some companion conversations as well. There was another thread on this recently, and I think the OP said that eventually the conversation she thought she was missing did show up. However, I will also mention that if you choose to



not join Mandalore



then your conversations also change, and you will not get some of the ones that would have appeared had you made the opposite choice.

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I'm on Corellia with my post 4.0 BH now and I haven't gotten either of those conversations. I believe I did just get what was previously a non-Mando romance conversation where Torian asks for shooting lessons (the Mando version would be the one where he says he promised to teach the BH Mando'a).


I believe they may have shuffled the order around on some companion conversations as well. There was another thread on this recently, and I think the OP said that eventually the conversation she thought she was missing did show up.


The conversation the other poster thought was missing was the final romance conversation which takes place after the end of the class story.


I did this romance prior to 4.0 with the same set up and got conversations that I am now not getting, so they've definitely been removed or are failing to trigger for some reason. I hope it's bugged or a mistake that my Mandalorian didn't get the Resol'nare conversation, at least. Romance aside, the Resol'nare is actually kind of important information for someone to give the BH.

Edited by leviathanmirror
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Thanks for the replies!


How far along your class storyline are you?


I have just completed Voss and I'm about to board the Tyrant--the prelude to Corellia, I believe.


If they have shuffled the conversations around, they're still holding back at least five Torian conversations at this point in the story, so I'll be surprised if they drop all of them on me after/during Corellia. I fully expect the FTB to happen after the Tyrant prelude completes, just like Vector's FTB triggered after the pre-Corellia mission at Imperial Headquarters (iirc).


However, if companion story lines are supposed to be homogenized like that (with certain events happening at certain times for all companions regardless of influence level), I still think I've missed some conversations because Vector's missions with the Diplomatic Corps had resolved by now, and I still haven't gotten the second "Mandalorian" conversation, which is "Ways of the Warrior."


Like I said, just waiting for proof that these convos are still in the game!


By the way, I did accept Mandalore's offer to join his clan, so not being Mandalorian isn't the problem as far as I can tell. My theory is that the missing quests were supposed to trigger after Belsavis, but never got a chance because of what happened immediately afterward.

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I'm on Corellia with my post 4.0 BH now and I haven't gotten either of those conversations. Nor have I gotten the Resol'nare/speaking Mando'a conversation. I believe I did just get what was previously a non-Mando romance conversation where Torian asks for shooting lessons (the Mando version would be the one where he says he promised to teach the BH Mando'a).




The conversation the other poster thought was missing was the final romance conversation which takes place after the end of the class story.


I did this romance prior to 4.0 with the same set up and got conversations that I am now not getting, so they've definitely been removed. I hope it's bugged or a mistake that my Mandalorian didn't get the Resol'nare conversation, at least. Romance aside, the Resol'nare is actually kind of important information for someone to give the BH.


Ugh, that's what I was afraid of! I hope they fix it. I have an older BH sitting in a stronghold on a different server that's only up to the Nar Shaddaa quest at the conclusion of Chapter 2, so I think I'll hold her in reserve for when/if they fix it and the conversations can't be accessed retroactively.


I was really looking forward to starting KOTFE with my PT (favorite toon, hands down), especially now that Torian is supposedly coming back in the next chapter. I agree with you on the Resol'nare conversation, and I sincerely hope that not having it won't affect my reunion with him when it eventually comes.


I wonder now if I should try playing a non-Mando BH to see if it will trigger the missing convos.

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I never got the Resol'nare conversation when I rerolled my female BH after 4.0. My current reroll is on hold because of that (and also because I don't trust BioWare not to break something when Torian comes back).
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I never got the Resol'nare conversation when I rerolled my female BH after 4.0. My current reroll is on hold because of that (and also because I don't trust BioWare not to break something when Torian comes back).


That conversation is arguably the most important one for Mandalorian continuity in his (and your) story, and I hope its removal was unintentional and its return will be addressed, but I'm kind of wary since 4.0 has been out for quite some time and the convo is still missing. Still, this isn't technically a game-breaking issue and perhaps not many people have reached out to Bioware/EA or filed bug reports about it. If a lot of people came back to start new toons after 4.0, they might not even know that there are some things missing. The only reason I knew that this particular convo wasn't triggering was because I like Mandalorian culture and had previously seen references to the Resol'nare in other posts.


I know in the long run companion conversations don't have too much of an impact on the greater story, but I'm finding it hard to progress knowing that I've missed out on this particular interaction.

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Got a reply from customer service:


"Thank you for taking the time to contact us with regards to the companion conversations that are missing. I have been looking into this case and I also have seen your forum post on the topic, one of the commentors I believe hit the nail on the head with regards to some of the conversations in stating that they have been removed.


While I dont have an official statement on this from the Developer Team it does appear that these conversations are currently not available from what I have been able to see from our side here at customer service, I really do apologise for this inconvenience and I hope this does not deter in your journey."


Conversations are confirmed (at least by CS) to be unavailable at the moment. Bummer! I hope the devs get a post-it or something about this and restore the conversation in the upcoming patch! Would be a nice bonus--getting Torian and the Resonl'nare convo back in the same update.

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Any idea if you still get the companion unlock in the legacy tab with the conversations missing? Just wondering because, if not, they would likely fix the issue quicker.


This stinks, though. I have a female Mandalorian bounty hunter, who I've been recording cut scenes with, that has finished chapter 3. I haven't done any of the companion conversations, yet. Now it makes me want to avoid them until there is some indication if this will be changed. This then means I won't be taking her through KOTFE anytime soon. Which, I believe, is not an idea that BW is trying to promote.


Le sigh...

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Any idea if you still get the companion unlock in the legacy tab with the conversations missing? Just wondering because, if not, they would likely fix the issue quicker.


This stinks, though. I have a female Mandalorian bounty hunter, who I've been recording cut scenes with, that has finished chapter 3. I haven't done any of the companion conversations, yet. Now it makes me want to avoid them until there is some indication if this will be changed. This then means I won't be taking her through KOTFE anytime soon. Which, I believe, is not an idea that BW is trying to promote.


Le sigh...


Part of me wishes you would do all his conversations to see if that one pops up! That might be the trick, just hoarding companion conversations til the end. But I wouldn't want you to lose your chance at a future "Ways of the Warrior" convo just for science.


I still plan on finishing my BH's arc, probably tonight. I will update this post as to whether or not I gain the legacy unlock at the conclusion. I will probably start her on KOTFE too, just because I want to see the content and because I want to see Torian (and Gault!) again.


I was doing the same thing, recording my BH's journey using OBS. It really kills me that I won't have this chapter of her life in the foreseeable future. However, if the problem does get fixed (crosses fingers) and the conversation gets restored, we can always take identical toons through the quests and make recordings. It's not the end of the world! I did the same thing with Vector because I wanted to see alternate outcomes for his FTB (and didn't hit escape quickly enough the first time).


Best thing to do is raise awareness! I don't have a twitter account, but I've read that social media is one of the better places to actually try and communicate with the people at EA and Bioware (I've read they don't really pay too much attention to the forums these days). Anyway, I plan to submit a bug report in-game and maybe make a post in that forum too, just to see if I can get any dev feedback.

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Part of me wishes you would do all his conversations to see if that one pops up! That might be the trick, just hoarding companion conversations til the end. But I wouldn't want you to lose your chance at a future "Ways of the Warrior" convo just for science.


That thought actually crossed my mind after my post. I probably will do that, actually. I'll record it straight through. Although it may end up being a few days before I can get to it.

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That thought actually crossed my mind after my post. I probably will do that, actually. I'll record it straight through. Although it may end up being a few days before I can get to it.


Then I'll wish you luck! Like I said, I'll try and update as to whether the legacy unlock occurs, so I'll be checking this post for a few days yet.

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I believe that you will lose access to any remaining companion conversations once you start KotFE. Be warned.


Yep, that was my understanding.


I have just completed part 1 of Corellia and gone through Torian's FTB ("The Next Step"), and he asked me for shooting lessons--no offer of Mando'a lessons. The game must be flagging all female (and possibly male) BHs as non-Mandos for some reason. That alone isn't worrisome at the moment, unless that lack of Mandalorian recognition plays a part in Chapter 14 and affects the BHs reunion with Torian.

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I completed all my class companion missions before 4.0 came out but found that influence and the final conversations for HK-51 and Treek are broken since 4.1 came out.




I haven't seen any indication that this has been fixed. Until I do I'm holding off finishing off their convos on a few of my toons.


Now that *is* disturbing. If they've had information on badly broken companions since January and no one has even offered to address the problem in an official capacity...well, let's not give up yet.


That post also made a good point about the cartel packs vs. quality control as a priority. It's a shame, but finding the balance between content and sustainability is difficult in a FTP model.


I will say this: my ticket about the matter resulted in a prompt and thoughtful reply. No promise of a fix, of course, but it was good to know that my words reached a person instead of a robot.

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So, I just finished "Number One With a Bullet" and got no achievement, no heroic ability unlock, and no indication whatsoever that I've completed the story. However, all of my companions are unlocked. It appears that the "missing" conversations aren't actually even flagged as part of his line-up at the moment. How utterly upsetting!


I still hope they'll fix this eventually, even if I have to play through again to get the convos.

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I just want to say that if this is not resolved by August, I will cancel my subscription.


There are plenty of other games out there that don't break what they advertise as their biggest selling point on a regular basis. (And then ignore these game-breaking bugs for months and sometimes years.)

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I just want to say that if this is not resolved by August, I will cancel my subscription.


There are plenty of other games out there that don't break what they advertise as their biggest selling point on a regular basis. (And then ignore these game-breaking bugs for months and sometimes years.)


I understand your bitterness, and I hope it's resolved by then too. Even if it isn't, though...SWTOR has been one of the most engaging games I've ever played. The graphics and game engine may not be the best, but the stories and characters more than make up for it. I've laughed out loud and cried and even yelled at my computer going through all the class stories. I believe that those moments are the reason this game has lived so long. Hopefully, someone on the Dev Team feels the same way.


Unfortunately, Devs don't always get to choose their priorities, and at the end of the day, Bioware is just another company that's trying to make a profit. If unsubbing makes the people with decision-making power take notice of the situation, then I fully support it...but I think that removing income will only force more "quantity vs. quality" developments. They've set themselves an ambitious and rigorous schedule for KOTFE, and now they have to play catch-up with all the bugs. I think at the very least, once Season One is completed, they'll have time to address these issues more. I would wait until then to get really, really mad. Things always get worse before they get better, right?


Additionally, these continuing problems with Chapter 3 (vanilla) completions are probably one symptom of a larger problem affecting all pre-KOTFE content. Once they have a definitive fix for that, they might be on track to set everything else straight, too.

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I understand others still having hope and faith in this company, but I'm done. I've spent so much money on this game, only to have my favorite characters bugged over and over again.


My first BH's Torian romance was bugged out of existence in KotFE, so I rerolled, only to find one of the most important conversations gone. Yes, I could have just bought yet another character slot, but either way, those are Cartel coins down the toilet on account of bugs. Not to mention all the time spent just to play through the story again.


And how many months have courting gifts been bugged now? With nary a word to even acknowledge it.


This is unacceptable.


Oh, and by the way, each time I ran into these problems, I contacted customer support, only to be told that it is either my own doing or a bug that will be fixed "at some point". Right.

Edited by Cedia
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That sucks! I'm guessing you were one of the people who didn't get a chance to acknowledge your LI in the convo with the Emperor? I had thought they'd fixed that with one of the more recent patches, but I guess it wasn't retroactive (some people said that even though they missed out on the convo, they still got letters from LIs via in-game mail--a small consolation, but at least it means the game recognizes the marriage).


Wish they could just revert back to the old affection system. Seems like that would solve a multitude of problems.

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I'm thinking perhaps you should ask to have this thread moved to the Bug section, or perhaps make another one there? This forum moves very fast and I don't think the devs come here at all except to post sticky notices. :)
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