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Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack Pull Data


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Long ago I wrote up, but did not post, a GSF Cosmetic Guide. I couldn't get all the useful information I needed at the time, and by the time I got back to it, it seemed almost useless, as the majority of the cosmetic options weren't available ANYWHERE. This is the second coming of the Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack, and I pulled a bunch today and have some data. Maybe I'll get to that cosmetic guide again!


But first the stuff the regulars will care about:


1- There are "new" items. I assume these were present the last time the pack showed up, but I am positive there was no way to get them outside of the Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack. If I label something "new", that means that it is available now in the Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack. You may already have it if you opened packs previously- I can't find that data anywhere.


2- As with the last time this pack came out, the "subscriber bonus" cosmetic items are available. These are the only way to get these if you were not a subscriber at some specific point leading up to GSF launch.


3- The ships that exist as items (TZ-24, VX-9, G-X1, IL-5) are here, just as last time this pack was available. I think the odds on this are somewhere in the 2-4% range. If Dulfy or someone disagrees, use their numbers. A few of these might hit the cartel market at some point as a result, but if you wanted a specific ship, obviously your odds are bad doing this.


And on to the less attention grabbing things-


"New" Items I have seen:


Imperial Paintjobs: GI-02 Gunship, GI-03 Gunship, GI-05 Gunship [Name is buggy, but seems to work fine]

Republic Paintjobs: FR-02 Strike, GR-02 Gunship, GR-03 Gunship, GR-05 Gunship [Possible buggy display, could not test], BR-03 Bomber, BR-06 Bomber [bUGGED- Cannot choose]


Color Module, Imperial: Turquoise / Pale Slate, Dark Slate / Pale Slate

Color Module, Republic: Dark Turquoise / Red, Dark Turquoise / Light Blue


Gas Cansiter, Imperial: Pink / Purple

Gas Canister, Republic: Pink / Purple, Black Blue


Engine Reactant, Imperial: Mint Green

Engine Reactant, Republic: Light Red, Red/Orange [bUGGED], Pink / Purple


I also suspect there is a Pink/Purple engine reactant for Empire. The one for Republic has a purple item border (epic rarity), with the standard Bronze cartel sign (which I think means something normal, like "is from a pack" or whatever).


5- My total pull data:



VX-9 Mailoc
VX-9 Redeemer
G-X1 Firehauler
TZ-24 Gladiator
TZ-24 Enforcer

Paintjobs - Imperial
1x Valiant Scout [Formerly Subscriber Bonus Only]
1x SI-02 Scout
3x SI-03 Scout
1x FI-01 Strike
4x  FI-02 Strike
1x FI-04 Strike
1x FI-05 Strike
1x Daring Gunship  [Formerly Subscriber Bonus Only]
1x GI-02 Gunship [NEW]
2x GI-03 Gunship [NEW] [Display bug- says "GI-03 GUNSHIP PAINT JOB"]
4x GI-05 Gunship
2x BI-02 Bomber
1x BI-03 Bomber
1x BI-05 Bomber

Paintjobs - Republic
1x Valiant Scout  [Formerly Subscriber Bonus Only]
3x SR-01 Scout
1x SR-03 Scout
2x FR-01 Strike
2x FR-02 Strike   [NEW]
1x FR-05 Strike
2x GR-01 Gunship
1x GR-02 Gunship  [NEW]
2x GR-03 Gunship  [NEW] 
1x GR-04 Gunship
3x GR-05 Gunship  [NEW]
1x GR-07 Gunship  
3x BR-03 Bomber   [NEW]
2x BR-04 Bomber
3x BR-06 Bomber   [bUGGED]

Color Modules - Imperial
1x Dark Blue / Cream
2x Dark Gray / Red
2x Crimson / Black
1x Crimson / Light Gray
1x Crimson / Gray
1x Crimson / Red
1x Dark Green / Green
1x Turquoise / Pale Slate [NEW]
1x  Dark Slate / Pale Slate [NEW]
1x Dark Blue / Light Purple

Color Modules - Republic
2x Light Orange / Yellow
2x Light Tan / Burnt Orange
1x Red / Orange
1x Dark Blue / Dark Turquoise 
1x Orange / White
2x Dark Turquoise / Red  [NEW]
2x Dark Turquoise / Light Blue  [NEW]
2x Medium Red / Light Tan [not sure if new]
4x Medium Green / Light Tan
1x Medium Green / Green 
1x Bright Green / Light Tan
3x Yellow / Gray
1x White / Gray

Gas Canister - Imperial
1x Black Orange
1x Black Green
1x Black Yellow
2x Black Blue
2x Mint Green
2x Purple
1x Black Purple
2x Pink / Purple [NEW]

Gas Canister - Republic
1x Black Blue   [NEW]
2x Pink Purple  [NEW]
3x Black Red
1x Blue
1x Black Yellow
2x Black Orange
2x Yellow
1x Purple

Engine Reactant - Imperial
1x Light Red
1x Light Blue
1x Orange
1x Mint Green [NEW]
1x Blue Core
1x Cyan
1x Purple
1x White
2x Green

Engine Reactant - Republic
2x  Red Orange  [NEW, BUGGED]
2x  Orange
1x Purple
1x Yellow
1x Red
5x Yellow Orange
2x Light Red   [NEW]
2x Pink / Purple [NEW, EPIC]
1x  White




6- Thoughts on pulls:

I suspect that there are paint jobs that new, and I did not pull. Specifically, I suspect that there is an FI-03 Imperial Strike paint job out there, a BI-02 Imperial Bomber paint job out there, and a Pink / Purple Imperial Engine Reactant. If you pull something not on my list, please post! While there's been tons of cosmetic items in the data forever, many or most were off. At this point, I suspect that they are pretty much all in play, or close to it. I think it is easier to pull a paint job now than in the prior packs, but I'm not sure of that. They seemed sparse before, is all, and now the distribution on these items seems flatter.


7- General thoughts:


It is great that we have something new in the game (or new-ish, if the pack is identical to last time). Like many cosmetic items in the game, these are all niche items. With a few exceptions I have seen (Pink / Purple blasters and engines, Turquoise / Red Republic paint job, Crimson / Black Imperial paint job), the colors are pretty similar to existing ones. "Turquoise / Pale Slate" may be just the color you are looking for, but it is competing with the old guard of "Dark Blue / Cream", "Dark Blue / Gray", "Turquoise / Dark Gray", and "Dark Blue / Light Purple" in the fiercely competitive field of "washed out blue and white imperial paintjobs with imperceptible differences that all live on bluish gray ships to begin with". Even then, you may like the new colors better than the old ones, so if you care about cosmetics you might consider pulling some of them. You may find someone to trade with, or stuff may hit the GTN. I wouldn't count on the GTN for anything though: someone needs to explicitly buy this pack, and if you were someone looking to convert cartel coins to in-game currency, this seems like it would be riskier than some hypercrate of GSF Lobby cosmetics.



Also note: The Mint Green Engine has been sorely missed on impside. It's a mainstay on Republic bombers for obvious reasons, and it will be nice to have this grievous faction imbalance addressed.

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My memory on paint jobs (as to which are or are not new) is not good, so I will skip those in my own addition to this pull data. I got a lot of the new items that Verain already posted, but in addition I also got the following which I think may be new. Or at least, I don't recall having seen them before.


Imperial Color Modules:

Dark Gray/Gray


Republic Color Module:

Dark Blue/Light Tan


Republic Engine Reactant:

Blue Core (this one makes me particularly excited as I've been wanting a blue engine reactant on Republic side for a long time)


Now if only we could unlock this stuff in Collections! :( I'd be throwing money at Collections unlocks left and right if that were possible.


Also thought I'd add that while I may just have gotten lucky, out of about fifty-something packs I did get four CM ships including a Skybolt, so while it's certainly still a small chance and a gamble, given the unlikelihood of those popping up on the GTN I'm pretty satisfied with my risk-to-reward ratio.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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Blue core on Republic? That's AMAZING!


Seriously, blue has been a reserved engine color in all its variations for empire. Getting that on pubside would be delish.


Lol at "Gray / Even More Fuggin Gray" for imp paintjob though.


Dark Blue / Light Tan would be new- I've never heard of that. There aren't many options for Dark Blue paint imo.



I think we need more data on the ship drop rate. I have like triple your pulls but only like one more ship pull than you, but we don't really have enough to reliably distinguish between, say, a 2% drop rate and a 6% drop rate, I don't think.



Stuff should be unlocking about now, so there could be some GTN stuff. I just don't know if the CC -> credit speculators will be diving in here, is all.

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There's a republic scout paint job SR-03 that cannot be redeemed (i.e. bugged)


EDIT: Is this the one that is the republic phoenix logo? (and imperial emblem for the mirror SI-03)

Edited by phalczen
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I can confirm I've gotten

GI-01 through 06





Engine Reactants:


Blue Core, Light Red, Mint Green, Purple, Red, White


Gas Canisters:


Black Blue, Black Green, Black Light Blue, Black Purple, Black Yellow, Blue, Orange, Mint Green, Purple, Pink Purple


Color Modules:


Brown-Orange, Crimson-Gray, Crimson-Light Gray, Crimson-Orange, Crimson-Red, Dark Blue-Green, Dark Gray-Gray, Dark Green-Green, Dark Purple-Purple, Dark Slate-Pale Slate, Gray-Dark Red, Gray-Light Mint, Turquoise-Dark Gray, Turquoise-Pale Slate, White-Gray, Yellow Green-Dark Green


I can't speak to all the republic things I've gotten because I redeemed them right away before realizing I had no idea how to keep track of what i was still missing.


EDIT Add Brown-Orange, Dark Gray-Red, Gray-Light Mint, Purple-Black imperial color modules to the list of new ones.

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Dark Blue / Light Tan would be new- I've never heard of that. There aren't many options for Dark Blue paint imo.

I can confirm I just got this pubside


I think we need more data on the ship drop rate. I have like triple your pulls but only like one more ship pull than you, but we don't really have enough to reliably distinguish between, say, a 2% drop rate and a 6% drop rate, I don't think.

I've opened about 165 packs so far and got three ships.

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I also suspect there is a Pink/Purple engine reactant for Empire. The one for Republic has a purple item border (epic rarity), with the standard Bronze cartel sign (which I think means something normal, like "is from a pack" or whatever).

In my 165 packs i never got an impside one, but i got two of these republic side.


Just as a clarification, the item border refers to the item quality (blue is prototype, purple is artifact) and the cartel symbol in the lower left corner is the item rarity, ranging from Bronze (the least rare) to Gold (the most rare, since Platinum rarity isn't released until 4.5). In the case of the Republic Pink Purple Engine Reactant, its Bronze rarity (so, the least rare). That doesn't necessarily mean its "common," since it has to share the loot table with all the other Bronze items including gas canisters, paint jobs, and color modules. It just means it is more likely to drop than something with silver rarity (like the Repulbic Black Orange gas canister or the Imperial Dark Purple-Purple Color module) or gold (like the ships.)


Also note: The Mint Green Engine has been sorely missed on impside. It's a mainstay on Republic bombers for obvious reasons, and it will be nice to have this grievous faction imbalance addressed.

I must not be Captain Obvious today, though I've used that engine a lot.

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The compulsive gaming collector in me is sorely tempted to buy more packs just on the chance of getting that Pink-Purple nonsense. I can't think of a single occasion on which I'd ever use it, because it sounds hideous, but the fact that it exists and I don't have it is beginning to prey on my mind... not having everything that's possibly available for GSF is disturbing on some level...


I'm also intrigued by the Gray/Light Mint color module Phatczen is reporting for Imp side. Another new one! Although I have a suspicion it might not look that different from the multitude of Pale/SortaPale color combinations, even so... the compulsive collector rears its head...

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I must not be Captain Obvious today, though I've used that engine a lot.


Did you do it with the green paint job? That bomber is like, vastly super green. It's far greener than anything that Empire has been able to field up until this point, so the Great Galactic Starfighter Pack has finally brought balance to the force. Mint Green Engine is the chosen one!


I'm also intrigued by the Gray/Light Mint color module


Yea rest assured it looks exactly like all the other "color that is basically light gray / color that is basically dark gray" ones.

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I suspect that there are paint jobs that new, and I did not pull. Specifically, I suspect that there is an FI-03 Imperial Strike paint job out there, a BI-02 Imperial Bomber paint job out there


I can confirm both of those exist and dropped from one of my (many) packs.



I have not seen an FR-04 or an FI-04 paint job, nor have I seen a GR-02 or GR-06 even though I have gotten GI-02 and GI-06 variants.

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I can't speak to all the republic things I've gotten because I redeemed them right away before realizing I had no idea how to keep track of what i was still missing.


So, I count 19 color modules total for pub side.


D= Dark

Tu= Turquoise

Ta= Tan

Br= Brown

R= Red

L= Light

O= Orange

Blu= Blue

Bla= Black

Pu= Purple

Gre= Green

Gra= Gray

Sl= Slate

Pa= Pale

Y= Yellow

W= White

Me= Medium



D Blu-D Tu

L Blu-Mid Gra

L Ta-Burnt O

Bright Gre-L Ta

Me Gre-L Ta

R Br-O


*D Blu-L Ta

*D Tu-R

R Br-L Ta

Me R-L Ta


Br-L Ta


Me Gre-Gre





I am still missing the *D Tu-L Blu. Ones marked with an asterix appear to be new with this edition of the Grand GSF pack.

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I can't speak to all the republic things I've gotten because I redeemed them right away before realizing I had no idea how to keep track of what i was still missing.


Republic Gas Canisters (12)

Red, Orange, Yellow, Purple, Blue

*Black-Blue, Black-Purple, Black-Yellow, Black-Light Blue, Black-Orange, Black-Red



Republic Engine Reactants (12)

Hot Orange (default)




*Light Red

*Red-Orange (Verain's post said its bugged, but I can preview it just fine)

*Blue Core


Mint Green





Entries marked with an asterix appear to be new this round of packs.

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The Red-Orange engine reactant worked for me when I logged in again.


What I currently suspect is bugged is the Orange/Blue module and the Yellow/Red module. I say this because I have both of these on Verain (and they work just fine), but the items themselves are both clickable (like I can learn them), and also have no preview function. Maybe it is just the item being funky, who knows.


I scored the Dark Blue / Light Blue Republic today.


I'm not sure about the thing where any Republic ships have a Black / anything paint job. Are you sure that's actually in the game, or just in the data?


Btw, GR-05 is like, beast mode. If having a red cockpit doesn't increase your railgun damage, I don't know WHAT will!



Edit: Verain's current color modules (she has 18):


My first row:

Light Blue / Mid Gray

Dark Blue / Dark Turquoise

Brown / Light Tan

Orange / White

My second row:

Dark Blue / Light Blue

Medium Red / Light Tan

Orange / Blue

Medium Green / Green

My third row:

Red / Yellow

Red / Orange

Yellow / Grey

Dark Turquoise / Red

My fourth row:

Medium Green / Light Tan

Bright Green / Light Tan

Light Tan / Burnt Orange

Dark Turquoise / Light Blue

My fifth row:

Light Orange / Yellow

Red Brown / Orange


A few things of note:


1)- The game has both "gray" and "grey". Oof!

2)- Notice that "Medium" is sometimes "Mid"

3)- "Light Tan" is clearly a light tan on "Medium Red / Light Tan", "Light Tan / Burnt Orange", and "Medium Green / Light Tan". It is a DIFFERENT color- I would call it "off white"- on "Brown / Light Tan" and "Bright Green / Light Tan".

4)- "Red Brown" and "Burnt Orange" are slightly different colors, but boy, they are pretty darned close.


Where do you see "Dark Blue / Light Tan"? Or whatever opcode you assembled it to? Where is that from? Have you seen that on the GTN or something? Like have you seen evidence that it is in game?

Also, where do you see "Red Brown / Light Tan"? I've never seen that one in game, and you don't even have it marked as new. Do you actually have that on a character?



Also, why on earth would you set up a 17 line legend and then an 18 line list? You had to type way more, and it is utterly unable to be understood.

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Where do you see "Dark Blue / Light Tan"? Or whatever opcode you assembled it to? Where is that from? Have you seen that on the GTN or something? Like have you seen evidence that it is in game?

I have it and I currently use it just because its new. That one I know for certain is new because I got it after I started tracking.

Here is a screenie of it

Also, where do you see "Red Brown / Light Tan"? I've never seen that one in game, and you don't even have it marked as new. Do you actually have that on a character?

Yes, I have that one too. I can't recall if its new or not because I got so excited redeeming unlocks that I didn't think to start tracking them.

Here is the screenie.

I scored the Dark Blue / Light Blue Republic today.

Awesome, grats! I'll have to keep a look out for one myself.

I'm not sure about the thing where any Republic ships have a Black / anything paint job. Are you sure that's actually in the game, or just in the data?

I know I put black in my legend, but I never said there were any black color modules or listed one as available. Only black-something gas canisters.

Btw, GR-05 is like, beast mode. If having a red cockpit doesn't increase your railgun damage, I don't know WHAT will!

Yeah, i think I get where the artists were going, in terms of, almost a tiger-stripe look, but the rest of the textures are incomplete.

Also, why on earth would you set up a 17 line legend and then an 18 line list? You had to type way more, and it is utterly unable to be understood.

Well, I thought it was going to be simpler when I decided to make a legend. By the time I had written the legend, it was past the point of no return. I would think you would know something about that.;)


So, between the Dark Turquoise-Light Blue and the Dark Blue-Light Blue that should be 21 total republic colors, no?

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I think so. And the UI only has space for 20. Maybe it will make room? Hahahaha!


If I add the two that you have that I don't, I get to 20, though. I think if you add the ones I have that you don't it hits 21? I'm not totally sure.

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So, between the Dark Turquoise-Light Blue and the Dark Blue-Light Blue that should be 21 total republic colors, no?


Can confirm, got a Dark Blue/Light Blue republic color module today and a Dark Blue Light Purple imperial one, which isn't new but was missing on my imperial list on page one. That makes 20 for imp side, implying there may be one more new color module left to find imp side. (And the ever-elusive suspected Imperial Pink-Purple engine reactant.)


So, the Imperial color modules would be:

*Brown-Orange, Crimson-Gray, Crimson-Light Gray, Crimson-Orange, Crimson-Red, Dark Blue-Cream, Dark Blue-Green, Dark Blue-Light Purple, *Dark Gray-Gray, *Dark Gray-Red, Dark Green-Green, Dark Purple-Purple, *Dark Slate-Pale Slate, Gray-Dark Red, *Gray-Light Mint, *Purple-Black, Turquoise-Dark Gray, *Turquoise-Pale Slate, White-Gray, Yellow Green-Dark Green


Where ones marked with an asterix are new for this round of packs. Note that the Dark Blue-Cream is not new, since I have it already on my imperial pilot and i haven't sent over any of the modules.


I'll be verifying this tomorrow impside when I can finally trade over all my color modules.

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I just got "Light Blue / Orange" on pubside. The orange is DIFFERENT than the "orange / blue", and the SAME as the seen in the "Red / Orange" and "Red Brown / Orange". But importantly, I think it is yet another color we haven't seen yet.


Edit: The Imperial Pink Purple Engine reactant does exist, and it is a BLUE quality item. Waaaaat?

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What I currently suspect is bugged is the Orange/Blue module and the Yellow/Red module. I say this because I have both of these on Verain (and they work just fine), but the items themselves are both clickable (like I can learn them), and also have no preview function. Maybe it is just the item being funky, who knows.


Both of those are default Republic equipped items - you already have them learned. Customer service so far hasn't been very helpful on a return.


I have submited a bug report, not sure what will happen. Maybe these items can be turned into imperial variants of the same color?

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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I splurged on 20 packs and I thought that that was a lot. But some of you guys have really bought A LOT A LOT of these. (One said 275?!)


Anyway, my 20 packs included 10 Republic items and 10 Empire items.

Republic: 1 TZ-24 Enforcer, 1 BR-03 Bomber paint job, 1 GR-02 Gunship paint job, 2 GR-03 Gunship paint job, 2 Valiant Scout paint job, 1 dark blue - light tan color, 1 brown - light tan color, and 1 medium green - green color.

Empire: 1 BI-02 Bomber paint job, 1 SI-01 Scout paint job, 1 SI-03 Scout paint job, 1 Valiant Scout paint job, 2 dark blue - gray color, 2 dark gray - gray color, 1 black orange gas canister, and 1 blue core engine reactant


EDIT: Felt like grabbing more before the pack's likely disappearance with the next week's cartel market sales. 20 more, so now I've bought 40 total. This time there were 8 Republic items and 12 Empire items. No more ships though. This new batch of packs got me a couple more gas canisters or engine reactants and a bunch more color modules and paint jobs (including more copies of the Valiant for each faction).

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Both of those are default Republic equipped items - you already have them learned. Customer service so far hasn't been very helpful on a return.


So on top of being useless, they are also bugged. Well, it wouldn't be GSF without bugs. At least this one doesn't break a component :/


And yea, the bug report is correct.





When you get your 21st paint job, the paint job UI has a little right arrow. Click it and you can access the next set of up to 20. Presumably it will continue like that. Future proofed indeed!

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Imperial Colors I have on Purple:


Dark Blue / Light Purple

White / Gray

Crimson / Gray

Dark Purple / Purple


Brown / Orange

Dark Green / Gneen

Crimson / Orange

Dark Gray / Red


Dark Slate / Pale Slate

Crimson / Light Gray

Dark Blue / Cream

Purple / Black


Crimson / Red

Gray / Dark Red

Yellow Green / Dark Green

Turquoise / Pale Slate


Dark Blue / Gray

Turquoise / Dark Gray

Crimson / Black

Gray / Light Mint


I think I'm holding a Dark Gray / Gray that is locked, meaning that I'll still be missing the Dark Blue / Green mentioned in this thread.


Not mentioned earlier in this thread: Crimson / Light Gray, Dark Blue / Gray, Crimson / Black. Unless I missed them.


I think this means Imperial has 22 colors, and we think Republic only has 21? That seems odd.

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meaning that I'll still be missing the Dark Blue / Green mentioned in this thread.

I think this means Imperial has 22 colors, and we think Republic only has 21? That seems odd.


I think that was a misstype on my part. Probably was thinking "cream" in my head and typed "green." Because I later edited that post when i realized "dark blue-cream" was missing from the list. I must have opened nearly 500 packs and didn't get any imp dark blue - green color modules. Plus, that wasn't one I marked with an asterix and I constructed the list from that post based on looking what i already had unlocked on my imp pilot before redeeming any of the new modules.


Of course, I didn't get any FR-04 paint jobs or GR-06 paint jobs either, so its possible dark blue-green exists, though it would make the numbers uneven between the factions.

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